Is hospital birth a real disruptive innovation | Saraswathi Vedam | TEDxAmherstCollege
0:07 - 0:12Today, I'm going to talk to you,
as they said, about birth, -
0:12 - 0:17but I'm going to talk a little bit more
about what we know of ourselves as humans: -
0:18 - 0:20home birth.
0:20 - 0:26Clay Christensen says
that disruptive innovation transforms -
0:27 - 0:29a practice or a product
0:29 - 0:33that has commonly been traditionally
0:33 - 0:38available only to the privileged few
0:38 - 0:39and makes it mainstream.
0:40 - 0:42It makes it so much more
affordable and accessible -
0:42 - 0:45that suddenly, everybody's doing it.
0:45 - 0:47So in North America, we believe
0:47 - 0:51that the disruptive innovation
was hospital birth. -
0:51 - 0:57Isn’t that what made birth safe
and accessible to all women? -
0:57 - 0:59A safe birth?
0:59 - 1:03Well, it turns out
that some women don’t agree. -
1:03 - 1:06Some women want to stay
in their own homes. -
1:06 - 1:10We’ve exported this idea of hospital birth
1:10 - 1:14being the way to get safe birth
to low-resource countries. -
1:14 - 1:16But even in low-resource countries,
1:16 - 1:18women aren’t coming
in droves to the hospital. -
1:18 - 1:22Why is that? What's going on?
1:22 - 1:27And is the disruptive innovation
hospital birth or is it home birth? -
1:28 - 1:32You’re all familiar
with this image, that’s DNA. -
1:32 - 1:34I’m going to talk to you
a little bit about the science, -
1:34 - 1:38the physiology of humans
and what we’ve come to understand. -
1:38 - 1:40You can see those components
1:40 - 1:44that are joining from two
human beings' genetic information -
1:44 - 1:48to predict what the future will be
for this human being. -
1:48 - 1:50It turns out that’s the same
kind of linkage -
1:50 - 1:54that happens between the environment
and the physiology of birth. -
1:54 - 1:59We’ve learned a lot about it
from watching animals. -
1:59 - 2:02Animals in captivity,
for some strange reason, -
2:02 - 2:05when they’re outside
their familiar environment, -
2:05 - 2:08have a hard time getting pregnant,
a hard time staying pregnant, -
2:08 - 2:11a hard time staying healthy
while pregnant, -
2:11 - 2:16and a hard time releasing their babies
when they feel like they’re being watched, -
2:16 - 2:20when they feel like they cannot get
in what position they want, -
2:20 - 2:25they cannot access the comfort measures
or the food that they want, -
2:25 - 2:28they’re fearful, anxious or lonely.
2:29 - 2:31This is Mei Xiang
and Lisa is the elephant. -
2:31 - 2:34They both successfully
delivered in captivity. -
2:34 - 2:36How did they do it?
2:36 - 2:38They could get
in the position they wanted. -
2:38 - 2:42They were given environments
that were so familiar to them. -
2:42 - 2:44Maybe they were still in a zoo,
2:44 - 2:48but something about it allowed them
to do what they had to do, -
2:48 - 2:53and part of that was that the zookeepers
and the veterinarians weren’t seen. -
2:53 - 2:56They were behind hidden video cameras.
2:56 - 2:57So what does that tell us?
2:57 - 3:03What if every time a young healthy man
wanted to run a marathon, -
3:03 - 3:07he was told, "It's okay.
We’re not sure you can do it -
3:07 - 3:10and you might have
a heart attack in the process. -
3:10 - 3:12So why don’t you come into the hospital?
3:12 - 3:14You could run your marathon
around the hospital. -
3:14 - 3:17But don’t worry,
you can bring somebody with you -
3:17 - 3:20and your support or spouse can be there.
3:20 - 3:23We will monitor you
to make sure that you're okay. -
3:23 - 3:26And just in case
you do have a heart attack, -
3:26 - 3:29the emergency personnel
will be standing right there. -
3:29 - 3:32Just in case you do have a heart attack,
3:32 - 3:37you'd better not eat, and we probably
should restrict your fluids." -
3:38 - 3:42Does that make any sense to what you know
about the physiology of sports? -
3:42 - 3:46Do you think that if he didn't
believe he could do it, -
3:46 - 3:49he would be able to complete the marathon?
3:49 - 3:53And what about making love?
3:53 - 3:55What about making babies?
3:55 - 3:58Suppose you told this young man
3:58 - 4:02that he also could have a heart attack
when he had an orgasm, -
4:02 - 4:03some people do.
4:03 - 4:06What if, we weren't so sure
about his ability. -
4:06 - 4:09We said, "No worries,
come to the hospital! -
4:09 - 4:14We'll give you a nice quiet room.
You can bring your spouse. -
4:15 - 4:17We'll just come in from time to time
4:17 - 4:21check your heart blood pressure
and your heart rate -
4:21 - 4:23and make sure that everything is okay."
4:23 - 4:26Do you think he'd have some sort
of performance anxiety? -
4:26 - 4:28(Laughter)
4:28 - 4:29I think this is what he'd do:
4:29 - 4:34He'd say, “I know what to do
and you guys leave me alone.” -
4:34 - 4:37So, what have we learned
about human physiology? -
4:37 - 4:41There're some very cool things
that have been discovered now, -
4:41 - 4:44things about when we control birth
4:44 - 4:46and when babies
don't come out of the vagina. -
4:47 - 4:50Guess what? They don't get
the beneficial effects -
4:50 - 4:55of the good bacteria living in the vagina
that helps them for a long term health. -
4:56 - 5:00What about oxytocin, the hormone of love?
Why is it called the hormone of love? -
5:00 - 5:06Well, it's only released
in three times in our life, -
5:06 - 5:08three times which are absolutely
critical to bonding. -
5:08 - 5:11In fact, it does modulate
how attached do we feel. -
5:12 - 5:14It modulates social behavior.
5:14 - 5:17Oxytocin is only released
5:17 - 5:20when we make love -
when we have orgasm - -
5:20 - 5:23when we have contractions
to open up our uteruses -
5:23 - 5:25so that the baby can come out,
5:25 - 5:28and when we let down our milk
so we can feed our babies, -
5:28 - 5:30so our babies can survive.
5:30 - 5:35Every year, 350,000 women die
while pregnant or giving birth. -
5:36 - 5:402 million newborns die
within the first 24 hours of life. -
5:40 - 5:41This is true.
5:41 - 5:46Is this why we don't recommend
home birth to everybody? -
5:46 - 5:47Is it home birth?
5:47 - 5:51You know, most of these women
live in 58 countries. -
5:52 - 5:54They’re low resource countries.
5:54 - 5:58In these countries, women do not have
access to lifesaving techniques. -
5:58 - 6:01They don't have the medications
to stop bleeding. -
6:01 - 6:04If they could access it,
they can't get there. -
6:05 - 6:08They don't have somebody
checking their blood pressure. -
6:08 - 6:12Sometimes they're exposed to conditions
which are dangerous for themselves. -
6:12 - 6:15They don't have methods
to resuscitate a baby -
6:15 - 6:17that maybe just needs a little help.
6:17 - 6:22Is that why everybody
should deliver in the hospital? -
6:23 - 6:24What does the research say?
6:24 - 6:28For a long time we had a hard time
understanding what it really says. -
6:29 - 6:30Just like what Carzy said this morning,
6:30 - 6:33you've to ask the right questions
in the right way. Guess what? -
6:34 - 6:37We weren't asking the right
questions in the right way. -
6:37 - 6:41We were mixing up planned home birth
with unplanned home birth. -
6:41 - 6:44When we looked at the difference
between home and hospital birth -
6:44 - 6:46we had a lot of cases in there
6:46 - 6:48where the woman delivered
en route to the hospital -
6:48 - 6:50without an attendant, accidentally,
6:50 - 6:54even in high resource countries
where all those things are available. -
6:54 - 6:56And that doesn't tell us the story.
6:56 - 7:00If we don't know who's attending her,
what their skill set is, -
7:00 - 7:03if we don't know if she can change
the plan when she is in trouble, -
7:03 - 7:07we don't know what's really
dependent on place of birth -
7:07 - 7:12and what is instead dependent
on the type of care that she gets. -
7:13 - 7:14What we do know now?
7:14 - 7:19The good news is that we have
15 or 16 really high quality studies. -
7:19 - 7:21We'll never have
a randomized control trial, -
7:21 - 7:25because women will not agree
to be randomized to home or hospital. -
7:25 - 7:27They have opinions
about where they want to deliver. -
7:27 - 7:28And they've tried!
7:28 - 7:33There was one trial that they tried
to run for about 15 years. -
7:33 - 7:35They got 11 women to agree.
7:35 - 7:37Not big enough to say something.
7:37 - 7:40So, what we know is that
for an essentially healthy woman -
7:40 - 7:42
who has attendants with skills, -
7:42 - 7:48and those skilled attendants
bring basic equipment and medications -
7:48 - 7:51and they have seamless access
to specialized care -
7:51 - 7:53when a complication arrives,
7:53 - 7:56we actually get healthy mothers and babies
7:56 - 8:00and they experience less interventions.
8:01 - 8:02So what's the problem?
8:02 - 8:07Why don't we all agree that that's
the system that we should set up? -
8:07 - 8:09I study attitudes
8:09 - 8:14and what leads to attitudes
among maternity care providers. -
8:14 - 8:18I did this in Canada,
a big large national study. -
8:18 - 8:23You can see that midwives, obstetricians
and family physicians don't agree. -
8:23 - 8:25Why does that matter?
8:25 - 8:29Provider’s attitudes matter,
because they influence what women choose. -
8:29 - 8:31Women want to do
what's best for their bodies. -
8:31 - 8:33They want to be able
to believe their providers. -
8:33 - 8:36We know that providers
who know more about breastfeeding -
8:36 - 8:37and have education about it,
8:37 - 8:43their patients will be
more successful at breastfeeding. -
8:43 - 8:46We know that women
who choose cesarean on demand, -
8:46 - 8:49their providers are more likely
to have chosen that for themselves. -
8:49 - 8:52There's something else going on there.
8:52 - 8:55If we ask the right questions
to the right people, -
8:55 - 8:56we might ask the women,
8:56 - 9:00what happens when they listen
to their providers, -
9:00 - 9:02try to access safe care,
9:02 - 9:07leave their homes and familiar
environments, and come in? -
9:07 - 9:09Well, this is what they say,
9:09 - 9:12“I was told to be quiet and lie down."
9:12 - 9:15"I was put in a room
with women I didn't know.” -
9:15 - 9:18“I didn't know that man.
9:18 - 9:20He came in and he said to me,
9:20 - 9:24'Spread your legs like you did
when you got pregnant.'” -
9:25 - 9:29“I had to undress in front of strange men.
9:29 - 9:34They watched me while I got up
on the table to have my baby.” -
9:35 - 9:38Women in the Philippines will say...
9:38 - 9:42Actually a lot of places in the world
where women by droves are coming in now, -
9:42 - 9:45- because there're institutional
post-policies for institutional birth - -
9:45 - 9:49are overloaded by normal cases
9:49 - 9:52and don't have enough resources
9:52 - 9:56to look after the women
who really need their care. -
9:56 - 10:01This is a labor ward, and a postpartum
ward, and a newborn ward. -
10:02 - 10:05Is that where you would like to be?
Does that feel safe to you? -
10:05 - 10:07This woman is an indigenous woman.
10:07 - 10:09She came in because she believed
10:09 - 10:12she was going to have
a safer birth in the hospital. -
10:12 - 10:15When she got there,
they didn't understand her language. -
10:15 - 10:18They didn't believe her
that she was really in active labor -
10:18 - 10:20because she had walked from her village.
10:20 - 10:22So they made her leave.
10:22 - 10:26Shortly thereafter, she delivered
on the grass in front of the hospital. -
10:26 - 10:29Is that safer care?
10:29 - 10:33If you think this is just happening
in low resource countries, -
10:33 - 10:36it's happening all over the world!
10:36 - 10:39This is North America:
10:39 - 10:42strangers around,
women being told to push. -
10:43 - 10:44One woman said,
10:44 - 10:48“I was hooked up and trussed.
I couldn't move six inches. -
10:49 - 10:52I knew I had to get up to have my baby,
but they told me to lie still -
10:52 - 10:54because they couldn't hear
my baby's heartbeat. -
10:54 - 10:56I was worried.
10:56 - 10:58I listened to them,
but they didn't listen to me. -
10:59 - 11:02So I closed my eyes
and I hid in my music -
11:02 - 11:05while they stood around and watched me.”
11:05 - 11:08So what is this issue about relocation?
11:08 - 11:13How are we defining safety?
And who gets to define what safety is? -
11:13 - 11:16We know when all
of these silly things happen, -
11:16 - 11:18when mammals are not
in their familiar environment, -
11:18 - 11:22when they're disturbed,
have a loss of privacy and dignity, -
11:22 - 11:26it can affect their ability
to care for their own babies. -
11:27 - 11:29Women tell us.
11:29 - 11:32Tiye, who is some of the women
I looked after, told me -
11:32 - 11:34she had a good job in the hospital.
11:35 - 11:36She was a lab tech.
11:36 - 11:40She said, "Everybody knows everybody's
business ; I don't want them to know mine. -
11:40 - 11:42The white women I work with
don't understand me. -
11:42 - 11:45I don't want to be undressed
in front of them.” -
11:45 - 11:49We looked after a woman
when I was at Yale on faculty. -
11:49 - 11:52Her husband would not tell us
what his name was. -
11:52 - 11:54He said his name was Fred.
Nobody believed him. -
11:54 - 11:58They said, “Maybe he is undocumented,
that's why he doesn't want to tell us." -
11:58 - 12:00It was 2001, October.
12:00 - 12:02His name was Osama.
12:02 - 12:07He was afraid if he's told
the hospital staff his name, -
12:07 - 12:10that they would not treat his wife well.
12:10 - 12:14The Hmong women
I looked after in California -
12:14 - 12:16were used to having
all of their elders around, -
12:16 - 12:18but the hospital had a rule
12:18 - 12:21that only one person
could come with these women. -
12:22 - 12:24This lesbian couple knew
12:24 - 12:27that if they went to the hospital
with their known and beloved donor, -
12:27 - 12:29that it was very likely
12:29 - 12:32that the hospital staff
would hand the baby first to him -
12:32 - 12:35and not to the primary parent.
12:36 - 12:38Women tell us that when they're home,
12:38 - 12:42they can get in what position they want,
they can use gravity -
12:42 - 12:43and they can still be assured
12:43 - 12:48that someone will be checking them
and their baby's heartbeat. -
12:49 - 12:53So what about babies
who are fascinated with technology? -
12:53 - 12:56What about what women say
about technology? -
12:56 - 12:58It turns out that they actually don't want
12:58 - 13:02to reject technology or modern medicine.
13:03 - 13:06They want access
to all those lifesaving techniques. -
13:06 - 13:09They just want to be told the truth.
13:09 - 13:12All of the things I was telling you about
were based on studies -
13:12 - 13:15that we've done where women
have told us what they want -
13:15 - 13:19and what's most important to them:
comfort, convenience, empowerment. -
13:19 - 13:21This study has just come out.
13:21 - 13:25About 2000 women
answered a very long survey -
13:25 - 13:28about what they thought
about their maternity care. -
13:28 - 13:30These were all women
who planned hospital births. -
13:30 - 13:32Guess what?
They say the same thing. -
13:32 - 13:34They believe they're in charge.
13:34 - 13:37They believe they're choosing
the best options for their baby. -
13:38 - 13:39They just want to be told the truth.
13:39 - 13:43They want to be told,
how does this risk relate to me? -
13:43 - 13:46What if I live in a place
that does have those resources? -
13:47 - 13:51What will it be like
when I go into the hospital? -
13:52 - 13:54And they also tell us
13:54 - 13:58that some interventions lead to things
that they wouldn't choose -
13:58 - 14:03unless they were very sure
that it would save them or their babies. -
14:03 - 14:0740% of women are induced
in the United States today. -
14:07 - 14:10We have over 30% C-section rates.
14:10 - 14:12Do you think the species
would have survived -
14:12 - 14:15if that was the needed rate?
14:15 - 14:18In fact, most countries
that have much better outcomes -
14:18 - 14:22than we do in North America,
have much lower rates of these things. -
14:23 - 14:25So what about risk?
14:25 - 14:27Who gets to choose?
14:27 - 14:30This is a one-in-a-thousand risk.
14:30 - 14:34When you have skilled attendants at birth
14:34 - 14:40and access to equipment and personnel
when you need it, this is the risk. -
14:40 - 14:43About one per two to three thousands
is what loss will look like, -
14:44 - 14:47- not fetal loss, I’m talking
about neonatal loss. -
14:47 - 14:49And 50% of stillbirths are unexplained,
14:49 - 14:52so we don't really know
what's going on there. -
14:52 - 14:53So one-in-a-thousand.
14:53 - 14:57That's about the same risk than that man
who wanted to run a marathon, -
14:57 - 15:00would experience of having a heart attack.
15:00 - 15:02Is that an acceptable risk?
15:02 - 15:06And what about the risk
of loss of dignity, of abuse, -
15:06 - 15:08of disrespectful care?
15:09 - 15:11How do you define safety?
Who should decide? -
15:11 - 15:14Who is most invested and most responsible?
15:14 - 15:16How much risk is too much
15:16 - 15:19and whose agenda and whose destiny
are you talking about? -
15:20 - 15:23You know what women say?
What would your mother say? -
15:23 - 15:27Do you think she was more concerned
about you than the doctor? -
15:27 - 15:29Yes, that's what women say:
15:29 - 15:31''We care about our baby’s health.
15:31 - 15:33We are offended when people suggest
15:33 - 15:37that we are choosing home birth
or choosing respectful care, -
15:37 - 15:40just for our own convenience
or for comfort, -
15:40 - 15:44like it was some sort of cosmetic option.
15:45 - 15:46We know that if we are not well,
15:46 - 15:48if we're not treated well,
if we're abused, -
15:48 - 15:52if we feel like we had
an unnecessary intervention -
15:52 - 15:54or if we're in an environment
where we don't feel safe, -
15:54 - 15:58that can affect how we feel
about our babies, our future. -
15:58 - 16:01We're concerned
about our baby’s health also. -
16:01 - 16:02What about the use antibiotics?
16:02 - 16:05What about with C-sections
or any of these things? -
16:06 - 16:08Absolutely! Give me a C-section
if that’s what I really need. -
16:09 - 16:10I want my baby to be healthy.
16:10 - 16:17I value the advances that modern medicine
have brought to high resource countries.'' -
16:17 - 16:19That's what they tell us.
16:19 - 16:21But is anybody listening to women?
16:22 - 16:24Paula Freire said, “Washing
one's hands of the conflict -
16:24 - 16:26between the powerful and the powerless
16:26 - 16:30means to side with the powerful,
not to be neutral.” -
16:30 - 16:33Isn't it time we took a stand?
16:33 - 16:35Which is the disruptive
innovation we await? -
16:35 - 16:39Is it home birth?
Is it hospital birth? -
16:39 - 16:43Or is it humanized birth?
16:43 - 16:45What if all countries took steps
16:45 - 16:49to facilitate high quality care
in all settings? -
16:49 - 16:52And all women were told
how to access that care -
16:52 - 16:55wherever they felt safe?
16:56 - 17:01If the focus was access
to safe humanized birth in all settings, -
17:01 - 17:04then we'd prioritize the availability
of lifesaving measures and skills -
17:04 - 17:10everywhere and carry them to the places
where a woman feels respect, autonomy, -
17:10 - 17:13and the ability to listen
to her own body and baby. -
17:13 - 17:16I wrote that down
because I wanted to say it all. -
17:16 - 17:18I wanted to be sure
I didn't forget to tell you -
17:18 - 17:21that it is about
all of those things together. -
17:22 - 17:24We can carry those things to her.
17:24 - 17:26They might be packaged a bit differently.
17:26 - 17:28We know most people won't need IVs
17:28 - 17:31if they're cared for
and start out healthy, -
17:31 - 17:33- we're talking about
term pregnancies here. -
17:33 - 17:38We could be ready standing by
with resuscitation equipment for her baby. -
17:39 - 17:42It doesn’t look like the hospital
but it’s got all the same stuff. -
17:42 - 17:47Meanwhile, the woman could get
in whatever position she wanted. -
17:47 - 17:51And we could remember
that whether or not we're there, -
17:51 - 17:53whether or not
the interventions are there, -
17:53 - 17:56a woman will deliver undisturbed
17:56 - 17:59and will receive her baby
and care for her baby, -
17:59 - 18:02because that's what humans do.
18:02 - 18:05They would receive their babies with joy
18:05 - 18:09and with the people that they love,
with gentleness. -
18:10 - 18:14If we attended them
in that respectful way, -
18:14 - 18:17perhaps they would invite us
back into their homes -
18:17 - 18:20to help them learn
how to care for their babies. -
18:20 - 18:24And their babies
would come out alert and healthy, -
18:24 - 18:29ready to receive
the wisdom of their grandparents. -
18:31 - 18:35This is what one of my favorite
photojournalists said. -
18:35 - 18:37This has been around for a long time.
18:37 - 18:41I graduated here in 1978
18:41 - 18:44and I read this book shortly thereafter.
18:45 - 18:49Suzanne Arme said, “If we hope
to create a non-violent world -
18:49 - 18:53where respect and kindness
replace fear and hatred, -
18:53 - 18:56we must begin with how we treat
each other at the beginning of life, -
18:56 - 18:59for that is where our deepest
patterns are set. -
18:59 - 19:04From these roots grow
fear and alienation or love and trust.” -
19:04 - 19:05Thank you.
19:05 - 19:07(Applause)
- Title:
- Is hospital birth a real disruptive innovation | Saraswathi Vedam | TEDxAmherstCollege
- Description:
Many women choose to deliver at the hospital not realizing that they may set up for a choking and dehumanizing experience. Others who are choosing home birth are often criticized. In this talk, Saraswathi explains the importance of a friendly, familiar and safe environment during childbirth which event is known to have a big influence on the future of the baby and society as a whole. She calls all countries to facilitates high quality and safe humanized care in all settings and let the women choose. She shares with us the studies and testimonies of numerous women who have told her their experiences and their real needs, so that their voices be heard.
Senior Advisor for the MANA Division of Research, Saraswathi Vedam RM FACNM MSN Sci D (h.c.) is Associate Professor at the Division of Midwifery in the Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, and founder of the UBC Midwifery Faculty Practice, Birth & Beyond. Over the last 30 years, she has cared for families in the USA, the Netherlands, India, and Canada in a variety of private and public health care settings. She is also a prolific writer and a fierce proponent of a woman’s right to choose where to give birth. For Saraswathi, home birth is as safe as or even safer than hospital birth.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
- Video Language:
- English
- Team:
closed TED
- Project:
- TEDxTalks
- Duration:
- 19:17
Denise RQ
Hi Hélène Vernet
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Denise RQ
Hi Hélène Vernet,
Thanks for getting back at me with a PM!
I also sent you one advocating for a probably better for everybody solution.
Thank you very much for your time and for reviewing this talk,