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My love letter to cosplay

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La meva carta d'amor al 'cosplay'
Adam Savage

Adam Savage makes things and builds experiments, and he uses costumes to add humor, color and clarity to the stories he tells. Tracing his lifelong love of costumes -- from a childhood space helmet made of an ice cream tub to a No-Face costume he wore to Comic-Con -- Savage explores the world of cosplay and the meaning it creates for its community. "We're connecting with something important inside of us," he says. "The costumes are how we reveal ourselves to each other."

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Elena Pérez Gómez edited Catalan subtitles for My love letter to cosplay
Elena Pérez Gómez edited Catalan subtitles for My love letter to cosplay
Elena Pérez Gómez edited Catalan subtitles for My love letter to cosplay
Elena Pérez Gómez edited Catalan subtitles for My love letter to cosplay
Elena Pérez Gómez edited Catalan subtitles for My love letter to cosplay
Elena Pérez Gómez edited Catalan subtitles for My love letter to cosplay
Elena Pérez Gómez edited Catalan subtitles for My love letter to cosplay
Elena Pérez Gómez edited Catalan subtitles for My love letter to cosplay
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Catalan subtitles

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