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The art of wearable communication

  • 0:00 - 0:03
    My name is Kate Hartman.
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    And I like to make devices
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    that play with the ways
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    that we relate and communicate.
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    So I'm specifically interested in how we, as humans,
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    relate to ourselves, each other
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    and the world around us.
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  • 0:32 - 0:34
    So just to give you a bit of context,
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    as June said, I'm an artist, a technologist and an educator.
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    I teach courses in physical computing
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    and wearable electronics.
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    And much of what I do is either wearable
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    or somehow related to the human form.
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    And so anytime I talk about what I do,
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    I like to just quickly address
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    the reason why bodies matter.
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    And it's pretty simple.
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    Everybody's got one -- all of you.
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    I can guarantee, everyone in this room,
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    all of you over there, the people in the cushy seats,
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    the people up top with the laptops --
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    we all have bodies.
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    Don't be ashamed.
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    It's something that we have in common
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    and they act as our primary interfaces for the world.
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    And so when working as an interaction designer,
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    or as an artist who deals with participation --
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    creating things that live on, in or around the human form --
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    it's really a powerful space to work within.
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    So within my own work,
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    I use a broad range of materials and tools.
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    So I communicate through everything from radio transceivers
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    to funnels and plastic tubing.
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    And to tell you a bit about the things that I make,
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    the easiest place to start the story
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    is with a hat.
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    And so it all started several years ago,
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    late one night when I was sitting on the subway, riding home,
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    and I was thinking.
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    And I tend to be a person who thinks too much and talks too little.
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    And so I was thinking about how it might be great
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    if I could just take all these noises --
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    like all these sounds of my thoughts in my head --
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    if I could just physically extricate them
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    and pull them out in such a form
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    that I could share them with somebody else.
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    And so I went home, and I made a prototype of this hat.
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    And I called it the Muttering Hat,
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    because it emitted these muttering noises
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    that were kind of tethered to you,
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    but you could detach them
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    and share them with somebody else.
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    So I make other hats as well.
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    This one is called the Talk to Yourself Hat.
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    It's fairly self-explanatory.
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    It physically carves out conversation space for one.
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    And when you speak out loud,
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    the sound of your voice is actually channeled back into your own ears.
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    And so when I make these things,
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    it's really not so much about the object itself,
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    but rather the negative space around the object.
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    So what happens when a person puts this thing on?
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    What kind of an experience do they have?
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    And how are they transformed by wearing it?
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    So many of these devices
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    really kind of focus on the ways in which we relate to ourselves.
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    So this particular device is called the Gut Listener.
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    And it is a tool
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    that actually enables one
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    to listen to their own innards.
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    And so some of these things
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    are actually more geared toward expression and communication.
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    And so the Inflatable Heart
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    is an external organ
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    that can be used by the wearer to express themselves.
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    So they can actually inflate it and deflate it
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    according to their emotions.
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    So they can express everything from admiration and lust
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    to anxiety and angst.
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    And some of these are actually meant
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    to mediate experiences.
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    So the Discommunicator is a tool for arguments.
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    And so actually it allows for an intense emotional exchange,
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    but is serves to absorb
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    the specificity of the words that are delivered.
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    And in the end,
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    some of these things just act as invitations.
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    So the Ear Bender literally puts something out there
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    so someone can grab your ear
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    and say what they have to say.
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    So even though I'm really interested in the relationship
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    between people,
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    I also consider the ways
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    in which we relate to the world around us.
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    And so when I was first living in New York City a few years back,
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    I was thinking a lot about
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    the familiar architectural forms that surrounded me
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    and how I would like to better relate to them.
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    And I thought, "Well, hey!
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    Maybe if I want to better relate to walls,
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    maybe I need to be more wall-like myself."
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    So I made a wearable wall
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    that I could wear as a backpack.
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    And so I would put it on
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    and sort of physically transform myself
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    so that I could either contribute to or critique
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    the spaces that surrounded me.
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    And so jumping off of that,
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    thinking beyond the built environment into the natural world,
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    I have this ongoing project called Botanicalls --
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    which actually enables houseplants
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    to tap into human communication protocols.
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    So when a plant is thirsty,
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    it can actually make a phone call
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    or post a message to a service like Twitter.
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    And so this really shifts the human/plant dynamic,
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    because a single house plant
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    can actually express its needs
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    to thousands of people at the same time.
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    And so kind of thinking about scale,
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    my most recent obsession
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    is actually with glaciers -- of course.
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    And so glaciers are these magnificent beings,
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    and there's lots of reasons to be obsessed with them,
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    but what I'm particularly interested in
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    is in human-glacier relations.
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    Because there seems to be an issue.
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    The glaciers are actually leaving us.
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    They're both shrinking and retreating --
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    and some of them have disappeared altogether.
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    And so I actually live in Canada now,
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    so I've been visiting one of my local glaciers.
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    And this one's particularly interesting,
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    because, of all the glaciers in North America,
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    it receives the highest volume of human traffic in a year.
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    They actually have these buses that drive up and over the lateral moraine
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    and drop people off on the surface of the glacier.
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    And this has really gotten me thinking
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    about this experience of the initial encounter.
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    When I meet a glacier for the very first time,
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    what do I do?
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    There's no kind of social protocol for this.
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    I really just don't even know
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    how to say hello.
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    Do I carve a message in the snow?
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    Or perhaps I can assemble one
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    out of dot and dash ice cubes --
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    ice cube Morse code.
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    Or perhaps I need to make myself a speaking tool,
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    like an icy megaphone
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    that I can use to amplify my voice
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    when I direct it at the ice.
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    But really the most satisfying experience I've had
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    is the act of listening,
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    which is what we need in any good relationship.
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    And I was really struck by how much it affected me.
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    This very basic shift in my physical orientation
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    helped me shift my perspective
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    in relation to the glacier.
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    And so since we use devices
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    to figure out how to relate to the world these days,
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    I actually made a device called the Glacier Embracing Suit.
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    And so this is constructed out of a heat reflected material
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    that serves to mediate the difference in temperature
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    between the human body and the glacial ice.
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    And once again, it's this invitation
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    that asks people to lay down on the glacier
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    and give it a hug.
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    So, yea, this is actually just the beginning.
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    These are initial musings for this project.
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    And just as with the wall, how I wanted to be more wall-like,
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    with this project, I'd actually like to take more a of glacial pace.
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    And so my intent
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    is to actually just take the next 10 years
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    and go on a series of collaborative projects
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    where I work with people from different disciplines --
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    artists, technologists, scientists --
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    to kind of work on this project
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    of how we can improve human-glacier relations.
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    So beyond that, in closing,
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    I'd just like to say that we're in this era
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    of communications and device proliferation,
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    and it's really tremendous and exciting and sexy,
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    but I think what's really important
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    is thinking about how we can simultaneously
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    maintain a sense of wonder and a sense of criticality
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    about the tools that we use and the ways in which we relate to the world.
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  • 8:38 - 8:44
The art of wearable communication
Kate Hartman

Artist Kate Hartman uses wearable electronics to explore how we communicate, with ourselves and with the world. In this quirky and thought-provoking talk, she shows the "Talk to Yourself Hat", the "Inflatable Heart", the "Glacier Embracing Suit", and other unexpected devices.

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