Ansible best current practices
0:06 - 0:07Thank you everyone for coming.
0:08 - 0:12If you were expecting the Postgres talk,
that was the one before, so -
0:12 - 0:15you might need to watch the video stream.
0:17 - 0:18So, Ansible best practices,
0:19 - 0:22I thought about calling it "Ansible,
my best practices", -
0:23 - 0:30so, just warning ahead, this is things
I stumbled on using Ansible -
0:30 - 0:32for the last 2-3 years and
0:32 - 0:37those are very specific things I found
that worked very well for me. -
0:39 - 0:46About me, I do also freelance work,
do a lot of Ansible in there, -
0:46 - 0:52I'm also the Debian maintainer for
Ansible with Harlan Lieberman-Berg -
0:54 - 0:58If there are any bugs in the package,
just report them. -
1:06 - 1:10The talk will be roughly divided into
4 parts. -
1:15 - 1:20The first part will be about why you
actually want to use config management -
1:20 - 1:23and why you specifically want to use
Ansible. -
1:24 - 1:30So, if you're still SSHing into machines
and editing config files, -
1:30 - 1:34you're probably a good candidate
for using Ansible. -
1:36 - 1:41Then, the second part will be about good
roles and playbook patterns -
1:42 - 1:44that I have found that work really well
for me. -
1:47 - 1:53The third chapter will be about typical
antipatterns I've stumbled upon, -
1:53 - 1:58either in my work with other people
using Ansible, -
1:58 - 2:01or the IRC support channel, for example.
2:03 - 2:09The fourth part will be like advanced
tips and tricks you can use -
2:09 - 2:11like fun things you can do with Ansible.
2:13 - 2:16Quick elevator pitch, what makes config
management good? -
2:18 - 2:25It actually also serves as a documentation
of changes on your servers over time -
2:25 - 2:29so if you just put the whole config
management in a git repo -
2:29 - 2:31and just regularly commit,
2:31 - 2:33you will actually be able to say
2:33 - 2:36"Why doesn't this work? It used to work
a year ago" -
2:36 - 2:39You can actually check why.
2:41 - 2:50Also, most config management tools have
a lot better error reporting than -
2:50 - 2:53your self-written bash scripts that do
whatever. -
2:56 - 3:03And usually, you have a very good
reproducibility with config management -
3:03 - 3:11and also idempotency, meaning that if you
run, for example, a playbook several times -
3:11 - 3:13you will always get the same result.
3:15 - 3:24Also, it's great if you work in small team
or you admin ??? in the company -
3:24 - 3:27and you have some people working
on a few things too. -
3:29 - 3:33It makes team work a lot easier and
you will save a lot of time actually -
3:33 - 3:36debugging things when things break.
3:38 - 3:39What makes Ansible good?
3:40 - 3:46Comparing it to Chef or Puppet for example
it's really easy to set up, -
3:46 - 3:50you start with two config files, you have
it installed and you're ready to go. -
3:52 - 3:56It's also agentless, so whatever machines
you actually want to control, -
3:56 - 4:05the only thing you they really need to have
is an SSH daemon and Python 2.6+ -
4:05 - 4:11so that's virtually any Debian machine
you have installed and -
4:11 - 4:13that is still supported in any way.
4:15 - 4:22Ansible also supports configuration
of many things like -
4:22 - 4:26networking equipment or even Windows
machines, -
4:26 - 4:31they don't need SSH but they use the
WinRM -
4:31 - 4:39but Ansible came a bit late to the game
so Ansible's still not as good -
4:39 - 4:41in coverage like for example Puppet,
4:42 - 4:47which literally, you can configure any
machine on the planet with that, -
4:47 - 4:48as long as it has a CPU.
4:50 - 4:54Next step, I will talk about good
role patterns. -
4:57 - 4:59If you've never worked with Ansible
before, -
4:59 - 5:02this is the point when you watch
the video stream, -
5:02 - 5:06that you pause it and start working
a few weeks with it -
5:06 - 5:08and then unpause the actual video.
5:13 - 5:18A good role should ideally have
the following layout. -
5:19 - 5:25So, in the "roles" directory, you have
the name of the role and task/main.yml -
5:26 - 5:29You have the following rough layout.
5:32 - 5:39At the beginning of the role, you check
for various conditions, -
5:39 - 5:44for example using the "assert" task to
for example check that -
5:44 - 5:48certain variables are defined, things
are set, -
5:48 - 5:53that it's maybe part of a group, things
like that you actually want to check. -
5:55 - 6:03Then, usually, you install packages, you
can use apt, or on CentOS machines, yum -
6:04 - 6:05or you can do a git checkout or
whatever, -
6:07 - 6:14then usually you do some templating of
files where you have certain abstraction -
6:14 - 6:19and the variables are actually put into
the template and -
6:19 - 6:21make the actual config file.
6:22 - 6:27There's also good to point out that
the template module actually has -
6:27 - 6:30a "validate" parameter,
6:30 - 6:36that means you can actually use a command
to check your config files for syntax errors -
6:36 - 6:44and if that fails, your playbook will fail
before actually deploying that config file -
6:44 - 6:53so you can for example use Apache with
the right parameters to actually do -
6:53 - 6:57a check on the syntax of the file.
6:57 - 7:02That way, you never end up with a state
where there's a broken config. -
7:04 - 7:05In the end, you usually…
7:06 - 7:10When you change things, you trigger
handlers to restart any daemons. -
7:12 - 7:24If you use variables, I recommend putting
sensible defaults in -
7:24 - 7:27defaults/main.yml
7:28 - 7:35and then you only have to override
those variables on specific cases. -
7:35 - 7:41Ideally, you should have sensible defaults
you want to have to get whatever things -
7:41 - 7:43you want to have running.
7:46 - 7:52When you start working with it and do that
a bit more, -
7:52 - 7:58you notice a few things and that is
7:58 - 8:02your role should ideally run in "check mode".
8:02 - 8:08"ansible-playbook" has --check that
basically is just a dry run of -
8:08 - 8:12your complete playbook
8:12 - 8:18and with --diff, it will actually show you
for example file changes, -
8:18 - 8:21or file mode changes, stuff like that
8:21 - 8:24and won't actually change anything.
8:24 - 8:32So if you end up editing a lot of stuff,
you can use that as a check. -
8:32 - 8:37I'll later get to some antipatterns that
actually break that thing. -
8:40 - 8:47And, ideally, the way you change files
and configs and states, -
8:47 - 8:51you should make sure that when the actual
changes are deployed, -
8:51 - 8:53and you run it a second time,
8:53 - 8:58that Ansible doesn't report any changes
8:58 - 9:03because if you end up writing your roles
fairly sloppy, you end up having -
9:03 - 9:06a lot of changes and then,
9:06 - 9:11in the end of the report, you have like
20 changes reported and -
9:11 - 9:15you kind of then know those 18,
they're always there -
9:15 - 9:18and you kind of miss the 2 that are
important, that actually broke your system -
9:18 - 9:25If you want to do it really well, you make
sure that it doesn't report any changes -
9:25 - 9:27when you run it twice in a row.
9:31 - 9:38Also, a thing to consider is you can define
variables in the "defaults" folder -
9:38 - 9:40and also in the "vars" folder,
9:41 - 9:46but if you look up how variables get
inherited, you'll notice that -
9:46 - 9:50the "vars" folder is really hard to
actually override, -
9:50 - 9:53so you want to avoid that as much as
possible. -
9:59 - 10:06That much larger section will be about
typical anti-patterns I've noticed -
10:06 - 10:10and I'll come to the first one now.
10:12 - 10:15It's the shell or command module.
10:17 - 10:20When people start using Ansible, that's
the first thing they go -
10:20 - 10:26"Oh well, I know how to use wget or I know
'apt-get install' " -
10:26 - 10:30and then they end up using the shell module
to do just that. -
10:31 - 10:35If you use the shell module or the command
module, you usually don't want to use that -
10:35 - 10:39and that's for several reasons.
10:40 - 10:47There's currently, I think, 1300 different
modules in Ansible -
10:47 - 10:51so there's likely a big chance that
whatever you want to do, -
10:51 - 10:54there's already a module for that, that
just does that thing. -
10:55 - 11:03But those two modules also have several
problems and that is -
11:03 - 11:10the shell module, of course, gets
interpreted by your actual shell, -
11:10 - 11:13so if you have any special variables
in there, -
11:13 - 11:22you'd actually also have to take care of
any variables you interpret in the shell string. -
11:25 - 11:31Then, one of the biggest problems is if
you run your playbook in check mode, -
11:31 - 11:34the shell and the command modules
won't get run. -
11:35 - 11:38So if you're actually doing anything
with that, they just get skipped -
11:38 - 11:48and that would cause that your actual
check mode and the real mode, -
11:48 - 11:52they will start diverging if you use
a lot of shell module. -
11:56 - 12:01The worst, also, a bad part about this
is that these two modules, -
12:01 - 12:04they'll always ??? changed
12:04 - 12:06like, you run a command and it exits 0
12:06 - 12:08it's like "Oh, it changed"
12:11 - 12:18To get the reporting right on that module,
you'd actually have to define for yourself -
12:18 - 12:21when this is actually a change or not.
12:22 - 12:29So you'd have to probably get the output
and then check, for example, -
12:29 - 12:35if there's something on stderr or something
to report an actual error or change. -
12:38 - 12:41Then I'll get to the actual examples.
12:41 - 12:46The left is a bad example for using
the shell module, -
12:46 - 12:49I've seen that a lot, it's basically
12:49 - 12:57"Yeah, I actually want this file, so just
use 'cat /path/file' and I'll use -
12:57 - 13:00the register parameter to get the output".
13:06 - 13:11The actual output goes into the "shell_cmd"
and then -
13:11 - 13:16we want to copy it to some other file
somewhere else and -
13:16 - 13:26so we use the Jinja "{{ }}" to define
the actual content of the file -
13:26 - 13:31and then put it into that destination file
13:32 - 13:37That is problematic because, first of all
if you run it in check mode, -
13:37 - 13:41this gets skipped and then this variable
is undefined and -
13:41 - 13:45Ansible will fail with an error, so you
won't be able to actually -
13:45 - 13:47run that in check mode.
13:48 - 13:51The other problem is this will always
??? -
13:52 - 13:55so you'd probably have to…
13:57 - 14:01the most sensible thing would probably
be to say just "changed when false" -
14:02 - 14:06and just acknowledge that that shell
command won't change anything on this system -
14:08 - 14:14The good example would be to use the
actual "slurp" module that will -
14:14 - 14:17just slurp the whole file and base64encode it
14:18 - 14:28and you can access the actual content with
"path_file.contents" and you then just -
14:28 - 14:31base64decode it and write in there.
14:32 - 14:39The nice thing is slurp will never return
any change, so it won't say it changed -
14:39 - 14:43and it also works great in check mode.
14:46 - 14:48Here's an other quick example.
14:50 - 14:53The example on the left, oh yeah wget.
14:54 - 15:00Here's the problem, every time your playbook
runs, this file will get downloaded -
15:00 - 15:08and of course if the file can't be
retrieved from that URL -
15:08 - 15:13it will throw an error and that will
happen all the time. -
15:15 - 15:19The right example is a more clean example
using the uri module. -
15:20 - 15:28You define a URL to retrieve a file from,
you define where you want to write it to -
15:28 - 15:31and you use the "creates" parameter to say
15:31 - 15:35"Just skip the whole thing if the file is
already there". -
15:40 - 15:43"set_facts", that's my pet peeve.
15:45 - 15:50set_facts is a module that allows you
to define variables -
15:50 - 15:57during your playbook run, so you can say
set_facts and then -
15:57 - 16:03this variable = that variable + a third
variable or whatever -
16:03 - 16:05you can do things with that.
16:06 - 16:13It's very problematic, though, because
you end up having your variables -
16:13 - 16:15changed during the playbook run
16:15 - 16:25and that is a problem when you use
the "--start-at" parameter -
16:25 - 16:26from ansible-playbook.
16:30 - 16:36Because this parameter allows you to
skip forward to a certain task in a role -
16:36 - 16:40so it skips everything until that point
and then continues running there -
16:40 - 16:42and that's really great for debugging
16:42 - 16:49but if you define a variable with set_facts
and you skip over it, -
16:49 - 16:51that variable would just not be defined.
16:54 - 17:02If you heavily use set_facts, that makes
prototyping really horrible. -
17:05 - 17:08Another point is that you can use
17:08 - 17:13"ansible -m setup" and then the hostname
to check what variables are actually defined -
17:13 - 17:19for a specific host and everything set
with set_facts is just not there. -
17:22 - 17:27In summary, avoid the shell module,
avoid the command module, -
17:27 - 17:30avoid set_facts as much as you can,
17:30 - 17:37and don't hide changes with "changed_when"
17:37 - 17:42so the clean approach is always to use one
task to check something -
17:42 - 17:46and then a second task to actually execute
something for example. -
17:48 - 17:52Also, a bad idea in my opinion is when
people say -
17:52 - 17:56"Oh well, it's not important if this
throws an error or not, -
17:56 - 17:59I'll just say 'fails when false'"
18:00 - 18:06That might work sometimes, but the problem
there is, if something really breaks, -
18:06 - 18:08you'll never find out.
18:09 - 18:11Advanced topics.
18:14 - 18:17This is about the templating.
18:19 - 18:22The usual approach, for example for
postfix role, -
18:22 - 18:25would be to do the following templating.
18:25 - 18:36You define certain variables in for example
group_vars/postfix_servers -
18:36 - 18:41so any host in that group would inherit
these variables, -
18:42 - 18:48so this is sort of a list of parameters
for smtp recipient restrictions -
18:49 - 18:54and this is just the smtp helo required.
18:55 - 18:58So the usual approach would be to
define variables -
18:58 - 19:03in the host_vars or group_vars, or even
in the defaults -
19:03 - 19:08and then you have a template where
you just check every single variable -
19:08 - 19:15If it exists, you actually sort of put
the actual value there in place. -
19:18 - 19:24Here, I check if this variable is set true
and if yes, put the string there -
19:24 - 19:27else, put this string there
19:28 - 19:34and for example, smtpd_recipient_restrictions
I just iterate over this array -
19:34 - 19:38and just output these values in order
in that list. -
19:42 - 19:47The problem here is that every time
upstream defines a new variable -
19:47 - 19:57you'll end up having to touch the actual
template file and touch the actual variables -
19:57 - 20:04so, I thought, "Well, you actually have
keys and values and strings and arrays -
20:04 - 20:09and hashes on one side, and actually,
a config file is nothing else than that, -
20:10 - 20:12just in a different format".
20:12 - 20:17So I came up with…
20:18 - 20:24With Jinja2, you can also define functions
20:24 - 20:29I'll have to cut short a little bit on
explaining it but -
20:29 - 20:36basically, up here, a function is defined
and it's called here in the bottom -
20:36 - 20:44Basically, what it just does, it iterates
over the whole dictionary defined here, -
20:44 - 20:47"postfix.main", and it just goes…
20:49 - 20:52It iterates over all the keys and values
and it goes… -
20:53 - 20:58If the value is a string, I'll just put
"key = value" and -
20:58 - 21:04if it's an array, I just iterate over it
and put it there in the format that -
21:04 - 21:06postfix actually wants.
21:08 - 21:12Basically, you can do the same, for
example, for haproxy and -
21:12 - 21:18you can just deserialize all the variables
you actually defined. -
21:20 - 21:23The advantages of this is,
21:23 - 21:28your template file just stays the same
and it doesn't get messy -
21:28 - 21:30if you start adding things.
21:31 - 21:35You have complete whitespace control,
usually if you edit stuff, -
21:35 - 21:39you kind of get an extra space, a new
line in there, and that changes -
21:39 - 21:42the template files for all machines.
21:44 - 21:49You have all the settings in alphabetical
order, so if you actually run it and -
21:49 - 21:55you see the diff, you don't end up having
things going back and forth. -
21:57 - 22:01If you get the syntax on the template file
right, you don't have to touch it after that -
22:01 - 22:06and you also don't get any syntax errors
by editing them. -
22:14 - 22:16That follows to the next one.
22:18 - 22:24You can actually set a "hash_behaviour"
merge in the Ansible config and -
22:24 - 22:27that allows you to do the following.
22:28 - 22:39On the left here, you define for example
a dictionary and this is, like, in a group -
22:39 - 22:45and then in a specific machine, you define
an other setting in this dictionary. -
22:46 - 22:51If you wouldn't use merge, the second
setting would just override the first one -
22:51 - 22:54and you'd end up with that, but if you
actually do the merge, -
22:54 - 22:56it does a deep merge of the hash.
22:57 - 23:04So the previous thing I showed would
actually benefit from that -
23:04 - 23:06so the combination of both is really good.
23:08 - 23:10I'll skip that.
23:10 - 23:16Further resources. Ansible has just
a really good documentation, -
23:16 - 23:23there's the IRC and there's also debops
which is a project that is -
23:23 - 23:28specific to Debian and derivatives.
23:30 - 23:31That's it.
23:32 - 23:37[Applause]
23:39 - 23:41Thank you very much.
- Title:
- Ansible best current practices
- Description:
Talk given by Lee Garrett at Minidebconf Hamburg 2018 - Video Language:
- English
- Team:
- Project:
- 2018_mini-debconf-hamburg
- Duration:
- 23:46
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tvincent edited English subtitles for Ansible best current practices | |
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tvincent edited English subtitles for Ansible best current practices | |
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tvincent edited English subtitles for Ansible best current practices | |
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tvincent edited English subtitles for Ansible best current practices |