To be a confident speaker, know when to shut up | Caroline Goyder | TEDxBrixton
0:11 - 0:13It is this moment, isn't it?
0:15 - 0:18I'm looking at you,
and you look like a really nice bunch. -
0:18 - 0:20There's been such great energy.
0:20 - 0:23I was sitting here for five minutes,
and it just feels great in this room. -
0:24 - 0:28You look really friendly enough,
so thank you! -
0:29 - 0:32You are looking a bit unsure
in a voice coach. -
0:32 - 0:34Don't worry, it's going to be fine.
0:35 - 0:38And I can see a couple of
really brainy TED faces there. -
0:38 - 0:41There's going to be a few ideas, too.
0:42 - 0:47But it's this moment, when eyes,
our worlds, are colliding right now. -
0:47 - 0:49You are looking at me,
I am looking at you, -
0:49 - 0:51and it hits my brain
with the feeling of adrenaline; -
0:53 - 0:55accelerating molecules, you might say.
0:56 - 0:59Different people deal with
this moment differently. -
0:59 - 1:01Some of us go, "Hey!", you know?
1:01 - 1:03There are people who are confident,
1:03 - 1:06they cope with this moment
totally fine. -
1:06 - 1:09Then there are other people
not so confident, -
1:09 - 1:11and it stops them
from speaking this moment; -
1:11 - 1:15It makes them feel anxious,
that maybe they are not up to it. -
1:15 - 1:17That is not the case.
1:17 - 1:21Actually, all of us
have confidence within. -
1:22 - 1:24What I want to talk about today
1:24 - 1:27is the idea that we can find
more confidence within us -
1:27 - 1:29if we know where to look.
1:31 - 1:32Where do we look?
1:32 - 1:34We go within. We look under the bonnet.
1:36 - 1:37That's where we are going next.
1:37 - 1:42And the reason I want to talk
about this is because, many years ago, -
1:42 - 1:46I stood in front of an audience
this big - bigger - at Central Hall, -
1:46 - 1:50which is by the Houses of Parliament,
a really big Methodist space. -
1:50 - 1:53I was super excited about that moment
1:54 - 1:58because I knew that it was my big moment
as a rookie voice coach, -
1:58 - 2:01and I was going to be able to speak.
2:01 - 2:03I stepped up in front of that audience,
2:03 - 2:08and what happened was everything
that could possibly go wrong did. -
2:09 - 2:12I went too fast, I lost my words.
2:13 - 2:16It felt like such a horrible experience.
2:17 - 2:21And just as I thought
it couldn't go any worse, -
2:21 - 2:23the microphone broke.
2:24 - 2:28I looked out across the room,
and I said in my big voice coach voice, -
2:28 - 2:31- there wasn't so much wind
at the time, I have to say - -
2:31 - 2:32(Laughter)
2:32 - 2:36I said in my big voice coach voice,
"Can you hear me at the back?" -
2:36 - 2:38And someone said, "Speak up!"
2:39 - 2:42I felt this feeling of absolute shame.
2:42 - 2:45That feeling of an audience
looking at you, -
2:45 - 2:48and a feeling of judgment
which cripples us. -
2:49 - 2:53I left that venue, and I thought
to myself, "Never again." -
2:53 - 2:55Clearly that didn't work
because I am here. -
2:55 - 2:58I also thought I am going to do it
differently next time. -
2:58 - 3:03I will make sure that next time
I stand up to speak, it feels good. -
3:04 - 3:08Where I had to go was within.
3:08 - 3:10We live in a really visual culture.
3:10 - 3:12We spend a lot of time
- if you think about two worlds - -
3:12 - 3:15we spend a lot of time
thinking about the outside. -
3:15 - 3:17Maybe especially for women.
3:17 - 3:20Actually, confidence doesn't exist
on the outside; -
3:20 - 3:23It exists within, in the visceral stuff,
3:23 - 3:26in the bits within you that we don't see.
3:26 - 3:29We are going to go to those bits.
3:30 - 3:33When I was thinking about
this idea three months ago, -
3:33 - 3:34when I was asked to do it,
3:34 - 3:37I started to feel nervous
about this moment, -
3:37 - 3:39I started to think about a quote
3:39 - 3:42the director Peter Brook had said
3:42 - 3:46which is that we open
new drawers in the self. -
3:47 - 3:50I started to think
about a chest of drawers. -
3:51 - 3:54Then I came across this really cool maker
3:54 - 3:57called George McCallum,
who is actually sitting there. -
3:57 - 4:01I said to George, "Can you make me
a chest of drawers? -
4:01 - 4:02And he did.
4:02 - 4:05You might be wondering
what this object is. -
4:06 - 4:10And what this object is here
is what George made. -
4:10 - 4:12But when you ask a maker
to make a chest of drawers, -
4:13 - 4:16they don't always do
what you think they are going to do. -
4:17 - 4:19Do you want to see what he did?
4:20 - 4:22(Laughter)
4:24 - 4:27Yeah! Thanks George.
Best response of the morning. -
4:27 - 4:29Upstaged by the furniture.
4:29 - 4:31(Laughter)
4:31 - 4:34Within this little chest of drawers,
4:34 - 4:37this rather big,
manly chest of drawers, -
4:37 - 4:42are three secrets
to finding confidence within. -
4:43 - 4:46Three lessons I had to learn on the way.
4:46 - 4:48There is a big lesson in here.
4:48 - 4:50The last lesson is the big one.
4:50 - 4:54We are going to get there,
and it's not what you might think. -
4:56 - 4:59It's a lesson that might surprise you.
4:59 - 5:03But first, would you like
to see inside the first drawer? -
5:03 - 5:05(Audience) Yes!
5:05 - 5:08CG: It's a bit delicate this; George.
5:11 - 5:17So what we have in here is an instrument.
5:18 - 5:24Because you just been hearing the voice
is the most amazing instrument. -
5:25 - 5:26It's magnificent.
5:28 - 5:31How often do you think
about how yours works? -
5:33 - 5:38Because like this little guitar,
it has a string, and it has a hitter. -
5:38 - 5:40Where is the string of your voice?
5:43 - 5:45Can you put a hand on it?
5:45 - 5:48Here, give it a shake; it's your larynx.
5:48 - 5:51Ahhhhh... Can everyone
do that for meeee? -
5:51 - 5:53Ahhhhh!
5:53 - 5:55The hitter is the air.
5:56 - 6:00When you know
that your voice is an instrument, -
6:00 - 6:02what does that tell you?
6:02 - 6:03People come to me and say,
6:03 - 6:06"I've a bad voice,"
"I am not a good speaker." -
6:06 - 6:08"I get worried about this kind of moment."
6:08 - 6:11"I hate meetings," "I hate
presentations," "Can't do it." -
6:12 - 6:13The voice is an instrument.
6:13 - 6:17There is not such thing
as a bad saxophone, is there? -
6:17 - 6:19Because when we hear a great saxophonist,
6:19 - 6:22and he is probably somewhere down here,
6:22 - 6:25what we know
is that they've practiced a lot, -
6:25 - 6:28that not only did they have talent
but also they have worked, -
6:28 - 6:31and worked, and worked
to get a great sound. -
6:31 - 6:33If you ever doubt the sound of your voice,
6:33 - 6:38let me tell you
all you have to do is practice. -
6:38 - 6:40When I was worrying about that moment
6:40 - 6:45I am going to call my central hall
of shame, because it was, -
6:45 - 6:49what I remembered was the story
of a guy in Ancient Greece -
6:49 - 6:51called Demosthenes.
6:51 - 6:52There's a big old name,
6:52 - 6:54so we're going to call him
the Greek dude from now on, -
6:54 - 6:57which actually is also
a bit of a big word, -
6:57 - 6:59so we might just call him Dave, I think.
6:59 - 7:00(Laughter)
7:00 - 7:05Dave was speaking
at the Assembly which is like the O2. -
7:05 - 7:06We have Simon in the room.
7:06 - 7:11It's like the Brixton Academy
of the Ancient Greek world. -
7:11 - 7:14He was feeling pretty nervous.
He wanted to be an orator. -
7:14 - 7:17Orators were the rock stars of their day.
7:17 - 7:21So he geared himself up
for this big moment at the Assembly, -
7:21 - 7:23and you know what?
7:23 - 7:24He bombed.
7:24 - 7:29They said he was uncouth in his speaking,
and that he stammered. -
7:29 - 7:32So the audience jeered at him,
and they threw stuff. -
7:32 - 7:34Please don't do that today!
7:34 - 7:35(Laughter)
7:35 - 7:39He left that stage feeling so downcast
7:39 - 7:41when he got a bit of advice from an actor.
7:41 - 7:44I'm sure Greek actors were
pretty much the same as they are now. -
7:44 - 7:48I am sure the actor was a bit like this,
but what he said to him was, -
7:48 - 7:50"You need more expression in your voice.
7:50 - 7:53You are not giving
enough welly, enough energy. -
7:53 - 7:57You also need to believe in yourself
because the message is good." -
7:57 - 8:00Demosthenes takes himself
back home, and he goes for it. -
8:00 - 8:02This is his rocky moment.
8:02 - 8:05He builds himself an underground cellar.
8:05 - 8:08He shaves his head - half of his head -
8:08 - 8:10so that he can't leave
the house for three months -
8:10 - 8:13and then he practices
for three months solid -
8:13 - 8:17in front of a big shield
that is polished like a mirror. -
8:17 - 8:20When he is ready, when he is up there,
8:20 - 8:21he goes out.
8:21 - 8:23He goes to the sea,
and he speaks over the waves. -
8:23 - 8:27His voice has to boom out over the waves.
8:27 - 8:30Then, he goes back.
He goes back to the Assembly. -
8:31 - 8:32He speaks again,
8:32 - 8:36and he becomes known
as one of the greatest orators of his day. -
8:38 - 8:40What does that tell you?
8:40 - 8:42It tells you about practice.
8:42 - 8:44The power of practice.
8:44 - 8:47You may not want
to shave half of your head; -
8:47 - 8:49you may not want to build
an underground cellar -
8:49 - 8:51because the council may have words,
8:51 - 8:53but what you can do is practice.
8:53 - 8:57And the simplest way
to practice is to sing. -
8:57 - 9:00You don't have to do
a big, "Mamamamahh!", -
9:00 - 9:03a voice coach warm-up
- unless you want to - -
9:03 - 9:06but what I really recommend
is that everyday sing somewhere: -
9:06 - 9:10sing in the shower, sing in the car,
sing on the tube if you feel brave. -
9:10 - 9:11(Laughter)
9:11 - 9:14I was at St Thomas' Hospital
for a blood test about two weeks ago, -
9:14 - 9:17and there were two women
singing in the space -
9:17 - 9:19where the blood test
was happening which was lovely. -
9:19 - 9:21So I recommend it.
9:21 - 9:23Singing is the way to a great voice.
9:23 - 9:26Practice is the way to a great instrument.
9:26 - 9:28That's lesson one.
9:28 - 9:31We have another drawer
which we will open in a moment, -
9:31 - 9:34but before we get there, I've a question.
9:36 - 9:38Say you walk into a room, OK?
9:38 - 9:39You don't know anybody.
9:39 - 9:43Some of you may have had
that feeling this morning. -
9:43 - 9:47How do you know who the most
powerful person in the room is? -
9:47 - 9:49The person with the most confidence,
9:49 - 9:51that inner confidence
that we are going for here? -
9:51 - 9:53How could you tell?
9:59 - 10:01How they carry themselves.
That's lovely, [Lola]. -
10:01 - 10:03You are in the same space, aren't you?
10:03 - 10:05Because you are a singer.
10:05 - 10:08It is that how they carry themselves.
10:08 - 10:13Actually, what an actor will tell you
is that is about the breath. -
10:13 - 10:18The most powerful person in the room
has the most relaxed breathing pattern. -
10:20 - 10:25There is a well-known scientist called
Paul Eckman who looks into emotion, -
10:25 - 10:28and he said
- which would make actors laugh -
10:28 - 10:30because it seems
so straightforward to them -
10:30 - 10:32that maybe isn't to science -
10:32 - 10:36that he couldn't understand
why breath mattered for a long time, -
10:36 - 10:38and his research has explored it,
10:38 - 10:41until he started to understand
that the unconscious system-- -
10:41 - 10:43You know I can't control my spleen.
10:43 - 10:46It is just doing its own thing.
10:46 - 10:48But I can control my breathing.
10:48 - 10:52And if I get into my breathing,
I get into the unconscious. -
10:52 - 10:54I calm myself down.
10:55 - 11:00So what's within you is the key
to this relaxed, confident power. -
11:02 - 11:03Actors know this
11:03 - 11:09because when actors are playing King,
the King stays really still. -
11:10 - 11:12Everybody moves around the king,
11:12 - 11:15and that's how you know
the king is in charge. -
11:15 - 11:19The next time you fell nervous about
something, try that; try getting still. -
11:20 - 11:24Within your body is something
that is really the king of the body. -
11:24 - 11:27It's what the Greeks called
the center of all expression. -
11:27 - 11:31I bet that 50% of this room
has never thought about it. -
11:32 - 11:34Would you like to see what it is?
11:40 - 11:43Thank you, my still handsome friend.
11:44 - 11:49We've our lungs, don't we?
11:49 - 11:53We have this, which is probably not
an anatomical representation of a heart, -
11:53 - 11:54but it is nice.
11:54 - 11:55(Laughter)
11:55 - 11:57But what's down here? What's this?
11:57 - 11:59(Audience) The diaphragm?
11:59 - 12:02CG: Thank you very much! Diaphragm.
It is indeed your diaphragm. -
12:02 - 12:06Put your hands up if you have thought
about the diaphragm recently. -
12:06 - 12:10Put your hands up if you thought
about your diaphragm today. -
12:10 - 12:14Thank you, singers in the room; good.
Or actors, or saxophonists. -
12:14 - 12:18Put your hands up if you haven't yet
thought about your diaphragm today. -
12:19 - 12:22Yeah, that is quite a large percentage.
12:22 - 12:25So we don't think about
our diaphragms, do we? -
12:25 - 12:29But the diaphragm is the key
to regulating your system. -
12:30 - 12:32It is how you calm yourself down
12:32 - 12:35in that moment when you stand
in front of all the eyes. -
12:36 - 12:38It will make you feel confident
12:38 - 12:42when you most need it,
and you'd least feel like it. -
12:42 - 12:44I didn't know anything
about my diaphragm. -
12:44 - 12:47I'd learned about it. I knew
what it was supposed to look like, -
12:48 - 12:49but I didn't know how it felt.
12:50 - 12:52Then one day,
12:53 - 12:57I was feeling really stressed,
I was breathing up in my chest. -
12:57 - 13:01I had that kind of squeaky high-voiced
adrenaline breathing up in the chest; -
13:01 - 13:03Not good.
13:03 - 13:06I walked into a yoga class,
and the yoga teacher said, -
13:06 - 13:07"You look really stressed."
13:07 - 13:09Which is never a good start.
13:09 - 13:11He said, "Lie down on the floor."
13:11 - 13:13And he laid me down, I closed my eyes,
13:13 - 13:16expecting some
lovely relaxing yoga thing, -
13:16 - 13:19and suddenly, he put
a gym weight on my stomach. -
13:20 - 13:23And he said, "Breathe, lift that."
13:23 - 13:25I did. I breathed in,
13:25 - 13:27and as I breathed in,
13:27 - 13:29I had to lift that gym weight
with my stomach, -
13:29 - 13:32and my diaphragm shuddered into action.
13:32 - 13:35Suddenly, I got it.
I got how it should feel. -
13:35 - 13:39I got that I didn't need to
breathe up here anymore; -
13:39 - 13:41that I could breathe down.
13:41 - 13:46I'd like to suggest that the diaphragm
is the king of confidence. -
13:46 - 13:47Should we find yours?
13:48 - 13:51We take a thumb--
13:51 - 13:54Take your thumb and just put it
bellow your bra strap. -
13:54 - 13:56Yeah, that's right, sir. You got it.
13:56 - 13:57(Laughter)
13:57 - 14:01That's it. With your thumb
there, gently push. -
14:02 - 14:04Lawrence Olivier,
when he was taught to breathe-- -
14:04 - 14:07Lawrence Olivier - you know, the actor?
14:07 - 14:10was taught to breathe
by pushing a grand piano. -
14:11 - 14:13I certainly don't have
a grand piano at home. -
14:13 - 14:16London houses don't fit them
these days, do they? -
14:16 - 14:19But we can all practice
the feeling of pushing a grand piano -
14:19 - 14:23if we breathe in
and push your thumb away. -
14:25 - 14:27Now breathe out and push back.
14:28 - 14:31You are filling up an air balloon
in your stomach. -
14:31 - 14:33Now, breathe in,
push your thumb away. -
14:33 - 14:35Now breathe out, push it back.
14:36 - 14:38Welcome to your diaphragm.
14:38 - 14:40If you put your hand on your ribs,
14:40 - 14:42your diaphragm goes all the way around.
14:42 - 14:45You can also fill the rib cages
as you breathe in. -
14:45 - 14:48You feel the ribs open as you breathe,
14:49 - 14:51and close as you breathe out.
14:52 - 14:57If you are ever nervous about
one of these moments, do that. -
14:58 - 15:01Your diaphragm is the key
to your confidence. -
15:01 - 15:03So we've two lessons:
15:03 - 15:07we've the power of practice.
we've the importance of the diaphragm. -
15:07 - 15:11There's a third lesson
which is the big one. -
15:11 - 15:13It's the one
that really makes a difference. -
15:13 - 15:17I started to think about this lesson
a couple of weeks ago actually, -
15:17 - 15:21because someone I'd worked with
wrote to me. -
15:21 - 15:23She wrote me an email, and she said
15:23 - 15:25she'd been through
the worst possible thing -
15:25 - 15:27that you could imagine
happening to someone. -
15:27 - 15:30She had just got married,
and was on honeymoon, -
15:30 - 15:33when her husband
had a heart attack and died. -
15:34 - 15:39She had to go back to the church
they got married in -
15:40 - 15:42and speak a eulogy for this man.
15:42 - 15:46In fact, she also read a poem
that she had written when they first met. -
15:47 - 15:53She said, "On the worst day
of my life, I had to put myself together. -
15:53 - 15:58I had to find the energy of celebration
for this man who I really loved, -
16:00 - 16:02and the only way to do it
was you taught me. -
16:02 - 16:07The skills of breathing low and slow;
taking my time, -
16:07 - 16:10getting the control,
finding the inner confidence. -
16:12 - 16:15It was the greatest gift
that I could give him." -
16:16 - 16:19There are moments in our lives
where we have to speak -
16:19 - 16:22not because we have
something to say for us -
16:22 - 16:25but because we want
to speak for someone else: -
16:25 - 16:28a wedding, a eulogy.
16:28 - 16:32I would suggest that in those moments,
these skills matter more than ever. -
16:34 - 16:38What you need to know
in those moments is in this drawer. -
16:46 - 16:48It's breath.
16:49 - 16:51It's air.
16:53 - 16:55Why does air matter?
16:57 - 17:00It's because we breathe our thoughts.
17:02 - 17:06All speech is our breath.
All song is our breath. -
17:08 - 17:11And all in breath is thought.
17:12 - 17:17Just put a hand back on that diaphragm
for a moment, and breathe out. -
17:20 - 17:21Then feel the breath in,
17:21 - 17:24and as you breathe in,
think of someone you really love. -
17:27 - 17:29If we were all to speak
on that out breath, -
17:29 - 17:32it would be full of love.
17:32 - 17:33Now breathe in again,
17:33 - 17:37and breathe in a feeling of excitement
for the day that is going to come -
17:37 - 17:39because it's going to be so good.
17:39 - 17:44If we were to breathe in
and then speak on that feeling, -
17:44 - 17:46then we have excitement in our voices.
17:46 - 17:48So you can control your voice
17:48 - 17:51with the idea of breath is thought.
17:51 - 17:55And it's in Latin,
the two worlds: ancient and modern. -
17:55 - 17:56The Romans understood this:
17:56 - 18:00inspiration and respiration
have the same root. -
18:01 - 18:04The Romans understood
that we breathe our thoughts. -
18:07 - 18:09Because we speak on the out-breath,
18:09 - 18:13all you have to think about
is the in-breath. -
18:13 - 18:16You know, the simplest way
to think about the in-breath: -
18:17 - 18:19close your mouth.
18:21 - 18:24So who would have thought
that the big secret I promised you -
18:26 - 18:28was that if you want
confidence in speech, -
18:30 - 18:35all you have to do is to know
when to shut your mouth. -
18:35 - 18:36(Laughter)
18:38 - 18:39Thank you.
18:39 - 18:40(Applause)
- Title:
- To be a confident speaker, know when to shut up | Caroline Goyder | TEDxBrixton
- Description:
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
In this fun and personal talk, Caroline shares a story of moving from stage-paralysis to expressive self. Accompanied by an unusual prop, she encourages us to use our voice as an instrument and really find the confidence within.
Caroline Goyder is an author and voice coach, with a lifelong curiosity in the question of how we find the courage to think for ourselves: aloud. Caroline trained as an actor, and then as a voice coach at Central School of Speech and
Drama (CSSD), where she worked for ten years. She now runs a business that helps people find confidence and calm in the theater of life. - Video Language:
- English
- Team:
closed TED
- Project:
- TEDxTalks
- Duration:
- 18:56
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Denise RQ accepted English subtitles for To be a confident speaker, know when to shut up | Caroline Goyder | TEDxBrixton | |
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Denise RQ edited English subtitles for To be a confident speaker, know when to shut up | Caroline Goyder | TEDxBrixton | |
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Denise RQ edited English subtitles for To be a confident speaker, know when to shut up | Caroline Goyder | TEDxBrixton | |
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Denise RQ edited English subtitles for To be a confident speaker, know when to shut up | Caroline Goyder | TEDxBrixton | |
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Denise RQ edited English subtitles for To be a confident speaker, know when to shut up | Caroline Goyder | TEDxBrixton | |
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Denise RQ edited English subtitles for To be a confident speaker, know when to shut up | Caroline Goyder | TEDxBrixton |