"I've dated both guys and girls..."
-"So you've done it a lot...?"
"He claims he never did anal tho"
"His is bigger than mine"
- "Are you getting harder?"
- "Yes"
"Or you can have sex with other people"
"What happened with my BF is..."
"... so at that moment..."
"I couldn't resist."
(Barking sound)
Open the door!
He only barks in front of ugly people
Then you shouldn't be barking :p
Please enter through here
Hey, why are you still in your pajamas?
Don't we have one more hour?
No we have to go NOW!
Oops... I just woke up
- How much time do you need?
- 10 minutes
- 10 minutes and we can leave?
- Yup
Alright then.
Can you take care of Jaebum for me?
Look at your face
What are you doing!
Hurry, hurry!
He doesn't know that
He only knows 'eat' word.
Then I will teach you today!
["YJ's Dog Training 101" Soon]
[After 10 minutes]
You happy??
You like it?
You now know how to sit?
You are mine now!
Did he bite you?
Nope. He loves me.
Look. He is sitting in front of me.
- So you've trained him?
- Bite him, Jaebum!
YJ, go to bathroom for 10 seconds.
Just count to 10.
(There is something I want to show you)
- 10! I'm coming
- OK
(What will Jaebum do...?)
Come on!
Good boy!
Wait, no way!
He usually barks after you come back
as if he doesn't recognize you.
Dogs love me!
Jaebum! You like him now?!
- No way!
- You like me, huh!
Oh wait, get ready YoongHee!
[Done changing!]
- You are quick.
- I'm ready to go!
- Let's go
- You all set?
Wait what about a car?
I ain't got one...
Didn't you rent it?
I told You to rent the car
So you are renting right now?!
OMG we are late!
(They have rented one finally)
In the end, I'm renting a car for this again...
We've already had two clients...
- do we have any more...?
(Will we make profit...?)
We're gonna hit big soon,
so don't you worry.
I think today's client will be a big shot.
- Will we be paid properly this time?
- I think we'll hit big this time.
We got nothing from our previous clients...
(Profit: 0...)
- Is it someone I know?
- Today's client?
Maybe, maybe not...
- Is there someone it shouldn't be?
- It's not that...
...as long as they're not rude.
Clients you'd rather avoid:
1) a rude client...
2) client who doesn't pay properly...
- Just those two?
- Yea.
We've already gone through so much...
- Do I go here?
(Will things go Yoonghee's way...?)
I'm curious who it is!
It's around here...?
Is that not him?
(Someone he knows...?)
- Oh! Who. Is. That. Person?
(Why're we meeting here~)
You came late.
- Sorry. Sorry.
- It's okay.
- Where shall we drop you off today?
- Over by Seolleung (Station).
Seolleung Station!
We'll make our way to Seolleung Station.
Why're you going so far out?
My partner works around Seolleung.
I'm trying to meet up with them after work.
I just need to go straight at the intersection, right?
I didn't put it in the GPS...
- Wanna check on your phone?
- Check what?
If I need to get on the freeway...
(What kinda taxi doesn't know the road...?)
- Is this it? By the Seoul Station entrance...?
- Ah. Got it.
Let's try it.
But you're going the opposite direction...
(...say whut?)
- Please get there before tomorrow...
(Giving up)
- Is this your 1st time on my channel?
- Right!
I've come across it often.
Since this is your 1st time here,
- can you introduce yourself?
- Right.
My name is Changmin Kim.
I'm 30 years old...
- I'm ~6'1" and 174 lbs,
(186 cm, 79 kg)
and I am self-employed.
- It feels like he's at a mixer...
- No. That's not it.
This is the basic introduction for gays.
- Aren't height and weight basic...?
- It's your business card.
- You're pretty tall tho.
- Yea.
[Q. Did you exercise when you were younger?]
- I was on a basketball team for about 4 years.
- Really?!
I was in a basketball club in high school and college.
He's a total alpha male for gays then.
- He exercises...
(Tall AND fit)
He has a cat and a dog...
and he runs a business.
- I guess I do a lot...
- He's got a house too.
You own a house?...
Oh. I don't. I pay rent.
Ah. I see, so you just live alone?
- Yea. I live alone.
- He's an alpha man among the gays.
[Q. What've you done in terms of exercise?]
Nowadays, I go to the gym, but I initially did judo.
- In high school, I was planning to enter a Phys. Ed. college.
- For reals??
(Dominating the field in Yongin...)
I originally started judo because I had a weak body,
but it was fun, and I won prizes.
- Is your height due to family-genetics?
- Yes, we're on the taller side.
I also did Taekwon-do!
- You did everything...
- Taekwon-do came 1st;
Judo came 2nd.
Oh. Then can I ask...
I'm asking cuz you're gay, but...
[Q. When did you realize you're gay?]
I think I was born to be one.
When I was young, I had no concept of 'gay'.
I didn't know, so I liked guys and girls,
and I've dated both guys and girls.
It became established...
while I was doing sports...
maybe during judo...?
- During judo? Was there a moment?
- During judo???
- The Phys. Ed. dept. had a lot of handsome guys.
- ...with good bodies too...
I started searching for more gay content then.
Have you had a one-sided crush on someone?
A classmate you liked...
There weren't any.
- I'll say I didn't.
(Looks like he did...)
I was about to give my response readily,
but I don't think he would take it well...
"That's what you thought of me back then...? "
...cuz Phys. Ed. guys shower together and stuff...
- They'd start rethinking those moments.
- Right.
It's not just with the people I exercise with.
- It's the same for friends who've lived with me.
- ...same goes for the military.
But there were a lot of handsome guys.
(Watch yourself now, Changmin!)
- Have you seen this taxi content before?
- I have.
- Really??
- He visits my place often...
And my TV algorithm...
it's full of that kinda content...
- He's filled it with gay content?
- Yep.
Do you know why I recommended him?
He saw your content and said,
- "It would do better, if I was there."
- When did I say that!
- Really?
- It's not true!
What he said exactly was...
"He could ask better questions in my position"
- Ooh.
- I was only critiquing Yoonghee.
I would've driven better.
But doing this while driving isn't easy.
It does look tough...
You seem so perfect tho.
I'm not trying to flatter you...
Then let's ask him, "where do you think you lack?"
- What are your downsides?
(My downsides...?)
(What're you doing?)
But when I'm dating...
- I'm a side.
(No penetration)
There are people who see that as a downside.
Since I've exercised a lot,
you might think I'd be a top,
and I do top. I'll top if needs be.
But I don't really like it that much.
He's brought this topic up before...
"Is 'anal sex' a must for gays?"
What are your thoughts?
- Hold on!
(You're going a bit too fast...)
We all have our own preferences!
Top, side, bottom.
Who's the bottom?
We'll let the viewers be the judge of that.
The level's been so high from the start,
- I need time to adjust...
- Really?
Aren't you usually more intense?
We need to build it up.
- So you tend to be systematic?
(Oh. You're that type...?)
He's the 1st gay guy to ride this taxi.
- Oh. You're right!
- Really?
You're right. He's the 1st gay client.
That's why the questions have been strong from the get-go.
But personally, being a side probably wouldn't matter.
Everyone says that at first.
Before we date, they always say that.
And while we're dating, they see other guys.
(so spicy...!)
- You've experienced this often?
- Yes.
So I've gotten hurt multiple times.
After breaking up, I became single again,
and the truth comes to light.
"It's not because you're a side."
"I dated you, because I thought you were a top."
But I always ask them beforehand if they're ok with it.
We date after they say it's ok,
but then they go and see someone else.
I prefer anal.
- Do you not date sides? How is it?
- Sides?
I'm the one who changes their minds about anal.
Ah. So you're confident.
What're you better at: 'Skill' or 'Physical'?
Make a clear choice.
Sorry, but it's both for me.
Your self-confidence is amazing.
But I can't confirm it.
What a pity...
But you've probably met with some of your viewers.
But you probably aren't dating them...
What do you mean???
- He means a brief link-up.
- I don't do that!!
- Have you satisfied someone?
- Yes. I have.
Like a lover, etc.
What do you mean etc.?
A lover, etc....
(I don't mean it like that!!)
Wait. Hold on.
It's better on.
- The back looks very dark.
- Yea. It's darker than it seems.
Do you have enough space back there?
- It's not too tight here. It's alright.
- Oh. Okay.
It must be tight after not having used it...
You mean my backside...?
- The previous guests weren't too familiar with you.
- Yea. That'd be the 1st time we met.
So you'd kinda suppress yourself,
but I like seeing you speak freely today.
It's cuz when I edit the videos,
I gotta find the parts where you talk,
but you'd barely talk.
So you'd come across as a Debbie Downer.
Why can't you earn your keep?
- So I needed to use anything he said.
(I pay for my meals every day.)
Seemed like it.
When I see other videos with him, he masks his daily self.
But do you know why I do that?
- Before, we've only had straight guests.
- Right.
- I thought it'd be...
- ...rude?
More so than 'rude'...
They know that I'm gay.
If I come off too strongly,
they might think I'm into them.
I don't think you need to worry about that.
- That's a very... mistaken thought.
- I'm comfortable with people I know.
[Q. Are you currently dating?]
How many days have you been together?
It's been more than 120 days by now.
Does your partner not care that you're a side?
It's been like that so far.
Did you not notice any signs?
- Like signs he wants to do it...?
- I'm getting PTSD...
Wow. No hesitation.
We do everything up to 'anal'.
I also sense it's starting to feel monotonous.
I get what you mean!
You can tell there's more after,
so we've tried it...
But doing things like that up 'til then,
it started to feel monotonous for both of us.
Er, I'm not sure how he felt,
but that's my guess.
He'd probably think it's monotonous.
If he suddenly asks for anal, how would you respond?
That's what I'm worried about.
- Maybe you can call in a 3rd person.
- Was it always like that?
Call in a 3rd person. Are you crazy?
Why not? There are couples that do that!
- Yea.
- They really do exist!
I want to ask for your honest opinion
about bringing outside help into your relationship.
To be honest, if they wanna bring in outside help,
I'd feel hurt.
But since you like anal, that's not an issue for you.
- What's your partner's position?
- Top.
- Was he always a top?
- We're both tops.
So he couldn't really do stuff from the start.
Did neither of you consider bottoming?
Well I know can't,
but do tops decide to bottom that easily?
It depends on what percent they're top.
And there are people who want it so bad,
they're willing to bottom.
- If they're excited they might willing to try.
- Yea. Kinda like they're volunteering.
Since I tend to like cute guys,
they're mostly all bottoms.
What's your ideal type?
It's similar to Yoonghee's ideal type.
- I like cute guys.
- Short and cute guys.
- How tall is your partner?
- He's taller than me.
- He's ~6'3"
(190 cm)
Super tall...
- A 5'11" & 6"3 couple...?
(180 cm & 190 cm)
- I'm ~6'1"
- You're 6'1"?!
(186 cm)
How'd you two meet?
Like Yoonghee, there's this family.
We call them boarders.
- They're guys who visit my place often.
(My friends)
There was one guy among them
whom I eventually fell in love with.
So you were originally friends?
A friend of a friend.
And in a moment, the fireworks went off,
and it got out of hand...
Your comments are quite... raunchy.
Can I have more details
like the moment the fireworks went off.
You mean what happened in bed?
So it started on the bed...
No. I mean, when'd you start seeing him as a man?
I dunno.
It was gradual. It didn't start out like that at first.
It felt like I could date him...
With that in mind, I started liking him.
It started out like that
and eventually grew more and more.
- Is it still growing bigger?
- Yes.
- That's so nice!
- Gradually...
he's becoming more handsome day by day
...in my eyes.
I've never had this kind of relationship before.
I've had a relationship that was love at first sight.
But I think this relationship is special.
- So you've fallen for his charms as a person?
- Right.
I'll try to describe a bit of the firework moment.
That night, we were sleeping in the same bed.
I opened my eyes, and he was sleeping beside me.
But it was... how do I put it...?
He was really good-looking.
- The way he slept?
- Yes...
So I casually held him...
- So you fell for him completely?
- Don't cut him off!!
We cuddled... and...
Was it just a one-sided hug?
I think I hugged him first.
- And he was aware of it?
- Yea. He was awake.
- He was staying still?
- And it led into a kiss.
It was really hot.
You guys!
I'm hearing this for the 1st time!
We obviously didn't just stop there.
- It's not like we're in a BL drama.
- Who knows...
How far did you go??
But as the sparks started to fly...
But I'm the type to have sex before dating.
The intentions and the situation aligned.
It was just us two at home.
From then on, we started flirting.
After 2 weeks of flirting,
we started contemplating our relationship.
It was around my birthday,
and I said, "Let's just make this our Day 1."
It'd be easier to remember.
So your birthday is your anniversary?
We started dating on my birthday.
It's easier to remember that way.
(30th B-day + Anniversary...?)
- Is it filled to the brim?
- Huh?
He said his bf releases insane amounts during it.
Even if we do it every day...
But WE release inside where it's unseen.
Then does your bf go inside too?
I just go towards Seongsu, right?
- Seongsu?!?
(Hold up...!)
(But that's in the opposite direction...)
(The GoPro turned off again...)
- It must've been the heat.
Isn't it the batteries...? Oh it's hot.
Let's turn this one.
- oh shit.
(Yea. Just break it...)
[Q. What is your current work?]
I run a bar in Sillim called Chyaming,
- but the contract ends in November,
- ah. November...
I'm still deciding what to do next.
We've already thought up a few things.
It's tough because there's so many options.
What are some options?
I could continue with this work
I used to dream of running a restaurant business,
- I also did some waxing work.
(Has qualifications)
I could also do that...
I personally enjoyed waxing.
If you need a wax later, come by and visit.
I have all the waxing equipment at home.
so Waxing's an option...
I'm also doing YouTube,
so I've thought of maybe focusing more on that.
If you had to focus on one thing,
it might not be bad to try YouTube.
I'm already... drawing it all out.
Like what needs to be done to do well...
- Like working with major companies...?
(I'll keep that in mind)
If Changmin ends up doing YouTube...
is there content you wanna do with him?
Actually, since you've done judo before,
could you teach me some judo?
It's been a long time tho...
I'm at the age where I gotta be careful...
But it's a been a while, so I dunno if I can teach it...
- Just toss YJ around.
- I'll go learn it,
and then we'll face off.
- You want a match??
(A sudden match request)
I only taught him simple things like 'turning kick'.
You just need to grapple and toss him,
and just break him.
- Sounds alright?
- Or...
you can teach me how to make a dish.
That sounds good!
Since I can't really cook...
He's got no skill for it.
You're no different...