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PROTECT IP Act Breaks The Internet

  • 0:01 - 0:05
    The Internet is one of the United States' most robust and growing industries.
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    It enables free and open communication among billions,
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    and it's been the backbone for protests around the world.
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    But a new bill proposes to give the power to censor the Internet
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    to the entertainment industry.
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    It's called PROTECT IP, and here's how it works.
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    Private corporations want the ability to shut down unauthorized sites
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    where people download movies, TV shows, and music
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    Since most of these sites are outside US jurisdiction,
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    PROTECT IP uses a couple different tactics within American borders.
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    Firstly, it gives the government the power to make
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    US Internet providers block access to infringing domain names.
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    They can also sue US-based search engines,
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    directories, or even blogs and forums,
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    to have links to these sites removed.
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    Secondly, PROTECT IP gives corporations and
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    the government the ability to cut off funds to
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    infringing websites by having US-based advertisers
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    and payment services cancel those accounts.
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    In a nutshell, that's what PROTECT IP will try to do.
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    But in all likelihood, it'll do something else altogether.
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    For starters, it won't stop downloaders.
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    You'll still be able to access a blocked site
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    just by entering its IP address instead of its name.
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    What PROTECT IP will do is cripple new startups
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    because it also lets companies sue any site
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    they feel isn't doing their filtering well enough.
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    These lawsuits could easily bankrupt new search engines
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    and social media sites.
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    And PROTECT IP's wording is ambiguous enough
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    that important social media sites could become
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  • 1:38 - 1:40
    Lots of trailblazing websites could look like
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    piracy heavens to the wrong judge.
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    Tumblr, SoundCloud, an early YouTube,
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    wherever people express themselves, make art,
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    broadcast news or organize protests,
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    there's plenty of TV footage, movie clips,
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    and copyrighted music mixed in.
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    And even if you trust the US government
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    not to abuse their new power to censor the Net,
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    what about the countries that follow in our path
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    and pass similar laws?
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    People around the world will have very different
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    Internets, and unscrupulous governments will have
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    powerful tools to hinder free expression.
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    But perhaps most dangerously, PROTECT IP will
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    meddle with the inner workings of the Net.
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    Experts believe by filtering with the vast registry of domain names
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    the result will be less security
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    and less stability.
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    In short, PROTECT IP won't stop piracy, but it will
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    introduce vast potential for censorship and abuse,
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    while making the web less safe and less reliable
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    This is the Internet we're talking about!
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    It's a vital and vibrant medium.
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    And our government is tampering with its
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    basic structure, so people will maybe buy more
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    Hollywood movies.
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    But Hollywood movies don't get grassroots candidates
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    elected. They don't overthrow corrupt regimes,
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    and the entire entertainment industry doesn't even
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    contribute that much to our economy.
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    The Internet does all these, and more.
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    Corporations already have tools to fight piracy.
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    They have the power to take down specific content,
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    to sue peer-to-peer software companies out of existence,
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    and to sue journalists just for talking about how to
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    copy a DVD.
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    They have a history of stretching and abusing
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    their powers. They tried to take a baby video
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    off YouTube, just for the music playing in
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    the background. They've used legal penalties
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    written for large-scale commercial piracy
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    to go after families and children.
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    They even sued to ban the VCR and the first
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    MP3 players.
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    So the question is, "How far will they take all this?"
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    The answer at this point, is obvious.
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    As far as we'll let them.
PROTECT IP Act Breaks The Internet

Tell Congress not to censor the internet NOW! - http://www.fightforthefuture.org/pipa

PROTECT-IP is a bill that has been introduced in the Senate and the House and is moving quickly through Congress. It gives the government and corporations the ability to censor the net, in the name of protecting "creativity". The law would let the government or corporations censor entire sites-- they just have to convince a judge that the site is "dedicated to copyright infringement." The government has already wrongly shut down sites without any recourse to the site owner. Under this bill, sharing a video with anything copyrighted in it, or what sites like Youtube and Twitter do, would be considered illegal behavior according to this bill. According to the CBO, this bill would cost us $47 million tax dollars a year — that's for a fix that won't work, disrupts the internet, stifles innovation, shuts out diverse voices, and censors the internet. This bill is bad for creativity and does not protect your rights.

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