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How to Write an Argumentative Essay

  • 0:09 - 0:12
    NARRATOR: Often in writing assignments,
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    you are asked to write an argumentative essay.
  • 0:15 - 0:21
    In this video we're going to talk about how to write an argumentative essay.
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    First let's talk about what an argumentative essay is.
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    An argumentative essay takes a position or an opinion on
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    a certain topic and tries to convince
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    the reader that their point of view is true or correct.
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    The essay will provide evidence and reasons to support their point of view.
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    So how do you write an argumentative essay?
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    When developing an argument, it is good to remember that there
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    are always at least 2 sides to an argument.
  • 0:58 - 1:00
    In your essay,
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    you will need to present each of these 2 sides or more if there are multiple arguments.
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    Then in the introduction paragraph of your essay,
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    you will need to introduce the different sides and give
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    your opinion about which side you believe has the strongest evidence.
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    The introduction paragraph should include a hook,
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    some background information,
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    and a thesis statement.
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    The hook is something that will interest the reader to continue reading your essay.
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    The background information would be information about your topic that would be helpful to
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    the reader, and the thesis statement will
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    state clearly what you plan to write in your essay.
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    After the introduction paragraph,
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    there should be at least 3 body paragraphs explaining
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    the main points that support the thesis statement,
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    and you may have more than 3 body paragraphs,
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    but you should have at least 3.
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    Each body paragraph will give evidence,
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    examples, and explanations for each of the points presented in the thesis statement.
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    The argumentative essay needs to have evidence to prove your points.
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    The final paragraph is the conclusion paragraph.
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    The thesis statement is restated, and the writer gives his reasons why he believes
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    his opinion is the correct one and
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    appeals to the reader to agree with his argument in the essay.
  • 2:38 - 2:43
    So your format for an argumentative essay looks something like this.
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    The introduction paragraph with a thesis statement,
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    the opposing claims about your topic,
  • 2:49 - 2:52
    your viewpoint about the topic,
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    and then the conclusion that gives your reasons
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    for why you believe your viewpoint is correct.
  • 3:01 - 3:04
    The object of the argumentative essay is to
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    convince those who object to your main argument.
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    This is what you need to do in an argumentative essay.
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    So try to choose the strongest of the objections and
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    show why that objection is flawed or not true.
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    The order of the argument can be presented in two ways.
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    You can present the side you do not agree
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    with, followed by the side you believe is better.
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    Or you can present your side first and then present the opposing side next.
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    In your final paragraph or paragraphs,
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    you will want to discuss why you believe there's
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    more evidence for the side you think is stronger or true.
  • 3:57 - 4:03
    The argumentative essay is slightly different from the persuasive essay.
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    The persuasive essay only presents
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    your side or your point of view and gives evidence for that.
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    The argumentative essay looks at both of the points
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    of view and also gives evidence for both.
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    So you need to consider both sides of an argument in an argumentative essay.
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    We sometimes call these counterarguments.
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    So be sure to present the other side and their reasons for their point of view.
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    Now, one good way to write the argumentative essay is to
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    predict the consequences of their point of view.
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    So this would include your ideas of what would happen if this situation continues.
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    Let's look at a possible argumentative essay assignment.
  • 4:56 - 5:00
    "Higher education should be free for everyone."
  • 5:00 - 5:04
    Present the different arguments about this topic and defend your opinion.
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    Now, the first thing you should do is to brainstorm for some ideas
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    or do some research to find reasons why
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    people believe that higher education should be free.
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    Thinking of at least three ideas is a good idea.
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    Then you should brainstorm for ideas of the other side of
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    the argument about higher education should not be free.
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    The structure for your essay may look something like this.
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    You decide to first write about the ideas that
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    argue that higher education should be free.
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    In the next paragraph you would talk about the reasons
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    why some believe that higher education should not be free.
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    In your conclusion,
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    you would write why your point of view is correct.
  • 5:53 - 5:56
    So after some research or brainstorming,
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    maybe you decide on these ideas for your essay,
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    you would develop each of these paragraphs with
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    evidence and examples to prove that point of view.
  • 6:08 - 6:16
    Now, evidence that you can use in an argumentative essay include expert's opinions,
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    factual information, or statistics.
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    Be sure to reference any of these facts in your writing by using a citation method,
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    either the APA or the MLA.
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    Now, all of these types of evidence can add
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    credibility to your argument and prove your point.
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    So when writing your support paragraph,
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    be sure to make your point and then give further details,
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    maybe an example or some type of evidence, to back it up.
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    Do this for both sides of the argument.
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    For example, you need to find a quote or some kind of an example
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    from the opposing point of view to show how they see the topic.
  • 7:05 - 7:09
    So to review what an argumentative essay is,
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    an argumentative essay takes a position on a topic.
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    It presents both sides of the argument or multiple sides
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    if there are more than 2 sides,
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    and then it attempts to convince the reader that the writer's opinion is correct.
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    Try using these strategies the next time you need to write
  • 7:31 - 7:35
    an argumentative essay. Happy writing. (MUSIC)
How to Write an Argumentative Essay

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Video Language:
BYU Continuing Education

English subtitles
