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♪ theme music ♪
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(Derek) Welcome to Hope Sabbath School,
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an in-depth, interactive study
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of the Word of God.
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I'm glad you joined us today
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as we continue a life-changing series
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of studies on the Gospel of Matthew.
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Today we're going to talk
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about "The Teachings of Jesus
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about the Last Days."
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A relevant topic,
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and I know you'll be blessed.
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So welcome to Hope Sabbath School
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and welcome to our team.
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What a great series of studies.
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I'm so thankful that the Spirit of God
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inspired a former tax collector,
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Levi Matthew, to write this account,
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and I'm excited today because
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one of our team, T ricia Lee,
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is going to be leading in our study.
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Tricia Lee, thanks for your commitment
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to the Word of God,
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and I know God is going to bless us
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in wonderful ways.
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We're just so glad
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hat you're part of Hope Sabbath School,
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and when you write to us it brings joy
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to our hearts to hear
how God is blessing you.
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You can write to sshope@hopetv.org.
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You can also write a note
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on our Facebook page;
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we've got more than 150,000 followers
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on Facebook now, and it's wonderful.
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Sometimes we'll put a picture of you,
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if you send one.
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We're just part of a