Give yourself 10 to 15 minutes
where you can sit where you won't be
disturbed with your back straight
with your soles of the feet on the floor
where you can begin now to
focus on your breathing
Practicing meditation and mindfulness can
bring about many benefits
but like anything the more you practice
the better you feel
and the better you feel
the better decisions
that you make as your focus
can improve your judgment
can improve your willpower increasing
the better you have
better able to control your emotions
and to be a present
in the moment.
You see, our brains need servicing,
our brains need time for us to calm down
for us to activate the parasympathetic
nervous system
and that is the nervous system that is
responsible for rest, recovery and repair.
Now as you begins to focus your mind
on your breath
observe your breath now as you
breath in and breath out.
Now breath in through your nose and
out through your nose.
One of the challenges that we face when
we meditate just like in life
is hold our attentions on one thing to the
exclusion of everything else.
So if your mind wander that's fine
just bring it back to focusing on
your breath
As you notice the difference between
an in breath
and in out breath.
It's the simplest things in life
that we often take for granted
and bringing your attention
to your breath.
In this moment
can make you more aware of the life force
that run through your body now.
As you continue to focus your attentions
on your breath
observing your breath comfortably
coming in your head comfortably down
your spine
comfortably into our hips,
comfortably down to your toes
and all the way up to your nose
and then down to your hands.
Take a moment to imagine that
your body and your mind
is a place of peace
tranquility and calm
and with every breath that you take.
You can allow yourself to feel even karma
even more relaxed.
Meditation is a tool
tool to give you
what you need more of in your life.
and as that space expands continue
to focus on your breath.
Noticing the gentle rise
and fall of your chest abdomen
as you breath out
and it relaxes continue to focus
on your breath
breathing in
breathing out
as you breath out
you can let go,
let go of any tension,
let go of any doubt.
Let go of anything
that is holding you back.
As you breath in
a sense of optimism.
Breathing in a sense of of tranquility.
Breathing in
eveything now that makes you feel at one
with who you are
and with each breath that you take now.
You can observe how you feel wonderful
And that that's sense of calmness
and tranquility
flows and flows
with each breath it expands more
into every muscle into evey bone into
every blood cell in your body.
As you gives your body and mind
the gift of the breath
the gift of oxygen
the gift of life.
Continue to focus on your breath
and if your mind wanders
just bring it back.
Fit wanders just bring it back
This is easiest way for you
to take control
you know your future is unwritten
and you have the power to create
the life you want today.
But all the begins with your breath.
It all begins now
as you can continue and continue
to let your mind be free.
Carmine's are like a channel
if we channel our mind
to where we want to go
we take control
and with each breath you take
that come each time your mind
wanders, you bring it back.
You take control.
Experiencing life in the moment.
Meditation is like physical exercise
in term of the more you practice
the stronger, the fitter you become.
Practicing daily is one of the most
important things
you will every do in your life.
As you continue to take
a few more deep breaths
become aware of how you feel
As you rise to the challenge of
taking these feeling
this practice into your day-to-day life.
The way you faced with challenges
setbacks things that happen
that maybe you didn't anticipate.
You have the opportunity to put yourself
into resourceful space
and as you focus on that space now
take a few more deeper breaths
and just know the power of what you have
just done.
Giving yourself loving-kindness
showing yourself some respect
wearing the smile on your face.
In the knowledge that you are developing
yourself in powerful ways .
Take a few deeper breaths
bringing yourself slowly back
into your room
become aware of some sounds and sensations
outside of your body.
As you roll your shoulders back
lifts your shoulders up
and let them go
slowly open your eyes fully alert
wide awake and ready to take on the day.