all about book page number five
muhamad for
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m Allah
m m
sh say
M they
the that they are said they call my
say m
inshallah salaat book number 14 page
number 32
inshallah on the U quali
book nashed number 41
oh for
inshallah or the qu book not number 44
Al Al
me S
Al s
zahar zahar
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s s
Al j
s s Al
Al inshallah Nashid 52 on the uru book
this is not
the this is
ah for
sh sh
inshallah U quali
book not number 21 page 53
is for
many for
sh for
for for
not number 30 page 80 U quali book
for for
number 22 page 55 u quali b
shin shinin
shinin sh
Shin Shin
shinin sh
Shin May
inshah the book not number 38
do be
tajar Haram
[ __ ]
Haram tajar
har [ __ ]
tajar Haram
Haram Haram
inshah book number 24 page 59
Allah for
Allah for
muham muhamad
allaham for
inshallah salaat book number 50 page
number 11
must ah
the Sal must joh
in number 52 page number 117
mam that's come all m
Jamal J
is sh
mamed m
muh muham
the holy birth
of us these beautific lights and within
this holy month Allah Grant this
Treasures of these holy
souls by observing their passings and
their birth and their realities and
their teachings it grants us a a gift an
extra bonus within an immensely blessed
month that remember me and I remember
you and this is for all of Allah's
servants when we remember the pious of
this nation their deeds their actions
their struggle Allah grants for us to be
remembered in their Association and when
we do good deeds in their names and and
have events in their names and give out
water for the sake of their names so
that people also will bring back into
their heart the remembrance of these
servants that oh this holy servant and
oh they did this and they did that and
how much they struggled for their Dean
and their way their religion and how
much they struggled to keep Prophet Sall
alam's message going and to bring the
love of
Allah and continuously bring that love
upon this
Earth as a gift for us when we remember
them and we have the character in which
to not doubt to remember holy people
Shan comes into our life and say why you
want to remember holy people so that in
its place he can put his very Unholy
people cuz you see them you hear them
they're all over media and that's what
Shan wants people to
remember that oh yeah go to that one and
watch them listen to them hear
them and he wants his people to be
remembered and those are the worst of
servants and Allah wants his divinely
people to be remembered remember me
remember those whom have this love the
love and the correct understanding of
Islam because they have the love of
prophet and when you look to their life
and their example they live that
example they followed the Sunnah of
prophet Alam they followed the Sunnah
with their heart their souls and as a
result they are the exemplars of faith
that's the immense immense importance
when people think maybe this is a not
necessary no you're wrong because you
don't understand what Shan is doing if
you take out the exemplars of Faith the
example of Faith the example of good
character what are you left
with modern crazy
people who think they represent Islam
with the worst of character the worst of
image the worst of understanding brains
that don't seem to to even have a
beginning and an end there's no logic in
their understanding so this is what Shan
wants as an understanding to make Islam
unattractive so imagine when we come out
and talk about these holy
souls you know when they're making these
nids in English the immense power that
it has and in
Spanish and and languages that will
reach to people cuz when we give the s
and we give the nid the Nashid were oral
and verbal siras that you would take an
event and you would describe s Muhammad
s aliam did like this went like this had
like light like that and it attaches
into people's
hearts you'd make something about
Muhammad wasam and that how Imam jaff
ass sadik was the Exemplar of faith and
that he taught
the other MBS he's not a Shia so don't
let the Shia to win this understanding
we have nothing to do with
them these are theah Scholars and the
big muah big Victorious Lions of the
heavens so through these nids then you
would mention
that the IM jaff who was the sad and how
he taught the different has how who his
students were and that he was a immense
scholar of and then again you praise
into the reality of prophet Sall Alam
that was the concept of the n and not
it's not just telling a story without
mentioning Prophet sallam everything
tied back to
Muhammad if you go back to the not you
go back to the Nashid what were the aah
accomplishing they would tell the story
the examples but everything was always
linked to
Muhammad so this is the key they know
the key they knew the key and they left
us the legacy of this
key so this is the Legacy that we have
is to take this key and keep
transmitting it tell the lives of these
companions tell the lives of these these
holy tell the lives of prophet
and these stories and n and make people
to mention the name of
M the dean of Allah the messenger of
Allah the intercessor of
Allah this was a teaching and nothing
more powerful in teaching than
sound know that we play sound and they
can bring your soul out of your
body so anyone who does
they understand that when we tell you
listen listen to Sala close your eyes do
your can come and pull your soul
out and take you into the presence of
Beloved so then what do you think is
happening with the power of sound in the
last days so these nids and and these
praisings and these storytelling and
these realities is what come against
falsehood so when a people are are
assimilating something they're not Shia
these are all all the IMs 12 imams or
all you know just because Pakistani is
like she Abdul Kad he's not from
Pakistan so meaning your love for
something doesn't make it that so the
Nashid were what would teach the
reality and say no no these holy souls
and then you give the example all Sunni
and this holy souls they taught these
madhabs they taught these shakes of
these mabs so who are the students of IM
jaad then you mention so these are the
powers of Nashid and if we do the nids
in these languages imagine the barriers
that are crossed we said there's a
manipulation of Quran if
anyone is Arab Centric and you have to
shatter that because now these DS are
all coming out as
Arabs and this is the the L that they
tried to put upon the
Quran and the our duty is to break that
l means that if you try to search means
then you can only search if you are
fluent in Arabic but then you've left
off a huge part of this nation and Islam
was not to make everybody Arabic but to
understand the immense reality of
M so then what was happening then you
said okay well if I don't know Arabic
I'll study through
transliteration try to find one Hadith
online that based on
transliteration and you understand the
manipulation that if you look for one
word they take three words and mix it
all together in
transliteration which is the wow Al
everything everything linked together
that in Arabic is not even allowed to
link those letters together they'll put
it together in transliteration so that
nobody can search through
transliteration so that the body of
people who would know would have to be
fluent in Arabic and the 90% of the
rather others wouldn't know and then it
would become like the Bible you have to
go in Latin to talk to one specific Pope
to tell you but no that's not the
reality you can read the Arabic but you
should understand it in your language
and you should be able to understand
each word through the transliteration
and understand the tap in your heart in
English so that's why we teach they
manipulate the transliteration they
manipulate these realities so then
imagine that da in the last days when
you're taking out these teachings taking
out these Nashid taking out all of these
examples and and understandings put them
in English and send it
out it's immense why because we know the
battlefield the spiritual Battlefield is
to come against Prophet
s and to make it to be something foreign
a so that people think that this is oh
this just for the Arabs and then they do
this and the Arabs are manipulating that
but that's not the reality there's
nothing against Arab s but we are
understanding that there's a
manipulation occurring that the people
of every language Islam is for them
Islam is for their language Islam is to
bring Islamic and realities and Islamic
culture to their culture so that people
find a familiarity people find an
understanding within their own lives
that how Islam is
beautific how the Sun Shines on all the
Earth and the Sun shines on all the
garden it doesn't pick specific flowers
to shine
upon so the reality of Islam the reality
of light is a luminous beautific light
that shines upon all of God's
creation all of which are potential
flowers if only the sun would shine upon
it and it would react with the love from
the Rays of the sun it would give its
fragrance but because the Earth is
lacking Sunshine what happens then the
flowers are no longer giving their
fragrance the flowers become harsh and
Stern and then they grow thorns in which
only they can cause pain and difficulty
anguish so anything in life that lacks
the nourishing light of Paradise the
nourishing Lights of the heavens this is
then the difficulty that comes upon
creation so our responsibility is to
bring back the muhammadan lights upon
this creation the muhammadan haks and
realities and introduce it in a system
which they understand through sound we
are now entering into the souls of
people and through the Nashid and the n
and all of that every everyone who
listens and understands uru understands
that reality how much it touches their
heart those who understand Arabic they
understand that reality so then why not
allow that to other
nations so no no has to only be Arabic
otherwise they don't accept it why you
only want to have Arabs to feel the
energy or this is an energy that we have
to introduce to everyone so that they
see in their mother tongue and in their
language oh if we make a video
regarding show his companionship with
Prophet show in the video is a story The
Nashid is our story that he resides
in so that they don't understand that so
we show that the companionship with all
the prophets they are like brothers and
in the end his resting place will be in
Medina so it means that not was show
that would recite that have beautiful
images cuz our videos should tell a
story it's not just random pictures that
what does the picture mean your picture
has to tell a
story the words have to magnify that
story and the words have to have a hook
that there's a verse that keeps
repeating that hooks you the winds will
bend you but pain will make your roots
strong everybody remember remembered
that verse and then right there ha ja is
a production guy soon as he said the
winds will bend you it's a bent
tree but pain will make your roots
strong and the image comes in that the
roots are strong so yeah testing comes
and blows you around bends you left and
right but the pain that you endured for
Allah should make your roots very strong
so you can be a Crooked Tree bent tree
doesn't matter but your roots are
strong so then this task that we're
asking people just use your heart
imagine we want to link Satan Isa not
Jesus we don't know who that is and who
who's who's coming when people are
summonsing that
name but everything according to Quran
Quran refers to
ISA that he walks with love and mercy
and then show them that they're walking
together with all of the prophets and
the final resting place is
Medina where people never mentioned that
that the fourth space that Prophet Sall
Al wasam described in his home and in
his resting place is for the presence
of so means this is our da this is this
is the immense power of Faith and Action
and alhamdulillah people come together
they have a him they have an energy and
they can move mountains we pray that
Allah grant us these lights of Rah and
mercy when these 10 days are coming
towards an
end we open the days
of this a great opportunity again to
write about the
M write about the Realties of Allah's
forgiveness and the intercession of the
prophets intercession of s Muhammad
even making something from intercession
of in which everyone will come to their
prophets and their prophets will say
it's not me and they take their Nation
to the presence of s
Muhammad so these are our immense tools
we've asked for so many years can you
recite something in English can you
recite it's very difficult because
you're relying on one person's
individual skill alhamdulillah by The
Amazing Grace of Allah we're not relying
on anyone anymore so these graphics
people are coming now together they're
writing it they're putting it through
these Technologies these beautific
sounds are coming and then our
production guys are coming in and making
beautific stories and videos to
accommodate that this is an immense
immense tool when you don't have to rely
upon an individual person and Hope
they're going to do something that now
you can rely upon these softwares that
don't have an ego it just requires our
people to put a little bit of
information in and let the software put
it out and then spread it worldwide so
alhamdulillah that Allah gives us this
opportunity before the complete
fit at least whatever they're releasing
we can release it on
them so I'm sure Shan is pretty angry
that he thought he was something else
but now we have these Nashid coming out
these teachings coming out books coming
out even we said before are articles
there are there are softwares now that
produce an entire article you direct it
to a video it take the video you give
the formatting you want and it produces
articles they could be producing
articles 10 articles a day through 3,000
videos so it's immense opportunity to
bring all of our digital content out and
and this becomes immense spiritual
warfare against whatever Shan is doing
and Those whom enlist within this battle
against darkness and the battle against
ignorance within our own communities
it's not about outside it's within our
own communities people whom are ignorant
of the faith ignorant of the importance
in s Muhammad Alam and ignorant of good
character they become angrier they don't
have shakes the more you see people
without a shik the more you see that
their da becomes angrier their character
becomes angrier their character becomes
aggressive because there's no shape
there's no M and support to say oh what
are you doing what are you angry about
if you're with the Beloved and you're in
the the the light of prophet Sall Al
wasallam you're flower and a beautiful
rose under Sun on why why would you be
putting out
poison cuz the rose under Sunshine it
gives a beautific fragrance so you can't
imitate nature because Allah gives us
nature as an example they want to say
that they understood Shar but how could
their Sharia be outside of the nature of
creation because what Allah created it
shows you its Divine Law but what you
create from your mouth doesn't seem to
match what Allah
created a flower that sits and gazes
upon the Sun and has good character and
opens all its petals it gives you
fragrance how is it that you say you
bask in the Sun but yet you're like a
scorpion attacking everyone attacking
everyone for what so you can see how
everything is opposing God's natural law
that everything Allah says I'll teach
you on the horizon and then you can look
up on yourself but these people they say
they their self is correct but look at
the Horizon nothing from The Horizon
matches your
understanding everything from Allah's
creation shows Rah and mercy and when
you do it right beautiful fragrances
come so we pray that Allah grant us this
him grant us this strength These Are the
nights of Ramadan in which the chains of
Shan on each individual person not on
other people should be changed if you're
fasting correctly and you have the in
intention and as a result of that
fasting and chaining your Shan we can
get a lot done soon as Ramadan ends and
people start to drift off and follow
their NS and nothing gets done but at
least with this opportunity of Ramadan
this is a time in which we're asking and
they're asking us to ask is push push
build the content put put all these
different Technologies together put all
these realities together and that we
send it out and push it out and not much
time left on this D whatever you're
seeing on this Earth something's
happening when they're telling you that
they're going to unite this country with
that country and Bozzo people come on
the news and say we never going to you
are going to you are going to be all
United on a greater continent that's
established for war so everything will
be United according to how Allah wants
it everything under the hand of oah so
don't listen to the people but listen to
your heart and understand that there are
things that are coming upon this Earth
and this nation these worlds are all
preparing for an immense battle so this
is the situation that's coming
we have to live our lives with correct
understandings connections into the
heart and take away bad character and to
understand don't make comments don't go
out and be political cuz you don't know
what's coming and you don't understand
what's coming but to follow the guidance
of O and to understand no things are
coming they're going to be United
continents so this is for their
strategic importance and the importance
of of many nations and people who live
in these regions so Allah guides and
Allah plans it's for everybody else to
keep their heart connected to Prophet to
have love to have respect to have good
character good character saves Us in D
and in because good character dun people
will not feel threatened by people of
good character and that's the danger
these men who have no mercy in their
heart and this is why the guidance says
Be Good have good good character you're
not a threat to anyone the only one
you're willing to fight is your own
devil if you can fight your own devil
you're like a beautific flower on this
Earth because the sun always shines even
through War the sun is shining so as men
and the kingdoms of men decide to go to
battle Those whom have good character
beautific like flowers what happens they
stay out of this problem and they bask
in the Sun and as a result they give
beautific fragrances to ever whoever
wishes to come by their garden and they
don't discriminate for who comes to
their Garden they don't say no you can
come you can come into that reality not
to the presence because the centers are
closed but they can listen to this
teaching online it's open for everyone
from whatever religion or no religion CU
it sends out a reality and a truth just
like nature
so nature doesn't you come by the flower
and it's giving everybody a beautific
fragrance but when you come by it
squirts something toxic and poisonous in
face that wouldn't be a good example of
nature so nature gives to us
Allah's designed it and made it and
teaches us be like this at least all
those complicated books that people
think they understood and memorize this
and memorize that and Allah says why you
can't just follow this one beautiful
flower and act like that
so we pray that Allah give us a strength
understanding and a heart that
understands inshah what we got from our
smnc families and we got Spanish coming
I think the guys they saw the B reg was
nice nice message don't smoke and drink
you get high on
life so these are important messages for
people that they they want to they think
that they can intoxicate themselves and
medicate and this is a sad thing for
people to do because they find life to
hard and what can you do when people
feel life is hard but definitely Islam
tells us don't take your own medicine
don't determine how you're going to take
medicine from here the streets and from
bushes and smoke this and drink that and
think that you can medicate yourself the
best medication is your meditation your
taak your
contemplation and good character take
out the satanic influence within
ourselves and surrounding and get high
on life with the energy that Allah
brings the guidance that Allah brings
the love towards the presence of
prophet is the
key what we got
you asalam alaykum
s do different acts of service hold
varying ranks for example is freeing a
slave more beloved to Allah than
donating a water
well freeing a slave more than making a
well uh depending
upon what is each person's
difficulty so if somebody is a tyrant
has horrific character would all of a
sudden say you know I don't like any of
these guys but I want to make a water
well every drop of water that comes from
that well is an intersection for that
Tyrant so that is freeing a slave cuz
he's a cap to his horrific NS so we
don't know the hikma and wisdom of how
Allah will bring us in so if he sat down
and said no I don't want to give a well
I think I'll just sit and try to make
meditation to free myself but maybe he
doesn't have the strength to do that and
two minutes later he's drinking smoking
and doing every evil thing and he won't
reach that reality and the wisdom of
giving the well may have dressed him and
continue to dress that servant
so this is a you know is if we leave it
Allah and follow The Inspirations within
heart and Allah guides his servants the
way he knows on how he's going to open
them so many many examples of people who
were doing bad things and they gave
donations and those donations those
actions they gave food they gave water
them and then many people did this or
did that and that saved them so all of
these are open and follow the
inspiration within the heart of a
servant and we've given examples before
that even people have had dreams that
the a parent that was not believing was
in a bad condition and the dedicated
water because this all the sun Prophet
they dedicated the well and water then
they saw the dream that their parents
were happy the parent was happy so no
doubt charity and The Continuous Flow of
Charity the charity that continuously
flows like
water benefits the
soul even if that Soul didn't believe
but a Believer dedicated a water for
them of course it's going to reach
them does the does the rain only fall on
head again the natural law when these
these people again with no brain come
out and describe thing oh you can't do
good things for
non-believers so then look in all's
Kingdom Have You Ever Seen Rain Fall on
one man's
head no when Allah's Mercy comes it
everything so how you you think you're
like the Creator now and you designed a
rain that falls on one man's
head no do good deeds it reaches
everyone how could how could the reain
not dress everyone so
Allah's never cut so don't ever limit
Allah in his rahma his mercy and how he
can reach and who he will reach because
when we do then we're cutting oursel off
from his
Rah goodness
she have you ever seen rain fall in one
head see how these people come up with
this stuff that they think that you know
you do a good deed and it won't reach
that person but then all in his own
example when it rains and let's say you
needed rain so bad you needed your
garden to be rained everybody got rain
Subhan so I mean everybody benefited
from your prayer cuz it doesn't just
fall on one guy's property but the rain
comes for every one so that's why just
one good person in an area can pray and
change the lives of
everyone so imagine if they were all
good and they all had mercy and Rahman
and even the one who was the worst one
he's still going to get the rain too cuz
Allah's just Allah is
great assalam alaykum
allum how can we make the most of the
second 10 days of the holy month of
Ramadan increase your asking
forgiveness asalam alaykum
sayam the first major battle of bad took
place during the holy month of Ramadan
does this mean that negative attacks can
intensify during Ramadan
the Battle of bad was on the 17th of
Ramadan so this was in the the days of
what entering into
the the the second 10 days of
M we have 10 20 than
30 so what was the example of
and that's why you have to go to our
teachings don't listen to those external
people I don't know where they come up
with their
stories the The Great Battle of
bad was that Prophet Sall Alam had asked
his holy companions come for me come
with me let's go get some of our
back so one he used the understanding of
let's go get some
property we don't need to come heavily
armed we're going to go get some of our
property back that they have taken from
us we're just
summarizing quickly that
changed so it's not anymore about
property it looks like the property
Caravan ran away but now this Caravan
has turned militant and coming against
me and I brought you under the pretense
of come get your property back but it LO
looks like they're coming to attack
me you have the free will to
leave this was a test from Allah to show
prophet and for Prophet to know and of
course he knows these realities of his
companions how much they love
you that they said there's no there's no
possible way that we are going to leave
we didn't come for the the treasures or
the reward we came for you
so wherever you go s Alam we are there
with you so this
is this continuous teaching that the
companions they lived and died for S
Muhammad they don't know Allah the only
way they gain
understanding of Allah was their love
for S
muhamad said you told
us you told us
har and we would never leave your
side the whole life was to live and die
at his holy
feet because of that love loved them if
not for that love nobody gains the love
Allah and as a result of that love that
they have for S Muhammad Alam Prophet
sallam prayed for
support and as a result they were
supported that they came out of his tent
and he was shouting Allah abbar cuz the
Angels came to support cuz he brought
his beloved companions not armed for
battle so means these are immense signs
from Allah because they love you I will
send I will send my armies from Heaven
to come to guard you cuz your men who
guard you they didn't come prepared for
battle they came to get the treasures of
their wealth back but because of their
loyalty and love for you
s I opened the heavens and saw all the
angels with all the different turbin
with wo their swords coming down and
striking the necks of all of those who
came to come against prophet sallam
and so and the recitation of the names
of means that we want to be from them we
want to be from those who love Prophet
Alam and as they stood by S
Muhammad they stand by the Muhammad
Nation we're in need of their support
we're in need of their Naz and we're in
need of their madad and IM they are the
people of
support so these are not men whom you
deem dead they're very much alive and
the life they have the love they have
the immense love for Prophet Sall Al
wasallam that if you're in need they
come from the heavens as in Angels Came
them they will come for you to support
you through difficulty and through every
type of
Calamity so
alhamdulillah this love will never leave
alum in quantum entanglement an electron
is connected to other electron no matter
the distance and affects the other is
this the same concept as M with the
she yes this is what we
told that again when these people
say all these different ridiculous words
that they use they don't seem like they
ever took a science
class so the natural law that they're
trying to understand now from the world
of light quantum means law of light so
they're trying to understand see how
these Western people are trying to
understand the world of light and Muslim
people are trying to battle about
Sher so which end of the horse are you
at you're on the wrong
side the other side of the world is
trying to understand
light and you're trying to focus on
physical and now all of these physical
shk well how this has anything to do
with making a partner with Allah when
you don't understand even basic science
so they're coming they're inspired and
Allah inspiring them study these
lights and when they saw two
objects they saw that the two objects
their elements and lights are entangled
not only there light if you saw two
physical objects and you had the ability
through electron microscope to see light
and you lost the physicality what would
happen there would be a light from a cup
a light from another cup but the places
where they're interacting you would see
the diffusing of
light solid looks solid but that's not
solid if you looked at it in its light
reality you'd see a aura of light and a
aura of light but there's an area when
the lights are
diffusing then they said we want to look
even closer and let's look at the
atoms when they looked at the atoms they
looked at the electrons were moving and
they're entangled in
it and as a result of the entanglement
communicating now imagine the most
powerful light in existence is called
soul because
car those are all the lights he gave you
for the enjoyment of your
life but he said you are the noble
creation so now your soul on this Earth
has immense
Powers two people come into a vicinity
scientifically they say at least 9 M
around you is an energy
field or three yards whatever they're
giving an example so then two people
stand there's a field of
energy they know there's energy on the
body there's a field of energy
if the person is negative and negative
they're repelling and giving off each
other's negative
energies because this is Basic Energy
understanding if the person is negative
the other one is positive the positive
is taking from the energy field and
giving the other one his positive charge
so the negative person feels good they
go back with positive energy the
positive person takes all of the
negative energy go back feeling
down but then this was spiritual
teaching be careful be careful where you
go CU negative people they love to
vampire your
energy so then when they understood this
then the next level the she would teach
okay Safeguard your energy keep your
woodoo keep your ziker keep your your
thicker and your heart keep your energy
practice why now you have a shield of
energy protecting you everywhere you go
away that vampire pushing away somebody
trying to pull your energy because you
know how to keep your energy you
practice on how to keep your energy you
kept your woodoo you kept the physical
elements that represent your spiritual
protection because there are physical
things that you can write and do that
create an energy field also because
everything has an energy
field and as a result you repel
everything negative because you believe
in the world of energy The Sciences are
now trying to prove it to
people with the permission of Allah so
don't be like a donkey thinking physical
physical the world is collapsing people
are using energy as weapon people are
using sound as weapons and you still
debating on physical
things then the next level the Shak
teaches now when you understood energy
call upon very positive
energies so The Souls of sh living and
Those whom passed they're very generous
there's no naps with them sit clean with
beautific energies call upon their
reality their energy appears you see it
you don't see it it's not important what
happens now when their energy appears
this is a very Noble powerful energy
as soon as you sit with that energy
field this m is that you're asking for
support oh Allah send me support from
your heavenly
servants it's in Quran of Quran have
Consciousness and keep the company of
S not physical Allah is not thinking
only for this Earth all is saying for
all the world of light this is a command
Quran have a
Consciousness keep the company of
truthful servants their lights are
truthful they are
s their vibration shatters everything
that's when we talked about the
sods they can Crush Mountains and the
mountain of the na is the worst one so
as soon as that person with light is
calling upon these sads from order of
the Quran
their VI light and vibration come what
happens they begin to take your negative
and send you their
positive cuz their field of energy is
coming from infinite capacity of Allah
because they reach their light reality
as much as they give as much is Allah
sending to them they become more
powerful and as a result you're now
feeling light because your negativity
went and you're feeling the charge of
their positive energies this is all in
their Sciences they can prove that
now and that's the matter that when you
call upon a positive energy it will take
your negative charge so you go away
good but this positive servant has an
infinite capacity from the
Divine because Allah says don't deem
them dead they're very much alive
they're not like you when Allah says
don't deem them to be dead they're alive
in the grave these are all the MU All
Those whom struggled against thems and
they reach to the death of their
existence they didn't live this life for
here but they lived it for the Hereafter
Allah says don't deem them dead they're
not like you we said
99.999% of this Earth they are The
Walking Dead don't think you have life
here you're not really alive from your
death Allah will bring
life from your death Allah will bring
you to be alive so which state are you
in you think you're alive your heart is
alive you're seeing the seven Heavens or
you admit to yourself no I'm dead on
this Earth so Allah bring from my death
my life if Allah bring from your death
your life what
happens your light is now infinite
capacity from the heavens because now
it's from the soul and that's why the
soul is high
and high
means nobody can touch the soul and kill
it it's taking its it's is its Eternal
it's it's reached its eternal power
source so when you make mad with them
what happens they're sending frequencies
they're sending
energies they can also intercede for you
because now that the lights are are
coming together
entanglement is they can take elements
of your light they can take from your
atoms and now bring them onto their
F so they are like loaded
ships and Surah Yas describes them we
have created loaded ships what are
loaded ships Allah talking about the
business what all that cares about
shipping business in America or world we
create loaded ships and then people go
out and say oh look these big tankers on
the ocean when all cares about shipping
business in in the the
Earth means that your soul it can reach
to a reality of being a loaded ship
because the soul is loaded with energies
we just don't know how to use them but
what happens with f a ship can carry
many things you see these ships carry
these 20 tons of
containers what's the example of giving
by that how that
ship carries that much weight on a piece
of Meadow in an ocean in which all
logical sense if you put a penny on
water it sinks because they want to know
how oia can carry people and then Allah
give to them look at that ship how you
can load it with everything and it
doesn't go into the water and
sink cuz Allah carries the ship but do
you think Allah cares about shipping or
Allah giving you an example when I make
a soul to be a f i carry it my hand
carries that
soul and that soul I can load everyone
upon that Soul they can carry the entire
Earth if Allah's and hand is upon
them so they're the tankers they're the
huge ships in the ocean not the super
tankers you see made by mitsub
and Hundai and all these things those
are just examples for people to look and
say Subhan Allah how this metal carries
that much metal on a water that you
should be
sinking that's
that's the the
miracle so that people would reflect and
say then Imagine The Souls of Those whom
Allah loves and Allah make them to
be it's Allah's hand that carries them
and as a result Allah will load many
realities upon their soul and their
souls are means huge energy fields in
which they wash and cleanse and and
nourish everything they can bring the
dead back to life of whatever you've
done of Damages it can be brought back
and this is all by the power of Allah
because Allah is holding that ship just
like where how you got your
from China back into America Allah
carried your goods from China and
brought it to America if not by the hand
of Allah that ship would have sunk like
a penny in a in a pool in a bathtub
would go straight to the bottom why
Allah carries only your goods and your
cars and your
electronics but he doesn't carry the
souls and the people and care for his
that's why we said the natural law is
understood when all saying I I carry
your goods from China you you want a car
from China okay and the angels are
carrying it to to get to the the port in
Angeles but what he's really interested
in is the soul yes we carry you and we
created those that are like them means
there are even smaller ships and they're
being trained on how to carry if and of
Allah with you he's holding and
supporting you on his ocean of Rah and
nothing can bring it down that's why
some people want to bring somebody down
down if Allah's hand is holding that
ship you're not bringing anything down
so nobody can keep that ship up it's
only held by the hand of
Allah and the Hand of
Allah appears
when the only time you can ever have the
hand of
Allah Allah gives him Quran
Surah that you have to have the hand of
Muhammad on your
hand how would you have the hand of
Muhammad is that you have to
extend you have to have the good
character the love
said please take my hand cuz you give
your hand all day long but doesn't mean
Prophet s Al will touch
it so it means our life is our character
our love and keep asking asking why your
hands are out why your hands are out
said take my
hand if Prophet Sall should take your
hand the hand of
Allah is right there who can take that
off nobody nobody from D nobody
from so this is the importance then when
Allah describe my hand as upon them it
was not your hand that threw but it was
my hand that hand is defined by only
Allah that it has to have the hand of
Muhammad so that's what carries the ship
is that to have the Muhammad on hand
with them their character their Prophet
Alam accepted them and extended his holy
hand what not we have the salawat in our
what's the words for that we say we
extend the
hand good things you're reciting this 15
years we don't
know we're asking Prophet s take our
hands why we're saying that because if
Prophet take the hand that's it Allah's
hand is there Allah is not questioning
after that people think they're going to
go and Allah's hand going to come
Allah's hand is what there's no
hand you need a physical hand on your
hand and the only hand that we can touch
and the most powerful physical hand that
can be touched is the hand of
Muhammad if that hand accepts
you Allah's hand upon you in
see the people are asking for B tonight
in let me
get making intention by
muh and the of all the shakes of thear
and the Blessed birth of IM jaad blessed
birth of and the ofan
s man said Muhammad
muham mam
we see the
Allah robit to Sharif
all for
mam mamm
all Allah all
all Allah Allah Allah all
all all
all Allah Allah Allah all
all Allah Allah all all
all Allah all Allah
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Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah
Allah Allah
m all
mam muham
andly birth of
dress everyone bless everyone forgive me
and we see everybody tomorrow
night this sh John thank you for
watching the video that you're watching
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