Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 4 - Beyond Thinking
0:13 - 0:24Həyat, azadlığ və xoşbəxtliyin təqibi.
0:24 - 0:27Biz həyatlarımızı xoşbəxtliyi "eşihdəki dünyada" təqib edərək yaşayırıq
0:27 - 0:30bir əşya kimi.
0:30 - 0:39Biz öz arzularımıza və susamağımıza qulı olmuşuq.
0:39 - 0:41Xoşbəxtlik təqib edilə bilən nəsə deyildir
0:41 - 0:44və ya ucuz paltar kimi alınan.
0:44 - 0:45Bu Maya-dır
0:45 - 0:47illüziya,
0:47 - 0:51formanın sonsuz oyunu.
0:51 - 0:53Buddist ənənəsində,
0:53 - 0:56Samsara və ya sonsuz əzab dövrı
0:56 - 0:59həzzin meyli ilə əbədiləşdirilir
0:59 - 1:03və əzaba olan nifrət.
1:03 - 1:07Froyd "məmnunluq həzz prinsipi", kimi buna müraciət edibdir.
1:07 - 1:10Bizim etdiyimiz hər şey məmnunluğu (həzzi) yaratmaq üçün bir cəhddir
1:10 - 1:12tələb etdiyimiz nəyisə əldə etmək
1:12 - 1:19və ya istəyilməyənləri uzaq tutmaq.
1:19 - 1:23Hətta paramecium kimi sadə bir orqanizm bunu edir.
1:23 - 1:25Bu stimula cavab adlandırılır.
1:25 - 1:30Paramecium-dan fərqli olaraq, insanlar daha çox seçimə malikdir.
1:30 - 1:34Biz fikirləşmək üçün azadıq (ödənişsizik) və o əsıl problemdir.
1:34 - 2:04Bu nə biz istəyirik haqqında fikirləşməkdir ki bizim nəzarətimizdən çıxıbdır.
2:04 - 2:14Müasir cəmiyyətin dilemması budur ki biz dünyanı başa düşmək istəyirik,
2:14 - 2:17mənəvi baximdan yox,
2:17 - 2:20ancaq hiss etdimiz miqdari və keyfiyyəti ölçərək
2:20 - 2:26elmi vasitədən və fikirdən istifadə etməklə.
2:26 - 2:30Düşüncə yalnız daha çox fikirləşməyə və suallara yol açar
2:30 - 2:33Biz dünyanı yaradan ən daxili qüvvələri tanımaq istəyirik
2:33 - 2:35və onun dolandırılar.
2:35 - 2:39Ancaq biz onu özümüzdən ayrı bir mahiyyətdən kimi düşünürük,
2:39 - 2:45yox bir canlı varlıq kimi, bizim öz təbiətimizə məxsus.
2:45 - 2:47Məşhur psixiatr Karl Jung deyir
- Title:
- Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 4 - Beyond Thinking
- Description:
All 4 parts of the film can be found at
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We live our lives pursuing happiness "out there" as if it is a commodity. We have become slaves to our own desires and craving.
Happiness isn't something that can be pursued or purchased like a cheap suit. This is Maya, illusion, the endless play of form. In the Buddhist tradition, Samsara, or the endless cycle of suffering is perpetuated by the craving of pleasure and aversion to pain. Freud referred to this as the "pleasure principle." Everything we do is an attempt to create pleasure, to gain something that we want, or to push away something that is undesirable that we don't want. Even a simple organism like the paramecium does this.
It is called response to stimulus. Unlike a paramecium, humans have more choice. We are free to think, and that is the heart of the problem. It is the thinking about what we want that has gotten out of control.The dilemma of modern society is that we seek to understand the world, not in terms of archaic inner consciousness, but by quantifying and qualifying what we perceive to be the external world by using scientific means and thought. Thinking has only led to more thinking and more questions. We seek to know the innermost forces which create the world and guide its course. But we conceive of this essence as outside of ourselves, not as a living thing, intrinsic to our own nature. It was the famous psychiatrist Carl Jung who said, "one who looks outside dreams, one who looks inside awakes." It is not wrong to desire to be awake, to be happy. What is wrong is to look for happiness outside when it can only be found inside.Frequently asked questions about the film:
1) Where can I get a particular song or the soundtrack?
A: Much of the music is available for purchase at on various CD's. We will be coming out with a special Inner Worlds compilation in the Summer of 2013. The track "Om Shreen Hreem" is found under "Yoga" in a CD called "Universal Mother".
2) Can I download the film and upload it to my own Youtube Channel?
A: We whole-heartedly encourage everyone to share the existing Youtube links with their friends, embed on their website, or to create screenings for their community. I'm afraid we cannot allow you to re-upload the film to your own channel for the following reasons:
a) The content itself is copyrighted and is owned by REM Publishing Ltd. Some of the video clips in the film are licensed under certain agreements and cannot be distributed or controlled by third parties.
b) Several individuals have already tried to re-upload the film and to monetize their channel and/or make a profit from selling the film without our permission, or simply to try to build subscribers for their own channel. We don't always know what people's true motivation is (and sometimes neither do they).
c) Our channel contains closed captions in many languages and we don't want versions of the film floating around without these professional translations.
d) When users subscribe to the AwakenTheWorldFilm channel we can provide people future films as we release them. This is just the first of many films and our second is already in the works.
e) Our channel also provides links to our website and Facebook page and the opportunity for people to donate to the Awaken the World initiative. Money/ support is needed to make these films, and while we make them available for free, we really appreciate when people donate, offer translation skills or other support.
If you add the existing Youtube links to a playlist you can still share the film with your friends and viewers and still have it as part of your channel, just do not upload your own version. We greatly appreciate people who feel so strongly about the content that they want to share and spread the film, and hope that you will continue to do so.
3) Where can I find a screening/ workshop/ meditation retreat etc.
A: Current information is available on the Inner Worlds Facebook page:
- Video Language:
- Bulgarian
- Duration:
- 31:57
Elvin Alad edited Azerbaijani subtitles for Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 4 - Beyond Thinking | ||
Elvin Alad edited Azerbaijani subtitles for Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 4 - Beyond Thinking | ||
Elvin Alad added a translation |