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The Carbon Sink Solution(s)

  • 0:05 - 0:09
    rc3 preroll music 2021
  • 0:09 - 0:12
    Herald: Welcome to the "gehacktes from
    Hell", we're streaming from the
  • 0:12 - 0:17
    Bierscheune in Alte Hölle in Brandenburg.
    The coming talk, looks at the method of
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    carbon sinking, a way to limit climate
    change. Hans-Peter Schmidt will tell us
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    how to do this with the help of biochar.
    We're really happy to have him as a
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    speaker because Hans-Peter is a pioneer in
    the field of biochar science, and he has
  • 0:32 - 0:36
    worked on the development of its
    technologies and the application.
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    Following the talk, we have a short Q&A
    session from your devices at home. You can
  • 0:41 - 0:50
    send your questions via Twitter to the
    hashtag rc3Hell or via the I.R.C. chat or
  • 0:50 - 0:59
    the rocket chat at hashtag
    rc3-gehacktesfromhell. Later, you can also
  • 0:59 - 1:09
    meet Hans-Peter in a jitsy room called
    Discussion.altehölle.de. And now over to
  • 1:09 - 1:16
    HP: For 15 years now, I work on methods to
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    extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
    and to sequester the extracted carbon in a
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    stable form and then soil on sediments.
    And we found in many others who work on
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    the same subject found several methods
    that can extract significant amounts of
  • 1:45 - 1:55
    carbon dioxide. And also methods that can
    transform the extracted carbon dioxide
  • 1:55 - 2:03
    into stable carbon forms that do not
    degrade biologically or chemically. And
  • 2:03 - 2:12
    the Ithaca Institute for which I work also
    developed the first carbon sink
  • 2:12 - 2:23
    certificate, and it can certify and assess
    the amount of carbon that are stored in
  • 2:23 - 2:33
    carbon sinks. And now at the end of 21, we
    are the stage that several of these
  • 2:33 - 2:42
    technologies could be scaled and have to
    be scaled to reach the objectives of
  • 2:42 - 2:53
    climate policy. But this scale up of these
    technologies is so massive that it will
  • 2:53 - 3:04
    have an influence on the geo physics of
    our planet and that we have to consider
  • 3:04 - 3:16
    and those risks we have to sink them now.
    Without. Further waiting. To scale climate
  • 3:16 - 3:29
    technologies, but we need to take care
    that the scale up is done sustainably and
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    and in our talk, I want you to make some
    of these points that we will not hopefully
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    save the climate to get extinguished by
    other means and didn't. So did. The
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    situation is rather clear, and most in the
    world, most governments and people are
  • 3:58 - 4:06
    understood by now that we need to reduce
    the emissions to close to zero by 2050.
  • 4:09 - 4:16
    And and in all scenarios, we should have
    reached already the point of highest
  • 4:16 - 4:28
    emissions by now. But in fact, emissions
    still rise. But. Everybody counts on on
  • 4:28 - 4:39
    emissions reductions to happen rather
    soon. So to be honest, we cannot see these
  • 4:39 - 4:47
    reductions happening in the close future,
    but. Let's let's assume emissions will be
  • 4:47 - 5:06
    reduced, then according to the plan, until
    2050, even then, we will need massive
  • 5:06 - 5:12
    carbon sinks because of the effect of the
    CO2 that was already admitted to the
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    atmosphere and that is not degraded, but
    has a global warming effect that continues
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    for several hundreds and thousands and
    thousands of years. So to clean up legacy
  • 5:28 - 5:36
    emissions, we need to extract carbon
    dioxide from the atmosphere and need to
  • 5:36 - 5:46
    establish carbon sinks. And we know that
    if everything goes according to all the
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    plans of the Paris Treaty and other
    decision makers. Then we need to extract
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    800 billion tons of CO2 from the
    atmosphere by the year 2100. So this is
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    not to balance further emissions. This is
    only to balance the effect of the
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    emissions already occured, but the
    technologies that are available to extract
  • 6:23 - 6:28
    carbon dioxide, they are called the
    negative emission technologies. It's
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    negative because it's positive is when you
    emit to somewhere negative would be just
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    this abstraction. Not a nice name, but
    that's what it is. So net technologies are
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    nature based like afforestation and the
    growth of biomass, which in fact is the
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    way to extract natural carbon dioxide from
    the atmosphere. And as long as these
  • 6:56 - 7:04
    biomass is growing and does not decompose,
    carbon is stored. However, when you
  • 7:04 - 7:13
    transform the biomass carbon by pyrolysis
    into a stable form like biochar and
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    paralytic oiles, this transformed carbon
    can be stored for longer times. And that's
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    what is here in the middle of the biochar
    or power organic carbon capture and
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    storage method, which is partly nature
    based and partly persistent and measurable
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    because you have long term carbon sink
    that cannot just go away by accident, like
  • 7:40 - 7:48
    in a forest fire. There are other means
    like enhanced weathering take volcanic
  • 7:48 - 7:56
    stone powders that can react to
    carbonates. And then there is direct air
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    capture is when when you extract by
    adsorption the CO2 and so you filter air
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    and extract CO2 and transform it then into
    something that you can store. So our
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    specialty is picks the biochar method and
    just shortly to show you how this works.
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    So you have biomass, you heat the biomass
    in the absence of air. Up to 400 to 800
  • 8:39 - 8:47
    degrees and then it's like cooking without
    air. And these biomass and then you have
  • 8:47 - 8:54
    solid residue, which is the biochar and
    liquid residue that you can condense from
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    the gas phase, which is the paralytic oil.
    And you still have a permanent gas, which
  • 9:00 - 9:10
    usually is combusted to drive the whole
    process, which is energy neutral. So you
  • 9:10 - 9:18
    do not need external energy to run this
    process. And and then this biochar can be
  • 9:18 - 9:25
    used, for example in agryculture to
    increase yields and to improve soil
  • 9:25 - 9:33
    quality. And then this makes that you can
    grow more biomass that then again, can go
  • 9:33 - 9:42
    back to to the production of biomass and
    then transforming by paralysis by truck
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    can also be used in industrial products
    and in building materials in plastics and
  • 9:50 - 9:59
    and composite materials where the carbon
    does not decompose. Neither. So so this is
  • 9:59 - 10:08
    in very short what is picks out any carbon
    capture and storage. This is a pyrolysis
  • 10:08 - 10:18
    unit of of a smaller size that can produce
    up to something like 1500 tonnes of
  • 10:18 - 10:28
    biochar per year. So shortly again, how it
    looks inside paralysis, so biomass that is
  • 10:28 - 10:36
    shredded to smaller particles goes into
    this screwdriver. And so it's avoided. Any
  • 10:36 - 10:45
    air can enter this process and then it
    goes into this cruel reactor and the
  • 10:45 - 10:52
    biomass is transported here in this
    reactor, which is heated from environment
  • 10:52 - 10:59
    temperature of 20 degrees up to 600
    decrease. And then the biochar is the
  • 10:59 - 11:06
    solid residue of this cooking. It flows
    out of the process, while the other 50
  • 11:06 - 11:14
    percent of the carbon is in the gas phase,
    which is separated here. And then in this
  • 11:14 - 11:23
    case, all the gases are burned to produce
    thermic energy that drives the process and
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    is then be used for heating purposes.
    However, if you do not burn the gases, you
  • 11:30 - 11:39
    can also condense the gases and use the
    liquid off of the process. And the biochar
  • 11:39 - 11:48
    is looks like this. It's a very porous
    material that conserves the biological
  • 11:48 - 11:54
    structure. Here you have a piece of wood
    that is carbonized. It looks like
  • 11:54 - 12:00
    charcoal. And if you look on the
    microscope, you see this enormous porous
  • 12:00 - 12:06
    structure, which explains a lot of
    functions and effects that we see in
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    biochar. For example, you can impregnate
    it was organic fertilizers, and then all
  • 12:13 - 12:19
    these pores are filled with organic
    fertilizers is preserved, so it cannot be
  • 12:19 - 12:27
    leached out. The soil and plants and
    microbes can feed from this conserved
  • 12:27 - 12:35
    organic fertilizers. So we have an effect
    of this biochar on economic systems. But
  • 12:35 - 12:43
    what I want to talk about today is only
    the effect that if you put this biochar to
  • 12:43 - 12:50
    soil this carbon, which was CO2 in the
    atmosphere, which was assimilated by the
  • 12:50 - 12:57
    biomass which was transformed in the
    pyrolysis, to aromatic carbon, which is
  • 12:57 - 13:05
    this black stuff, this aromatic carbon
    cannot be degraded over centuries by
  • 13:05 - 13:15
    microorganisms. So if you put it to soil,
    it is a long term carbon sink. So. To have
  • 13:15 - 13:25
    a global effect, we need a lot of biomass.
    In the European context we could say,
  • 13:25 - 13:36
    yeah, we use residual biomass leftovers
    from food processing or harvest residues
  • 13:37 - 13:45
    or manure or sewage sludge. So these are
    all biomass that could be transformed by
  • 13:45 - 13:56
    pyrolysis. However, the amount of this
    residue carbon is not as much as it could
  • 13:56 - 14:03
    have a climate effect. We need a lot more
    biomass, and it means we have to grow
  • 14:04 - 14:12
    biomass, especially for the extraction of
    carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the
  • 14:12 - 14:21
    transformation by pyrolysis. So we have to
    combine. Carbon farming systems was picks
  • 14:21 - 14:26
    or separates any carbon capture and
    storage. And there are different methods
  • 14:26 - 14:35
    that are not just monocultures, highly
    intensive production, but these are, what
  • 14:35 - 14:42
    we call carbon farming systems, like you
    can see here. These are several arable. So
  • 14:42 - 14:54
    you combine wood and crops with arable
    crops, or you have this kind of
  • 14:54 - 15:01
    agroforestry systems that are highly
    productive in regard to biomass. Instead
  • 15:01 - 15:08
    of having just pastries, you can have zero
    pastries. So animals range below trees
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    that produce additional biomass. We would
    also need eggy farms that are highly
  • 15:17 - 15:23
    productive and could be combined to
    shellfish and Ardis, which also clean
  • 15:23 - 15:36
    coastal water from exceeding nutrients.
    And so we can see that if we investigate
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    different farming systems, that in
    addition to food production, because we do
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    not want to replace food production by
    biomass production, but in addition to
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    food production, which is the green bar in
    the tropical agroforestry system, we can
  • 15:57 - 16:04
    produce the same amount of food as now.
    But in addition, we can produce biomass
  • 16:04 - 16:11
    for carbon sequestration. Also in systems
    like Tropical Forest Garden, you can have
  • 16:11 - 16:16
    both. And you can intensify the systems.
    However, the suggested eucalyptus
  • 16:16 - 16:25
    monoculture, as you can see here is would
    only be for carbon capture and would not
  • 16:25 - 16:32
    produce fruit. And as you can see, is not
    very efficient anyway. It just doesn't
  • 16:32 - 16:41
    make much work. And also, marine seaweed
    is quite efficient in this regard. Now, if
  • 16:41 - 16:48
    you come back, if we want now this part,
    this green part, this is the carbon sink
  • 16:48 - 16:53
    part that we need to balance global
    temperatures and we know we need 270
  • 16:53 - 17:01
    billion tonnes of carbon in this carbon
    sink. So this is 800 gigatons CO2
  • 17:01 - 17:07
    equivalent. And what does it mean, if we
    would with this message, Paragon carbon
  • 17:07 - 17:14
    capture and storage deliver 30 % of the
    necessary carbon sink. What does it mean
  • 17:14 - 17:21
    for global resources? So for this to
    happen, for this 30% of the minimum
  • 17:21 - 17:28
    necessary carbon sink, we would need about
    100 billion tonnes of biochar and that
  • 17:28 - 17:37
    gigatons of biochar into 2100. And just to
    get an imagination on how much this is,
  • 17:37 - 17:47
    this is the amount of 1500 of this
    Matterhorn mountains. So the volume of one
  • 17:47 - 17:56
    Matterhorn that you find in the Swiss Alps
    multiplied by 1500 was dense biochar. So
  • 17:56 - 18:06
    just the imagination of how much we need
    to extract and sink. And that's only 30%.
  • 18:06 - 18:13
    And this amount corresponds to a thin
    layer of two centimeter of biochar to a
  • 18:13 - 18:23
    centimeter of biochar on each hectare of
    global agricultural land. So we would have
  • 18:23 - 18:30
    to cover all agricultural land by two
    centimeters of biochar, which then will be
  • 18:30 - 18:37
    dicked or plowed into the soil as a carbon
    sink. So it is a massive, massive mess and
  • 18:37 - 18:44
    it only makes 30 percent of the biochar.
    So we would need to produce this amount of
  • 18:44 - 18:55
    biochar. We would need 190 gigatons of
    biomass. And. So this and it's kind of 90
  • 18:55 - 19:06
    gigatons of biomass. We need to compare to
    the global standing biomass. And that's
  • 19:06 - 19:13
    about 0.8 percent of the global standing
    biomass and 0.8 percent of the global
  • 19:13 - 19:22
    standing biomass would have to be
    paralyzed every year from the year 2050 to
  • 19:22 - 19:32
    2100 to produce the amount of carbon sink.
    That's necessary to preserve 30 percent of
  • 19:32 - 19:44
    the climate. And that would need about he
    handed 80000 industrial paralysis plants.
  • 19:46 - 19:55
    So we calculated and looked and what does
    it mean to produce 500000 pyrolysis
  • 19:55 - 20:01
    industrial pyrolysis plants? We imagine it
    could be, or there has to be produced in
  • 20:01 - 20:12
    chain production like cars. But to reach
    the negative emission potential that's
  • 20:12 - 20:20
    necessary by 2050, we need an exponential
    growth of the production of this pyrolysis
  • 20:20 - 20:26
    units, which would be possible. And you
    you see you see here, this is the blue
  • 20:26 - 20:34
    line. So we have this exponential growth.
    And as you can see, we have then the
  • 20:34 - 20:45
    slowdown of of the growth of absolute
    numbers. So the the orange line here, you
  • 20:45 - 20:51
    see the production numbers per year, so
    you have to grow until 2043 to produce
  • 20:51 - 20:59
    50000 units per year. But then you have to
    to slow down the production because we can
  • 20:59 - 21:07
    only use 400000 pyrolysis units on Earth.
    After that, we do not have more biomass to
  • 21:07 - 21:13
    treat. So we need an exponential growth
    because of the severity of the problem of
  • 21:13 - 21:21
    the problem. And then we need an
    exponential growth after 2043 to a steady
  • 21:21 - 21:31
    state of the production of few plants that
    are needed to renew these standing plants.
  • 21:31 - 21:37
    So this is a very interesting from
    economic point of view, and we will see
  • 21:37 - 21:44
    this in several areas because of the
    global economy and global problems and the
  • 21:44 - 21:53
    global limits of resources that we need.
    Exponential growth and growth for several
  • 21:53 - 21:59
    technologies. And how that will be done.
    It's very interesting. That's subject of
  • 21:59 - 22:09
    today. So, so you saw it's massive. What
    would be needed? 400000 plants in one
  • 22:09 - 22:17
    plant costs about 1.3 million euro, so
    that's about 500 billion euro, and that is
  • 22:17 - 22:23
    not so much in the end, it's less than 50
    percent of the annual military spending.
  • 22:23 - 22:28
    So from an economic point of view, it
    would certainly be possible to make it
  • 22:28 - 22:36
    happen. So more problematic is how can we
    make it happen on an economic point of
  • 22:36 - 22:43
    view? Financially, this is very
    attractive, as we can see first, the
  • 22:43 - 22:48
    production of the industrial units and
    then you have a global carbon sink market.
  • 22:50 - 22:56
    If you calculate a 100 per tonne of CO2
    equivalent and we know how much CO2 we
  • 22:56 - 23:03
    need to extract. So this is a 400 billion
    euro markets per year only for carbon sink
  • 23:03 - 23:10
    credits. So massive and very interested
    market. And that's why you see a lot of
  • 23:10 - 23:14
    financial institutes going already now
    into these markets. Well, what do we have
  • 23:14 - 23:24
    with the risks and side effects? So. The
    0.8 percent of the global plant mess that
  • 23:24 - 23:33
    has to be paralyzed every year, that's
    about 0.75 ton biomass per hectare of
  • 23:33 - 23:43
    agricultural land. So if we extract from
    every sector of the world's crop land and
  • 23:43 - 23:48
    bit less than one ton of biomass, we could
    solve the problem so that that's not seem
  • 23:48 - 23:55
    too much. However, this biomass is
    everywhere, and there are now millions of
  • 23:55 - 23:59
    farmers that all would have to be
    convinced to do it. And then we have to
  • 23:59 - 24:06
    bring the industry close to them so that
    they can extract the biomass. So let's say
  • 24:06 - 24:11
    if 10 percent of agricultural land was
    used for biomass production by carbon
  • 24:11 - 24:19
    farming. So we set aside 10 percent of the
    global agricultural land and then we only
  • 24:19 - 24:29
    need 7.5 tons of biomass per hectare. And
    that would be feasible because thanks to
  • 24:29 - 24:37
    biochar based fertilization, crop
    productivity can increase about more than
  • 24:37 - 24:46
    20 percent. So to have 10 percent aside
    would be possible. So let's say. It would,
  • 24:47 - 24:53
    in theory, be possible to produce the
    biomass necessary for the carbon sinks on
  • 24:53 - 25:03
    the available agricultural land without
    decreasing food production. But in the
  • 25:03 - 25:11
    last five minutes of my talk, I want to
    give you another outlook because socially
  • 25:11 - 25:19
    and environmentally, it's still very much
    on the edge to do this huge scaling carbon
  • 25:19 - 25:29
    by organic carbon storage project, because
    we have several other problems on Earth
  • 25:29 - 25:35
    and not only the climate problem, we have
    the biodiversity crisis, other ecosystem
  • 25:35 - 25:44
    crisis and therefore the Half Earths
    project was announced about five years ago
  • 25:44 - 25:58
    to say that. It is needed that 50 percent
    of the Earth's surface is preserved for
  • 25:58 - 26:07
    nature recovery, and there are, in fact,
    quite a lot of governments that agreed to
  • 26:07 - 26:17
    this program astonishingly. And it has a
    lot of support this initiative from Archie
  • 26:17 - 26:24
    Wilson. You find more information and half
    earths project on the website that you see
  • 26:24 - 26:30
    here below, because that's that's the
    point. If we do all this climate action,
  • 26:30 - 26:37
    we do not have enough land to preserve it
    for natural revival. However, we have
  • 26:37 - 26:44
    technology that's possible. And in the
    latest Saudi Arabian solar energy project,
  • 26:46 - 26:53
    the kilowatt hour was produced at zero
    point eighty eight cents. And that means
  • 26:53 - 27:02
    energy becomes so cheap that we have new
    possibilities for technology to produce.
  • 27:02 - 27:14
    In fact, carbon sinks without plants. So
    the Obrist company, they created this
  • 27:14 - 27:23
    project a fuel, which is methanol factory
    that runs entirely on renewable powered
  • 27:23 - 27:32
    energy, so you have this large solar
    panels and then you have here. The
  • 27:32 - 27:40
    chemistry that's behind. So in short, you
    have direct air capture here where you
  • 27:40 - 27:49
    filter out the CO2 from the atmosphere.
    The energy is used for electrolysis that
  • 27:49 - 27:56
    is done with desalinated water. So they
    produce hydrogen from desalinated water,
  • 27:56 - 28:04
    which the solar energy. And with the CO2
    from direct air capture, there is methanol
  • 28:04 - 28:12
    synthesized. In methanol is a liquid form
    of carbon. It's a bit like alcohol, but
  • 28:12 - 28:18
    just methanol, and which is not toxic,
    which can be pumped, which can be
  • 28:18 - 28:23
    transported, which can be used as a fuel,
    and which could also be used as a carbon
  • 28:23 - 28:30
    sink. So you can find here and when you
    have more time, you can go into details.
  • 28:31 - 28:41
    We calculated the total balance. So for
    500000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent
  • 28:41 - 28:45
    in the carbon sink, so that means we
    extract 500000 tons of CO2 from the
  • 28:45 - 28:53
    atmosphere. We need 11.5 km^2 square
    kilometers of solar panels that produce
  • 28:55 - 29:02
    6000 gigawatt hour of energy. Part of this
    energy is used for the direct air capture.
  • 29:02 - 29:06
    Part of this energy is used for
    desalination and electrolysis, which
  • 29:06 - 29:15
    produces oxygen, and then the hydrogen and
    CO2 are synthesized to methanol great
  • 29:15 - 29:20
    produce some energy that goes back to the
    process. We produce also water that also
  • 29:20 - 29:26
    goes back to the process. And then you
    have the carbon sink. And this methanol,
  • 29:26 - 29:36
    in fact, can be pumped back into old
    fossil storages like in the Saudi Arabian
  • 29:36 - 29:49
    desert. And so we scale this up and. We
    would need only 21% of the surface of
  • 29:49 - 29:59
    Saudi Arabia used for this Methanol carbon
    sink technology to sequester the necessary
  • 29:59 - 30:07
    800 gigatons of CO2 equivalent and pump it
    back into abundant fossil oilfields until
  • 30:07 - 30:19
    2100. And the interesting thing here is
    that only. This is only 10 percent of the
  • 30:19 - 30:26
    surface that would be needed if we do the
    same thing with plants and biomass and
  • 30:26 - 30:34
    where everything works perfectly optimized
    without chemical fertilizer, without
  • 30:34 - 30:40
    irrigation and not counting the risk of
    fire. And as a disaster is happening to
  • 30:40 - 30:46
    the biomass production, there is this
    technological solution. I think we could
  • 30:46 - 30:58
    prepare the biggest, the biggest hack
    ever. To turn. The Arabian fossil fuel
  • 30:58 - 31:05
    producers into carbon sink produces and
    pumped back the liquified carbon extracted
  • 31:05 - 31:15
    from the atmosphere to the fossil
    oilfields. Thank you very much.
  • 31:15 - 31:30
    Herald: So how can we avoid the risk of
    deployment of CO2 sinks becoming a cheap
  • 31:30 - 31:36
    excuse for not pursuing the necessary
    reduction of CO2 emissions on the other
  • 31:36 - 31:42
    HP: Yeah, this is this is and the main
  • 31:42 - 31:49
    problem, I think now when we enter this
    carbon sink markets, because all the
  • 31:49 - 31:56
    carbon sinks to the bottom now are used
    for emission compensation. And but but we
  • 31:56 - 32:05
    have no choice. We have to curb the
    emissions. So normally policy makers
  • 32:05 - 32:12
    should defend the compensation of
    emissions with carbon sinks because the
  • 32:12 - 32:18
    carbon sinks we need for the compensation
    of legacy emissions of all the CO2 it was
  • 32:18 - 32:27
    already emitted before now.
    Herald: Yes. So how do you estimate the
  • 32:27 - 32:32
    potential of picks against the background
    of increasing interest in biomass for
  • 32:32 - 32:41
    food, energy and chemical industry?
    HP: Yeah, we need all of it. And we will
  • 32:41 - 32:48
    not have enough of it. And that's why I
    presented the possibility to extract
  • 32:48 - 32:54
    carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, for
    the chemical industry, for fuel, for
  • 32:54 - 33:01
    materials, for plastics and also for
    carbon sinks. I think we will not achieve
  • 33:03 - 33:09
    the protection of our ecosystems and of
    the climate with the biomass that we have
  • 33:09 - 33:14
    on the planet only.
    Herald: All right. Actually, just a fourth
  • 33:14 - 33:21
    question came in. I think we have time for
    one more little question. How can we be
  • 33:21 - 33:27
    sure that Oprah's would be more successful
    than an example? Desertec.
  • 33:27 - 33:32
    HP: And what was the first one?
    Herald: How can we be sure that this
  • 33:32 - 33:36
    operation will be more successful than
    this attack?
  • 33:36 - 33:44
    HP: Yeah, I. The economics are much better
    now because solar energy is so much
  • 33:44 - 33:51
    cheaper than 20 years ago when desetec
    started, and the system is more complex
  • 33:51 - 33:58
    because of decoupling with chemical
    industry with carbon sink, and the
  • 33:58 - 34:07
    necessity is also higher. So I think we we
    can achieve this and and desetec is not
  • 34:07 - 34:12
    dead yet and could continue also towards
    more complex systems.
  • 34:12 - 34:19
    Herald: All right, thank you. Hans-Peter,
    thank you very much. I'm saying goodbye to
  • 34:19 - 34:25
    you in the stream now about everyone is
    invited to join further discussion in the
  • 34:25 - 34:28
    Jitsy room now, which you can reach and
    discussion dort alte-hoelle@de Goodbye
  • 34:28 - 34:41
    from Bierscheune and sieh you in the jitsi
  • 34:41 - 34:51
    HP: Thank you.
  • 34:51 - 34:55
    rc3 postroll music 2021
  • 34:55 - 35:01
    Subtitles created by many many volunteers and
    the c3subtitles.de team. Join us, and help us!
The Carbon Sink Solution(s)

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