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The mathematician who cracked Wall Street

  • Not Synced
    Chris Anderson: You were something of
    a mathematical phenom.
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    You had already taught
    at Harvard and MIT at a young age.
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    And then the NSA came calling.
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    What was that about?
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    Jim Simons: Well the NSA --
    that's the National Security Agency --
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    they didn't exactly come calling.
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    They had an operation at Princeton
    where they hired mathematicians
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    to attack secret codes
    and stuff like that.
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    And I knew that existed.
    And they had a very good policy
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    And they had a very good policy
    because you could do half your time
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    at your own mathematics
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    and at least half your time
    working on their stuff.
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    And they paid a lot.
    So that was an irresistible pull.
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    So, I went there.
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    CA: So you were a code-cracker.
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    JS: I was.
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    CA: Until you got fired.
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    JS: Well, I did get fired. Yes.
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    CA: How come?
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    JS: Well, how come?
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    I got fired because,
    well the Vietnam War was on,
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    and the boss of bosses in my organization
    was a big fan of the war
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    and wrote a New York Times article,
    a magazine section cover story,
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    about how we're going
    to win in Vietnam and so on.
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    And I didn't like that war,
    I thought it was stupid
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    and I wrote a letter to the Times,
    which they published, saying
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    not everyone who works for Maxwell Taylor,
    if anyone remembers that name,
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    agrees with his views.
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    And I gave my own views.
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    CA: Oh, OK. I can see that would --
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    JS: Which were different from General Taylor's.
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    But in the end nobody said anything.
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    But then, I was 29 years old at this time
    and some kid came around
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    and said he was a stringer
    from Newsweek magazine
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    and he wanted to interview me
    and ask what I was doing about my views.
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    And I told him, I said,
    "I'm doing mostly mathematics now,
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    and when the war is over
    then I'll do mostly their stuff."
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    Then I did the only
    intelligent thing I'd done that day --
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    I told my local boss
    that I gave that interview.
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    And he said, "What'd you say?"
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    And I told him what I said.
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    And then he said, "I've got to call Taylor."
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    He calls Taylor; that took 10 minutes.
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    I was fired five minutes after that.
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    But it wasn't bad.
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    CA: It wasn't bad, because
    you went on to Stony Brook
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    and stepped up your mathematical career.
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    You started working
    with this man here. Who is this?
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    JS: Oh, [Shiing-Shen] Chern.
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    Chern was one of the great
    mathematicians of the century.
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    I had known him when
    I was a graduate student at Berkeley.
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    And I had some ideas,
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    and I brought them to him
    and he liked them.
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    Together, we did this work
    which you can easily see up there.
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    There it is.
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    CA: It led to you publishing
    a famous paper together.
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    Can you explain at all what that work was?
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    JS: No.
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    JS: I mean, I could
    explain it to somebody.
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    CA: How about explaining this?
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    JS: But not many.
    Not many people.
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    CA: I think you told me
    it had something to do with spheres,
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    so let's start here.
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    JS: Well, it did. But I'll say about that work --
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    it did have something to do with that,
    but before we get to that --
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    that work was good mathematics.
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    I was very happy with it; so was Chern.
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    It even started a little subfield
    that's now flourishing.
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    But, more interestingly,
    it happened to apply to physics,
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    something we knew nothing about --
    at least I knew nothing about physics,
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    and I don't think Chern
    knew a heck of a lot.
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    And about 10 years
    after the paper came out,
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    a guy named Ed Witten in Princeton
    started applying it to string theory
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    and people in Russia started applying it
    to what's called "condensed matter."
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    Today, those things in there
    called Chern-Simons invariants
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    have spread through a lot of physics.
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    And it was amazing.
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    We didn't know any physics.
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    It never occurred to me
    that it would be applied to physics.
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    But that's the thing about mathematics --
    you never know where it's going to go.
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    CA: This is so incredible.
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    So, we've been talking about
    how evolution shapes human minds
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    that may or may not perceive the truth.
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    Somehow, you come up
    with a mathematical theory,
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    not knowing any physics,
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    discover two decades later
    that it's being applied
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    to profoundly describe
    he actual physical world.
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    How can that happen?
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    JS: God knows.
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    But there's a famous physicist
    named [Eugene] Wigner,
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    and he wrote an essay on the
    unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics.
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    Somehow, this mathematics,
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    which is rooted in the real world
    in some sense -- we learn to count,
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    measure, everyone would do that --
    and then it flourishes on its own.
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    But so often it comes back
    to save the day.
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    General relativity is an example.
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    [Hermann] Minkowski had this geometry,
    and Einstein realized,
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    "Hey, it's the very thing
    in which I can cast General Relativity."
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    So, you never know. It is a mystery.
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    It is a mystery.
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    CA: So, here's a mathematical
    piece of ingenuity.
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    Tell us about this.
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    JS: Well, that's a ball -- it's a sphere,
    and it has a lattice around it --
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    you know, those squares.
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    What I'm going to show here was
    originally observed by [Leonhard] Euler,
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    the great mathematician, in the 1700's.
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    And it gradually grew to be
    a very important field in mathematics:
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    algebraic topology, geometry.
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    That paper up there had its roots in this.
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    So, here's this thing:
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    it has eight vertices,
    12 edges, six faces.
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    And if you look at the difference --
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    vertices minus edges plus faces --
    you get two.
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    OK, well, two? That's a good number.
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    Here's a different way of doing it --
    these are triangles covering --
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    this has 12 vertices and 30 edges
    and 20 faces, 20 tiles.
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    And vertices minus edges
    plus faces still equals two.
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    And in fact you could
    do this any which way,
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    cover this thing with all kinds
    of polygons and triangles
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    and mix them up.
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    And you take vertices minus edges
    plus faces -- you'll get two.
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    Here's a different shape.
    This is a torus, the surface of a donut,
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    16 vertices covered by these rectangles,
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    32 edges, 16 faces,
    vertices minus edges comes out 0.
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    It'll always come out 0.
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    Every time you cover a torus
    with squares or triangles
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    or anything like that,
    you're going to get 0.
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    So, this is called
    the Euler characteristic.
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    And it's what's called
    a topological invariant.
The mathematician who cracked Wall Street
Jim Simons

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  • Well, I'll save that for a second.
    JS: Well, I'll save that for a second.

    JS: I think in the last
    three of four years,
    JS: I think in the last
    three or four years,

  • Thank you, Yasush! The corrections have been made.

  • *Please note the following updates to the English subtitles as of 9/13/15:

    14:43 - 14:45

    JS: I think in the last
    three OR four years,

    19:04 - 19:05

    JS: Well, I'll save that for a second. (speaker's initials were previously missing)

  • Please note error on line 6:47, which must be the following:

    Vertices minus edges PLUS FACES come out to zero - (16-32+16=0)

    Jim Simons speaks too fast...

  • 6:46:53
    Vertices minus edges comes out to be zero. -> Vertices minus edges plus faces comes out to be zero.

    You can see it in the presentation and also calculating it.

English subtitles

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