it's hard to overstate the massive
cultural impact of the Barbie movie
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Hi Barbie
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Hi Ken
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the film Enchanted audiences wowed critics
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sparked heated debates
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and made a truly obscene amount of money
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at the box office
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Barbie continues breaking records
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with over 1 billion dollars
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at the global box office
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it's an impressive cultural achievement
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especially considering that the film
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doubles as a feature-length commercial
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for a line of plastic dolls
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there was however one group
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who were decidedly unenthusiastic
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Despite all the bubbly pink fun
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the movie's become a target
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of some right-wing personalities
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they are preaching empowerment
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by making men look weak and dumb
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feminist diet tribe about the evils of
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the modern patriarchy
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It's a trojan horse to to teach girls
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daddy is really a dummy or
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domineering idiots
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It's feminist garbage and
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it's really about hating men
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And Ken is like stupid and unlikable
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This is an assault on not just Ken
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but all men
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If you've seen the movie
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you might be confused
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Because the Barbie script goes out of
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it's way to show Ken
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in a sympathetic light
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If anything the movie might be
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a little too sympathetic to Ken
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"I think I owe you an apology"
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Now it's tempting to dismiss this
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clearly performative outrage
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as just another attempt to fan the flame
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of the culture war
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But there is something really poisonous
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under-pinning this backlash
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that I do think is worth taking seriously
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One word in particular
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seem to touch a nerve
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"Well I haven't seen Barbie yet,
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but I've seen people talking about
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the number of times they use
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the word patriarchy in it"
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"Feminism and the patriarchy
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and fighting it, and all that"
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"And actually to call it the patriarchy
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in the film that phrase is used many times"
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"If you take a shot every time
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Barbie says the word 'patriarchy',
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you will pass out before the movie ends"
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"As we learned that the use of word
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'patriarchy' no less than ten times
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in this film"
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"The patriarchy is a big part of this
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Barbie film"
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"The word is used endlessly in the movie
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even though most people
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even me actually has no idea that
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what 'patriarchy' really means"
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That is a truly staggering
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level of defensiveness especially
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coming from people who don't really
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seem to understand what the word
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even means
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while there are many legitimate criticisms
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of the Barbie movie's feminism
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or lack thereof
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this video essay is not going to
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address those questions
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instead we're going to use the movie
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as a sort of primary to help explain
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what patriarchy actually is
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what it isn't and how it ends up
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harming everyone including men
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"Watch your flank"
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to have any kind of
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productive conversation
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we have to get over that defensiveness
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that so many men feel whenever
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they they come across
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the word patriarchy
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"this is a real hornets nest in here"
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contrary to popular belief
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patriarchy is not a synonym for men
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nor is it a code word for masculinity
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and it certainly has nothing to do with
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hating men
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"yeah I am confused about that"
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General confusion about
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what patriarchy means is perhaps
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not surprising given that the word
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very rarely appears in popular media
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when the term has been used
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it's traditionally been as a joke
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to mock feminists or feminism
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"let's take off our brows and burn them
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in defiance of the misogynistic patriarchy"
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"you know what I think
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I have to meet Harvey
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but um maybe we can burn
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our underwear together later"
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"when the last time we had a conversation
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over 3 minutes it was about
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the patriarchal bias of
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the Mr Rogers show
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well with King Friday lording it
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over all the Lesser puppets
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what did I miss
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the oppressive patriarchal values
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that dictate our education" "good"
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It's only after the rise of the me too
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movement that we begin to see
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a shift in this pattern
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"stay out of it Courtney
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you stay out of it
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I'm dismantling the patriarchy this year
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and I'm not afraid to start with you"
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These days the word is most often
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written for snarky teenage characters
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"So you were Guided by Lon chivalry
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a tool of the patriarchy to extract
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my undying gratitude?"
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"mhm, you know
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most people just say thank you"
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it's meant to identify them as brash
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rebellious or naively idealistic
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though not necessarily wrong
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in their observations
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"I think marriage is
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just a patriarchal system designed to
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make women less autonomous
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you become your husband's property
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you have to bear his children
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you even have to take his name"
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hey didn't you say that prom was a
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a postcolonial patriarchal construct
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it is
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but we would go as a group
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as a form of protest
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hey hey ho ho
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patriarchy has got to go
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hey hey ho ho
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patriarchy has got to go"
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even in this new limited context
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the word is still delivered as a punch
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"I'm jus... I mean is that it?"
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and its meaning is left
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intentionally vague
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"it's called Little Women
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and it's about four sisters
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who overcome poverty and the patriarchy"
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"Nope, dolls"
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the lack of specificity guarantees that
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only those who are already in the know
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will get the joke
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"Down with the patriarchy"
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"Idiots ah"
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everyone else is left
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either bewildered or extremely threatened
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"why didn't Barbie tell
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me about patriarchy?"
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"Which to my understanding
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is where men and horses
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run everything"
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"I silver away"
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Sorry Ken but there are no horses involved
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although it does kind of make sense
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why he might think that.