wow I wanted to know every single test
that the climbing ropes have to go
through so I visited a rope Factory and
this is what I learned First
Construction test this test measures the
repetition in the pattern and has a
correlation with how soft the Rope is
next notability we have this uh Harry
Potter one Harry Potter one which also
indicates how soft the Rope is and is
expressed in the ratio between the Rope
diameter and Magic want penetration
after that a very particular way to
measure Rob's diameter weight and shift
slippage where the Rope is being
squeezed through a special machine which
shows this balances between the core and
the sheath of the Rope the sheath has a
move but the real fun is in a torture
Tower where the dynamic properties of
the ropes are tested and I was surprised
to see that there are ropes with High
static elongation but low Dynamic so I
went on some deep journey to figure out
which robe has the best Dynamic
properties on paper so if you want to
learn more about elongation impact Force
UIA fall ratings and more I have
explained all of that in great details
in my full video so if I stand here and
the laser misses the marker it shines
straight to my eyes yeah and then you
get to stay home from work