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Your brain is more than a bag of chemicals

  • 0:01 - 0:04
    So raise your hand if you know someone
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    in your immediate family or circle of friends
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    who suffers from some form of mental illness.
  • 0:10 - 0:13
    Yeah. I thought so. Not surprised.
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    And raise your hand if you think that
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    basic research on fruit flies has anything to do
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    with understanding mental illness in humans.
  • 0:22 - 0:25
    Yeah. I thought so. I'm also not surprised.
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    I can see I've got my work cut out for me here.
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    As we heard from Dr. Insel this morning,
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    psychiatric disorders like autism, depression and schizophrenia
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    take a terrible toll on human suffering.
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    We know much less about their treatment
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    and the understanding of their basic mechanisms
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    than we do about diseases of the body.
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    Think about it: In 2013,
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    the second decade of the millennium,
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    if you're concerned about a cancer diagnosis
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    and you go to your doctor, you get bone scans,
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    biopsies and blood tests.
  • 0:59 - 1:03
    In 2013, if you're concerned about a depression diagnosis,
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    you go to your doctor, and what do you get?
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    A questionnaire.
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    Now, part of the reason for this is that we have
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    an oversimplified and increasingly outmoded view
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    of the biological basis of psychiatric disorders.
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    We tend to view them --
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    and the popular press aids and abets this view --
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    as chemical imbalances in the brain,
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    as if the brain were some kind of bag of chemical soup
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    full of dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine.
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    This view is conditioned by the fact
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    that many of the drugs that are prescribed to treat these disorders,
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    like Prozac, act by globally changing brain chemistry,
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    as if the brain were indeed a bag of chemical soup.
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    But that can't be the answer,
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    because these drugs actually don't work all that well.
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    A lot of people won't take them, or stop taking them,
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    because of their unpleasant side effects.
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    These drugs have so many side effects
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    because using them to treat a complex psychiatric disorder
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    is a bit like trying to change your engine oil
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    by opening a can and pouring it all over the engine block.
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    Some of it will dribble into the right place,
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    but a lot of it will do more harm than good.
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    Now, an emerging view
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    that you also heard about from Dr. Insel this morning,
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    is that psychiatric disorders are actually
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    disturbances of neural circuits that mediate
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    emotion, mood and affect.
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    When we think about cognition,
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    we analogize the brain to a computer. That's no problem.
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    Well it turns out that the computer analogy
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    is just as valid for emotion.
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    It's just that we don't tend to think about it that way.
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    But we know much less about the circuit basis
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    of psychiatric disorders
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    because of the overwhelming dominance
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    of this chemical imbalance hypothesis.
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    Now, it's not that chemicals are not important
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    in psychiatric disorders.
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    It's just that they don't bathe the brain like soup.
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    Rather, they're released in very specific locations
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    and they act on specific synapses
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    to change the flow of information in the brain.
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    So if we ever really want to understand
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    the biological basis of psychiatric disorders,
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    we need to pinpoint these locations in the brain
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    where these chemicals act.
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    Otherwise, we're going to keep pouring oil all over our mental engines
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    and suffering the consequences.
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    Now to begin to overcome our ignorance
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    of the role of brain chemistry in brain circuitry,
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    it's helpful to work on what we biologists call
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    "model organisms,"
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    animals like fruit flies and laboratory mice,
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    in which we can apply powerful genetic techniques
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    to molecularly identify and pinpoint
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    specific classes of neurons,
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    as you heard about in Allan Jones's talk this morning.
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    Moreover, once we can do that,
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    we can actually activate specific neurons
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    or we can destroy or inhibit the activity of those neurons.
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    So if we inhibit a particular type of neuron,
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    and we find that a behavior is blocked,
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    we can conclude that those neurons
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    are necessary for that behavior.
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    On the other hand, if we activate a group of neurons
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    and we find that that produces the behavior,
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    we can conclude that those neurons are sufficient for the behavior.
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    So in this way, by doing this kind of test,
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    we can draw cause and effect relationships
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    between the activity of specific neurons
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    in particular circuits and particular behaviors,
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    something that is extremely difficult, if not impossible,
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    to do right now in humans.
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    But can an organism like a fruit fly, which is --
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    it's a great model organism
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    because it's got a small brain,
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    it's capable of complex and sophisticated behaviors,
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    it breeds quickly, and it's cheap.
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    But can an organism like this
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    teach us anything about emotion-like states?
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    Do these organisms even have emotion-like states,
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    or are they just little digital robots?
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    Charles Darwin believed that insects have emotion
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    and express them in their behaviors, as he wrote
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    in his 1872 monograph on the expression of the emotions in man and animals.
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    And my eponymous colleague, Seymour Benzer, believed it as well.
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    Seymour is the man that introduced the use of drosophila
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    here at CalTech in the '60s as a model organism
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    to study the connection between genes and behavior.
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    Seymour recruited me to CalTech in the late 1980s.
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    He was my Jedi and my rabbi while he was here,
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    and Seymour taught me both to love flies
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    and also to play with science.
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    So how do we ask this question?
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    It's one thing to believe that flies have emotion-like states,
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    but how do we actually find out whether that's true or not?
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    Now, in humans we often infer emotional states,
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    as you'll hear later today, from facial expressions.
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    However, it's a little difficult to do that in fruit flies.
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    It's kind of like landing on Mars
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    and looking out the window of your spaceship
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    at all the little green men who are surrounding it
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    and trying to figure out, "How do I find out
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    if they have emotions or not?"
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    What can we do? It's not so easy.
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    Well, one of the ways that we can start
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    is to try to come up with some general characteristics
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    or properties of emotion-like states
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    such as arousal, and see if we can identify
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    any fly behaviors that might exhibit some of those properties.
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    So three important ones that I can think of
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    are persistence, gradations in intensity, and valence.
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    Persistence means long-lasting.
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    We all know that the stimulus that triggers an emotion
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    causes that emotion to last long after the stimulus is gone.
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    Gradations of intensity means what it sounds like.
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    You can dial up the intensity or dial down the intensity of an emotion.
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    If you're a little bit unhappy, the corners of your mouth
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    turn down and you sniffle,
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    and if you're very unhappy, tears pour down your face
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    and you might sob.
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    Valence means good or bad, positive or negative.
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    So we decided to see if flies could be provoked into showing
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    the kind of behavior that you see
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    by the proverbial wasp at the picnic table,
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    you know, the one that keeps coming back to your hamburger
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    the more vigorously you try to swat it away,
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    and it seems to keep getting irritated.
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    So we built a device, which we call a puff-o-mat,
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    in which we could deliver little brief air puffs to fruit flies
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    in these plastic tubes in our laboratory bench
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    and blow them away.
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    And what we found is that if we gave these flies
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    in the puff-o-mat several puffs in a row,
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    they became somewhat hyperactive
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    and continued to run around for some time after the air puffs actually stopped
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    and took a while to calm down.
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    So we quantified this behavior
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    using custom locomotor tracking software
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    developed with my collaborator Pietro Perona,
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    who's in the electrical engineering division here at CalTech.
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    And what this quantification showed us is that,
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    upon experiencing a train of these air puffs,
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    the flies appear to enter a kind of state of hyperactivity
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    which is persistent, long-lasting,
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    and also appears to be graded.
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    More puffs, or more intense puffs,
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    make the state last for a longer period of time.
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    So now we wanted to try to understand something
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    about what controls the duration of this state.
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    So we decided to use our puff-o-mat
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    and our automated tracking software
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    to screen through hundreds of lines of mutant fruit flies
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    to see if we could find any that showed abnormal responses to the air puffs.
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    And this is one of the great things about fruit flies.
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    There are repositories where you can just pick up the phone
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    and order hundreds of vials of flies of different mutants
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    and screen them in your assay and then find out
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    what gene is affected in the mutation.
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    So doing the screen, we discovered one mutant
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    that took much longer than normal to calm down
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    after the air puffs,
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    and when we examined the gene that was affected in this mutation,
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    it turned out to encode a dopamine receptor.
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    That's right -- flies, like people, have dopamine,
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    and it acts on their brains and on their synapses
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    through the same dopamine receptor molecules
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    that you and I have.
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    Dopamine plays a number of important functions in the brain,
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    including in attention, arousal, reward,
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    and disorders of the dopamine system have been linked
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    to a number of mental disorders including drug abuse,
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    Parkinson's disease, and ADHD.
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    Now, in genetics, it's a little counterintuitive.
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    We tend to infer the normal function of something
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    by what doesn't happen when we take it away,
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    by the opposite of what we see when we take it away.
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    So when we take away the dopamine receptor
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    and the flies take longer to calm down,
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    from that we infer that the normal function of this receptor and dopamine
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    is to cause the flies to calm down faster after the puff.
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    And that's a bit reminiscent of ADHD,
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    which has been linked to disorders of the dopamine system in humans.
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    Indeed, if we increase the levels of dopamine in normal flies
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    by feeding them cocaine
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    after getting the appropriate DEA license
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    — oh my God -- (Laughter) —
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    we find indeed that these cocaine-fed flies
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    calm down faster than normal flies do,
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    and that's also reminiscent of ADHD,
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    which is often treated with drugs like Ritalin
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    that act similarly to cocaine.
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    So slowly I began to realize that what started out
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    as a rather playful attempt to try to annoy fruit flies
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    might actually have some relevance to a human psychiatric disorder.
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    Now, how far does this analogy go?
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    As many of you know, individuals afflicted with ADHD
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    also have learning disabilities.
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    Is that true of our dopamine receptor mutant flies?
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    Remarkably, the answer is yes.
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    As Seymour showed back in the 1970s,
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    flies, like songbirds, as you just heard,
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    are capable of learning.
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    You can train a fly to avoid an odor, shown here in blue,
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    if you pair that odor with a shock.
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    Then when you give those trained flies the chance to choose
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    between a tube with the shock-paired odor and another odor,
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    it avoids the tube containing the blue odor that was paired with shock.
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    Well, if you do this test on dopamine receptor mutant flies,
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    they don't learn. Their learning score is zero.
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    They flunk out of CalTech.
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    So that means that these flies have two abnormalities,
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    or phenotypes, as we geneticists call them,
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    that one finds in ADHD: hyperactivity and learning disability.
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    Now what's the causal relationship, if anything, between these phenotypes?
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    In ADHD, it's often assumed that the hyperactivity
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    causes the learning disability.
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    The kids can't sit still long enough to focus, so they don't learn.
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    But it could equally be the case that it's the learning disabilities
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    that cause the hyperactivity.
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    Because the kids can't learn, they look for other things to distract their attention.
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    And a final possibility is that there's no relationship at all
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    between learning disabilities and hyperactivity,
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    but that they are caused by a common underlying mechanism in ADHD.
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    Now people have been wondering about this for a long time
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    in humans, but in flies we can actually test this.
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    And the way that we do this is to delve deeply into the mind
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    of the fly and begin to untangle its circuitry using genetics.
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    We take our dopamine receptor mutant flies
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    and we genetically restore, or cure, the dopamine receptor
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    by putting a good copy of the dopamine receptor gene
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    back into the fly brain.
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    But in each fly, we put it back only into certain neurons
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    and not in others, and then we test each of these flies
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    for their ability to learn and for hyperactivity.
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    Remarkably, we find we can completely dissociate these two abnormalities.
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    If we put a good copy of the dopamine receptor back
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    in this elliptical structure called the central complex,
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    the flies are no longer hyperactive, but they still can't learn.
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    On the other hand, if we put the receptor back in a different structure
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    called the mushroom body,
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    the learning deficit is rescued, the flies learn well,
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    but they're still hyperactive.
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    What that tells us is that dopamine
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    is not bathing the brain of these flies like soup.
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    Rather, it's acting to control two different functions
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    on two different circuits,
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    so the reason there are two things wrong with our dopamine receptor flies
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    is that the same receptor is controlling two different functions
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    in two different regions of the brain.
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    Whether the same thing is true in ADHD in humans
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    we don't know, but these kinds of results
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    should at least cause us to consider that possibility.
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    So these results make me and my colleagues more convinced than ever
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    that the brain is not a bag of chemical soup,
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    and it's a mistake to try to treat complex psychiatric disorders
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    just by changing the flavor of the soup.
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    What we need to do is to use our ingenuity and our scientific knowledge
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    to try to design a new generation of treatments
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    that are targeted to specific neurons and specific regions of the brain
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    that are affected in particular psychiatric disorders.
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    If we can do that, we may be able to cure these disorders
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    without the unpleasant side effects,
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    putting the oil back in our mental engines,
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    just where it's needed. Thank you very much.
Your brain is more than a bag of chemicals
David Anderson

Modern psychiatric drugs treat the chemistry of the whole brain, but neurobiologist David Anderson believes in a more nuanced view of how the brain functions. He illuminates new research that could lead to targeted psychiatric medications -- that work better and avoid side effects. How's he doing it? For a start, by making a bunch of fruit flies angry. (Filmed at TEDxCaltech.)

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