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The jungle Prescription - Film Trailer

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The jungle Prescription - Film Trailer

The Jungle Prescription is a documentary film created for a global audience (including the CBC’s Nature of Things with David Suzuki). It introduces ayahuasca and its encounter with the West - through the story of two doctors, their patients, a team of scientists, and a group of indigenous shamans.

The Jungle Prescription stars: Dr. Gabor Maté and his patients, Dr. Jacques Mabit, Humberto Piaguaje, the UMIYAC organization of traditional healers, scientists Jordi Riba and Josep María Fábregas, Vancouver, Barcelona, the Amazon Jungle, a very special group of plants... and the deepest recesses of our subconscious minds.

Online fundraising for the feature-length version of the film will be starting soon. Stay tuned to help us complete the full version.


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Video Language:

English subtitles

