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The toxic baby

  • 0:00 - 0:03
    Penelope Jagessar Chaffer: I was going to ask if there's a doctor in the house.
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    No, I'm just joking.
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    It's interesting, because it was six years ago
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    when I was pregnant with my first child
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    that I discovered
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    that the most commonly used preservative
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    in baby care products
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    mimics estrogen
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    when it gets into the human body.
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    Now it's very easy actually
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    to get a chemical compound from products
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    into the human body through the skin.
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    And these preservatives had been found
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    in breast cancer tumors.
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    That was the start of my journey
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    to make this film, "Toxic Baby."
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    And it doesn't take much time
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    to discover some really astonishing statistics
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    with this issue.
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    One is that you and I all have
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    between 30 to 50,000 chemicals
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    in our bodies
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    that our grandparents didn't have.
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    And many of these chemicals
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    are now linked to the skyrocketing incidents
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    of chronic childhood disease
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    that we're seeing across industrialized nations.
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    I'll show you some statistics.
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    So for example, in the United Kingdom,
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    the incidence of childhood leukemia
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    has risen by 20 percent just in a generation.
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    Very similar statistic for childhood cancer in the U.S.
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    In Canada, we're now looking at one in 10 Canadian children with asthma.
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    That's a four-fold increase.
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    Again, similar story around the world.
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    In the United States,
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    probably the most astonishing statistic
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    is a 600 percent increase
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    in autism and autistic spectrum disorders
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    and other learning disabilities.
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    Again, we're seeing that trend
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    across Europe, across North America.
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    And in Europe,
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    there's certain parts of Europe,
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    where we're seeing a four-fold increase
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    in certain genital birth defects.
  • 1:44 - 1:46
    Interestingly, one of those birth defects
  • 1:46 - 1:49
    has seen a 200 percent increase in the U.S.
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    So a real skyrocketing
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    of chronic childhood disease
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    that includes other things
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    like obesity and juvenile diabetes,
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    premature puberty.
  • 1:59 - 2:01
    So it's interesting for me,
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    when I'm looking for someone who can really talk to me
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    and talk to an audience about these things,
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    that probably one of the most important people in the world
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    who can discuss toxicity in babies
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    is expert in frogs.
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  • 2:16 - 2:19
    Tyrone Hayes: It was a surprise to me as well
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    that I would be talking about pesticides,
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    that I'd be talking about public health,
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    because, in fact, I never thought I would do anything useful.
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  • 2:32 - 2:35
  • 2:35 - 2:38
    In fact, my involvement in the whole pesticide issue
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    was sort of a surprise as well
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    when I was approached by the largest chemical company in the world
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    and they asked me if I would evaluate
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    how atrazine affected amphibians, or my frogs.
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    It turns out, atrazine is the largest selling product
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    for the largest chemical company in the world.
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    It's the number one contaminant
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    of groundwater, drinking water, rain water.
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    In 2003, after my studies, it was banned in the European Union,
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    but in that same year,
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    the United States EPA re-registered the compound.
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    We were a bit surprised when we found out
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    that when we exposed frogs
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    to very low levels of atrazine -- 0.1 parts per billion --
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    that it produced animals that look like this.
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    These are the dissected gonads of an animal
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    that has two testes, two ovaries,
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    another large testis, more ovaries,
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    which is not normal ...
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  • 3:26 - 3:28
    even for amphibians.
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    In some cases, another species like the North American Leopard Frog
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    showed that males exposed to atrazine grew eggs in their testes.
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    And you can see these large, yolked-up eggs
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    bursting through the surface of this male's testes.
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    Now my wife tells me, and I'm sure Penelope can as well,
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    that there's nothing more painful than childbirth --
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    which that I'll never experience, I can't really argue that --
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    but I would guess that a dozen chicken eggs in my testicle
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    would probably be somewhere in the top five.
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    In recent studies that we've published,
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    we've shown that some of these animals when they're exposed to atrazine,
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    some of the males grow up
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    and completely become females.
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    So these are actually two brothers consummating a relationship.
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    And not only do these genetic males mate with other males,
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    they actually have the capacity to lay eggs
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    even though they're genetic males.
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    What we proposed,
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    and what we've now generated support for,
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    is that what atrazine is doing
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    is wreaking havoc causing a hormone imbalance.
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    Normally the testes should make testosterone,
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    the male hormone.
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    But what atrazine does is it turns on an enzyme,
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    the machinery if you will, aromatase,
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    that converts testosterone into estrogen.
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    And as a result, these exposed males
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    lose their testosterone, they're chemically castrated,
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    and they're subsequently feminized
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    because now they're making the female hormone.
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    Now this is what brought me to the human-related issues.
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    Because it turns out
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    that the number one cancer in women, breast cancer,
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    is regulated by estrogen and by this enzyme aromatase.
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    So when you develop a cancerous cell in your breast,
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    aromatase converts androgens into estrogens,
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    and that estrogen turns on or promotes
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    the growth of that cancer
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    so that it turns into a tumor and spreads.
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    In fact, this aromatase is so important in breast cancer
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    that the latest treatment for breast cancer
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    is a chemical called letrozole,
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    which blocks aromatase, blocks estrogen,
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    so that if you developed a mutated cell, it doesn't grow into a tumor.
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    Now what's interesting is, of course,
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    that we're still using 80 million pounds of atrazine,
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    the number one contaminant in drinking water, that does the opposite --
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    turns on aromatase, increases estrogen
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    and promotes tumors in rats
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    and is associated with tumors, breast cancer, in humans.
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    What's interesting is, in fact,
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    the same company that sold us 80 million pounds of atrazine,
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    the breast cancer promoter,
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    now sells us the blocker -- the exact same company.
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    And so I find it interesting
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    that instead of treating this disease
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    by preventing exposure to the chemicals that promote it,
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    we simply respond
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    by putting more chemicals into the environment.
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    PJC: So speaking of estrogen,
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    one of the other compounds that Tyrone talks about in the film
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    is something called bisphenol A, BPA,
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    which has been in the news recently.
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    It's a plasticizer.
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    It's a compound that's found in polycarbonate plastic,
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    which is what baby bottles are made out of.
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    And what's interesting about BPA
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    is that it's such a potent estrogen
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    that it was actually once considered for use
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    as a synthetic estrogen in hormone placement therapy.
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    And there have been many, many, many studies that have shown
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    that BPA leaches from babies' bottles
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    into the formula, into the milk,
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    and therefore into the babies.
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    So we're dosing our babies,
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    our newborns, our infants,
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    with a synthetic estrogen.
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    Now two weeks ago or so,
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    the European Union passed a law
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    banning the use of BPA
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    in babies' bottles and sippy cups.
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    And for those of you who are not parents,
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    sippy cups are those little plastic things
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    that your child graduates to after using bottles.
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    But just two weeks before that,
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    the U.S. Senate refused to even debate
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    the banning of BPA
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    in babies' bottles and sippy cups.
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    So it really makes you realize
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    the onus on parents
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    to have to look at this and regulate this and police this
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    in their own lives
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    and how astonishing that is.
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    (Video) PJC: With many plastic baby bottles
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    now proven to leak the chemical bisphenol A,
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    it really shows how sometimes
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    it is only a parent's awareness
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    that stands between chemicals and our children.
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    The baby bottle scenario proves
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    that we can prevent unnecessary exposure.
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    However, if we parents are unaware,
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    we are leaving our children
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    to fend for themselves.
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    TH: And what Penelope says here
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    is even more true.
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    For those of you who don't know, we're in the middle of the sixth mass extinction.
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    Scientists agree now.
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    We are losing species from the Earth
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    faster than the dinosaurs disappeared,
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    and leading that loss are amphibians.
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    80 percent of all amphibians
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    are threatened and in come decline.
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    And I believe, many scientists believe
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    that pesticides are an important part of that decline.
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    In part, amphibians are good indicators and more sensitive
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    because they don't have protection from contaminants in the water --
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    no eggshells, no membranes
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    and no placenta.
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    In fact, our invention -- by "our" I mean we mammals --
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    one of our big inventions was the placenta.
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    But we also start out as aquatic organisms.
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    But it turns out that this ancient structure
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    that separates us from other animals, the placenta,
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    cannot evolve or adapt fast enough
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    because of the rate that we're generating new chemicals
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    that it's never seen before.
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    The evidence of that is that studies in rats, again with atrazine,
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    show that the hormone imbalance atrazine generates causes abortion.
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    Because maintaining a pregnancy is dependent on hormones.
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    Of those rats that don't abort,
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    atrazine causes prostate disease
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    in the pups so the sons
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    are born with an old man's disease.
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    Of those that don't abort,
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    atrazine causes impaired mammary, or breast, development
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    in the exposed daughters in utero,
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    so that their breast don't develop properly.
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    And as a result, when those rats grow up,
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    their pups experience retarded growth and development
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    because they can't make enough milk to nourish their pups.
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    So the pup you see on the bottom is affected by atrazine
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    that its grandmother was exposed to.
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    And given the life of many of these chemicals,
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    generations, years, dozens of years,
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    that means that we right now
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    are affecting the health
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    of our grandchildren's grandchildren
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    by things that we're putting into the environment today.
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    And this is not just philosophical, it's already known,
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    that chemicals like diethylstilbestrol and estrogen,
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    PCBs, DDT
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    cross the placenta
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    and effectively determine
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    the likelihood of developing breast cancer
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    and obesity and diabetes
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    already when the baby's in the womb.
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    In addition to that, after the baby's born,
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    our other unique invention as mammals
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    is that we nourish our offspring after they're born.
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    We already know that chemicals
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    like DDT and DES and atrazine
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    can also pass over into milk,
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    again, affecting our babies
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    even after their born.
  • 10:06 - 10:08
    PJC: So when Tyrone tells me
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    that the placenta is an ancient organ,
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    I'm thinking, how do I demonstrate that?
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    How do you show that?
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    And it's interesting when you make a film like this,
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    because you're stuck trying to visualize science
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    that there's no visualization for.
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    And I have to take a little bit of artistic license.
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    (Video) (Ringing)
  • 10:35 - 10:37
    Old man: Placenta control.
  • 10:37 - 10:39
    What is it?
  • 10:39 - 10:42
    Oh what?
  • 10:42 - 10:45
  • 10:45 - 10:50
  • 10:50 - 10:54
    Puffuffuff, what?
  • 10:56 - 11:00
    Perflourooctanoic acid.
  • 11:03 - 11:05
  • 11:05 - 11:08
    Never heard of it.
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    PJC: And neither had I actually
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    before I started making this film.
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    And so when you realize that chemicals can pass the placenta
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    and go into your unborn child,
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    it made me start to think,
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    what would my fetus say to me?
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    What would our unborn children say to us
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    when they have an exposure
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    that's happening everyday, day after day?
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  • 11:52 - 11:54
    (Video) Child: Today,
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    I had some octyphenols,
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    some artificial musks
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    and some bisphenol A.
  • 12:06 - 12:08
    Help me.
  • 12:11 - 12:14
    PJC: It's a very profound notion
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    to know that we as women
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    are at the vanguard of this.
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    This is our issue,
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    because we collect these compounds our entire life
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    and then we end up dumping it and dumping them
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    into our unborn children.
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    We are in effect
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    polluting our children.
  • 12:33 - 12:37
    And this was something that was really brought home to me a year ago
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    when I found out I was pregnant
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    and the first scan revealed
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    that my baby had a birth defect
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    associated with exposure
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    to estrogenic chemicals in the womb
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    and the second scan
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    revealed no heartbeat.
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    So my child's death, my baby's death,
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    really brought home the resonance of what I was trying to make in this film.
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    And it's sometimes a weird place
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    when the communicator becomes part of the story,
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    which is not what you originally intend.
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    And so when Tyrone talks about
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    the fetus being trapped in a contaminated environment,
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    this is my contaminated environment.
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    This is my toxic baby.
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    And that's something
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    that's just profound and sad,
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    but astonishing
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    because so many of us don't actually know this.
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    TH: One of this things that's exciting and appropriate
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    for me to be here at TEDWomen
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    is that, well, I think it was summed up best last night at dinner
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    when someone said, "Turn to the man at your table and tell them,
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    'When the revolution starts, we've got your back.'"
  • 13:44 - 13:46
    The truth is, women,
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    you've had our back on this issue for a very long time,
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    starting with Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring"
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    to Theo Colborn's "Our Stolen Future"
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    to Sandra Steingraber's books
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    "Living Downstream" and "Having Faith."
  • 13:58 - 14:01
    And perhaps it's the connection to our next generation --
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    like my wife and my beautiful daughter here about 13 years ago --
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    perhaps it's that connection
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    that makes women activists
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    in this particular area.
  • 14:10 - 14:12
    But for the men here, I want to say
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    it's not just women and children that are at risk.
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    And the frogs that are exposed to atrazine,
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    the testes are full of holes and spaces,
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    because the hormone imbalance,
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    instead of allowing sperm to be generated,
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    such as in the testis here,
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    the testicular tubules end up empty
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    and fertility goes down by as much as 50 percent.
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    It's not just my work in amphibians,
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    but similar work has been shown in fish in Europe,
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    holes in the testes and absence of sperm in reptiles in a group from South America
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    and in rats, an absence of sperm
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    in the testicular tubules as well.
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    And of course, we don't do these experiments in humans,
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    but just by coincidence,
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    my colleague has shown
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    that men who have low sperm count, low semen quality
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    have significantly more atrazine in their urine.
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    These are just men who live
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    in an agricultural community.
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    Men who actually work in agriculture
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    have much higher levels of atrazine.
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    And the men who actually apply atrazine
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    have even more atrazine in their urine,
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    up to levels that are 24,000 times what we know to be active
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    are present in the urine of these men.
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    Of course, most of them, 90 percent are Mexican, Mexican-American.
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    And it's not just atrazine they're exposed to.
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    They're exposed to chemicals like chloropicrin,
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    which was originally used as a nerve gas.
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    And many of these workers
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    have life expectancies of only 50.
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    It shouldn't come to any surprise that the things that happen in wildlife
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    are also a warning to us,
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    just like Rachel Carson and others have warned.
  • 15:35 - 15:38
    As evident in this slide from Lake Nabugabo in Uganda,
  • 15:38 - 15:40
    the agricultural runoff from this crop,
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    which goes into these buckets,
  • 15:42 - 15:45
    is the sole source of drinking, cooking and bathing water for this village.
  • 15:45 - 15:47
    Now if I told the men in this village
  • 15:47 - 15:49
    that the frogs have pour immune function
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    and eggs developing in their testes,
  • 15:51 - 15:53
    the connection between environmental health and public health
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    would be clear.
  • 15:55 - 15:58
    You would not drink water that you knew was having this kind of impact
  • 15:58 - 16:00
    on the wildlife that lived in it.
  • 16:00 - 16:02
    The problem is, in my village, Oakland,
  • 16:02 - 16:04
    in most of our villages,
  • 16:04 - 16:06
    we don't see that connection.
  • 16:06 - 16:08
    We turn on the faucet, the water comes out, we assume it's safe,
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    and we assume that we are masters of our environment,
  • 16:11 - 16:14
    rather than being part of it.
  • 16:14 - 16:16
    PJC: So it doesn't take much to realize
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    that actually this is an environmental issue.
  • 16:19 - 16:22
    And I kept thinking over and over again
  • 16:22 - 16:24
    this question.
  • 16:24 - 16:27
    We know so much about global warming and climate change,
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    and yet, we have no concept
  • 16:29 - 16:31
    of what I've been calling internal environmentalism.
  • 16:31 - 16:33
    We know what we're putting out there,
  • 16:33 - 16:35
    we have a sense of those repercussions,
  • 16:35 - 16:37
    but we are so ignorant of this sense
  • 16:37 - 16:40
    of what happens when we put things, or things are put
  • 16:40 - 16:42
    into our bodies.
  • 16:42 - 16:44
    And it's my feeling
  • 16:44 - 16:46
    and it's my urging being here
  • 16:46 - 16:48
    to know that, as we women move forward
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    as the communicators of this,
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    but also as the ones who carry that burden
  • 16:53 - 16:56
    of carrying the children, bearing the children,
  • 16:56 - 16:59
    we hold most of the buying power in the household,
  • 16:59 - 17:02
    is that it's going to be us moving forward
  • 17:02 - 17:05
    to carry the work of Tyrone and other scientists around the world.
  • 17:05 - 17:07
    And my urging is
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    that when we think about environmental issues
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    that we remember that it's not just about melting glaciers and ice caps,
  • 17:13 - 17:15
    but it's also about our children as well.
  • 17:15 - 17:17
    Thank you.
  • 17:17 - 17:27
The toxic baby
Tyrone Hayes + Penelope Jagessar Chaffer

Filmmaker Penelope Jagessar Chaffer was curious about the chemicals she was exposed to while pregnant: Could they affect her unborn child? So she asked scientist Tyrone Hayes to brief her on one he studied closely: atrazine, a herbicide used on corn. (Hayes, an expert on amphibians, is a critic of atrazine, which displays a disturbing effect on frog development.) Onstage together at TEDWomen, Hayes and Chaffer tell their story.

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