The Tunnel (2011) ~FULL MOVIE~ [Multi-Subtitles]
3:58 - 4:00The New South Wales government
4:00 - 4:03has unveiled a radical solution
to the water crisis. -
4:03 - 4:07It plans to tap into an abandoned
reservoir under the city. -
4:07 - 4:10$95 million will be spent
4:10 - 4:14on a state-of-the-art water recycling
facility in the heart of Sydney. -
4:14 - 4:16My name is Natasha Warner
4:16 - 4:20and I've worked in news and
current affairs for well over 10 years. -
4:20 - 4:22I knew that I wanted to tell stories.
4:22 - 4:25I knew I wanted to
communicate to the public -
4:25 - 4:29and, um, that looked like
the perfect place for me. -
4:29 - 4:32The NSW Minister
for Water and the Environment -
4:32 - 4:35has been under sustained fire
for 12 months now. -
4:35 - 4:39Sydney's water reserves
are at an all-time low. -
4:39 - 4:42We are a progressive government
and in the face of climate change -
4:42 - 4:45we need to look at all possibilities,
and recycling water -
4:45 - 4:47is definitely the way of the future.
4:47 - 4:50I first came across a story which was
focusing on the government -
4:50 - 4:53that had just announced
some water recycling plans -
4:53 - 4:56and they wanted to use
abandoned underground tunnels -
4:56 - 5:00in one of our biggest rail systems.
5:00 - 5:03Thousands of people
pass through here each day -
5:03 - 5:06not realising the state government's
solution to the water crisis -
5:06 - 5:08is beneath their feet.
5:08 - 5:11The plan is to build
recycling infrastructure -
5:11 - 5:16to make use of millions of litres of water
trapped in disused train tunnels. -
5:16 - 5:18I didn't realise how vast they were.
5:18 - 5:22There's virtually a whole other city
underneath us. -
5:22 - 5:26Welfare groups say the tunnels
are a refuge for Sydney's homeless. -
5:26 - 5:28Building underground
water recycling infrastructure -
5:28 - 5:32would leave them with nowhere to go.
5:32 - 5:35The new homeless concerns
are likely to cause another road block -
5:35 - 5:39for the government's
water crisis solution. -
5:39 - 5:40In a similar scenario in the US,
5:40 - 5:42hundreds of homeless
5:42 - 5:44were recently
evicted from underground tunnels. -
5:44 - 5:47It caused a public relations nightmare.
5:47 - 5:49You can quickly
see why the government's -
5:49 - 5:51having so much
trouble evicting the homeless. -
5:51 - 5:53I mean, trying to navigate through
5:53 - 5:56this maze of dark tunnels is hard.
5:56 - 5:58Trying to find people hiding in here
5:58 - 6:00is virtually impossible.
6:00 - 6:02The Water and Environment minister
says -
6:02 - 6:06there is no evidence
of anyone living in Sydney's tunnels. -
6:06 - 6:11He says if Labor wins the election,
the water solution will proceed. -
6:11 - 6:15After the initial fanfare
the story dried up -- -
6:15 - 6:18it was like the whole thing
never happened. -
6:18 - 6:22That's when alarm bells went off in
my head. Things just don't disappear. -
6:22 - 6:26Whenever something's not
spoken about, I've got to ask why. -
6:26 - 6:38It's my job as a journalist.
6:38 - 6:39Cheers, John. Happy birthday.
6:39 - 6:41My birthday...
6:41 - 6:44What's your birthday message?
6:44 - 6:48What do you have to say?
Uh, John... -
6:48 - 6:51Actually, I can tell you
a story about John. -
6:51 - 6:54You guys may not know this one,
it was way back in 1991. -
6:54 - 6:57My name's Steve Miller,
I'm a TV cameraman. -
6:57 - 7:01I've been working in news
and current affairs since the mid-'80s. -
7:01 - 7:04Me and Pete had just started,
and they sent us to the first Gulf War. -
7:04 - 7:06So we had to phone home to the office,
7:06 - 7:08to John, who was
the news director at the time, -
7:08 - 7:10and said, "Send us more cash.
7:10 - 7:13"We need to get some gas masks
and chemical suits and stuff." -
7:13 - 7:15So they sent us, like, 10 grand.
7:15 - 7:19We've got this cash in our hand, we've
gone, "Fuck it, let's spend it on piss!" -
7:19 - 7:23And the air raid sirens, everyone else
is fucking pulling on their masks, -
7:23 - 7:27and we're just going, "Oh, fuck it."
7:27 - 7:30You kind of get married to the job,
so the people you work with, -
7:30 - 7:33they end up becoming
like family members. -
7:33 - 7:35You've met our soundo.
7:35 - 7:39He's an incredibly handsome young
man, but he's not very good at his job. -
7:39 - 7:41Come here, Tangles.
What're you talking about? -
7:41 - 7:44I'm talking about the time
in the States we went... -
7:44 - 7:46Two weeks you went
without headphones. -
7:46 - 7:47Remember that?
7:47 - 7:49And did anyone notice?
No-one noticed! -
7:49 - 7:52He's a genius.
That's how good I am. -
7:52 - 7:57I don't even need to hear it,
I feel it on the knobs. -
7:57 - 7:58When you get that gang on the road,
7:58 - 8:01when you get Steve
and Tangles out on a shoot, -
8:01 - 8:02they're just...
8:02 - 8:05They're professional,
but they're also kids. -
8:05 - 8:11At the end of the day they like to
muck around and have a bit of a laugh. -
8:11 - 8:16I remember Natasha,
she was at another network -
8:16 - 8:20and then a couple of years later
they brought her across to us. -
8:20 - 8:23First impression?
8:23 - 8:26Just another young person coming in
8:26 - 8:29getting paid too much money,
hadn't really proved herself. -
8:29 - 8:31But, you know,
she was the next big thing. -
8:31 - 8:33Hey, Pete! Pete!
8:33 - 8:34A business meeting?
8:34 - 8:37Production meeting.
Production meeting. -
8:37 - 8:39Talking about producing some, uh...
8:39 - 8:43..sea-man.
8:43 - 8:46Well, yeah... produ...
8:46 - 8:57How's that? You'd better
turn that off soon. -
8:57 - 8:59Pete!
Pete! -
8:59 - 9:00Hey?
The one that got away! -
9:00 - 9:03I'm not away, I'm here.
Haven't we done that story before? -
9:03 - 9:05Come in here, mate.
9:05 - 9:09Pete and I, we had
an interesting working relationship. -
9:09 - 9:13He was very determined
in the way he would do his job -
9:13 - 9:16and I was very determined in the way
I would do mine. -
9:16 - 9:18Sometimes that would
work well together, -
9:18 - 9:21and sometimes it would
sort of cause a bit of friction. -
9:21 - 9:26Whenever her name came up,
the subject was changed pretty quickly. -
9:26 - 9:28When you think back on it now,
you sort of go, -
9:28 - 9:43"Oh, yeah, there was
something going on there." -
9:43 - 9:46I came across a YouTube video
which showed some youths -
9:46 - 9:50defacing and vandalising
areas around the tunnels. -
9:50 - 9:54Sef? Did you do this?
9:54 - 9:56You are fucking kidding me!
9:56 - 9:58Fucking teach them a lesson, then, eh?
9:58 - 9:59I fucking will.
9:59 - 10:02This is what I think of your shit, MK.
10:02 - 10:04Within that clip itself
10:04 - 10:07there was something unknown.
10:07 - 10:12Quite clearly, though, there was
something there in the tunnel. -
10:12 - 10:13Fuck was that?
10:13 - 10:15Shh... Shh...
10:15 - 10:19What was that?
Shut up. -
10:19 - 10:22Fuck, what the fuck was that?
10:22 - 10:26They're still here.
10:26 - 10:27Oi!
10:27 - 10:30Give me the torch...
Sef, come on, let's get out of here. -
10:30 - 10:31Just fucking give me
the torch, you bitch! -
10:31 - 10:35No, don't! Come on!
It's cool, it's fucking cool. Oi! -
10:35 - 10:37Think you can tag
on my fuckin' work, do ya? -
10:37 - 10:39Fuck, Sef, come on.
We've gotta fucking... -
10:39 - 10:40Fuck.
10:40 - 10:47Sef!
Sef? -
10:47 - 10:50Sef? What the hell, Sef? Come on!
10:50 - 10:53Hold on. Sef, ANSWER ME!
10:53 - 10:56Sef!
Fuck this. I'm out of here. -
10:56 - 10:58Dez, hold on. Don't go anywhere. Wait.
10:58 - 11:00J, come on!
Dez, stop! -
11:00 - 11:03Dez, don't rack off!
What the fuck are you doing? Help! -
11:03 - 11:13Sef? Sef, answer me, please!
11:13 - 11:18Once I saw that clip, I thought,
"This is a story I can go to John with." -
11:18 - 11:20You know,
"Finally it's got some strength." -
11:20 - 11:25Since when does a decent journalist
use YouTube as research? -
11:25 - 11:29It was a good clip, but at the time
I thought, "She's crazy." -
11:29 - 11:33When I pitched the story to John,
he put Pete on this. -
11:33 - 11:35What that meant was...
11:35 - 11:38Pete had an upcoming job
and story in China -
11:38 - 11:41which he was very,
very passionate about. -
11:41 - 11:53And I had to give him the news
that he was taken off the story. -
11:53 - 11:57I first heard about the tunnels
being a potential story for us -
11:57 - 12:01just as we were prepping up
actually to go to China, with Pete. -
12:01 - 12:03Hey, mate, there's
a focus chart there somewhere. -
12:03 - 12:05Can you just hold it up for us?
Yeah, yeah. No worries. -
12:05 - 12:07Beauty.
12:07 - 12:09He'd been working
on this thing for a long time -
12:09 - 12:13and he was pretty pumped
to get over there and get stuck into it. -
12:13 - 12:15I think he had some pretty good leads,
12:15 - 12:19which could have blown
his career wide open -- it was great. -
12:19 - 12:21How's it look, mate?
Mate, it looks pretty good. -
12:21 - 12:23It ought to, the amount the repairs cost.
12:23 - 12:25Thanks, Tangles. Nice one.
12:25 - 12:27No more throwing cameras
around stairwells. -
12:27 - 12:30Yeah, I told you guys
it's not my fault, alright? -
12:30 - 12:35Hey, um, you happy to go handheld?
The lighter we go, the quicker we move. -
12:35 - 12:37Absolutely, mate.
We 're going to China after all. -
12:37 - 12:42More room for cheap DVDs,
pirated software... -
12:42 - 12:43You're all class, mate.
12:43 - 12:46It was purely John's decision
to put Pete on this story. -
12:46 - 12:50Well, I was a little uncomfortable
with having Pete there to start with. -
12:50 - 12:59Like I said before,
we weren't exactly always gelling. -
12:59 - 13:01I was really nervous
about talking to Pete. -
13:01 - 13:20I didn't wanna tell him.
13:20 - 13:22It's not that exciting,
13:22 - 13:25when you're building your hopes up
for this great big story -
13:25 - 13:31and then you sort of
get given a shit sandwich. -
13:31 - 13:33I thought at that point
I was doing the right thing. -
13:33 - 13:37I thought that Pete having to postpone
what he had planned -
13:37 - 13:44was worth it in the end for the story.
13:44 - 13:47He did say he went in to see John.
13:47 - 13:49I don't know
what happened in that room, -
13:49 - 13:52and the contents of that conversation
13:52 - 13:55but, yeah, he had spoken
to John about it, -
13:55 - 13:58and I think it was from that point on
13:58 - 14:15it was clear he wasn't going to China
and Nat had won the day. -
14:15 - 14:19Why did John go the other way?
14:19 - 14:22C'mon. We all know
why John was favouring Nat. -
14:22 - 14:31Eh?
14:31 - 14:35Once Peter was on the story
we started attending the daily pressers -
14:35 - 14:39to try and find out what happened
to the water recycling plans. -
14:39 - 14:41Pete was pissed off,
but, you know, Pete's a pro. -
14:41 - 14:43Took him a day or two,
then he came round -
14:43 - 14:45just like the guy he is.
14:45 - 14:49He started to do
his own searching around -- -
14:49 - 14:52he had contacts in the council
who he spoke to. -
14:52 - 14:54And some rumours started to surface
14:54 - 14:56that not only were there
homeless living in the tunnels, -
14:56 - 14:58but there were homeless
that were going missing. -
14:58 - 15:01You know, at that point
we slowly started to think -
15:01 - 15:03there may be something in this.
15:03 - 15:05So we just started
15:05 - 15:08by chasing the then water minister.
15:08 - 15:10The main thing that was apparent --
15:10 - 15:14that he was staying quiet on the topic.
15:14 - 15:17He wouldn't talk to us --
no-one would talk to us. -
15:17 - 15:19At that point, we were
just getting stonewalled. -
15:19 - 15:21If it was true
that homeless were going missing, -
15:21 - 15:24this was a big story.
15:24 - 15:28And it was a really important one.
15:28 - 15:30Where is he?
Through here. -
15:30 - 15:31Minister!
15:31 - 15:34Minister, have you seen the report about
the homeless people in the tunnels? -
15:34 - 15:36Nothing to say at the moment.
15:36 - 15:39Have you scrapped your plans because
people are going missing in the tunnels? -
15:39 - 15:41No comment. No comment.
15:41 - 15:43Minister, should people be worried?
15:43 - 15:52Is there a threat in
the underground tunnels? -
15:52 - 15:54Well?
15:54 - 15:57Alright... that was alright.
You reckon? -
15:57 - 15:59I knew we wouldn't get anything.
15:59 - 16:03I think that definitely
on quite a large scale -
16:03 - 16:05there was a lot of people
in the government -
16:05 - 16:07that knew what was going on.
16:07 - 16:09They knew what was
going on down there. -
16:09 - 16:11You know, with everything
that's happened subsequently, -
16:11 - 16:23they were hiding stuff.
16:23 - 16:27I started getting in contact with
a few of the shelters around the city, -
16:27 - 16:30and eventually I came across
one particular homeless man -
16:30 - 16:34who I had believed
had been living in the tunnels. -
16:34 - 16:37So this was...
I mean, this was fantastic. -
16:37 - 16:43We had, finally, someone to speak to.
16:43 - 16:49Right, Trevor, just one sec.
I've gotta fix your mike, if that's OK. -
16:49 - 16:55I'm not sure how she found Trevor,
but Natasha found Trevor. -
16:55 - 17:02We went down to this home,
and we sat him down for an interview. -
17:02 - 17:03Yeah, sweet.
17:03 - 17:08Alright, mate. This will be fun.
You'll be on telly. -
17:08 - 17:09Alright, guys, I'm sweet.
17:09 - 17:11Trevor, if you don't feel
comfortable with anything -
17:11 - 17:14you let me know at any time.
17:14 - 17:17And, um, when I'm
asking you the questions, -
17:17 - 17:21if you're not quite sure
of an answer, that's OK -- -
17:21 - 17:23we can fix it up later,
so don't worry about that. -
17:23 - 17:25Good.
Yeah? Thank you. -
17:25 - 17:29Well, the interview with Trevor
was a tricky one -
17:29 - 17:32but something that I am, I guess,
17:32 - 17:35always quite accustomed
to dealing with. -
17:35 - 17:37Trevor, I understand you've
been living it rough... -
17:37 - 17:40Call me Trev.
17:40 - 17:43Trev? OK.
17:43 - 17:46Trev, I understand you've been living it
rough for quite some time now. -
17:46 - 17:50What circumstances took you
to living in the tunnels? -
17:50 - 17:55Uh... Well, it kept me and my mates
warm in the winter. Yeah. -
17:55 - 17:59It all started out great,
chatting away to him. -
17:59 - 18:03He started to tell me a little bit about,
you know, his circumstances, -
18:03 - 18:05what led him to live in the tunnels.
18:05 - 18:09He started to really paint a picture
of what it was like there. -
18:09 - 18:12And amongst your friends,
Alfie and Johnny and Harry -
18:12 - 18:14and some of the others,
18:14 - 18:20do they still live down there... now?
18:20 - 18:25No.
18:25 - 18:27Trev?
18:27 - 18:30Hmm.
Are you OK? You comfortable? -
18:30 - 18:35Hmm. Yeah.
18:35 - 18:37At that point in the interview,
I asked Trevor -
18:37 - 18:40what he perhaps had
been through in the tunnels. -
18:40 - 18:43I asked Trevor what he had seen.
18:43 - 18:50Clearly something
had happened to him. -
18:50 - 18:57Trevor, did you know someone
who went missing? -
18:57 - 19:05Trevor, did anything happen
to you down there? -
19:05 - 19:07Trevor...
19:07 - 19:11.. are you alright?
19:11 - 19:34NO!
19:34 - 19:38Shit.
19:38 - 19:40Did you get that before?
Yeah. Yeah, I got it. -
19:40 - 19:43Oh, my God...
19:43 - 19:49Crazy.
I know. -
19:49 - 19:52After Trevor's interview, it was clear
we were onto something. -
19:52 - 19:55AII the pieces of the puzzle were
symptoms of something deeper, -
19:55 - 19:57I just didn't know what.
19:57 - 19:59I needed more.
19:59 - 20:06We needed to get down there.
20:06 - 20:08Your call
may be recorded for training purposes. -
20:08 - 20:21Please advise your operator if you
do not wish your call to be recorded. -
20:21 - 20:23Hello, this is Pam.
20:23 - 20:25Oh, hi, Pam, it's Natasha Warner here.
How are you? -
20:25 - 20:28I'm well, Nat, and you?
Yeah, good, good, thanks. -
20:28 - 20:30Look, I'm just wondering
if you can help me out. -
20:30 - 20:34I'm working on a story and I need
to get into the tunnels under the CBD. -
20:34 - 20:36Who do I need to talk to
to make that happen? -
20:36 - 20:38Right. What's the story?
20:38 - 20:41Oh, look, I just need half an hour.
20:41 - 20:48Um... just hang on a sec...
20:48 - 20:50Nat, sorry -- I can't help you this time.
20:50 - 20:52What?
20:52 - 20:53Apparently no-one's getting in there,
20:53 - 20:56and I don't think you'll be getting
any special treatment. -
20:56 - 20:58C'mon, Pam, it's me.
20:58 - 21:03Exactly. And people got burnt
last time. I can't do it. -
21:03 - 21:06I really need this.
Look, Pam, can you help me out? -
21:06 - 21:14I'm sorry, Nat. 'Bye.
Look, I just need half... -
21:14 - 21:16I guess it's easier to look at it now
21:16 - 21:21and say that I was perhaps under
a lot of pressure to get this story. -
21:21 - 21:25At the time I just...
I felt I was doing my job. -
21:25 - 21:28I was so focused on just doing my job.
21:28 - 21:30There was a lot of rumours
kicking around -
21:30 - 21:33she was in big trouble, and she
kind of really needed to lift her game -
21:33 - 21:36otherwise she was gone.
21:36 - 21:38Well, I think that I'd put
a lot of work into my career -
21:38 - 21:44and I think it was all basically
hanging on this one... one story. -
21:44 - 21:46You know, I didn't really have a choice.
21:46 - 21:49Hey, Tangles,
how's your head, mate? -
21:49 - 21:52Pete, I'm like a fucking shark.
As long as I keep moving, I'll be OK. -
21:52 - 21:54Here we go -- this is what you looked like
21:54 - 21:57after Steve pulled you
out of the loo last night. -
21:57 - 21:59Oh, Steve, new toy.
21:59 - 22:02Mate, waterproof, baby! A TG!
All the gear, yeah. -
22:02 - 22:04Good at spending the network's money.
22:04 - 22:06It's not just water-resistant,
it's fully waterproof? -
22:06 - 22:08Yeah, waterproof, mate.
22:08 - 22:12Yeah, can you roll up for me?
I'll, uh, give it a bit of sound. There it is. -
22:12 - 22:14Sure, mate.
Sweet. -
22:14 - 22:16Rolling.
Uh, great. -
22:16 - 22:20Pete, I'll just
get you to say some shit. -
22:20 - 22:22Hang on...
One, two. -
22:22 - 22:25Here, mate, just say some shit to that.
"Some shit to that." -
22:25 - 22:29Um, yes, very excited to be
going down the smelly sewers... -
22:29 - 22:30Hello. How'd you go?
22:30 - 22:35Haven't got all the permits sorted
but, um, John's got us covered, OK? -
22:35 - 22:38When Natasha said that John
was covering us -
22:38 - 22:40and we didn't have permits...
22:40 - 22:43That's kind of a pretty loose
arrangement, -
22:43 - 22:46you know, you just sort of sit there
and go, "Oh, well, we must be fine." -
22:46 - 22:49You sure?
Yeah. -
22:49 - 22:51When?
We're on for tonight. -
22:51 - 22:54Tonight? OK. So we are up?
Yeah, mate. -
22:54 - 22:57Yep, tonight. You good?
Yeah, sweet. Yeah, I'm good, man. -
22:57 - 23:00Alright.
The sooner we go, the better, hey? -
23:00 - 23:03Yep.
23:03 - 23:07As a crew, it's... it's our job
to film it and get coverage. -
23:07 - 23:24It's really not our job to question it.
23:24 - 23:27Hey, Pete, just hang back. I'm just
gonna get a shot of Nat walking in. -
23:27 - 23:28Yeah? OK.
23:28 - 23:32Excuse me, guys?
Guys... Hold up, restricted area. -
23:32 - 23:34Oh, sorry, mate.
Maybe no-one told you. -
23:34 - 23:37We're just gonna be filming for about
half an hour. We'll be out of your hair. -
23:37 - 23:41Just grabbing a few shots...
I'll need to see a permit. -
23:41 - 23:47Permit?
Yeah, uh... -
23:47 - 23:54You got a permit?
I've got a driver's licence. -
23:54 - 23:59Pete... how much have
you got in your wallet? -
23:59 - 24:25You're kidding me, aren't you?
24:25 - 24:28We're not third world here,
it's not gonna work. -
24:28 - 24:31Guys? Everyone, time to leave, please.
24:31 - 24:33Told you.
Fucking hell. -
24:33 - 24:39Let's go, come on.
24:39 - 24:46I was that far into it
I couldn't go back at that point. -
24:46 - 24:48We decided to find another way in,
24:48 - 25:08with or without official... assistance.
25:08 - 25:10We found some access
round the other side. -
25:10 - 25:20Yeah, it looked like
a maintenance access. -
25:20 - 25:27You sure John's got this sorted?
Grow some balls, Pete. -
25:27 - 25:33I, at that point,
was starting to feel as though -
25:33 - 25:34there was something not quite right.
25:34 - 25:39Um, so I thought,
to cover myself and to cover Tangles, -
25:39 - 25:41and really to cover all of us,
25:41 - 25:44I'd just film pretty much everything
that was happening there. -
25:44 - 25:46You know, I thought we had to have
25:46 - 25:48some sort of way of
protecting ourselves, -
25:48 - 25:49should something go wrong.
25:49 - 25:52You know, if we got busted
and fined or whatever, arrested, -
25:52 - 25:56um, you know, I had some
evidence it wasn't me -
25:56 - 25:58trying to push us down there,
and it wasn't Tangles, -
25:58 - 26:02but it was Natasha.
26:02 - 26:11Here -- take this.
26:11 - 26:14Here we go.
26:14 - 26:19OK, let's go.
26:19 - 26:21You right? You want me to...
Take this. -
26:21 - 26:22Yep.
26:22 - 26:44OK, make it quick.
26:44 - 26:48We just were kind of covering
our tracks as we went down -- -
26:48 - 26:51you know, we didn't want
to get discovered. -
26:51 - 26:54Looking back on that...
26:54 - 27:00..that was probably a mistake.
27:00 - 27:02We OK?
Hey? -
27:02 - 27:03Are we OK to be down here?
27:03 - 27:26That's what she said.
She said John's got us covered. -
27:26 - 27:28When we start filming a story --
27:28 - 27:31when we actually start
"OK, let's get it, let's roll" -- -
27:31 - 27:34Pete and Natasha,
they look after the editorial content, -
27:34 - 27:38and, you know, it's kind of
my job to take over there -
27:38 - 27:40and look after the pictures.
27:40 - 27:43OK, turn around and come back.
I'll just get you walking past this grill. -
27:43 - 27:50You guys just hang back
there for a second. -
27:50 - 27:53Tangles and I would go off
and we'd just start -
27:53 - 27:56getting stuck into it,
filming like we always would. -
27:56 - 28:06You know, don't really need direction,
we'd just get into it. -
28:06 - 28:09Once we got in sort of a little bit further,
there were whole sections of tunnels -
28:09 - 28:13that were absolutely,
absolutely pitch black. -
28:13 - 28:16It is completely black down there.
28:16 - 28:20You know, you could go in there,
turn the light off, spin around -
28:20 - 28:22and you wouldn't know where you were.
28:22 - 28:25'Cause there's junctions,
tunnels going off everywhere. -
28:25 - 28:26So I kind of thought...
28:26 - 28:29The first time I turned off the light
and stood there, I thought -
28:29 - 28:32we're gonna have to keep the light on
and stay across where we are -
28:32 - 28:35'cause otherwise it's going to be
pretty easy to get lost down there. -
28:35 - 28:37Hey, Tangles?
Yeah? -
28:37 - 28:39Just come here, mate.
28:39 - 28:41There's something wrong with
my light. Can you check it out? -
28:41 - 28:43What do you mean?
Is it the connection? -
28:43 - 28:45Yeah, can you look in real close?
Is there something stuck on it? -
28:45 - 28:47Ah, shit!
28:47 - 28:52How did I not see that coming?
28:52 - 28:56Thanks for that, Steve.
My eyes are stuffed. -
28:56 - 28:58Great.
Let's go. -
28:58 - 28:59Pete had sourced a map of the tunnels,
28:59 - 29:03but the further we got in, the more
we realised it wasn't exactly accurate. -
29:03 - 29:08There were whole sections of tunnels
that weren't even on the map. -
29:08 - 29:13Just give us some light here, Steve.
29:13 - 29:22OK. So that's the entrance,
that's where we came down before... -
29:22 - 29:25That's that way. That's not here...
I don't know why that is. -
29:25 - 29:27OK, through here.
29:27 - 29:30Yep. That must be the way.
29:30 - 29:33Once we got through
and past the maintenance areas -
29:33 - 29:36and we got into a little bit more
of the guts of the tunnels, -
29:36 - 29:39my impressions were
that... that it was amazing. -
29:39 - 29:42It was vast, this place was huge.
29:42 - 29:44That's awesome.
29:44 - 29:48Shit, the sound's great.
29:48 - 29:52Pete? Can I have 10 minutes
to grab some overlay here? -
29:52 - 29:53I'll give you five.
29:53 - 29:55Five?
Yep. -
29:55 - 29:57We were very close
to the station there, so, um, -
29:57 - 30:07you know, Pete was trying
to make us pretty low-key. -
30:07 - 30:23I was blown away by the size of it --
it was massive, and just eerie. -
30:23 - 30:35You know, I think
we were all in awe of it. -
30:35 - 30:39It wasn't really difficult to get
great-looking shots down there, -
30:39 - 30:41you know, 'cause you're really just
painting stuff with your light -
30:41 - 31:05and whatever you saw there just was...
it looked really cool. -
31:05 - 31:22This is looking really good.
Hey, guys, just hush for a sec. -
31:22 - 31:25Alright, looks good. Yeah, sweet.
31:25 - 31:28The history to these tunnels, the ones
in particular that we were looking at, -
31:28 - 31:30was just incredible.
31:30 - 31:33I mean, it dates back pre-World War II.
31:33 - 31:37They were to be used as
an underground rail system. -
31:37 - 31:46Then in World War II
they were used as air raid shelters. -
31:46 - 31:52Come have a look at this.
31:52 - 31:54The current NSW government
31:54 - 31:58is not the first to use these
tunnels for another purpose. -
31:58 - 32:00I'm standing in a section of tunnel
32:00 - 32:03that was converted into an
air raid shelter during World War ll. -
32:03 - 32:06It's complete with all the amenities
32:06 - 32:12that enabled soldiers to stay
for extended periods. -
32:12 - 32:14Various rooms were then, um,
32:14 - 32:19reused and fashioned
for training for the SAS. -
32:19 - 32:23So time and time again they've,
I guess, been reinvented for their use, -
32:23 - 32:36and even to this day with the water
recycling plans that were announced. -
32:36 - 32:38I was fortunate enough to
come across an area where -
32:38 - 32:41it was evident that there was definitely,
you know, homeless -
32:41 - 32:43or, you know, people living down there.
32:43 - 32:47That's good... good just here.
32:47 - 32:51I'm right to go?
Hang on a sec. -
32:51 - 32:53Go when you're ready.
32:53 - 32:56We've been walking in
the tunnel for less than an hour, -
32:56 - 32:59and already we've come
across somebody's home. -
32:59 - 33:03Here you can see their
makeshift bed, blanket -
33:03 - 33:04and empty tins of food.
33:04 - 33:08Coming across the belongings
was very important -- -
33:08 - 33:10it was vital to the story.
33:10 - 33:14It was absolute proof
that there was life down here. -
33:14 - 33:16While there is no sign of
an occupant at the moment, -
33:16 - 33:22it is clear the minister's assertions
of abandoned tunnels are incorrect. -
33:22 - 33:24This was something that
the government were denying. -
33:24 - 33:29This is something
that we could now prove. -
33:29 - 33:32Hey, Nat, I'll get a shot of you
going down there, actually. -
33:32 - 33:33Yeah, cool.
33:33 - 33:36Oh, hey. Light.
33:36 - 33:48Cheers.
33:48 - 33:51Mate, what's up?
What? Nothing. -
33:51 - 33:55It's a bit tight down there, tubby.
You reckon you're gonna make it? -
33:55 - 33:58He mustn't like working on the show.
33:58 - 34:00Nat! You alright?
Nat, you alright? -
34:00 - 34:01Yeah, I'm right.
34:01 - 34:05Do you need a hand?
No, I'm fine. -
34:05 - 34:08Nat? Look, we've already
got the sleeping bags and stuff, -
34:08 - 34:10we don't really need to get the lake.
34:10 - 34:12We could probably do the rest up here.
Pete... Pete, I'm alright. -
34:12 - 34:14I just think it's a little...
I'm fine! -
34:14 - 34:17Just let's keep going.
34:17 - 34:19Alright, you take that.
Yeah. -
34:19 - 34:22What's eating her?
Oh, she just really needs the story. -
34:22 - 34:25After what happened last time,
she's treading on thin ice. -
34:25 - 34:26Yeah, I reckon.
34:26 - 34:29That's why John put me onto this --
make sure she doesn't fuck up again. -
34:29 - 34:32If she's not up to it,
why doesn't he give her the arse? -
34:32 - 34:34Mate, I think John'd wanna
give her a little more than just that. -
34:34 - 34:37Well, he'd have to get in line
behind you, wouldn't he? -
34:37 - 34:40Hey, guys, you might
wanna know for future reference -
34:40 - 34:42that these tunnels
carry sound pretty well. -
34:42 - 34:47And as far as I can hear,
you're all arseholes. -
34:47 - 34:49Fuck off!
34:49 - 34:53Yeah, give me the torch.
Right, yeah, hang on. -
34:53 - 34:57There you go, mate.
34:57 - 35:01Get down there, you arsehole.
35:01 - 35:05Pete, can you just lift that handle up
for me? Get a bit of sound. -
35:05 - 35:11Where to? Just...
35:11 - 35:13Yeah, nice.
Give it a kick. -
35:13 - 35:16Yeah, give it a kick.
Send it on its way. -
35:16 - 35:19What are we doing?
Just... just give it a kick. -
35:19 - 35:22You call it.
35:22 - 35:32Uno, dos, tres, cuatro.
35:32 - 35:55Thanks, guys.
35:55 - 35:58The lake was just... so... vast.
35:58 - 36:02I mean, this thing runs
a kilometre long. -
36:02 - 36:04It's bigger than I thought.
36:04 - 36:07Yeah, I get that a lot.
36:07 - 36:09Me and Tangles were
mucking around a bit -- -
36:09 - 36:12we like to play jokes on each other.
36:12 - 36:16You know, if I didn't do it,
he would've done it. -
36:16 - 36:17So I just grabbed him
and sort of went... -
36:17 - know, at the edge of the lake,
went to push him in. -
36:19 - 36:21You know how you go up,
hold onto their shoulders -
36:21 - 36:23and pull them back again?
36:23 - 36:27Which I did, and then I let go of him,
and went to walk back to the camera -- -
36:27 - 36:30in he went.
36:30 - 36:32Shit.
Tangles, are you right? -
36:32 - 36:35Yeah, slipped.
There's your dip, mate. -
36:35 - 36:37Steve, you... prick.
36:37 - 36:40Oi, this is not funny. It's fucking cold.
36:40 - 36:46Are you gonna give him a hand?
No, fuck him! -
36:46 - 36:49This is not... Stop laughing, OK?
36:49 - 36:51How long are we gonna be
down here, alright? -
36:51 - 36:54Tangles, as much as we used to
joke around and muck around together, -
36:54 - 36:57when it came time to work,
you know, he was very serious, -
36:57 - 37:00and it wasn't time for joking.
37:00 - 37:03Creative department's ready.
Just letting you know. -
37:03 - 37:05OK.
37:05 - 37:07Nat, just come forward a fraction.
37:07 - 37:10So, you know, when he's sort of
giving me the impression -
37:10 - 37:13that there were problems,
I was believing him. -
37:13 - 37:17I'm standing directly below
one of Sydney's busiest train stations. -
37:17 - 37:19Behind me is the forgotten
water resource -
37:19 - 37:22that's causing all the controversy.
37:22 - 37:23Earlier this year the government...
37:23 - 37:26Nat, sorry. Pete, are you making noise?
No. -
37:26 - 37:29You weren't whispering?
No. -
37:29 - 37:31Alright. Sorry, Nat.
Can we go from the top? -
37:31 - 37:36Everyone, just keep it quiet. Thank you.
37:36 - 37:38OK, let's go from the top again.
Let's move. -
37:38 - 37:42When you're ready, Nat.
37:42 - 37:46I'm standing directly below one of
Sydney's busiest train stations. -
37:46 - 37:48Behind me is the forgotten
water resource... -
37:48 - 37:51Nat, sorry. Are you guys
fucking with me? What's the noise? -
37:51 - 37:53What are you hearing, mate?
37:53 - 37:56It's... Hang on, I'll just check the battery.
37:56 - 37:59Sweet, um, I don't know.
37:59 - 38:01Maybe it's your cables.
Yeah, cables don't fucking talk, Steve. -
38:01 - 38:04Uh, alright. Sorry, Nat.
Go for it again, I'll see what I can do. -
38:04 - 38:07Just go straight through.
38:07 - 38:13If Tangles says he heard something,
I do believe he felt he heard something. -
38:13 - 38:16I can't describe
how silent the place was, -
38:16 - 38:22so at the time I didn't feel that...
he could have been hearing anything. -
38:22 - 38:25It... it was strange.
38:25 - 38:29I was just thinking, you know,
it could have been a technical problem, -
38:29 - 38:33could have been anything -- some
RF interference, anything like that. -
38:33 - 38:37But, you know, Tangles was adamant
there was something going on, -
38:37 - 38:43and, uh, when he's serious about
something, you know, you believe him. -
38:43 - 38:46Earlier this year,
the government announced, -
38:46 - 38:49then quietly abandoned,
plans to recycle water from this lake. -
38:49 - 38:54The Minister for Water
has yet to give a reason why. -
38:54 - 38:59Beautiful. Pete, happy?
I'm happy. How are you, Tangles? -
38:59 - 39:02Oh... yeah. Yeah, sweet, yeah.
39:02 - 39:07Alright, let's go.
Let's move, grab the sticks. -
39:07 - 39:12Alright, let's go.
39:12 - 39:14After we'd finished
our piece at the lake, um, -
39:14 - 39:20we decided to head for the bell room.
39:20 - 39:22Righto, Nat.
39:22 - 39:27Basically the bell room was built as like
a air raid sort of alert back in the war. -
39:27 - 39:32They would use it
to warn people of danger. -
39:32 - 39:35When we rang the bell,
it... it was deafening. -
39:35 - 39:37It rattled your ribs.
39:37 - 39:40This bell is a relic of World War ll.
39:40 - 39:43It remains here in the confines
of an air raid shelter, -
39:43 - 39:51as a reminder of what
imminent danger sounds like. -
39:51 - 39:55Shit, that blew my levels
right off the meter, sorry. Um... -
39:55 - 39:58Hang on. Nat, can you just
hit the bell once more? -
39:58 - 40:04Yep. Ready to go?
Yep. -
40:04 - 40:05How's that?
40:05 - 40:07Nah, look, if you want me to get that,
40:07 - 40:09it's probably best I boom it
from down the hall. -
40:09 - 40:13Yeah, OK. Well, if we need it.
OK, cool, two seconds. -
40:13 - 40:18Tangles decided to, um, go into
the adjoining room off the bell room -
40:18 - 40:20and boom it from there
40:20 - 40:24just to basically kill the sound
of the level of the bell, -
40:24 - 40:28which was just making
his levels peak out. -
40:28 - 40:31I don't really know much
about recording sound, -
40:31 - 40:35but I did at the time remember
thinking, "That's a bit weird." -
40:35 - 40:39You know, why would you do that?
Just turn it down a little bit. -
40:39 - 40:41Surely it's that simple?
40:41 - 40:42Uh, Steve, can you do me a favour?
40:42 - 40:45Can you just listen on the cans,
watch the levels for me? -
40:45 - 40:49Why don't you get Pete to do it? He can
do camera, he must be able to do sound. -
40:49 - 40:51Nah, mate, I've done
enough hard work today. -
40:51 - 40:56That's good, Nat, yeah.
I'll do it for ya, mate. -
40:56 - 40:59Sorry, guys, it's just
way too echoey in here. -
40:59 - 41:02He asked me to listen
to the audio for him, -
41:02 - 41:04which was fine.
41:04 - 41:08It's just put on the headphones
and listen to it as it's being recorded. -
41:08 - 41:15Here, Tangles. Take that.
Thanks very much. -
41:15 - 41:18And then so Nat just went
ahead and did it again, -
41:18 - 41:22and, uh... that's...
41:22 - 41:25That's when, uh...
41:25 - 41:31..that's when I heard it.
41:31 - 41:33Yeah, ready to go.
41:33 - 41:35Bell atmos.
41:35 - 41:42Whenever you're ready, Nat.
41:42 - 41:46What the fuck?
41:46 - 41:51Did you... did you hear that?
Yeah. -
41:51 - 41:53Yo, Tangles!
41:53 - 41:54Tangles!
41:54 - 41:57Shit.
Tangles! -
41:57 - 42:02Pete, we need some light
down here, mate. Tangles! -
42:02 - 42:05Quick, light.
Shit. Steve, where are you? -
42:05 - 42:07Down here. Straight, straight, straight.
42:07 - 42:09Just give us the camera, mate.
He's... he's gone. -
42:09 - 42:11Where'd he go?
Tangles! -
42:11 - 42:13What did you hear in the headphones?
Tangles! -
42:13 - 42:14What did you hear in your headphones?
42:14 - 42:16Tangles!
42:16 - 42:18Would he be dickin' us round?
42:18 - 42:20Tangles!
Tangles, come on, mate! -
42:20 - 42:22Steve, through here.
42:22 - 42:26Tangles!
Tangles! -
42:26 - 42:28Yo, Tangles!
Here, I'll go down here. -
42:28 - 42:29Yeah.
42:29 - 42:31You know, I knew
there was something wrong. -
42:31 - 42:33I knew he wasn't mucking around.
42:33 - 42:36My initial thought
was just to get to him. -
42:36 - 42:38It wasn't unlike them,
42:38 - 42:44so I guess my first instinct was
that they were having a joke. -
42:44 - 42:46What, Nat thought we were
playing a prank, did she? -
42:46 - 42:49You've spoken to her?
42:49 - 43:15She thought we were fucking around?
43:15 - 43:18Tangles, you good?
43:18 - 43:21Yep. Ready to go.
43:21 - 43:58Bell atmos.
43:58 - 44:01Tangles!
44:01 - 44:03Maybe through here...
No, that's a dead end. -
44:03 - 44:06Tangles!
44:06 - 44:10Watch your step.
Tangles! -
44:10 - 44:12Ah, great.
What's up? -
44:12 - 44:13Battery.
You alright? -
44:13 - 44:15Yeah, fuck. It's alright.
44:15 - 44:17Need the light? You got a spare?
44:17 - 44:20Yeah, it's in here, hang on.
OK. -
44:20 - 44:23It became pretty evident, quite quickly,
44:23 - 44:28that we weren't gonna be able to
find anyone or anything without light. -
44:28 - 44:32Got it.
44:32 - 44:34We'll get him, mate. We'll find him.
We'll find him, alright? -
44:34 - 44:36Tangles!
44:36 - 44:40Now, I had my camera light
and I knew I had about -
44:40 - 44:43two, maybe three
hours tops worth of light. -
44:43 - 44:45Steve, where's your kit?
Tangles! -
44:45 - 44:46Steve, where's your kit?
What? -
44:46 - 44:49Where's your kit?
It's back in the bell room. -
44:49 - 44:52OK. well... all the torches
are back there, aren't they? -
44:52 - 44:54This is the only light you've got
and it's fucking around. -
44:54 - 44:57We need the torches, mate.
We've gotta go back to the bell room. -
44:57 - 44:58But Tangles...
44:58 - 45:00It's alright. We'll get him.
We'll find him. C'mon. -
45:00 - 45:03Fuck.
C'mon. -
45:03 - 45:06Walked back into the bell room
and there was nothing. -
45:06 - 45:08There was nothing there.
AII the stuff had disappeared. -
45:08 - 45:10Now, that was only in a matter of...
45:10 - 45:12I don't know, couldn't
have been too long. -
45:12 - 45:14Shit, everything's gone.
What? -
45:14 - 45:15What the hell's going on?
45:15 - 45:17It certainly raised some
concern because I didn't feel -
45:17 - 45:21it was something that
Tangles could do by himself. -
45:21 - 45:22Fuck!
45:22 - 45:24Hey, we're wasting time, guys. Let's go!
45:24 - 45:26Wait.
C'mon! -
45:26 - 45:28Here, take this.
Pete! -
45:28 - 45:33Just give me some light, Steve.
45:33 - 45:35OK.
45:35 - 45:38OK, Tangles went through here.
45:38 - 45:40If we follow that all the way round,
45:40 - 45:42it brings us back to this room,
we can scan the whole area. -
45:42 - 45:45OK. So we split up
and meet back here, yeah? -
45:45 - 45:47No, we stick together.
That's the only light we've got. -
45:47 - 45:48How many batteries
have you got left? -
45:48 - 45:50I've got two in my pouch, mate.
Let's go. -
45:50 - 45:54Steve... STEVE!
Oh, fuck! -
45:54 - 45:57It won't do Tangles any good
if we run round like headless chooks. -
45:57 - 45:59We stick together, alright?
45:59 - 46:01You'd better keep up, then.
46:01 - 46:03Tangles!
Steve, wait! -
46:03 - 46:06C'mon, Nat.
Tangles! -
46:06 - 46:07Yeah, I panicked.
46:07 - 46:10You know, it wasn't like
I 'm trying to be a hero or anything. -
46:10 - 46:14You know, the smarter thing might
have been to do something else -
46:14 - 46:17but it was just instinct
just kicking in. -
46:17 - 46:20Tangles!
46:20 - 46:24So, what do you think?
Think of what? -
46:24 - 46:26You know, Tangles,
is he dicking around? -
46:26 - 46:30No, he wouldn't dick around
for this long. -
46:30 - 46:32Who took our stuff, then?
46:32 - 46:35Who took it? I don't know.
46:35 - 46:37Could have been
the homeless, junkies... -
46:37 - 46:42I heard it, Pete.
You heard what? -
46:42 - 46:46Whatever it was, mate.
Well, what was it, mate? -
46:46 - 46:50Steve?
Look, let's just get going, OK? -
46:50 - 46:57Steve? Steve? What was it?
46:57 - 47:01Shit.
Watch your step. -
47:01 - 47:07What's in here?
47:07 - 47:17Oh, fuck.
47:17 - 47:27You right?
Yeah. -
47:27 - 47:29Nope, nothing.
47:29 - 47:32Pete, we've been here
twice before, mate. -
47:32 - 47:36The only other place
has got to be the lake. -
47:36 - 47:39Maybe he went back
from where we came. -
47:39 - 47:41Maybe he's waiting for us.
47:41 - 47:43Oh, sure, mate. He's fucking
walked out in the pitch-black. -
47:43 - 47:45He's at fucking Harry's, scoffing a pie.
I don't mean that. -
47:45 - 47:47I mean he can't contact us.
Maybe he's waiting for us. -
47:47 - 47:49No, Steve's right, OK?
Tangles is down here. -
47:49 - 47:55He's got to be at the lake, mate.
47:55 - 48:03Well, how much light have you got?
I've got enough. -
48:03 - 48:05Alright, then.
48:05 - 48:10Shh! Do you hear that?
Shh. -
48:10 - 48:15Shh!
48:15 - 48:17Let's go!
Go. -
48:17 - 48:19Tangles!
48:19 - 48:21Tangles!
48:21 - 48:23This way! Tangles!
48:23 - 48:27I heard him through here. Tangles!
48:27 - 48:29Tangles! I'm coming, mate!
48:29 - 48:34Oh, fuck it!
In here! -
48:34 - 48:35Give us a hand. Quick.
48:35 - 48:37Get down and grab it at the bottom.
48:37 - 48:42Fuck it! Get it off! Get it open!
48:42 - 48:44Grab that back. Grab that.
48:44 - 48:53Oh, shit. Steve, help.
48:53 - 48:55Jesus.
48:55 - 49:01Steve, light. Light.
49:01 - 49:20Jesus Christ.
49:20 - 49:22Steve...
Yeah? -
49:22 - 49:32His torch.
49:32 - 49:38It's his torch,
but it doesn't mean it's him, mate. -
49:38 - 49:41I can't really describe it,
it was just... -
49:41 - 49:46There was blood and...
49:46 - 49:51..over in the corner
was... Tangles's torch. -
49:51 - 49:55I... I sort of thought of myself
as his older brother. -
49:55 - 49:58You know, that was
the kind of relationship we had. -
49:58 - 50:02And, uh, he was sort of
entrusted to me. -
50:02 - 50:10That's the way I felt about it.
50:10 - 50:13Let's go.
Could be anyone. -
50:13 - 50:15C'mon. We've got to move.
50:15 - 50:18She's right. He could be close, mate.
What about Tangles? -
50:18 - 50:21Whatever that fucking thing is,
it could be nearby. -
50:21 - 50:24Come on.
50:24 - 50:28It's Tangles.
Come on. -
50:28 - 50:34Let's go.
50:34 - 50:36Wait.
What? -
50:36 - 50:40Wait, where's my camera?
50:40 - 50:43Just over there.
50:43 - 50:46It's not where I left it.
What? -
50:46 - 50:49It's not where I left it.
50:49 - 50:52Before we entered the room
Nat put the camera, -
50:52 - 50:55the night vision camera, on the ground
50:55 - 50:56just outside the door.
50:56 - 50:59Um... and then we went in the room.
50:59 - 51:02We wouldn't have been in there
for more than two or three minutes, -
51:02 - 51:05and then she came out,
we all came out together, -
51:05 - 51:06and she noticed
the camera had been moved. -
51:06 - 51:15My instinct was to check it
and see if it had recorded something. -
51:15 - 51:17Play it back.
51:17 - 51:21Tangles!
51:21 - 51:26Tangles!
51:26 - 51:28Get down and grab it at the bottom.
51:28 - 51:34Fuck it. Get it off! Get it open!
51:34 - 51:57Grab that back. Grab that.
51:57 - 52:00We played back the footage and, uh,
52:00 - 52:02someone had picked up the camera,
52:02 - 52:04it had come off the ground,
52:04 - 52:11and there were shots of us in the room.
52:11 - 52:21It's his torch,
but it doesn't mean it's him, mate. -
52:21 - 52:24Let's go.
52:24 - 52:29C'mon. We've got to move.
She's right. He could be close, mate. -
52:29 - 52:34Whatever that fucking this is,
it could be nearby. -
52:34 - 52:36It's Tangles.
Come on. -
52:36 - 52:40Let's go.
52:40 - 52:42And then we turn to come out
52:42 - 52:46and... the camera goes down
52:46 - 52:55and we just catch a glimpse --
it was just like one frame. -
52:55 - 52:58It happened in a split second.
52:58 - 52:59I didn't know what it was, mate,
52:59 - 53:12but it was quick
and it was fucking frightening. -
53:12 - 53:14Fuck.
53:14 - 53:21Oi!
53:21 - 53:25This isn't good.
53:25 - 53:29We've got to get out of here.
We've got to get out of here. -
53:29 - 53:32Mate, I am not fucking
leaving him down here -
53:32 - 53:33with whatever the fuck that was.
53:33 - 53:35Steve, listen, listen to me.
I'm not fucking leaving him. -
53:35 - 53:37Look, right now my priority
is with you and Nat. -
53:37 - 53:40I'm not going to let what happened to
Tangles happen to both of you, alright? -
53:40 - 53:42We have to get out to the top.
53:42 - 53:44You go on your own. Leave me here.
53:44 - 53:47Steve, we need your light. Come on.
You've got your own fucking light. -
53:47 - 53:49Listen, Steve, listen to me.
Listen to me! -
53:49 - 53:50Fuck off!
Listen to me! -
53:50 - 53:52I'm not done!
Don't fucking touch me, man! -
53:52 - 53:55Listen, listen!
Listen, listen, listen to me. -
53:55 - 53:57Whatever that fucking thing is
53:57 - 54:02it's going to have a harder time
taking us out if we stick together. -
54:02 - 54:06That's bullshit.
Listen. We need to get to the top. -
54:06 - 54:08We need to get help.
54:08 - 54:10If we get more help down here,
54:10 - 54:14the better chance
we 're going to find Tangles. -
54:14 - 54:18Fucking Tangles, man.
I know, mate. -
54:18 - 54:23Hey, mate, I'm with you.
I'm with you. -
54:23 - 54:26Come on.
54:26 - 54:29Come on.
54:29 - 54:30Pete made sense,
54:30 - 54:36but I couldn't help but feel like
I was leaving Tangles behind. -
54:36 - 54:42It was the hardest thing
I've ever had to do. -
54:42 - 54:46Is he OK?
Just give him a few minutes. -
54:46 - 54:48So, what's the plan?
54:48 - 54:54We get the fuck out of here
is the plan. Get back to the top. -
54:54 - 54:57What?
54:57 - 55:08I think we should stay
and look for Tangles. -
55:08 - 55:15You're not here for Tangles.
You're not here for Tangles. -
55:15 - 55:20Fuck!
55:20 - 55:24Just through here.
55:24 - 55:27Fuck!
55:27 - 55:30Back it up, back it up!
Hit the light. Kill the light. -
55:30 - 55:33Fuck!
Shh! -
55:33 - 55:42What is it, mate?
Shh, shh! -
55:42 - 55:43Anyone down there?
55:43 - 55:46It's the guard.
Shit, it's the guard. -
55:46 - 55:51Who's there?
Hey, mate, it's us. It's the film crew. -
55:51 - 55:52I told you guys not to come down here.
55:52 - 55:54Yeah, look, I know, we're sorry.
55:54 - 55:56It's just our friend, he's gone missing.
55:56 - 56:00Someone... something's taken him.
56:00 - 56:02Right, I want all of you
to come with me now. -
56:02 - 56:05Hey, come on!
Mate, what's happening in here? -
56:05 - 56:08Mate, tell us what's happening in here!
Nat, give it a break, Nat. -
56:08 - 56:13We're leaving. LET'S GO!
Is he going to help us? -
56:13 - 56:18Go! Go! Run!
56:18 - 56:19Keep moving!
56:19 - 56:23Keep going.
56:23 - 56:26Keep going, Nat.
56:26 - 56:28Fuck!
Not that way. -
56:28 - 56:31Here. Through here.
56:31 - 56:33Kill the light.
Hey? -
56:33 - 56:40Steve, kill the light!
56:40 - 57:05Shh!
57:05 - 57:13Where are we?
Shh! -
57:13 - 57:16What was that?
57:16 - 57:23I don't know.
57:23 - 57:30Just keep it down,
it could be close. -
57:30 - 57:36Did you see it?
No. -
57:36 - 57:41But whatever it was,
it was fucking huge. -
57:41 - 57:50Nat... turn it off.
57:50 - 57:52Everybody alright?
57:52 - 57:54Mate, mate, I'm alright.
57:54 - 57:57How about your arm?
57:57 - 58:00Give me the camera.
Let me see. -
58:00 - 58:02I hit something
when we were running. It's fine. -
58:02 - 58:04Shit, Steve. It looks bad.
Nah. -
58:04 - 58:06Here, Pete, I need to see.
58:06 - 58:08Here, show me.
Fuck. Doesn't look good, mate. -
58:08 - 58:16I can't see.
There it is. You got it. -
58:16 - 58:21Just there, yeah.
58:21 - 58:24Sorry, you right?
58:24 - 58:26I'll be fine, yeah.
Right, buddy? -
58:26 - 58:35Thanks, though. Thanks.
58:35 - 58:39You guys ready to move soon?
We can't stay. -
58:39 - 58:40I just need a minute. Hang on.
58:40 - 58:44What if that thing comes back?
58:44 - 58:46I don't know.
58:46 - 58:53Could we take it?
I doubt it. -
58:53 - 59:10Only thing we've got to worry
about now is getting out of here. -
59:10 - 59:15Hey, guys, I think it's gone.
59:15 - 59:18Right, let's get moving.
59:18 - 59:20Steve?
Yeah? -
59:20 - 59:22You right, mate?
Yeah, mate. Yeah, I'm good. -
59:22 - 59:24Let's go.
Just keep it quiet. -
59:24 - 59:31Give me the camera.
59:31 - 59:34Just keep it quiet, OK?
59:34 - 59:38OK, let's go.
59:38 - 59:41Stay close.
59:41 - 59:50Through here.
59:50 - 59:53OK.
59:53 - 59:56Just hold on, hold on, hold on.
59:56 - 59:57OK.
59:57 - 60:00Oh, fuck.
60:00 - 60:03Pete...
Shit! -
60:03 - 60:06This wasn't here before.
Pete. -
60:06 - 60:08What are you doing?
It's not on the map. -
60:08 - 60:10What do you mean
it's not on the map? -
60:10 - 60:14It's only got one way.
This has got two. -
60:14 - 60:16Pete, you've got to
figure it out, OK? -
60:16 - 60:18Just chill the fuck out.
It's not easy, alright? -
60:18 - 60:19You've got to fix this.
60:19 - 60:22Just shut the fuck up
and let me get through it. -
60:22 - 60:25Nat, calm down, Nat.
60:25 - 60:27It's through here. We came back
through there. It's through here. -
60:27 - 60:31OK, what if it's not
the right way, mate? -
60:31 - 60:37Well, then... we find the safest room
and we wait it out. -
60:37 - 60:38Oh, yeah, that's a good plan.
60:38 - 60:40John will figure out
that we haven't called -
60:40 - 60:43and he'll send someone
down to find us. -
60:43 - 60:49John knows we're here, right?
60:49 - 60:50Nat...
60:50 - 60:56Fucking tell me John
knows we're here. -
60:56 - 60:59Oh, you're fucking kidding me.
60:59 - 61:02I can't...
Are you fucking serious? -
61:02 - 61:04I... I needed you guys, OK?
I knew it! -
61:04 - 61:06I needed you guys in this.
61:06 - 61:07You need us?
Yeah. -
61:07 - 61:10We just lost a friend.
61:10 - 61:13You still need your fucking story?
61:13 - 61:14No.
Huh? -
61:14 - 61:16Fuck you.
61:16 - 61:18Fuck you.
Keep you voice down. -
61:18 - 61:19You think you're a fucking journalist.
Shh! -
61:19 - 61:21We came down here
to get a story, didn't we? -
61:21 - 61:23And now we've got an important one,
61:23 - 61:25and you're fucking
running scared! -
61:25 - 61:29Shhh!
61:29 - 61:33Here's your fucking story.
61:33 - 61:36Here, you want your
piece to camera? -
61:36 - 61:39Come on. Let's go.
61:39 - 61:41What's your piece to camera
for this one, huh? -
61:41 - 61:43Do you want to tell us how...
how you lost your friend -
61:43 - 61:45because of your fucking stupidity?
61:45 - 61:46Come on.
Waiting. -
61:46 - 61:49Fuck you.
Come on, Nat. -
61:49 - 61:50Come on.
61:50 - 61:52The best journalists
can work under any pressure, -
61:52 - 61:55any sort of circumstance, come on.
61:55 - 61:57See, you can't say shit, can you?
61:57 - 61:58You know why?
61:58 - 62:04Because you're not there, Nat.
62:04 - 62:10You're just not there.
62:10 - 62:16You're fucking pathetic.
62:16 - 62:19Here. Through here.
Yeah. -
62:19 - 62:20Oh, shit.
62:20 - 62:23Listen.
Shh! -
62:23 - 62:33What the fuck...?
62:33 - 62:34What?
Shh. -
62:34 - 62:36What is it?
62:36 - 62:38Hear that?
62:38 - 62:43Through here.
62:43 - 62:47Kill the light.
62:47 - 62:55Shh!
62:55 - 62:58Open the door, Nat.
62:58 - 63:00Open it up. Open it up.
63:00 - 63:11Guys, the lake's just here.
63:11 - 63:31Fuck!
Shh! -
63:31 - 63:48Let me see, let me see.
63:48 - 63:50Is it Tangles, mate?
Shh, shh. -
63:50 - 63:51What is it?
It's not Tangles. -
63:51 - 63:55What's happened to his face?
Oh, Jesus. -
63:55 - 64:00It's his eyes. Oh, Jesus.
64:00 - 64:02What's happening?
64:02 - 64:03We've got to help him.
64:03 - 64:05Let me see.
64:05 - 64:56Shh.
64:56 - 65:01Shh!
65:01 - 65:13Oh, fuck. It's seen us.
65:13 - 65:16We got to go, come on, come on!
Come on, let's go! -
65:16 - 65:18Steve!
65:18 - 65:22Fuck! Let's go. Ah!
65:22 - 65:24Go, go, GO!
Just move it! -
65:24 - 65:26Jesus. Which way? Which way?
65:26 - 65:28This way?
Go! Go now! -
65:28 - 65:30Where? Where?
Here, here, here. Through here! -
65:30 - 65:32Steve!
Go! -
65:32 - 65:35Come on! Keep moving!
65:35 - 65:39Steve! Is he still behind us?
65:39 - 65:40I think we lost him!
You sure? -
65:40 - 65:43I think so!
Shit. -
65:43 - 65:46I think we lost it!
65:46 - 65:49I don't... I don't think it followed us.
65:49 - 65:51In here. There's a light in here.
Here, here. -
65:51 - 65:53There.
65:53 - 65:59What's that?
I think it's the Cross City Tunnel. -
65:59 - 66:01Hello?
This is a bad place to stop. -
66:01 - 66:02No, it's fucking pointless.
66:02 - 66:06Hello?!
Shit, Pete. -
66:06 - 66:07Shh!
66:07 - 66:12Hello! Hello!
Shh! Shh! -
66:12 - 66:15You've got to keep it down.
66:15 - 66:16There's no-one there,
there's no-one there. -
66:16 - 66:21Please, someone... help. Hello!
Shh, shh. -
66:21 - 66:24Hello! Help!
66:24 - 66:26Help!
Shh! Nat, please. Let go. Please. -
66:26 - 66:28You have to be quiet!
Help! -
66:28 - 66:31Shh!
66:31 - 66:33Shh! Nat, Nat, Nat.
66:33 - 66:36Hey, you guys.
Help! -
66:36 - 66:37You've gotta keep your voice down.
66:37 - 66:40Shhh!
66:40 - 66:47Shut her up.
66:47 - 66:56Shh. Shh.
66:56 - 67:00You get anything?
Can you see anything? -
67:00 - 67:04Chuck the light.
Chuck the light over there. -
67:04 - 67:09Nuh.
67:09 - 67:11It's alright.
I'm sorry. -
67:11 - 67:14Hey?
I'm sorry. -
67:14 - 67:22It's alright, don't be sorry.
67:22 - 67:25I'm sorry. I'm sorry!
Shh. -
67:25 - 67:31It's OK, shh. Shh.
67:31 - 67:33Everything was unravelling.
67:33 - 67:38It... it was because of me.
67:38 - 67:44I never meant for things
to get so out of hand. -
67:44 - 67:49Well, I didn't mean to let
Pete down. I mean, I... -
67:49 - 67:52I had thought I'd made
the right choice at the time -
67:52 - 68:14and I didn't mean to let him down.
68:14 - 68:18Steve, through here.
Quick, quick. Come on, move it, mate. -
68:18 - 68:25Up here.
68:25 - 68:29Nat. Up.
68:29 - 68:32Come on. Shh!
68:32 - 68:40Here, Nat, take this.
68:40 - 68:46Ohhh!
68:46 - 68:48Mate, get up! Come on!
Ugh! -
68:48 - 68:51You know, my natural instinct
was to turn around with the light, -
68:51 - 68:52see what was going on.
68:52 - 68:55We'd just heard this sound,
Pete yelling out, and, uh, -
68:55 - 68:58as soon as they sort of fell
into the pool of light -
68:58 - 69:01the thing just... disappeared --
upped and left -- -
69:01 - 69:03and that sort of
dawned on me then -
69:03 - 69:09that the light was our way
of keeping it away from us. -
69:09 - 69:12Shit. Are you OK? You OK?
Come on! -
69:12 - 69:16Fuck! Did you see that?
69:16 - 69:22It took off.
Let's get out of here. Let's go. -
69:22 - 69:26It didn't like the light.
Well, keep it on, then. -
69:26 - 69:29Hold on. Nat.
69:29 - 69:32Nat!
69:32 - 69:34Ah!
No! -
69:34 - 69:35Come on, come on!
69:35 - 69:38Come on, you fucker!
Pete! Pete, don't. -
69:38 - 69:40Come on! Come on!
Go! Come on! -
69:40 - 69:42It was almost like it was
69:42 - 69:47trying to get us in a position
where it could get to us as well. -
69:47 - 69:53It reminded me of a lion trying to
cut one animal out of a pack, a herd. -
69:53 - 70:00You know, get the weak one out,
easy to attack. -
70:00 - 70:04Ah! Oh, fuck! Fuck.
We're losing the light! -
70:04 - 70:06Oh, fuck!
- Steve! -
70:06 - 70:09Oh, shit!
Back, back, back! -
70:09 - 70:16BACK! Fuck!
70:16 - 70:26Go through.
70:26 - 70:28What's the matter?
70:28 - 70:32No, it's a dead end. It's a dead end.
70:32 - 70:35Jesus. Oh, Jesus.
70:35 - 70:38I thought that was it --
it was over. -
70:38 - 70:43There was nowhere left to run.
70:43 - 70:48Then I saw this tiny bit of wall
that looked like it had broken away. -
70:48 - 70:50Pete, take this, take this.
70:50 - 70:53Take it!
70:53 - 70:54Oh, shit!
70:54 - 70:56Give her a hand, Pete. Get in there.
70:56 - 70:59Hold the light still.
70:59 - 71:04Easy, Nat.
Shh, keep it down. Keep it down. -
71:04 - 71:06Keep it down.
71:06 - 71:09Here, come through, Steve.
71:09 - 71:11Huh?
Come through. -
71:11 - 71:13Go, go, go.
Go on, you go first. -
71:13 - 71:14Come on, Nat.
71:14 - 71:16Good girl.
71:16 - 71:19Here, take this -- quick.
71:19 - 71:23Here, Nat.
OK. -
71:23 - 72:10Shh, shh, keep it down. Shh!
72:10 - 72:11This isn't good.
72:11 - 72:14Steve.
72:14 - 72:18Steve, is that...? God.
72:18 - 72:21This isn't good.
72:21 - 72:24Steve.
Yeah? -
72:24 - 72:27We've got to go.
72:27 - 72:28Fuck!
72:28 - 72:30Light, mate, light.
Sorry. -
72:30 - 72:32It's gone.
Batteries. -
72:32 - 72:33Steve...
72:33 - 72:40Fuck, I need some light over here.
Quick, Nat, light. -
72:40 - 72:51Nat, the fucking light, Nat. Fuck!
Give me the torch. -
72:51 - 72:53Oh, shit! That one's dead.
72:53 - 72:55Oh, Jesus.
There's only one left. -
72:55 - 72:59Come on. Come on,
come on, come on. -
72:59 - 73:02Steve, we need that light.
73:02 - 73:05We need the fucking light.
Steve, I need the fucking light! -
73:05 - 73:07Come on!
73:07 - 73:10OK.
73:10 - 73:15Oh, Jesus.
73:15 - 73:21OK, now...
73:21 - 77:39RUN!
77:39 - 77:46Steve.
77:46 - 77:48Steve. OK, OK.
77:48 - 77:50Steve.
77:50 - 77:55Come on. It's going for her.
It's going for her. -
77:55 - 77:57We've got to go.
77:57 - 78:56Come on. Come on.
78:56 - 79:00Nat!
Nat! -
79:00 - 79:04Let her go!
Let her go, you fucker! -
79:04 - 79:07Nat!
79:07 - 79:10Take her. Take her!
OK. -
79:10 - 79:15Go. Just go!
Come on, Nat. Alright, let's go. -
79:15 - 79:19Oh, shit. Come on.
- Come on! -
79:19 - 79:27Come on, you fucker!
79:27 - 79:29Come on, Nat.
79:29 - 79:31Come on, let's move!
79:31 - 79:33No...
Move! -
79:33 - 79:36No.
Come on. -
79:36 - 79:38Come on.
79:38 - 79:40Wait!
Come on. -
79:40 - 79:42But Pete...
Come on! -
79:42 - 79:44No. Steve, we can't leave.
Come on! -
79:44 - 79:46We got...
79:46 - 79:50Nat, keep moving.
Keep moving! -
79:50 - 79:51No.
We've got to keep
moving! -
79:51 - 79:54You can't leave Pete.
We can't! We've got to go! -
79:54 - 79:56Come on, Nat.
We've got to keep moving. -
79:56 - 80:00I think that
Pete was looking out for us -
80:00 - 80:05and I didn't want to leave him there.
80:05 - 80:08Come on! Come on.
80:08 - 80:11Pete wanted us to be safe --
I understand that. -
80:11 - 80:14But I didn't...
I didn't want to leave Pete behind. -
80:14 - 80:16Come on.
80:16 - 80:18Come on. Come on.
- Guys! -
80:18 - 80:21Guys!
80:21 - 80:26Shit!
Guys! -
80:26 - 80:29Oh, fuck. It's Pete. Fuck.
80:29 - 80:32Come on, man!
80:32 - 80:34When I heard Pete's voice
80:34 - 80:39coming down that tunnel,
out of the darkness, uh... -
80:39 - 80:45I mean, I wasn't expecting
to hear his voice again. -
80:45 - 80:46Pete, no...
I can't... -
80:46 - 80:48No...
80:48 - 81:10Let's go.
81:10 - 81:15Let's go!
81:15 - 81:28- No, Pete...
- Nat! -
81:28 - 81:32Pete, are you OK? Stay with me.
Help! Get some help! Someone! -
81:32 - 81:38I need a phone! I need a phone!
Give me a phone! Give me a phone! -
81:38 - 81:42Hey.
81:42 - 81:45Hello. Police, fire or ambulance?
81:45 - 81:46Hello?
Yes. Hello? -
81:46 - 81:49Do you need police, fire or ambulance?
Hello! -
81:49 - 81:51Help! We need help, we need help!
81:51 - 81:53OK, miss, we'll get you some help.
What's happened? -
81:53 - 81:55We're on platform one.
We're in the station. -
81:55 - 81:59Please, you gotta get
someone here now. -
81:59 - 82:04My friend is dying. He's bleeding.
Please calm down, miss. -
82:04 - 82:07I need you to tell me exactly
where you are and what's happening. -
82:07 - 82:10I don't know -- we're in the station
82:10 - 82:13and something...
something took our friend. -
82:13 - 82:16OK, please stay calm.
You said you're at the station? -
82:16 - 82:20Which station are you at?
Help me! Somebody HELP me! -
82:20 - 82:22What are you doing?!
82:22 - 82:26Hello? Hello?
82:26 - 82:30Hello? Are you there?
82:30 - 82:40Hello?
82:40 - 82:49Pete... Hey, Pete.
82:49 - 82:56Pete...
82:56 - 83:07I'm sorry... Pete! PETE!
83:07 - 83:12Yeah, it's kind of hard to...
to talk about it now. -
83:12 - 83:14But I didn't know
he was dying at that point. -
83:14 - 83:18You know, I thought
we were all gonna be fine. -
83:18 - 83:19I mean...
83:19 - had been so difficult to get
to that point where we got there, -
83:24 - 83:26and then, you know, I thought
we were going to be OK. -
83:26 - 83:30There was people around us,
there was light. -
83:30 - 83:33I... you know... I would
have been doing more -
83:33 - 83:41if I thought he was lying there dying.
83:41 - 83:46I... I feel that I could have
done more to help Pete. -
83:46 - 83:49You know, it's, um... it's easy to say
83:49 - 83:55that you would do things differently,
you know. -
83:55 - 84:01It just didn't seem... very fair.
84:01 - 84:04I got told by the first paramedics
84:04 - 84:08that, you know...
they'd sort of given up working on him, -
84:08 - 84:15they sort of... you know...
took a while to get Nat away from him. -
84:15 - 84:18And, uh,
it slowly, slowly dawned on me -
84:18 - 84:21about that point, you know.
84:21 - 84:22They sort of walked away from him.
84:22 - 84:24He was just lying there,
and he wasn't moving, -
84:24 - 84:29and I was... I just thought, "Fuck."
84:29 - 84:34I feel... I feel... I feel responsible.
84:34 - 85:05I don't want to say that
I felt like it was my fault. -
85:05 - 85:08I don't know exactly how
I've changed since that night. -
85:08 - 85:12I can't help thinking
we were so close. -
85:12 - 85:15Help was right there.
85:15 - 85:19I go over it again and again.
85:19 - 85:22Just constantly.
85:22 - 85:40What would I do differently?
85:40 - 85:45I was just pissed off
with everyone, everything. -
85:45 - 85:49The government...
85:49 - 85:50..the police...
85:50 - 85:53I mean, how much
evidence do you want? -
85:53 - 85:59It's just sad now, thinking about it.
It's pointless. -
85:59 -It's just fucking sad.
- Title:
- The Tunnel (2011) ~FULL MOVIE~ [Multi-Subtitles]
- Description:
*This movie is (Rated 14A). Completely free to share and watch. This movie was meant to be free for everyone.
Subtitles in 18 different languages!Storyline:
"An investigation into a government cover-up leads to a network of abandoned train tunnels deep beneath the heart of Sydney. As a journalist and her crew hunt for the story it quickly becomes clear the story is hunting them."
Country: Australia
Year: 2011
Duration: 90 min
Language: English
Genre/Style: Drama | Horror | Thriller
Also Known As: The Tunnel Movie
Rating: 6.0/10
Subtitles: English, Finnish, Swedish, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Argentina, Hindi (Indian), Dutch, German, Brazil, Portuguese, Polish, Serbian, Turkish*Polish for example might be out of sync (now fixed). Inform about possible mistakes (sync problems mainly) and i search for possible other sub/version or remove it.
If you want to request subtitles, the following version is: The.Tunnel.2011.DVDRip.XviD-aAF
(FPS:25) - Video Language:
- English
- Team:
Captions Requested
- Duration:
- 01:30:20
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Amara Bot edited English subtitles for The Tunnel (2011) ~FULL MOVIE~ [Multi-Subtitles] | |
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Amara Bot added a translation |