[upbeat music]
JESSICA: Hi, I am Jessica Nickerson.
And today, I'm going to be talking about
Tana Mongeau's campaign, Booty for Biden.
So, Tana is an influencer who got popular
from posting insane
story times on YouTube,
where she would talk about her life
in the most unfiltered way possible.
Because she has such an
authentic personality,
she usually doesn't care what she posts,
but recently she decided to
create an Only Fans account,
which is a platform
mostly used by sex workers
who post a nude in exchange for money.
Basically a rated R
Instagram that you pay for.
Then in September, Mongeau tweeted,
"If you send me proof you voted for Biden,
I'll send you a nude for free",
then tagged her Only Fans.
This campaign strategy
mimics a similar strategy
used by model, Kaylen Ward,
who people call the Naked Philanthropist.
Ward was able to raise over $1 million
for relief to Australia during
their tragic fire outbreak.
The success of Kaylen Ward
had definitely inspired
many more campaigns to
use similar techniques,
like Tana Mongeau.
Tana has 5.6 million
followers on Instagram,
2.4 million on Twitter and 5.45
million YouTube subscribers.
This means that she has the power
to influence a lot of people,
especially any undecided voters.
She got a lot of hate for her posts
with people claiming that is illegal
and she is committing an electoral crime,
but this can be seen as vote buying
or offering an expenditure to any person,
either to vote or withhold his vote,
or to vote for or against a candidate.
Punishments can include fines
and up to two years in prison.
Some states are very
against a ballot selfie.
In fact, it is illegal to
send a picture of your ballot
in 16 states, and unclear in 13.
Then, in an effort to save herself,
she responded to an
Instagram comment, saying,
"But it's like, illegal to
take photos of ballots, right"?
To which she then
replied, "You can message
and just say that you voted on video".
With Tana then lowering the requirements
to just trusting the person
claiming they voted for Biden,
this campaign seemed like it backfired.
Tana then went on Instagram live,
where she talks about the
success of her campaign.
Tana uncensored messages
are officially broken
and the point has been made.
I got tens of thousands of
messages of people telling me
that they willingly voted for Joe Biden.
And it's the best thing ever.
You don't need my ass to make you go vote.
So go vote because you want to see
a change in this country, just like me.
And thank you to everybody
who joined me today.
Booty for Biden.
Ah, Macy.
You're probably really gonna hate to hear
that on my 10 uncensored
inbox in the last hour,
I've received over 10,000 people's proof
voting for Joe Biden.
I don't really know what
your comments gonna do.
Hopefully it can get 10,000
people to vote for Trump.
JESSICA: Even though Tana
claims to have secured
tens of thousands of votes
from her Booty for Biden campaign,
we can not really see the proof
because it is hard to
account for any people lying.
And we all know how easy it
is to say we did something
we didn't do.
So, was her campaign a success?
I mean, with a big platform like Tana's,
it is possible that she may
have influenced some votes,
but the success of her YouTube
channel took a bit of a hit.
She lost 20,000 YouTube
subscribers in September.
Because she started her
campaign in September,
it is clear that there is a correlation
between her subscribers
and her political view.
Although Tana lost some
followers during the process
of her campaign, I think it is refreshing
to see people utilize different
campaigning strategies
and standing up for what they believe in.
[upbeat music]