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Measuring Serum Antibody with an Agglutination Assay

  • 0:00 - 0:04
    (English captions by Andrea Matumoto, University of Michigan.) An agglutination assay is a simple way to
    detect and to measure antibodies in a clinical
  • 0:04 - 0:09
    specimen directed against a specific antigen
    of interest.
  • 0:09 - 0:15
    In this animation the principles and potential
    pitfalls of the assay will be demonstrated.
  • 0:15 - 0:21
    The main reagent used in the assay is a solution
    of insoluble tiny beads usually composed of
  • 0:21 - 0:22
  • 0:22 - 0:28
    Alternatively to measure antibodies against
    a microbial pathogen the killed bacterial or
  • 0:28 - 0:31
    yeast cells can be used as the agglutinating
  • 0:31 - 0:36
    However in this example latex beads are used
    and they have been prepared so that the antigen
  • 0:36 - 0:41
    of interest coats their surfaces and they
    are concentrated enough to produce a visible
  • 0:41 - 0:45
    milky suspension.
  • 0:45 - 0:49
    To measure antibodies against the antigen
    the particles are added to the wells of a
  • 0:49 - 0:55
    ninety-six well microtiter plate and then
    sera taken from different patients are added
  • 0:55 - 0:57
    to the wells in the first column.
  • 0:57 - 1:02
    Two fold dilutions of the sera are prepared
    in the rows and then a known negative and
  • 1:02 - 1:12
    positive control serum are added in the last
    two columns.
  • 1:12 - 1:16
    When the plate is allowed to incubate at room
    temperature the wells containing the negative
  • 1:16 - 1:18
    control serum remain unchanged.
  • 1:18 - 1:22
    The wells containing the positive control
    serum have developed a visible button at the
  • 1:22 - 1:28
    bottom of the wells and the solution in those
    wells has changed from milky to clear.
  • 1:28 - 1:35
    So what accounts for the appearance of the
    positive wells and what accounts for the lack
  • 1:35 - 1:38
    of change in the negative wells?
  • 1:38 - 1:42
    To understand what's going on, lets take
    a microscopic look at the negative and positive
  • 1:42 - 1:46
    wells to see what is happening in each case.
  • 1:46 - 1:51
    When there is no antibody in the well with
    the beads they remain in suspension giving
  • 1:51 - 1:53
    the well a milky appearance.
  • 1:53 - 1:59
    However, when specific antibody is present
    it binds to and crosslinks the beads.
  • 1:59 - 2:05
    This causes the beads to clump and to form
    large aggregates that sink to the bottom of
  • 2:05 - 2:07
    the round bottom wells.
  • 2:07 - 2:12
    They make the suspension clear as they sink
    instead of milky and the aggregates settle
  • 2:12 - 2:17
    into a pellet or a button which forms at the
    bottom of the well.
  • 2:17 - 2:22
    So you will see the button at the bottom of
    any well that has enough specific antibodies
  • 2:22 - 2:25
    in it to precipitate the beads.
  • 2:25 - 2:29
    But when the antibody is diluted out, the
    button no longer appears.
  • 2:29 - 2:49
    The patient's antibody titer is the last
    dilution of serum that produces a button.
  • 2:49 - 2:54
    But how to we explain the absence of a button
    in the most concentrated wells of the serum
  • 2:54 - 2:59
    with the highest titer showed by the orange
  • 2:59 - 3:04
    Imagine a well that has many more antibody
    molecules in it than beads.
  • 3:04 - 3:08
    In this situation the beads will be completely
    coated with antibody and there will be no
  • 3:08 - 3:12
    possibility of crosslinking and precipitation.
  • 3:12 - 3:18
    This phenomenon, which is referred to as a
    prozone sometimes occurs in cases of syphilis.
  • 3:18 - 3:23
    The standard screening test for syphilis is
    an agglutination assay in which undiluted
  • 3:23 - 3:28
    serum is added to beads coated with the antigen
  • 3:28 - 3:33
    In secondary syphilis the antibody titers
    are sometimes so high that the test exhibits
  • 3:33 - 3:36
    a prozone and is falsely negative.
  • 3:36 - 3:40
    So how do you think you could overcome this
    potential problem and make the correct laboratory
  • 3:40 - 3:42
  • 3:42 - 3:46
    Did you think of diluting the serum and then
    retesting it?
  • 3:46 - 3:51
    By diluting the antibody in this situation
    the amounts of antibody and antigen are closer
  • 3:51 - 3:53
    to being equivalent with one another.
  • 3:53 - 3:56
    Then the conditions for crosslinking can exist.
  • 3:56 - 4:01
    Now when crosslinking occurs a precipitate
    forms and the button develops at the bottom
  • 4:01 - 4:05
    of a tube indicating a positive test.
Measuring Serum Antibody with an Agglutination Assay

This short animation demonstrates measuring serum antibody with an agglutination assay. This resource was developed by Cary Engleberg of the University of Michigan. It is part of a larger learning module about laboratory methods for clinical microbiology. The full learning module, editable animation, and video transcript are available at http://open.umich.edu/education/med/oernetwork/med/microbiology/clinical-microbio-lab/2009. Copyright 2009-2010, Cary Engleberg. This is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/.

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Video Language:

English subtitles
