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DjangoCon 2014- Technical Onboarding, Training, and Mentoring

  • 0:09 - 0:14
    Thank you. Yes. So, um, for those of you
    who were at the last
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    talk, thank you for your loyalty.
    I'm gonna talk about technical onboarding
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    training and mentoring now; it's probably
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    not going to be quite as funny.
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    It's a linear talk, unlike our
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    choose-your-own-adventure story last time.
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    Uh. This is originally a joint talk that was
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    given at PyCon. I'm Kate Heddleston;
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    that's my Twitter handle, so you can,
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    you know, tweet thoughts at me.
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    I'm a software engineer at Runscope.
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    We make these sweet shirts that say
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    "everything is going to be 200 OK".
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    Um, if you want one of them, you can come
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    find me afterwards.
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    And Nicole Zuckerman was originally my
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    co-presenter. She's a software engineer at
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    Eventbrite. And I'll let you figure out which
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    one of these two people is her. But
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    basically Nicole and I came together to
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    create this talk because we had similar
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    experiences at separate companies.
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    Nicole went to Hackbright Academy and then
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    went to Eventbrite right afterwards.
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    I went to a small startup out of college
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    and at both of our respective companies,
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    we -- there wasn't any onboarding. I've mostly
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    worked at companies that were smaller than
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    12 people when I joined, so onboarding was
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    not a huge priority. About a year later, I
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    had gained some confidence, many skills,
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    like real-world skills. And I looked back
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    and I thought, there's some things that we
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    can do, even as small startups, to make
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    the onboarding experience better. To make
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    it easier for people to get up to speed at
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    your company without having a huge
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    overhead. Without having to build these
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    massive onboarding programs that they have
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    at large companies.
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    Alright. So, what is onboarding?
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    For the purposes of this talk, onboarding,
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    as a definition, is going to be the act of
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    taking someone from outside of the
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    company, the team, whatever group of
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    people it is, and making them a
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    productive, independent, and confident
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    member of your team. And this sounds
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    really nice, right? If all employees were
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    productive and confident and independent,
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    like, that sounds like a really great
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    engineering environment. Unfortunately,
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    that isn't the case a lot of times. Um,
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    someone shared a blog post with me the
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    other day with their thoughts on
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    onboarding, and he was like yeah, our
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    company is trying to change onboarding so
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    that it's not so much about lighting
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    someone on fire and then telling them to
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    find water and it's a little more
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    welcoming. It's like, that's good.
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    So to go through these three things -
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    productivity, independence, and
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    confidence - Productivity is pretty simple.
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    It's about creating efficient employees.
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    This has to do with giving them the tools
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    to write code, deploy code, understand how
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    features get built. Basically get their
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    jobs done.
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    Independence and autonomy is actually
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    huge. Autonomy, uh, being an autonomous
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    agent is really important to people. The
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    greatest motivations, in fact, come
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    through things that we choose for
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    ourselves. The anecdote that I have for
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    this is in prisons. They discovered that
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    autonomy is really important. So when
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    people are in prison environments, a lot
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    of their rights and abilities to do things
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    are removed. This leads to riots,
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    dissatisfaction, and many things that you
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    would think would happen. So what they do
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    with prisoners is they give them the right
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    to change the channel, and they give them
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    the right to move their furniture around.
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    And this little bit of autonomy, this
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    ability to choose for themselves what they
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    get to do, even though it's very small,
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    reduced prison riots by - significantly.
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    You want to reduce riots at your company
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    by giving people the ability to choose the
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    TV channel.
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    Confidence. Confidence is about creating
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    employees who believe that they are
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    valuable. And the word 'belief' is
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    actually really, really important. So a
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    lot of people think - they might think
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    'arrogance' and they might think
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    'confidence' and they might think a lot of
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    things, but this belief in your value to
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    the company is paramount. And this is very
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    much a human thing. This doesn't really
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    have to do with computers. This just has
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    to do with creating an environment where
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    companies feel as though they can enact
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    change, and that they are capable of
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    enacting change.
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    Oh. This - the belief is really important.
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    Also they did a study. So how many of you
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    have heard of the concept of 'stereotype
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    effect'? Stereotype - do I smell? Okay.
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    So the stereotype effect works like this.
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    There are stereotypes in the world.
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    "Asians are good at math." "Women are bad
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    with computers." And what they've found is
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    that, before tests, tests on things like
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    physics or math, what they'll do is they
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    reminded one group of this stereotype.
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    "Women are bad at math; men are better at
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    math. Asians are better at math than all
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    of those groups." And what they found was,
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    when they reminded people of those
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    stereotypes, people performed to the
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    stereotype. If they didn't tell anyone at
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    all, people performed in a control group
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    setting, and then the third group that
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    they did is that they told people that
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    their ability to do well on the test came
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    from these sort of intrinsic motivators,
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    like if you work hard you'll be good at
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    math, if you think about like your own
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    personal qualities that's helpful, what
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    they saw was that everyone's performance
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    improved and there was actually no
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    difference across these different lines.
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    So stereotype effect is really important.
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    It's this belief that you are good at - at
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    something or not. And what's funny is
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    just being told that you are good at this
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    might actually change your performance.
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    Okay. Why do you care?
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    Um, you're all already here, so you
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    probably care about technical onboarding
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    and training at your company. Maybe you
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    have to hire a bunch of new engineers out
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    of college, maybe you have a bunch of
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    interns coming on board and you're like
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    terrified, because what are you going to
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    do with all of those interns.
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    There's four categories that you should
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    care about when thinking about onboarding.
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    There's the individual, there's the
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    company, there's the team, and then
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    there's also a bonus section on diversity.
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    Onboarding is really important for the
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    individual. The cost of losing an employee
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    can range from tens of thousands of
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    dollars to 1.5-2x their salary. If
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    someone gets off to the wrong foot at
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    your company, if they're not happy, if
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    they never get up to speed, if they never
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    feel autonomous, confident, and productive
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    at your company, you're probably going to
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    lose them. And that's really expensive. So
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    having good onboarding, just getting
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    everyone off to a good start, is really
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    important for individuals. It gets them
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    going upwards like this. It builds their
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    skills, their confidence, their happiness.
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    The next one is the company. Onboarding is
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    really important for the collective
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    productivity of the company, and the
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    anecdote for this one is at LinkedIn. For
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    a while, LinkedIn was actually losing
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    productivity for every engineer that was
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    added to their team. And this was a huge
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    crisis. They actually had to bring in some
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    new executives, some new managers, and
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    they were like, we have to stop hiring.
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    Like, adding engineers to our team is
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    actually decreasing our productivity. This
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    is a nightmare. Uh. What you really want
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    is something more like this. We want every
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    new engineer we add to the team to
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    increase productivity. So LinkedIn had to
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    do this massive reorganization. They had
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    to do a whole bunch of getting rid of some
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    things, adding some things, adding
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    onboarding and training, and basically
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    streamlining everything so that new
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    engineers could come in and be productive.
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    So onboarding and having onboarding early
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    is going to stave off some of these
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    problems that you might run into later.
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    Team. So we talk a lot about technical
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    debt - how many people have talked about,
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    or heard about, the term 'technical debt'?
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    - yeah, you went to build something really
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    fast, you kind of cut corners, and six
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    months later you're like aw crap, we have
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    to rebuild this, we have a lot of bugs,
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    this is completely unmaintainable. Nobody
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    knows how to change this system. Well,
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    similarly there's team debt. If you add a
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    lot of engineers really fast and really
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    thoughtlessly, you can get something like
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    this happening. Everyone's running in a
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    different direction. And since people are
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    the most important component for building
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    software, um, this is really, really
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    detrimental. You want something that's
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    more like this. Obviously.
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    This is my favorite equation that I've
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    ever made up. The story behind this
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    equation, and I have a lot of sports
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    anecdotes, 'cause I played sports for a
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    long time, and I coached sports for a long
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    time. But in college when I was done
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    playing, I actually coached JV girls'
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    swimming and water polo. So - JV girls'
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    water polo, very new to most of the girls.
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    They couldn't swim, they couldn't throw a
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    ball, we're talking like very basic
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    skills. Playing a full game, with like all
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    seven players on the field, was, I mean it
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    was like, you know when you watch like
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    peewee soccer and all the kids kind of
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    like chase the ball around? It's a little
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    bit like that. And so a huge amount of
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    what I did was just basic skills. But the
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    other half was kind of the emotional
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    team-building part. And I told them this.
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    I was like, look. Your ability to win
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    games, and your ability to do well at this
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    sport, even at this very introductory
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    level, is the sum of your talent multiplied
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    by your ability to work together as a
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    team. Some of the people on the team
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    didn't have a lot of natural talent. They
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    were going to have to work really hard to
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    build their skills. But that's fine.
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    Because if they focused a lot on working
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    together, they focused a lot on getting
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    things done as a cohesive unit, they can
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    actually beat teams that had more
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    collective talent, but didn't work
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    together quite as well. And we've actually
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    seen this in software engineering. A lot
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    of, uh, the most popular tools out there
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    were built by teams of less than ten.
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    Gmail, for example, was built by a team of
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    I think like five to seven people? It's
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    maintained by, like, a team of over 400
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    engineers. So you can get a lot done
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    collectively as a small group in terms of
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    productivity, in terms of building really
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    cool products, without having super
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    talented engineers. If they all work
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    really well together, a lot of mediocre
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    engineers can do more than a few talented
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    engineers who are kind of assholes.
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    Alright. The bonus section is diversity.
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    So to illustrate diversity, I have
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    sneetches. The story of sneetches is a Dr.
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    Seuss book. There's the star-bellied
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    sneetches and the non-star-bellied
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    sneetches. And it's this story about the
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    rift that's caused in the community of
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    sneetches based on those who had star
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    bellies and those who did not have star
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    bellies. And I use it to represent
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    diversity because diversity can mean a lot
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    of things. There's the classic ones,
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    there's gender and racial diversity.
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    There's also things like introverts vs
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    extroverts. Um. Communication styles.
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    I don't know. Philosophical backgrounds.
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    Cultural backgrounds that don't have to do
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    with race but have to do with how you were
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    brought up. So diversity can mean a lot
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    of things at companies. And why is
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    diversity critical? And why is onboarding
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    a really useful tool for increasing
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    Well, basically what happens is this. If
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    you have no onboarding, people coming into
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    the company are going to rely on the
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    existing social structures to get up to
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    speed. So that means whatever the original
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    group of people is, they probably have a
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    way that they talk about things. They
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    probably have certain social events that
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    they do. They probably look fairly
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    similar. And if someone comes onboard
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    who's like them, who's able to communicate,
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    who's able to go out with them, who's able
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    to connect with this core group based on
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    these existing social structures, they're
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    going to do better than someone who's not
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    like the original group. Because what you
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    have when you have no onboarding is not
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    no onboarding. You have onboarding that
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    relies on the social structures that you
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    have in place. So creating an onboarding
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    program that's slightly more structured,
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    slightly more explicit, will benefit
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    people who are different, people who don't
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    naturally speak the way that people at
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    your company already speak, that don't
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    naturally want to do the types of
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    activities that people at your company
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    wanna do. Because not everyone wants to
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    go out drinking at 10pm on a Tuesday night
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    if you have a really young, party-oriented
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    company. So you want to give everyone
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    a fair chance because there's very
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    talented people who look very different
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    from each other.
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    Who can onboard? Anyone can onboard!
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    This is a team of people carrying a canoe,
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    this is not a group of ants carrying a
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    taco, just to let you know. I draw these
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    myself, by the way. I'm not a very good
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    artist. Um. Anyone can onboard, and in
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    fact onboarding should be a collective
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    effort. This distributes the load.
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    One person alone trying to onboard
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    everyone is gonna burn them out.
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    Similarly, I was talking to someone about
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    mentorship, and someone else was saying,
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    oh, you have to have a lot of experience
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    to mentor. And depending on the type of
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    mentoring you're doing, that's true.
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    But going from junior engineer to senior
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    engineer is not a one-step process.
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    It involves going from junior engineer to
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    less-junior engineer, to less-junior
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    engineer, to maybe mid-level engineer, to
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    slightly more mid-level engineer, to 'hey!
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    oh! I kind of think I get this now!'
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    And so having someone that's very
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    experienced, who can guide the overall
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    path is important, but some of the best
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    people to mentor and train your new junior
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    engineers are going to be the ones who
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    just did it. They're going to still have
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    empathy for what it's like to take
    that step.
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    They're going to understand the problems
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    that they're running into. They're going
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    to actually care about what this person is
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    doing, and the more senior you get and the
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    further away from that you get, the less
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    empathy that you have for people. And in
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    fact we all know this. Senior engineers
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    are total curmudgeons. They're like,
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    'everything is going to break and it's all
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    going to hell and I don't know why we care
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    and come into work every day.' And junior
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    engineers are like, 'oh my god, that's
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    awful, I'm so excited about
    what I'm doing.'
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    When? Okay. Onboarding starts as soon as
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    the offer is accepted.
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    Basically, onboarding is not just about
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    teaching someone the skills that they need
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    to be successful about your company;
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    it's about bringing another human being
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    into a group of human beings. So: making
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    someone feel welcome. Figuring out how to
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    integrate them into the team. That's going
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    to start as soon as they've decided
    to come on board.
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    Onboarding roughly ends when someone is
    reliably independent.
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    And this can mean different things to
    different companies,
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    and I left it kind of vague on purpose,
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    but the idea for a junior engineer
    at least
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    is that we bring them into the company and
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    they're kind of - like our onboarding
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    program is done when they're reliably
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    We can give them tasks and trust that
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    they're going to come up with
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    a semi-reasonable solution
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    in a semi-reasonable amount of time.
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    And we can manage that effectively.
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    So the how section that we're going to go
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    through now is a little bit
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    philosophically about how to do this,
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    but we're also going to focus on concrete
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    examples and ideas for how you can build
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    the onboarding program at your company.
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    The first thing to think about when
    onboarding people
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    is to maximize your return on investment.
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    And this might seem somewhat callous, but
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    at the end of the day why wouldn't you
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    want to maximize your return on
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    Like you don't want to put a ton of
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    resources into something and get less out
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    of it than you put in. That just doesn't
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    even make sense.
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    It's a really, really common pitfall for
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    mentors, especially first-time mentors.
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    So if you have people onboarding junior
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    engineers at your company and they've
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    never onboarded someone, what you
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    essentially have is you have a
    junior mentor
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    onboarding a junior engineer.
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    That you have someone who's never done
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    this before, they don't know what's going
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    I love talking to people who are
    first-time mentors.
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    They're like, I'm going to be the best
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    onboarding mentor ever. We're going to do
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    everything together, we're going to take
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    these courses, we're just going to -
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    by the, by time they're done with these
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    three months they're going to know
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    everything I know.
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    And that's highly unrealistic because
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    people only absorb information at
    certain rates.
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    Also your expertise has to do with the
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    number of issues that you've seen, and it
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    just takes time. Over time you see more
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    issues, you solve them, you fix them.
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    So people are going to grow at the rate
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    they're going to grow. You can help
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    make that better, you can help focus their
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    but you're not going to make them into a
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    senior engineer overnight.
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    This tends to burn out mentors, so
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    people do this, they burn themselves out
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    in three months because it's exhausting
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    teaching someone, and then they're like,
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    I can't be a mentor again for another
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    And your company's like, well, OK, I guess
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    we can't hire any more junior engineers.
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    Like, we don't have anyone to train them.
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    Instead I like to think of it as
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    bumper bowling.
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    One of the tenets of expertise is that
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    you're able to set boundaries. You know
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    the landscape. You know everything about
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    this arena. So you can set boundaries.
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    You can scope problems. You can figure
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    out exactly what needs to be done, and
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    exactly what doesn't need to be done.
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    Junior engineers, by definition, are not
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    good at scoping. They don't know what the
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    boundaries are. So what you need to do is
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    set them for the junior engineers.
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    Bumper bowling is a great example.
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    You just - you set up the bumpers.
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    It's fine if they just hit the bumper on
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    each side going down. They're still
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    going in that direction, and that's where
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    we want them to go. You don't have to
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    handhold them through the process.
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    You don't have to spend tons of time with
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    them. Instead you can just create an
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    environment where they can kind of mess up
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    and learn on their own, and you can come
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    in and help them grow when that needs to
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    So the onboarding plan - there's three
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    major categories.
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    There's technical knowledge, company
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    knowledge and process, and personal
  • Not Synced
    These are about equal thirds for someone.
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    We tend to think that the technical
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    knowledge is the most important thing, and
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    it's, people think it's like 80% of what
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    engineers do. It's probably about a third.
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    Like, another third is domain knowledge of
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    that company. How do I build a feature at
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    this company. How do I ship code at this
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    company. How do I deploy, given our
  • Not Synced
    deployment system. And then personal
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    development. Like the confidence, the
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    autonomy, all of those different things,
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    that's another third. People tend to think
  • Not Synced
    that skills - or that confidence follows
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    skills, but in practice it's usually the
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    People who are confident will gain skills
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    at a much more rapid rate than people
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    who lack confidence.
  • Not Synced
    OK. Week 1. Week 1 should be pretty simple
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    for new engineers. Dev environment setup
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    is really important. The thing that you
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    can do to help new engineers is just
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    automate as many tools as possible.
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    The more automation the better.
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    The more maintainability the better.
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    As engineers, that is one of the best
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    things we can do for people's process, is
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    make sure that a lot of these things are
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    automated. So shipping code as well.
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    If shipping code is really well-automated,
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    and it's super easy for you to ship code,
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    it's going to be easy to bring someone,
  • Not Synced
    even someone who's junior, on board,
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    and get them to a place where they can
    ship code.
  • Not Synced
    So for dev environments, again, automation.
  • Not Synced
    Have the last person who set up the
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    dev environment help the new person.
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    They know all the pitfalls. They just
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    did it. They just had to go through
  • Not Synced
    setting up their development environment.
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    You don't need a senior engineer, you
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    don't need someone who knows a lot about
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    some other random thing. It's just dev
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    environment setup. So the last person who
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    joined does dev environment setup.
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    Have them ship small changes as soon as
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    If you can have someone deploy on the
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    first day, that's awesome. That means you
  • Not Synced
    have really good automation tools.
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    Third, journaling and note-taking.
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    Have them start taking notes. Three things
  • Not Synced
    that they learned this week. For junior
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    engineers, this is going to be really
  • Not Synced
    They're probably not going to know a lot
    of things,
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    and you're going to be surprised at what
  • Not Synced
    they do and don't know, so having them
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    take notes that you can talk about once a
  • Not Synced
    week is really great.
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    And then finally, a social event. And a
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    social event's actually a really good
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    activity, even for people who are not
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    junior. A social event's just: we're gonna
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    hang out, I'm going to learn everyone on
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    my immediate team's name, because if I
  • Not Synced
    want to ask a question, it's really nice
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    to know that person's name. And I'm going
  • Not Synced
    to feel more comfortable talking to other
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    people on my team. Because a huge amount
  • Not Synced
    of work that you need when you're new,
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    regardless of level, is just the ability
  • Not Synced
    to go talk to someone else on your team.
  • Not Synced
    Alright. Week 2. Week 2 you can start
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    throwing more information at your new
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    The first week is so overwhelming
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    a lot of times that things just go in one
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    ear and out the other. So I recommend
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    doing history of the company and team map
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    second week. So history of the company -
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    where does the company come from,
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    why was it started, who were the founders,
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    what was the reason that it got here,
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    what were some of the pitfalls that
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    happened along the way, why do we target
  • Not Synced
    the markets that we target. And a
    team map,
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    which seems really simple, but just giving
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    them a map - like, this is Bob, Bob sits
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    over there, Bob is really good at redis,
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    he deals with all of our asynchronous
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    task queues, um, so go talk to him about
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    that. Or, like, so-and-so is really good
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    at building fully-fledged future products.
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    They have a great design sense, but
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    they're also good at building front-end
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    features. So knowing those things is super
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    helpful to new engineers.
  • Not Synced
    Shadowing and code labs are good
  • Not Synced
    activities to get started the second or
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    third week. Shadowing is what it sounds
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    like. Have them sit down with someone
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    who's more senior, either mid-level or
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    senior, whatever you want to do, and watch
  • Not Synced
    what that other person does. What kind of
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    keyboard shortcuts do they use? What type
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    of bash commands do they use? What does
  • Not Synced
    that bash command do? Why are they doing
  • Not Synced
    all of the things that they're doing? They
  • Not Synced
    can learn and absorb a lot of information
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    just by watching other people for an hour,
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    either once a week or every day if you
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    want to be really aggressive.
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    Code labs are something that was started
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    at Eventbrite. Basically it's like a
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    new engineer AMA. So it's a safe space -
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    emphasis on the word safe, no judgment,
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    your questions are not stupid - it's
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    totally fine if they want to ask concepts
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    that might seem really beginner, but
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    they can just ask one of the engineers
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    at your company anything. So you can
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    rotate the engineers, people with
  • Not Synced
    different expertise can come in, but
  • Not Synced
    really what you want for the person
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    running a Code Lab is someone who makes
  • Not Synced
    people feel safe. Again, if people are
  • Not Synced
    terrified of asking questions they're not
  • Not Synced
    going to ask questions.
  • Not Synced
    Week 3. Now we start to get into some
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    of the higher-level stuff. One-on-ones,
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    goal-setting, feedback, presentations.
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    One-on-ones. Most companies have totally
  • Not Synced
    bought into the idea that you need to do
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    these now, but weekly one-on-ones are
  • Not Synced
    really important. Emphasis on weekly.
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    Having channels for feedback, for easy
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    communication, is so important. If
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    someone runs into an issue, the overhead
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    for telling someone who's more senior
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    about this problem that they've run
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    into is really high. Having to schedule a
  • Not Synced
    meeting to give someone bad news is one
  • Not Synced
    of the worst things that anyone has to do.
  • Not Synced
    So creating these channels for constant
  • Not Synced
    feedback is really important. Even if
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    every week they're like, 'I'm doing great,
  • Not Synced
    there's nothing to talk about!'
  • Not Synced
    That's totally fine. This is still
  • Not Synced
    a really good thing to do.
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    Goal-setting and feedback: it might seem
  • Not Synced
    really silly and simple and kind of like,
  • Not Synced
    second-grade - what are your goals
    for this?
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    But people are goal-oriented, and they do
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    really well if they set goals. 'In the
  • Not Synced
    next three months I would like to learn
  • Not Synced
    more about how to build features in
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    JavaScript. In the next six months, I'd
  • Not Synced
    really like to learn how to build the API
  • Not Synced
    layer for the features that I've built
    in JavaScript.'
  • Not Synced
    Presentations. The best way to learn
  • Not Synced
    something is to teach it. This has been
  • Not Synced
    proven over and over again. So, force your
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    new engineers to do five-minute
  • Not Synced
    presentations on topics. 'I want you to
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    present on regular expressions. Tell us
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    everything that you can figure out about
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    regular expressions, do a short
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    presentation about them, teach us regular
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    expressions.' And by the end of that
  • Not Synced
    presentation, they'll know how to use
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    regular expressions. By the way, I gave
  • Not Synced
    this talk at RailsConf, which is ruby, and
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    I totally didn't even think about what I'd
  • Not Synced
    written on this slide here, but multiple
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    people at the end came up and they were
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    like, you do know that that was in Python,
  • Not Synced
    right? I was like, yeah, Python is
  • Not Synced
    They notice.
  • Not Synced
    Alright. Week 4. Week 4 is review
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    check in regular, regularly, elective
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    shadowing, and start co-piloting,
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    co-piloting a larger project. So basically
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    now you're just kind of setting, getting
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    set into a rhythm. You want to be able to
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    check in with them, you want them to feel
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    as if they can talk to you, shadowing can
  • Not Synced
    become elective, hopefully they have
  • Not Synced
    enough confidence now to say, oh I want to
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    shadow that person and learn that thing,
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    and go set it up for themselves.
  • Not Synced
    Co-piloting a larger project is kind of
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    like driver's ed. They can do this with
  • Not Synced
    someone who's much more senior, but the
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    senior person really has an emergency
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    brake on their side, so they can give them
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    tasks - Actually, the way I, the way I
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    like to do it is, if you put them with
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    someone who's more senior, they do all
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    of the grunt tasks. The senior person
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    doesn't want to do, I don't know, all of
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    these grunt tasks that are too trivial
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    for them, but just work that has to get
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    done, but that is really valuable learning
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    for someone who's junior. They've never
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    seen any of it before. So it's exciting.
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    So then you have these really great
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    pairings of someone who's very senior
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    and someone who's very junior, and the
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    junior person's running around doing all
  • Not Synced
    the grunt work and super-excited about it,
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    and the senior person is thrilled that
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    they don't have to do the grunt work any
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    Alright. Beyond. If onboarding has gone
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    well, hopefully this comes and it's really
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    easy. You just check in on progress, you
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    tailor projects and code labs to their
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    needs, you start doing formal
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    and you start doing assessment, and
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    hopefully those assessments are positive.
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    Apprenticeships - that has to do a little
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    bit with what I talked about. Just being
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    taken under someone's wing. The best way
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    to learn is from imitating someone who's
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    really good at something. In fact they
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    find that that's true with athletes.
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    Athletes who are put under someone who's,
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    like, really good and much more
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    experienced at the sport will learn it at
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    a faster rate. So just put them around
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    people who are good at this that they can
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    watch and imitate and follow. If you put
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    them with someone who has bad practices,
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    and I've seen this happen, and it's a pet
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    peeve of mine - if you put them with
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    someone who's senior but who has really
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    bad practices, and that junior person
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    picks up those bad practices, and you
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    punish that junior person for the bad
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    practices that they picked up from the
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    person that you paired them with, that
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    is a really bad experience. So a lot of
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    times we let senior engineers get away
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    with behavior that we wouldn't let junior
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    engineers get away with. Be cognizant
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    of that. So know what bad practices some
  • Not Synced
    of your engineers might be passing on to
  • Not Synced
    junior engineers, and don't punish them
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    for it. Just explain to them why that's
  • Not Synced
    bad, or put them with someone who has a
  • Not Synced
    really good practice in that area.
  • Not Synced
    Assessment is really important. People's
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    trajectories are gonna be wildly
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    Some people are gonna do awesome and
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    they're gonna shoot straight up, some
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    people are gonna plateau, some people
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    are gonna be really up and down. So having
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    a plan for assessment is important.
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    As we've said before, technical ability
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    is not the only category to assess.
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    There's confidence, there's code quality,
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    communication, judgment, and technical
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    knowledge. Judgment is one of the bigger
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    ones. It's slightly more difficult to
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    but if you can hire people who have great
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    judgment, you can trust them to do things,
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    even if they're really junior, that are
  • Not Synced
    going to be good. And the example of this
  • Not Synced
    is one of my friends at Hearsay Social,
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    the last company I was at, she worked in
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    support for a long time. And she taught
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    herself engineering on the side. So when
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    she first started engineering, by every
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    definition she was very junior at
  • Not Synced
    engineering. But she knew the product
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    inside and out. She knew the customers
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    inside and out, and she knew exactly what
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    needed to be built in any given situation.
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    In other words, she had excellent
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    So I could give her tasks, tasks that, I
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    mean, they were pretty simple but she
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    might take a little bit longer on, but
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    when she came back to me with the feature
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    that she had built, I was like, yes, This
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    exactly solves the problem that we wanted
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    to solve. This is awesome. You've saved us
  • Not Synced
    all time. Conversely, engineers with bad
  • Not Synced
    judgment will build terrible things very
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    quickly for your site, and then you're
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    like, no no, please don't merge that, and
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    you're like, taking code out. So judgment
  • Not Synced
    is something that's really really great if
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    you can find it in someone, and it's hard
  • Not Synced
    to assess, but I recommend that as
  • Not Synced
    something to look for in junior engineers.
  • Not Synced
    Alright. The main takeaways. Onboarding
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    aims to make new team members confident,
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    productive, and independent. If you focus
  • Not Synced
    on these three things, and you really try
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    to get people to that place, you're gonna
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    have successful engineers most of the
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    It benefits everyone in the long run. The
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    individual gains skills, the company is
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    more productive, the team is more
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    and diversity is better at your company.
  • Not Synced
    And finally anyone can be involved in
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    onboarding, so you don't have to be super
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    senior. Getting everyone involved will
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    spread out the load, it will make it
  • Not Synced
    easier to onboard new engineers, and for
  • Not Synced
    startups who don't have resources, it's
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    going to make it possible to hire junior
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    engineers. And since there's two ways to
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    get great engineers at your company,
  • Not Synced
    stealing them or making them, it's good to
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    have channels for making engineers.
  • Not Synced
    And that's it!
DjangoCon 2014- Technical Onboarding, Training, and Mentoring

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