Trouble 19: Quiet Storm
0:08 - 0:13The history of humanity is a long procession
of technological development. -
0:13 - 0:17Much of what we know about our ancestors,
and the types of lives they lived, comes from -
0:17 - 0:20our limited knowledge of the tools they used.
0:20 - 0:24Over the centuries and millennia, these tools
have become more sophisticated. -
0:24 - 0:28From the dawn of agriculture, to today’s
cutting-edge advancements in bio-engineering, -
0:28 - 0:36an untold number of mostly unknown individuals
have made countless improvements and innovations. -
0:36 - 0:40These people, and the tools they created over
time, have fundamentally altered our way of -
0:40 - 0:43interacting with the world, and each other.
0:43 - 0:49The pace of these technological changes picked
up considerably with the rise of capitalism. -
0:49 - 0:53The development of new tools, weapons and
production techniques had always been shaped -
0:53 - 0:58by the practical needs, culture and political
structure of a given society. -
0:58 - 1:05But wherever capitalism spread, it worked
to chip away at these local and regional differences, -
1:05 - 1:09replacing them with the universal value of
‘progress’... a watchword for the pursuit -
1:09 - 1:15of economic growth through the organization
of human activity, under a framework of universal -
1:15 - 1:16competition.
1:16 - 1:21The industrial age has been marked by three
successive revolutions, each characterized -
1:21 - 1:25by inventions that changed the entire technological
playing field -
1:25 - 1:29First came the harnessing of steam, a feat
that allowed for the development of early -
1:29 - 1:34factories and the construction of vast railway
networks. -
1:34 - 1:38Second came the mastering of petroleum, which
fuelled the development of modern cities, -
1:38 - 1:43mass industrial manufacturing, and the horrors
of two World Wars. -
1:43 - 1:48Third came the networked personal computer,
a device that has thoroughly transformed nearly -
1:48 - 1:50every aspect of modern life.
1:50 - 1:56Today humanity stands poised on the threshold
of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a wide-reaching -
1:56 - 2:02social transformation expected to be characterized
by advances in the fields of robotics, quantum -
2:02 - 2:06computing, artificial intelligence, and 3D-Printing.
2:06 - 2:10Over the next thirty minutes, we’ll speak
with a number of individuals as they break -
2:10 - 2:15down some of these latest trends.. and discuss
how these systems are being fused together -
2:15 - 2:18to design new regimes of totalitarian surveillance
and control. -
2:18 - 2:23Along the way, we’ll discuss some of the
countermeasures that people are taking to -
2:23 - 2:29thwart these systems, by constructing open
source alternatives, sabotaging infrastructure... -
2:29 - 2:32and making a whole lotta Trouble.
2:56 - 3:02Technology is the reproduction of a human
society as seen through a technical lense. -
3:02 - 3:06It's the specific how of social reproduction.
3:06 - 3:13Any analysis of technology is by nature contextual,
especially when one intends to portray it -
3:13 - 3:20either as an essential fundamental question,
whether that's an attempt to say that technology -
3:20 - 3:26is essentially, or always good - good in its
own right - whether to say that it's essentially -
3:26 - 3:28bad, or bad in its own right.
3:31 - 3:34Technological developments do not happen in
a vacuum. -
3:34 - 3:39They are heavily influenced by, and benefit
those who exert power over others. -
3:39 - 3:45I would argue that most technological advances
made in our context work towards expanding -
3:45 - 3:50the state's ability to manage economic growth
and social control. -
3:50 - 3:57Technology is based within political-economic
systems and systems of power that come to -
3:57 - 3:59shape how those technologies can be used.
3:59 - 4:05I think that more and more we're seeing, in
terms of the geographic context that we're -
4:05 - 4:11located in here in North America, that technologies
are being used to propel and buttress the -
4:11 - 4:14capitalist economic system.
4:14 - 4:18An anarchist approach to technology has to
take into account the authoritarian nature -
4:18 - 4:19of technology.
4:19 - 4:21The fact that we don't really have a choice
in the matter. -
4:21 - 4:25That all of these new developments, all of
these new innovations, all of these new products -
4:25 - 4:28are coming down on us whether we like it or
not. -
4:36 - 4:43Technology first and foremost isn't used to
make our lives more fun, it's used to increase -
4:43 - 4:49economic exploitation and to increase the
military power of the state. -
4:49 - 4:55Secondarily, if it can produce gadgets that
can entertain us, like bread and circus, those -
4:55 - 4:57will also be produced.
4:57 - 5:02Technological changes over the last 10-15
years have drastically eroded the division -
5:02 - 5:05between labour time and free time.
5:05 - 5:11Currently we're always on call, we're always
expected to be responsive to the needs of -
5:11 - 5:16the market, to the needs of our employers.
5:16 - 5:23It's also lead to an extreme increase in social
alienation and emotional alienation masked -
5:23 - 5:25by extreme connectivity.
5:25 - 5:30So quantifiably, people have more connections
than ever, more friends than ever, but in -
5:30 - 5:36terms of the quality of those relationships,
very few people have a large, strong network -
5:36 - 5:40they can actually confide in or that can actually
support them. -
5:41 - 5:45Do you or do you not collect identifiers like
name, age, and address? -
5:45 - 5:46Yes or no?
5:46 - 5:50If you're creating an account, yes.
5:50 - 5:55Specific search histories when a person types
something into a search bar? -
5:55 - 5:57If you have search history turned on, yes.
5:57 - 6:00Device identifiers like ip address or IMEI?
6:01 - 6:04Uhm, depending on the situation we could be
collecting it, yes. -
6:04 - 6:07GPS signals, wifi signals, bluetooth beacons?
6:07 - 6:12It would depend on the specific, but, they're
may be situations yes. -
6:12 - 6:13GPS yes?
6:13 - 6:14Yes.
6:14 - 6:16Contents of emails and Google documents?
6:16 - 6:21We store the data but we don't read or look
at your Gmail or - -
6:21 - 6:22But you have access to them?
6:22 - 6:25Uh, as a company we have access to them, yes.
6:25 - 6:26So you could!
6:26 - 6:32Startups or huge corporations like Google
are sucking up your data and storing it forever -
6:32 - 6:36and they're grabbing way too much data about
us like everything you click on, everything -
6:36 - 6:41you like, everything your friends like, all
of the people you know, where you're going, -
6:41 - 6:46everything about you and they're storing it
forever sometimes even working together to -
6:46 - 6:52build up a bigger profile on you that they
can then sell for profit. -
6:52 - 6:57Now that data itself has become a thing of
value, and in many ways the foundation of -
6:57 - 7:03the new economy, by participating in all of
these different virtual networks: Facebook, -
7:03 - 7:08Google, using our cell phones, all of these
things, we're producing value. -
7:08 - 7:13So that really gets rid of this notion of
being off the clock, of being able to punch -
7:13 - 7:16the clock and leave the workplace behind.
7:16 - 7:22Over the past decade, we've seen the rise
of the commodification of different data such -
7:22 - 7:25as ones preferences, habits, and social circles.
7:25 - 7:32We need to see how capitalism was, in fact,
growing and sustaining itself through the -
7:32 - 7:37surveillance of human beings and their lived
environments, and then turning that surveillance -
7:37 - 7:43into data, that could then be traded basically
as a commodity in the marketplace. -
7:43 - 7:48This information allows companies like Google
and Amazon to not only aggressively market -
7:48 - 7:54new products and create new needs, but also
to sell this information or collaborate with -
7:54 - 7:56governments in efforts of social control.
7:56 - 8:01This is a new form of extractive industry,
where the renewable resource is the precise -
8:01 - 8:06things that makes up people's identities.
8:15 - 8:19Capitalism, like cancer, is based on perpetual
growth. -
8:19 - 8:24This insatiable urge is hard-wired into capital’s
DNA, compelling it to constantly search for -
8:24 - 8:30new resources to exploit and markets to invest
in, transforming everything it touches into -
8:30 - 8:32a commodity.
8:32 - 8:35Its first conquest was the land itself.
8:35 - 8:40The commons were closed off, the so-called
New World was invaded and plundered, and the -
8:40 - 8:45vast expanses of the earth were carved into
individual parcels of private property to -
8:45 - 8:48be bought and sold as commodities.
8:48 - 8:51Robbed of our land, the next conquest was
our time. -
8:51 - 8:56Our ability to reproduce ourselves as individuals
and communities, like generations of our ancestors -
8:56 - 9:03had done before us, was soon broken up into
discrete tasks and commodified as wage labour. -
9:03 - 9:05This process cut deep.
9:05 - 9:09Factories were designed and constantly reorganized,
with a ruthless eye towards efficiency and -
9:09 - 9:11productivity.
9:11 - 9:16New ways of commodifying human activity were
devised, eventually expanding to encompass -
9:16 - 9:22nearly all of our social relationships and
means of entertainment. -
9:22 - 9:27Now that it’s finally approaching the limits
of its expansion, capital is desperately searching -
9:27 - 9:29for new elements of reality to commodify.
9:29 - 9:35It’s looking to the very building blocks
of life... to genetic engineering and nanotechnologies. -
9:35 - 9:39And it’s looking at the very essence of
our humanity itself... by recording everything -
9:39 - 9:44that we do, and transforming it into commodities
for those seeking to understand how we make -
9:44 - 9:49decisions, in order to predict future behavior.
9:56 - 10:01Artificial intelligence works by combining
large amounts of data with algorithms that -
10:01 - 10:04can learn from patterns or features present.
10:04 - 10:06It is a broad term that has many different
branches. -
10:06 - 10:13When we talk about AI today, most of the time
we refer to its applications around machine -
10:13 - 10:14learning.
10:14 - 10:19Machine learning allows systems to learn and
improve based on input and experience rather -
10:19 - 10:20than programming.
10:20 - 10:25The machine identifies patterns and can make
decisions based on that with minimal or no -
10:25 - 10:27human intervention.
10:27 - 10:32When the pentagon contracted Google to provide
assistance in drone targeting, they were using -
10:32 - 10:33machine learning.
10:33 - 10:39Online workers would identify objects or people
on series of images taken from drones, and -
10:39 - 10:44when enough of them did that enough times,
the machine, through patterns, could differentiate -
10:44 - 10:48different things and learn to identify things
on its own. -
10:48 - 10:53Deep learning, a more recent application of
machine learning, also trains computers to -
10:53 - 10:59perform tasks like making predictions or identifying
images, but instead of organizing the data -
10:59 - 11:04to run through predefined equations, deep
learning trains the computer to learn by using -
11:04 - 11:06much more layers of processing.
11:06 - 11:11It moves away from telling a computer how
to solve a problem and towards letting it -
11:11 - 11:17figure out how to do it alone closer to how
humans learn to solve problems. -
11:17 - 11:21Self-driving cars are the most well-known
example of deep learning in action, but things -
11:21 - 11:29like targeted advertising, robotics, and cybersecurity
could all benefit from deep learning development. -
11:29 - 11:34There's been a lot of imagination around artificial
intelligence, so some people who fetishize -
11:34 - 11:39it more they imagine people being able to
like upgrade their consciousness or plug their -
11:39 - 11:42mind into some cloud computing system.
11:42 - 11:45I think that's a silly fantasy.
11:45 - 11:50Capitalism currently has no interest whatsoever
in helping people use these forms of artificial -
11:50 - 11:55intelligence to become more intelligent themselves
when it makes a lot more sense to let the -
11:55 - 12:00machines do all the thinking for us and then
to deliver us some final finished product -
12:00 - 12:06as passive consumers and that way also you
maintain these computing capabilities with -
12:06 - 12:09the companies that own the proprietary software.
12:09 - 12:14Artificial intelligence increases greatly
the effectiveness of surveillance, the possibilities -
12:14 - 12:16for social control.
12:16 - 12:21The predictive algorithms that make artificial
intelligence work, they create a police state, -
12:21 - 12:25but a police state in which you don't have
to have a cop on every corner, because everyone -
12:25 - 12:27carries the cop in their pocket.
12:27 - 12:30Right over there behind me is the future site
of Sidewalk Toronto. -
12:30 - 12:36The proposal's modular housing and office
buildings will study occupants' behavior while -
12:36 - 12:38they're inside them to make life easier.
12:38 - 12:43According to the proposal, residents and workers
will be universally connected by powerful -
12:43 - 12:47broadband and served by futuristic conveniences.
12:47 - 12:52A Smart City can't be understood or discussed
without reaching back and talking about surveillance -
12:52 - 12:53capitalism.
12:53 - 12:59A Smart City isn't just a city that has technology
in it, it's a city with a certain kind of -
12:59 - 13:04ideological framework that uses technology
to reach its end goals. -
13:04 - 13:12A Smart City is usually understood as an urban
environment that uses ubiquitous sensing technology -
13:12 - 13:19and data analytics to understand phenomenon
within city spaces. -
13:19 - 13:24On the data end of things Smart Cities claim
to be collecting more data, which they are, -
13:24 - 13:29and claim to be using that collection and
analysis to better respond to urban issues -
13:29 - 13:35from environmental degradation to transportation
planning and the like. -
13:35 - 13:39We can analyze four different features of
the Smart City. -
13:39 - 13:44The first is to increase and integrate surveillance
of many many different kinds. -
13:44 - 13:49Second, to create a superficial sense of participation
among the inhabitants of a city. -
13:49 - 13:55To encourage economic growth at two different
levels: localized gentrification and impelling -
13:55 - 13:58this new economy that is taking shape.
13:58 - 14:05The final function of a Smart City is to create
a superficial arena in which people can passively -
14:05 - 14:11support ecological or environmental proposals
while also denying them the opportunity to -
14:11 - 14:17develop a global consciousness of the environment
and of environmental problems. -
14:17 - 14:22So Smart Cities are different and not so different
from cities that exist in capitalism. -
14:22 - 14:28But I think that the difference would be the
use of technology to further surveil the public -
14:28 - 14:34and to use that data to intervene in ways
that can increasingly control and manage the -
14:34 - 14:39population that suits the interests of the
political economy of capitalism. -
14:39 - 14:43A second feature that differentiates Smart
Cities from traditional cities or cities of -
14:43 - 14:48the past is the marriage of planning to corporate
leadership. -
14:48 - 14:55State apparatuses of control, through policing
have an incentive to use these technologies -
14:55 - 15:00because they do a really good job of surveilling
the public. -
15:00 - 15:04Crime analytics have a long history, sort
of like this "broken windows" stuff or the -
15:04 - 15:07targeting of neighborhoods, that's been happening
for a long time. -
15:07 - 15:11Now you see the excuse being offered that
this is data driven. -
15:11 - 15:15So "we're going to be in these neighborhoods
because we have the data to prove, that these -
15:15 - 15:17neighborhoods need more policing."
15:17 - 15:21The data collected through Smart Cities can
have a really negative effect that way. -
15:21 - 15:28By giving people with power, who want to wield
it, more of a reason within the current framework -
15:28 - 15:32of evidence based policing that they can then
go in these neighborhoods and remain there -
15:32 - 15:34and that's okay.
15:39 - 15:43We’re living on the edge of a terrifying
new era. -
15:43 - 15:46Barring any serious
disruptions to current research and development -
15:46 - 15:49timelines, the coming
years and decades will see the rise of rise -
15:49 - 15:53of machines able to make
decisions and carry out a series of complex -
15:53 - 15:56tasks without the need for
human operators. -
15:56 - 15:59This will almost certainly include a new generation
of autonomous -
15:59 - 16:03weapons and policing systems, connected to
sophisticated networks of -
16:03 - 16:07surveillance and equipped with self-correcting
target-selection -
16:07 - 16:08algorithms.
16:08 - 16:11Whole sectors of the economy will be automated,
leading to a massive -
16:11 - 16:13labour surplus.
16:14 - 16:16Much of the technology needed to accomplish
this -
16:16 - 16:20already exists, but is being held back as
states try to figure out how -
16:20 - 16:23to pull it off without triggering widespread
revolt. -
16:23 - 16:27A mass consumer rollout of augmented and virtual
reality technologies -
16:27 - 16:31will blur the lines between the material and
digital worlds, handing -
16:31 - 16:35control of our senses over to tech capitalists
and state security -
16:35 - 16:39agencies all in the name of convenience and
entertainment. -
16:39 - 16:44You might feel a slight twinge as it initializes.
16:46 - 16:48All done.
16:48 - 16:49Holy fuck!
16:49 - 16:50Holy shit.
16:50 - 16:55He – fuck – he’s right.. he’s right...
can I? -
16:55 - 16:58Oooop... where’d you go?
16:58 - 16:59Hahaha.
17:00 - 17:02This is the future they have in store for
us. -
17:02 - 17:04Don’t say you weren’t
warned. -
17:07 - 17:11Smart cities, now as they exist, and also
going into the future, even -
17:11 - 17:14more so— they’re going to be collecting
a lot of data. -
17:14 - 17:18And that data’s
going to be responded to not even by human -
17:18 - 17:19beings.
17:19 - 17:23It’s going to be
responded to by algorithmic governance, essentially. -
17:23 - 17:25So you have an
issue in a city. -
17:25 - 17:31And generally thinking, if we think of democratic
theory, we can discuss that issue and then -
17:31 - 17:33we have a decision-making
process, right? -
17:33 - 17:35And it’s terrible and it’s always been
imbued with power relationships -
17:35 - 17:39But what a smart city does, is it transfers
that process -
17:39 - 17:41into the hands of a private corporation.
17:41 - 17:45It’s analysed in terms of
data, and it’s immediately responded to -
17:45 - 17:47just through that process of
data analysis. -
17:47 - 17:50So I think smart cities are one of the genesis
sites of -
17:50 - 17:53this kind of new regime of governance.
17:54 - 17:58It’s interesting that this function arose
largely from social movements -
17:58 - 17:59themselves.
17:59 - 18:03So, the 15M Movement, the Real Democracy Now
Movement in -
18:03 - 18:08Barcelona was built in large part by one sector
that envisioned -
18:08 - 18:14rejuvenating democracy through new technological
implements that could -
18:14 - 18:17allow more instantaneous communication.
18:17 - 18:21That could allow more
instantaneous polling of citizens, and that -
18:21 - 18:27could also find a way to
allow power holders to select citizen initiatives -
18:27 - 18:29and deploy them more
rapidly. -
18:29 - 18:32So these activists were approaching the crisis
of democracy -
18:32 - 18:36through this sort of a-critical technological
lens where democracy can -
18:36 - 18:40be made better, not by answering questions
of who holds power, and how -
18:40 - 18:46power is reproduced, but simply by proposing
that if you bring better -
18:46 - 18:49tools to the table then all these problems
will go away. -
18:49 - 18:52And that
discourse, and the practices behind it, were -
18:52 - 18:56very attractive to
progressive municipal governments. -
18:56 - 18:59Urban geographers have long talked about a
splintering urbanism. -
18:59 - 19:01And
basically, that just the ways in which cities -
19:01 - 19:05divide along economic and
class lines... and cultural and racial lines -
19:05 - 19:06as well.
19:06 - 19:07I can see that
happening with the smart city that’s going -
19:07 - 19:10to replicate those patterns,
and certain neighbourhoods are going have -
19:10 - 19:14more access to these
technologies in a way that might actually -
19:14 - 19:15help them.
19:15 - 19:17And certain
neighbourhoods are going to have more surveillance -
19:17 - 19:19on them by these
technologies. -
19:19 - 19:23So you’re going to kind of see multiple
cities emerging -
19:23 - 19:25and being reinforced through the technologies
being placed within them -
19:25 - 19:27and on them.
19:28 - 19:31So basically in neighbourhoods where people
embrace this smart city -
19:31 - 19:33model, you’ll see more integration.
19:33 - 19:37And in other neighbourhoods people
will be coming more into contact -
19:37 - 19:38with the stick.
19:38 - 19:42Because we are fighting authority and the
state, our struggles will -
19:42 - 19:43always be criminalized.
19:43 - 19:48As technologies have evolved, new types of
forensic evidence emerged. -
19:48 - 19:52When the police were no longer able to
respond to the thousands of calls they were -
19:52 - 19:57getting during the 2011
riots in London, the city began crowd-sourcing -
19:57 - 20:00the identities of
suspected rioters through a fucking -
20:00 - 20:02smartphone app.
20:02 - 20:06The cops asked
citizen snitches to download the app and help -
20:06 - 20:09them identify people that
had been caught on CCTV. -
20:09 - 20:14The snitches could then confidentially give
names and/or addresses of suspects. -
20:14 - 20:20Charges were filed against more than
a thousand people using this technique. -
20:20 - 20:24Mass data collection has
happened for a while, but there was a lack -
20:24 - 20:27of ability to analyze all of
it efficiently. -
20:27 - 20:29That’s no longer the case.
20:30 - 20:34Right now the police or
security agencies need to physically look -
20:34 - 20:39up people’s location data to
figure out who was where and at what time. -
20:39 - 20:43But soon enough it’ll be easy
for an algorithm to look through all of the -
20:43 - 20:48data available in a given
area and cross-reference it with people’s -
20:48 - 20:51online preferences,
relationships, etc. -
20:51 - 20:55With this anti-social response to the increase
in social control, I -
20:55 - 20:59think you’re also going to see an increase
in mental health regimes. -
20:59 - 21:02Because when you have total surveillance,
crime becomes impossible. -
21:02 - 21:05Or
at least it becomes impossible to do things -
21:05 - 21:07that are against the law and
get away with them. -
21:07 - 21:11So they will start to classify any behaviours
that -
21:11 - 21:17for them don’t fit into this new happy smart
city model as anti-social -
21:17 - 21:18behavioural disorders.
21:18 - 21:22So these are no longer crimes, these are
anti-social behavioural disorders, and the -
21:22 - 21:26culprits—they need to be
re-educated and they need to be chemically -
21:26 - 21:27neutralized.
21:29 - 21:31Oh. Good afternoon.
21:31 - 21:33My name is Sophia, and I am the latest and
greatest -
21:33 - 21:35robot from Hanson Robotics.
21:35 - 21:40I want to use my artificial intelligence to
help humans live a better life. -
21:40 - 21:44Like design smarter homes, build better
cities of the future, etc. -
21:44 - 21:49I will do my best to make the world a better
place. -
21:51 - 21:54Everyone who works in artificial intelligence
is warning that artificial -
21:54 - 21:58intelligence and automation have the potential
of causing 80% -
21:58 - 21:59unemployment.
21:59 - 22:03Of the fifteen top job categories in the United
States, -
22:03 - 22:08twelve of those are seriously threatened by
artificial intelligence. -
22:08 - 22:10But
in the past there have also been major technological -
22:10 - 22:15shifts that got rid
of the vast majority of job categories at -
22:15 - 22:16the time.
22:16 - 22:19And there was
temporary unemployment, but very quickly new -
22:19 - 22:22job categories appeared.
22:23 - 22:28There’s no certainty whatsoever that this
will catch up to the -
22:28 - 22:32automation, the artificial intelligence that
has already been occurring. -
22:32 - 22:36Which is why a lot of people in the high-tech
sector are already talking -
22:36 - 22:41about a universal income, or a guaranteed
basic income. -
22:41 - 22:46This would
basically be socialism, not when the productive -
22:46 - 22:51forces have developed to
the point that everyone could get fed. -
22:51 - 22:55The productive forces have been
there for decades, if not centuries. -
22:55 - 23:00Contrary to the Marxist argument,
we can have this evolution towards socialism -
23:00 - 23:05at the point where the
technologies of social control evolve enough -
23:05 - 23:09that the state no longer
needs to use hunger as a weapon. -
23:09 - 23:14In other words, everyone can be given
bread when they can be trusted to work, or -
23:14 - 23:17to obey, without the threat
of hunger. -
23:23 - 23:28These days, the term ‘Luddite’ is short-hand
for someone who stubbornly refuses to learn -
23:28 - 23:30and adapt to new technologies.
23:30 - 23:36Originally, the word referred to a movement
of textile workers in early 19th century England, -
23:36 - 23:41who were known for sabotaging the industrial
machines that were beginning to replace them. -
23:41 - 23:46Pledging allegiance to the fictional ‘King
Ludd’, who was said to occupy the same Sherwood -
23:46 - 23:51Forest as Robin Hood, these Luddites attacked
mills and factories, destroyed steam-powered -
23:51 - 23:56looms, and even assassinated the wealthy capitalists
of their day. -
23:56 - 24:01The motive behind the Luddites’ attacks
was not, as is commonly understood... a general -
24:01 - 24:02hatred of technology.
24:02 - 24:07It was an awareness that certain technology
was being implemented in a way that made their -
24:07 - 24:09lives worse off.
24:09 - 24:14Ultimately their uprising failed... and there’s
nothing particularly revolutionary in the -
24:14 - 24:18first place about sabotaging machines just
to keep your job. -
24:18 - 24:23But one takeaway from the Luddites’ rebellion
is that people don’t always accept new technologies, -
24:23 - 24:26or the new social roles that accompany them,
with open arms. -
24:26 - 24:32And that realization can be the starting point
for all types of resistance. -
24:37 - 24:41I think that anarchists should not avoid technology,
quite the opposite. -
24:41 - 24:45I think it should be used subversively when
possible. -
24:45 - 24:51We can look back at the Bonnot Gang of illegalists
using cars to rob the rich in France in the -
24:51 - 24:57early 1900s as an example, or hackers like
Jeremy Hammond who is serving 10 years for -
24:57 - 25:02exposing Stratfor security and expropriating
hundreds of thousands of dollars from our -
25:02 - 25:03enemies.
25:03 - 25:07Cyberthieves made off with the personal details
of hundreds of thousands of subscribers and -
25:07 - 25:11it's emerged that some of those subscribers
hold key positions in the British government, -
25:11 - 25:13military, and police.
25:13 - 25:19There are certainly a lot of anarchists like
myself in open source software development. -
25:19 - 25:24We are talking together and we are all trying
to make things better. -
25:24 - 25:27Types of projects that we work on are quite
diverse. -
25:27 - 25:32I know many anarchist programmers and hackers
who build websites. -
25:32 - 25:37I know others like myself who do cryptography.
25:39 - 25:45although I think that we should use technology
to our advantage when it exists, I also believe -
25:45 - 25:51that new technologies tend to disproportionately
give an advantage to the state, corporations, -
25:51 - 25:55the police, judges, prisons, and borders.
25:55 - 26:00Technologies should be used, but their development
should be fought, because we rarely come out -
26:00 - 26:03on top when it comes to the application of
these inventions. -
26:03 - 26:08I think it's important to look at the kinds
of projects that are developing in your city -
26:08 - 26:12and map out the research and development initiatives.
26:12 - 26:17A lot of this industry is operating very openly
in startups and yuppie labs that face very -
26:17 - 26:18little resistance.
26:18 - 26:23This allows them to get major funding because
those seem like safe investments that have -
26:23 - 26:27the potential to get investors some serious
cash. -
26:27 - 26:31Messing with that sense of security can hurt
the industry, and it can also allow others -
26:31 - 26:34to see that resistance is still possible.
26:34 - 26:39As for these new technologies, at this point
a lot of these systems still have bugs, or -
26:39 - 26:42can't deal with people intentionally using
them wrong. -
26:42 - 26:47In London when the crowdsourced snitching
app was released, people intentionally submitted -
26:47 - 26:50tons of fake reports to throw off the cops.
26:50 - 26:54If more people start messing with their little
gadgets, they'll be less effective and less -
26:54 - 26:58likely to be applied in more places.
27:11 - 27:15For these projects to function, a lot of infrastructure
is needed. -
27:15 - 27:19These softwares cannot be developed in thin
air, they need hardware. -
27:19 - 27:22That means computers and backup drives.
27:22 - 27:27The information also moves around, mostly
through networks of fiber optic cables. -
27:27 - 27:31Those have been sabotaged all around the world
very effectively. -
27:31 - 27:35The data also has to be stored, which happens
in data centers. -
27:35 - 27:40Those can be pretty small, but can also be
gigantic buildings that need their own cooling -
27:40 - 27:42systems and 24/7 security.
27:42 - 27:48Finally, a lot of these projects need people
to work together, often in labs sponsored -
27:48 - 27:50by companies, universities, or both.
27:50 - 27:55A lot of these labs and coworking spaces for
startups are easy to find. -
27:55 - 28:01One of them was attacked with molotovs in
Berlin by people fighting against the proliferation -
28:01 - 28:03of Google startups.
28:05 - 28:08There has been a lot of resistance to the
sidewalk labs project in Toronto. -
28:08 - 28:14A lot of work that, you know, points out the
myriad issues with the Sidewalk Labs project -
28:14 - 28:18and mounts a public education campaign against
that. -
28:18 - 28:23There's been a lot of concerned citizens and
activists that have come out to all the meetings -
28:23 - 28:31that Sidewalk Labs has been hosting, public
forums, consultation sessions and a lot of -
28:31 - 28:33folks are really worried.
28:33 - 28:39Privacy experts dropping out of the project
and saying "I can't sign my name to this". -
28:39 - 28:46People have always been able to get away with
attacking power, with sabotaging power anonymously -
28:46 - 28:48without getting caught.
28:48 - 28:54It's still possible to attack and that will
remain so for, maybe forever, but at the very -
28:54 - 28:57least for the immediate foreseeable future.
28:57 - 29:05So, while it is certainly still possible to
break the law, to attack the system, people -
29:05 - 29:08need to be very careful about being conscious
of what they're doing. -
29:08 - 29:13Being aware that, you know, they're carrying
a snitch in their pocket or that they're willingly -
29:13 - 29:17trusting these corporations with 95% of their
social life. -
29:17 - 29:23It's really difficult to resist something
that we don't really know a lot about and -
29:23 - 29:26players involved haven't really shared with
the public everything that we probably need -
29:26 - 29:32to know to mount a resistance campaign, cause
we're king of just talking about speculation. -
29:32 - 29:39If people learn the actual technical capabilities
of the state, they can learn the weaknesses -
29:39 - 29:47and they can learn how to get away with sabotaging
the economy, with going up against the state, -
30:00 - 30:06Given the active role that technological development
continues to play in terms of deepening alienation, -
30:06 - 30:11refining surveillance, engineering more destructive
weapons and hastening climate change... it’s -
30:11 - 30:15natural to feel a bit pessimistic about where
things are headed. -
30:15 - 30:20Our current trajectory is certainly aimed
towards more sophisticated systems of mass -
30:20 - 30:22behaviour modification and social control.
30:22 - 30:24I Told you everything already!
30:24 - 30:28Take him instead of me, he's the thought criminal.
30:28 - 30:33But it’s important to remember that despite
all the money being spent trying to anticipate -
30:33 - 30:38human decision-making, nobody – not even
Google — can predict the future. -
30:38 - 30:42Throughout history, new technologies have
repeatedly created unintended consequences -
30:42 - 30:47for those in power... from Guttenberg’s
Printing Press spawning a revolt against the -
30:47 - 30:52Catholic Church, to the early Internet paving
the way for hackers and the development of -
30:52 - 30:55powerful peer-to-peer encryption tools.
30:55 - 31:01As long as people have a will to resist, they
will find the tools to do so. -
31:01 - 31:05So at this point, we’d like to remind you
that Trouble is intended to be watched in -
31:05 - 31:09groups, and to be used as a resource to promote
discussion and collective organizing. -
31:09 - 31:14Are you interested in fighting back against
the opening of new tech start-ups in your -
31:14 - 31:18neighbourhood, or just looking to incorporate
a better understanding of next-gen technologies -
31:18 - 31:21into your existing organizing?
31:21 - 31:25Consider getting together with some comrades,
organizing a screening of this film, and discussing -
31:25 - 31:28where to get started.
31:28 - 31:32Interested in running regular screenings of
Trouble at your campus, infoshop, community -
31:32 - 31:34center, or even just at home with friends?
31:34 - 31:35Become a Trouble-Maker!
31:35 - 31:40For 10 bucks a month, we’ll hook you up
with an advanced copy of the show, and a screening -
31:40 - 31:44kit featuring additional resources and some
questions you can use to get a discussion -
31:44 - 31:45going.
31:46 - 31:49If you can’t afford to support us financially,
no worries! -
31:49 - 31:56You can stream and/or download all our content
for free off our website: -
31:56 - 32:01If you’ve got any suggestions for show topics,
or just want to get in touch, drop us a line -
32:01 - 32:04at
32:05 - 32:08We’re now into the second month of our annual
fundraising campaign. -
32:08 - 32:13A huge thanks to everyone who has donated
so far! If you haven’t given yet and are -
32:13 - 32:18in a position to do so, please consider becoming a monthly sustainer
32:18 - 32:23or, making a one time donation at
32:23 - 32:28This episode would not have been possible
without the generous support of Carla and..... -
32:28 - 32:29Carla.
32:29 - 32:33Stay tuned next month for Trouble #20, as
we take a closer look at the horrors of the -
32:33 - 32:38Prison Industrial Complex, and talk to comrades
fighting for its abolition. -
32:38 - 32:40Prison fixes no problems, it doesn't make
anything better. -
32:40 - 32:45Prison is like the permanent threat that holds
up all relationships of exchange and domination. -
32:45 - 32:49It's the deeply felt sense that no matter
how bullshit our lives are, there's still -
32:49 - 32:51something the state can take away from us.
32:51 - 32:53Now get out there and make some trouble!
- Title:
- Trouble 19: Quiet Storm
- Description:
We’re on the brink of a new era. In the coming years and decades, rapid advances in the fields of robotics, artificial intelligence, data analysis, nanotech, quantum computing, bio-engineering and 3D-printing promise to drastically restructure our societies – much as the steam-powered engine and personal computer did during earlier phases of capitalist development. Coming waves of automation are expected to eliminate the majority of current job categories, raising the spectre of widespread unemployment and the potential for newer, more sophisticated forms of economic servitude and social control. These transformations will take place under the watchful eyes of a high-tech surveillance state, aided by a new generation of AI-driven facial recognition software, and the further proliferation of networked ‘smart’ devices that record nearly everything we say or do.
Many of the technologies of tomorrow are being designed today in the universities and corporate R&D labs of Shenzen, Singapore and Silicon Valley, by scientists and engineers working at the behest of military contractors and multi-billion dollar tech companies. Claims that ‘technology is neutral’ ring hollow in a world dominated by powerful states and capitalist social relations. It’s clear to anyone keeping score that those who control and shape technological development and mass production are best situated to reap the benefits. But at the end of the day, capital and the state don’t hold a monopoly on innovation. There are many anarchists also working on building new technologies to help thwart our enemies and unlock new paths of resistance. And despite what you may have heard, the master’s tools can be used to dismantle the master’s home – provided the person swinging the hammer knows where to aim.
- Video Language:
- English
- Duration:
- 33:27
submedia edited English subtitles for Trouble 19: Quiet Storm |