Neoplasia l
0:06 - 0:10(From M1 Patients and Populations at University of Michigan Medical School. Lecture by Gerald Abrams, MD.)
You see the title is Disturbances of Growth in Neoplasia. -
0:10 - 0:12This is one of the
0:12 - 0:13probably the only time
0:13 - 0:18in the sequence where pathology really
meshes with what else is going on. -
0:18 - 0:19
0:19 - 0:21We will spend
0:21 - 0:25much of the two hours today and
then an hour Wednesday -
0:25 - 0:28on the subject of neoplasms, that is
tumors -
0:28 - 0:33this will feed into Dr Gruber's 11 o'clock lecture on Wednesday on the genetics
0:33 - 0:34
0:34 - 0:38aspects of neoplasia and
then a very interesting MDC in the afternoon, -
0:38 - 0:39
0:39 - 0:44dealing with some clinical aspects of
those same things. -
0:44 - 0:46But before we settle down
0:46 - 0:49to the subject of neoplasms, tumors and such,
0:49 - 0:54i want to spend a bit of time giving you
a few notions and definitions in visual images -
0:54 - 0:55images
0:55 - 0:59dealing with other
0:59 - 1:03abnormalities of growth short of
new place, in other words there are some other -
1:03 - 1:04some other
1:04 - 1:08disturbances in the size of cells
tissues and organs -
1:08 - 1:09the
1:09 - 1:13mode of cellular proliferation and even
1:13 - 1:16lead the way that cells mature
1:16 - 1:17and
1:17 - 1:20look at a few of these
abnormalities first before we get onto the main -
1:20 - 1:21subject
1:21 - 1:23let me begin
1:23 - 1:25very simply with
1:25 - 1:26situations
1:26 - 1:28in which you might
1:28 - 1:32encounter a bunch of cells, a tissue, an organ
1:32 - 1:34smaller than normal
1:34 - 1:37smaller than you expect
1:37 - 1:38and it runs
1:38 - 1:40something like this
1:40 - 1:44it makes pretty good sense that the one way
that you could end up with a tissue -
1:44 - 1:46that's abnormally small
1:46 - 1:50organized abnormally small is a
developmental situation -
1:50 - 1:53where it never grew up
1:53 - 1:55sort of a dwarfed tissue
1:55 - 1:57or organ
1:57 - 1:58and on the other hand
1:58 - 1:59there are situations
1:59 - 2:03as i think you're already familiar with
2:03 - 2:09when an organ or tissue reaches a
definitive adult size and then shrinks -
2:09 - 2:11that process i think you know from
Ramsburgh's lecture we call -
2:11 - 2:14atrophy
2:14 - 2:15so those are two kinds
2:15 - 2:18situations and i want to run
through first -
2:18 - 2:22this list of developmental problems
2:22 - 2:26that we have encounter from time to time
2:26 - 2:29the most complete sort of defect
2:29 - 2:33you might encounter is when the
embryonic rudiment -
2:33 - 2:35of an organ
2:35 - 2:38simply doesn't develop, it's a screw up in embryogenesis
2:38 - 2:40and then there is no organ
2:40 - 2:41laid down
2:41 - 2:42and we referred to that
2:42 - 2:47process as agenesis
2:47 - 2:51there's a slight variation on the theme
and that is where the rudiment of the organ -
2:51 - 2:51may be
2:51 - 2:53laid down in the embryo, but
2:53 - 2:56the thing never grows
2:56 - 2:59non-descript nubbin' of nothing
2:59 - 3:02and that sometimes is referred to as aplasia
3:02 - 3:06those two terms are essentially
synonymous -
3:06 - 3:08it's an absence
3:08 - 3:10an absence of the tissue
3:10 - 3:11and I'll
3:11 - 3:15give you an example, a very striking example of this
3:15 - 3:18here's an autopsy specimen, let me orient you to it
3:18 - 3:20this is the urinary bladder down here
3:20 - 3:21here is
3:21 - 3:30a ureter on one side going up and connecting with a very respectable looking kidney
3:30 - 3:33here's the other ureter, boom!
3:33 - 3:33there was nothing outside the
3:33 - 3:37it's not a camera trick, there's nothing outside there, it just ended
3:37 - 3:39that way
3:39 - 3:42now that is an example of the unilateral renal
3:42 - 3:43agenesis
3:43 - 3:47or aplasia, i don't care which word you use
3:47 - 3:51this sort of thing is compatible with
long happy life and this is strictly an incidental finding -
3:51 - 3:54i don't remember anymore what this individual died of
3:54 - 3:55but it had nothing
3:55 - 3:56relating to the
3:56 - 3:58urinary tract
3:58 - 4:02so it's just a failure on one side for that
4:02 - 4:05kidney to develop. Agenesis or aplasia.
4:05 - 4:07sometimes we see this bilaterally. Both
4:07 - 4:09kidneys are not there
4:09 - 4:11and that
4:11 - 4:16of course is not compatible with life whereas this sort of thing is
4:16 - 4:18now
4:18 - 4:21the next step up from
4:21 - 4:23agenesis or aplasia
4:23 - 4:25is a situation where the
4:25 - 4:28the organ rudiment is laid down in the
embryo, and indeed -
4:28 - 4:31grows but not
4:31 - 4:33as much as it should
4:33 - 4:35so you end up with something
4:35 - 4:37smaller than normal because of
4:37 - 4:42well we might call it loosely a growth failure, and that we call
4:42 - 4:43hypoplasia
4:43 - 4:46hypo meaning under or less than
4:46 - 4:50and there's an example, let me take you
through this one, it's a little bit confusing -
4:50 - 4:51here's
4:51 - 4:53the bladder
4:53 - 4:57this happens to be the aorta, forget
about that, here's the bladder -
4:57 - 4:58the ureter
4:58 - 5:00on one side going up to a very decent looking
5:00 - 5:03kidney
5:03 - 5:06here is the ureter on the other side, sort
of stunted -
5:06 - 5:08here's
5:08 - 5:10a little shrunken
5:10 - 5:13well, i shouldn't say shrunken, but a tiny, miniature
5:13 - 5:15kidney there
5:15 - 5:16that represents a unilateral
5:16 - 5:22renal hypoplasia
5:22 - 5:25again sort of an embryonic defect
5:25 - 5:27if you will
5:27 - 5:29sometimes we see this bilaterally
5:29 - 5:32and it could be all degrees, it could
be something between this and this or something -
5:32 - 5:36even less than this and as long as
5:36 - 5:38you put it under the microscope and you see
5:38 - 5:42the structure of kidney, but there's not enough of it, it's too small. that's hypoplasia.
5:42 - 5:44
5:44 - 5:49i've shown you urinary tract here, these sorts of defects, agenesis and hypoplasia
5:49 - 5:51occur in
5:51 - 5:52other organs
5:52 - 5:56and organ systems as well, i just happen
to have these pictures on hand -
5:56 - 6:01one of things you'll encounter when you
get over in the hospital because we're sort of -
6:01 - 6:03a funnel for odd things
6:03 - 6:05is fairly often
6:05 - 6:07
6:07 - 6:12kids born with what we call hypoplastic left heart
6:12 - 6:13and that's the situation
6:13 - 6:18where the chambers of the left side
of the heart and even sometimes a portion -
6:18 - 6:19of the aorta
6:19 - 6:24simply don't develop properly, and there are little tiny nubbin's on the heart
6:24 - 6:28and this hypoplastic left heart
syndrome is lethal unless some pretty fancy -
6:28 - 6:32surgery is done to intervene for a while
6:32 - 6:36so you will see that hypoplastic left heart
6:36 - 6:40one more term on that list that i gave
you, i just defined it and i want to illustrate it -
6:40 - 6:43and that is atresia
6:43 - 6:45a-t-r-e-s-i-a, atresia
6:45 - 6:50which is a situation and again it's a
developmental failure where a channel -
6:50 - 6:53a normal opening or channel fails
6:53 - 6:56to stay open
6:56 - 6:59fails to form properly so you end up with a closure where you should have
6:59 - 7:02a channel
7:02 - 7:06something let's say along the GI tract or along a duct
7:06 - 7:10where it simply disappears because it never
opened up properly. That's atresia. -
7:10 - 7:13Now the second situation
7:13 - 7:16i mentioned back on that list
7:16 - 7:19other than developmental is a situation
7:19 - 7:20where the organ has reached
7:20 - 7:25a definitive size and undergoes a process of atrophy
7:25 - 7:29atrophy can come about really in in
two ways -
7:29 - 7:30first of all
7:30 - 7:34every single cell in the tissue could shrink
7:34 - 7:36by some percentage
7:36 - 7:39and that would produce a smaller tissue, a smaller organ
7:39 - 7:40or
7:40 - 7:44a certain number of cells as they start out with a million cells in the population
7:44 - 7:44and
7:44 - 7:48some of them disappear by apoptosis
7:48 - 7:50and you end up
7:50 - 7:53with eight hundred thousand cells, that's going to be a shrunken tissue
7:53 - 7:55so a tissue can
7:55 - 7:59undergo atrophy with shrinkage of individual cells
7:59 - 8:02sometimes loss of cells or both
8:02 - 8:07but it's a secondary change after the
the organ has reached its definitive size -
8:07 - 8:09some
8:09 - 8:13examples of atrophy as some of you may know already
8:13 - 8:17is perfectly physiologic in the, let's say, fetus
8:17 - 8:19as various things form and come and go
8:19 - 8:20there's atrophy
8:20 - 8:23there's certainly atrophy of fetal structures
8:23 - 8:25in the neonatal period
8:25 - 8:28umbilical vessels and that sort of thing undergo
8:28 - 8:30atrophy
8:30 - 8:31there are examples
8:31 - 8:34of physiologic atrophy
8:34 - 8:38as one matures into adult life, the tonsils shrink
8:38 - 8:40the thymus shrinks
8:40 - 8:41and so forth
8:41 - 8:44there are these things which are expected and physiologic
8:44 - 8:46when
8:46 - 8:52it comes to pathologic forms of atrophy, there are many reasons why
8:52 - 8:53this can happen, one that Dr
8:53 - 8:57Ramsburgh may have mentioned is ischemia
8:57 - 9:02if you rob a tissue of its blood supply, let's say, not enough to kill it
9:02 - 9:04but really to cut it down, there's
9:04 - 9:07such a thing as ischemic atrophy
9:07 - 9:10and you'll see that in arteriosclerotic
9:10 - 9:14areas where the tissues tend to simply shrink
9:14 - 9:16starvation
9:16 - 9:17you don't
9:17 - 9:20feed a person enough calories, starvation will produce
9:20 - 9:25atrophy. there's a hierarchy of organs which i don't want to go into
9:25 - 9:27for instance, the brain doesn't atrophy
9:27 - 9:29in that situation
9:29 - 9:32but the adipose tissue does, the liver does, and so forth
9:32 - 9:34that's starvation atrophy
9:34 - 9:37in the case of muscular tissues
9:37 - 9:38disuse
9:38 - 9:41just plain old disuse will cause atrophy
9:41 - 9:43it could be very striking
9:43 - 9:47i don't know if any of you have been in this situation, but you have an acute injury
9:47 - 9:48like, oh let's say,
9:48 - 9:53a bad knee, for some reason, just self splinting
9:53 - 9:56not using that leg in the same way
9:56 - 9:59will cause a shrinkage within a few weeks
9:59 - 10:04you can get a loss in circumference of a thigh
10:04 - 10:06i don't know how many of you are skiiers
10:06 - 10:07that have gotten into
10:07 - 10:12trouble and ended up with let's say a cast on an extremity
10:12 - 10:17for a number of weeks and when that cast comes off, you've got a shriveled leg
10:17 - 10:19compared to the other one
10:19 - 10:22that is disuse atrophy
10:22 - 10:26an extreme example of that is something we call neurogenic atrophy, if you cut
10:26 - 10:26the motor
10:26 - 10:29nerve going to a muscle
10:29 - 10:33then that muscle can't work at all and is getting
no signals -
10:33 - 10:37it'll really shrink, it's a tremendous sort of atrophy
10:37 - 10:39then
10:39 - 10:42well, i'll stop this list with one more
10:42 - 10:45many tissues in the body are
10:45 - 10:48the way they are because they have a
certain endocrine support -
10:48 - 10:54they depend on a certain level of a particular
hormone, and if you withdraw that hormone, the tissue -
10:54 - 10:58will undergo atrophy. Morphologically
10:58 - 10:59it's pretty
10:59 - 11:02straight forward, i'm not going to show you much of this
11:02 - 11:04is smaller
11:02 - 11:02it's simply the tissue
11:04 - 11:08you look at it under the microscope and the
individual cells are smaller -
11:08 - 11:11the number of cells, that's a tougher thing to deal
11:11 - 11:15with, but basically it's a small tissue
11:15 - 11:19sometimes there's partial fibrous replacement as the tissues shrink
11:19 - 11:23we call that fibrous atrophy
11:23 - 11:23sometimes
11:23 - 11:28this seems to be an increase in adipose
tissue, marbling the tissue, we call that fatty atrophy -
11:28 - 11:31but basically the business cells of the tissue
11:31 - 11:32are smaller
11:32 - 11:35there's one variation on this theme that
11:35 - 11:40Ramsburgh may have introduced you to and that's
11:40 - 11:43as a cell shrinks
11:43 - 11:45it basically
11:45 - 11:50is undergoing a process of autophagy, it's eating itself, it's digesting
11:50 - 11:52various of its
11:52 - 11:55organelles and so forth
11:55 - 12:00one of the things that happens
from this digestive process is that there -
12:00 - 12:02may be residual products
12:02 - 12:04left afterwards and
12:04 - 12:05they
12:05 - 12:07tend to be pigmented products which we've
12:07 - 12:10we refer to as lipofuscin
12:10 - 12:13
12:13 - 12:18here's a liver where particularly in
this area, the central area, the cells -
12:18 - 12:20are shrunken and you'll
12:20 - 12:23notice this is not a particularly good photo, but you'll notice they are brown
12:23 - 12:25and that's
12:25 - 12:28because of a relative concentration of lipofuscin there
12:28 - 12:30they've been undergoing
12:30 - 12:31autophagy
12:31 - 12:36and the residual products are piling
up and sometimes we refer to this as pigment atrophy -
12:36 - 12:38or brown atrophy
12:38 - 12:42and i've seen shrunken livers where there's perhaps half the mass of the usual liver
12:42 - 12:43and they're really
12:43 - 12:45definite
12:45 - 12:46brown
12:46 - 12:48rather than the ordinary
12:48 - 12:49liver color
12:49 - 12:51because of this sort of accumulation
12:51 - 12:53Okay so
12:53 - 12:57much for smaller than normal, let's go to the flip side
12:57 - 13:01and look at situations where the tissue
or the organ may be larger -
13:01 - 13:02than normal
13:02 - 13:03and this
13:03 - 13:07can come about in two ways
13:07 - 13:11you can have an increase in the size of
the cells in the tissue -
13:11 - 13:15and we refer to that as hypertrophy
13:15 - 13:19you can have an increase in the number
of cells in the tissue, we call that hyperplasia -
13:19 - 13:21Now let's go back
13:21 - 13:23up to hypertrophy
13:23 - 13:28let me point out that size increase isn't simply cell swelling, you know
13:28 - 13:32about the phenomenon of cell swelling, which involves a net accumulation of water
13:32 - 13:35that we wouldn't call hypertrophy
13:35 - 13:39in hypertrophy, the cells enlarge because of an increased
13:39 - 13:41synthesis
13:41 - 13:43of cellular components
13:43 - 13:45i'll show you that in a
13:45 - 13:46moment
13:46 - 13:48again hyperplasia
13:48 - 13:51involves an increase in cell number so you'd look
13:51 - 13:55for hyperplasia only in tissues that are capable of
13:55 - 13:57dividing in the adult state
13:57 - 14:00another was a permanent sort of tissue
14:00 - 14:03you're not going to get hyperplasia ordinarily in muscle
14:03 - 14:05you're not going to get
14:05 - 14:11hyperplasia, well muscle is probably the best example. but in other
14:11 - 14:12organs, you may
14:12 - 14:16get hyperplasia along with hypertrophy
14:16 - 14:17but conceptually hypertrophy
14:17 - 14:22is increase in cell size, hyperplasia is increase in cell
14:22 - 14:24number
14:24 - 14:26the
14:26 - 14:33best example of hypertrophy is in muscular tissues
14:33 - 14:35it's a response
14:35 - 14:38hypertrophy in muscle is a response to an overload
14:38 - 14:42or unusual workload or what not
14:42 - 14:46now you need a lot of imagination for this, but imagine i went in for bodybuilding
14:46 - 14:48which i never will
14:48 - 14:51and you know you you pump three hundred
pounds like this -
14:51 - 14:53and after a while couldn't
14:53 - 14:55get into the lab coat. Bulging
14:55 - 14:59muscles, i told you, imagination.
14:59 - 15:00the
15:00 - 15:03muscles of the bodybuilder
15:03 - 15:06you've all seen pictures of this and maybe some of you are into this sort of sport
15:06 - 15:07this
15:07 - 15:10represents
15:10 - 15:10hypertrophy
15:10 - 15:15of muscle, there isn't any real increase in the number of muscle cells
15:15 - 15:18but any individual muscle cells instead of being this big around is this big around
15:18 - 15:20and it
15:20 - 15:23represents actually a synthesis of more
15:23 - 15:26contractile machinery
15:26 - 15:28in the muscle, it's a response
15:28 - 15:30to the work
15:30 - 15:33now a place where we see this that isn't so trivial
15:33 - 15:35is
15:35 - 15:37is, for instance, heart muscle
15:37 - 15:41that is subjected to an abnormal load
15:41 - 15:44for instance, a left ventricle
15:44 - 15:51having to pump blood in a patient with uncontrolled hypertension
15:51 - 15:55in other words, the systemic blood pressure is elevated, the arteriolar resistance is elevated
15:55 - 15:58and every time that poor old left ventricle
15:58 - 16:02tries to eject blood, it's doing it against an increased head of pressure
16:02 - 16:06those muscles are going to undergo
hypertrophy -
16:06 - 16:07or
16:07 - 16:11let's say the valve, the so-called
aortic valve, which is a valve between -
16:11 - 16:17the left ventricle and the aorta, as the blood flows out, if that valve gets narrowed
16:17 - 16:20the poor old ventricle has to squeeze harder to get
16:20 - 16:23the blood out to maintain life, it will
undergo hypertrophy -
16:23 - 16:24not hyperplasia
16:24 - 16:25but hypertrophy
16:25 - 16:26and the
16:26 - 16:29heart gains weight
16:29 - 16:31the ventricle becomes thick
16:31 - 16:35and the cells become enlarged. I'll illustrate this for you.
16:35 - 16:37here is
16:37 - 16:41don't pay attention to the color, there have been
some post-mortem changes here but -
16:41 - 16:44this is a bread loaf slice
16:44 - 16:45of a normal heart
16:45 - 16:48you're looking at the right ventricle
over here -
16:48 - 16:52left ventricle over here ordinarily, this is normal, the right ventricle is very thin
16:52 - 16:57because it pumps against a lesser head of pressure in the pulmonary circuit. The left ventricle
16:57 - 17:00,that's about normal thickness,
17:00 - 17:01now the next slide
17:01 - 17:05is not a photo trick and again
don't worry about the colors, but the next -
17:05 - 17:12slide is taken from an individual with high blood pressure
17:12 - 17:15now that first heart probably weighed
17:15 - 17:19oh in the neighborhood of three hundred, three hundred and twenty five grams
17:19 - 17:20this heart weighed closer
17:20 - 17:24to the six or seven hundred grams, i don't remember precisely, but
17:24 - 17:28it kind of speaks for itself, there is more muscle
there -
17:28 - 17:31and again this is not hyperplasia, this is
hypertrophy -
17:31 - 17:36and it looks something like this. i know you don't know much of this histology
17:36 - 17:37but just
17:37 - 17:41think of these as cross-sections of these cylindrical muscle cells
17:41 - 17:42and this is
17:42 - 17:44a normal myocardium
17:44 - 17:45and
17:45 - 17:50let's just cast your eyeballs around and look at the approximate
17:50 - 17:54average diameter
17:54 - 17:55the next slide
17:55 - 17:58is taken with the same optics in the microscope
17:58 - 18:04from a hypertrophic heart, now you got this?
18:04 - 18:04The point
18:04 - 18:09those cells are really increased in diameter, don't worry about this, I don't expect you to
18:09 - 18:11pick this up on the quiz
18:11 - 18:13but just to show you
18:13 - 18:14the increase
18:14 - 18:19and what this represents really is an increase, a very striking increase
18:19 - 18:21in the myofibrillar contractile machinery
18:21 - 18:24of these cells
18:24 - 18:29so this is clearly an adaptive
18:29 - 18:30phenomenon
18:30 - 18:33and it works very well up to a point
18:33 - 18:38the heart can't keep getting more and more and more hypertrophic
18:38 - 18:40i've never seen a heart
18:40 - 18:42weigh much more than a kilogram
18:42 - 18:44and that's rare
18:44 - 18:45but beyond that
18:45 - 18:47it doesn't work
18:47 - 18:51and one of the reasons that it doesn't work
is that the vascularity of the blood supply -
18:51 - 18:53of the heart
18:53 - 18:56muscle doesn't keep up
18:56 - 18:59with too much hypertrophy and pretty soon
18:59 - 19:03the muscle to capillary ratio is unfavorable
19:03 - 19:06and it plateaus, it can't go any further
19:06 - 19:12and then what you get is the onset of apoptosis in cells and actually some
19:12 - 19:17fibrous replacement of the myocardium so it doesn't work indefinitely
19:17 - 19:17actually some
19:17 - 19:19of the proteins that are formed
19:19 - 19:22are not necessarily normal either
19:22 - 19:23so hypertrophy
19:23 - 19:30is nice and adaptive up to a point, but beyond that
19:30 - 19:33i might mention that before we leave hypertrophy that this also goes on in other types of
19:33 - 19:35of muscle
19:35 - 19:36as you may
19:36 - 19:40know for instance, the wall of the urinary bladder is muscle but
19:40 - 19:43this kind of muscle is what we call smooth muscle
19:43 - 19:46but if there is a chronic obstruction to
bladder outflow -
19:46 - 19:48you get a very thick muscular bladder
19:48 - 19:51the same kind of response
19:51 - 19:55hypertrophy of the muscle cells
19:55 - 19:57we return to hyperplasia
19:57 - 20:00lots of examples i can give you
20:00 - 20:00of increased
20:00 - 20:02in
20:02 - 20:02the number of cells
20:02 - 20:05in the tissue
20:05 - 20:07and a nice example i think you've all
been there -
20:07 - 20:09one way or another
20:09 - 20:11there's a callus that forms
20:11 - 20:13in the skin
20:13 - 20:14if you have a
20:14 - 20:17ill-fitting pair of shoes and something is rubbing
20:17 - 20:18on the spot
20:18 - 20:21or God forbid if you have to do manual
labor -
20:21 - 20:26some concerted length of time
20:26 - 20:30you develop calluses. You've all had this happen. This is an example of
20:30 - 20:31hyperplasia
20:31 - 20:33It's a response to this overwork stimulus
20:33 - 20:35which increases
20:35 - 20:40or leads to an increase in number of cells in the system
20:40 - 20:42let me illustrate this
20:42 - 20:44give you a little histology
20:44 - 20:47this is basically normal skin
20:47 - 20:49on the palmar surface of the hand
20:49 - 20:50this is the dermis, the connective tissue part
20:50 - 20:51this is the
20:51 - 20:56epidermis, the epithelial portion
20:56 - 20:58now this is a renewing
20:58 - 21:01cell system
21:01 - 21:01normally
21:01 - 21:06a certain number of cells are mitosing down here in the basal layer
21:06 - 21:08and daughter cells are moving out and maturing
21:08 - 21:13as they move on out
21:13 - 21:16and this upper layer where you see no nuclei is the
21:16 - 21:18so-called stratum corneum
21:18 - 21:20it's like a layer of shingles on the roof
21:20 - 21:23these cells undergo progressive changes
21:23 - 21:26in armor plate there
21:26 - 21:30so the normal palmar skin is set with a certain cell population
21:30 - 21:31and a certain
21:31 - 21:36balance where certain cells come and go
21:36 - 21:38i'll show you the callus
21:38 - 21:41keep this picture in mind
21:41 - 21:44and this represents the hyperplasia of the callus
21:44 - 21:47now you've got
21:47 - 21:49a much thicker cell population
21:49 - 21:51it's still a very orderly cell population
21:51 - 21:55the cells are being born down here and are maturing up here
21:55 - 21:56there's actually
21:56 - 21:58so much thickening going on here that I couldn't
21:58 - 22:00get it all on one picture
22:00 - 22:02at the same magnification
22:02 - 22:03here is the beginning of the stratum
22:03 - 22:05corneum
22:05 - 22:08there's the rest of it
22:08 - 22:10and that is a callus
22:10 - 22:12So you see there is a tremendous
22:12 - 22:16hyperplasia here in response to this mechanical stimulus
22:16 - 22:18Now the nice thing
22:18 - 22:25about hyperplasia, and also applies to hypertrophy, if you get rid of
22:25 - 22:28the noxious stimulus,
22:28 - 22:29things pretty much
22:29 - 22:32wind back to normal. You can't always do that, but
22:32 - 22:34if you can, if you quit
22:34 - 22:37raking the ground or whatever you're doing,
22:37 - 22:39pretty soon those hands will be the ones you know and love.
22:39 - 22:41The calloused thins out
22:41 - 22:45and you go back to normal. Now
22:45 - 22:46I could give you
22:46 - 22:52other happier examples, maybe, I'll give you one.
22:52 - 22:53In a hormone sensitive
22:53 - 22:55tissue that responds
22:55 - 22:58that response with hyperplasia
22:58 - 23:00here is a normal
23:00 - 23:03lobule. This is kind of a potential
23:03 - 23:04secretory unit,
23:04 - 23:07a normal lobule of an adult female breast.
23:07 - 23:08I don't want to go into detail, but
23:08 - 23:11just to show you the little terminal
23:11 - 23:15units forming this lobule. During pregnancy
23:15 - 23:17and lactation,
23:17 - 23:17this tremendous
23:17 - 23:19hormonal stimulus to these cells
23:19 - 23:20makes them undergo
23:20 - 23:22hyperplasia
23:22 - 23:23and that lobule
23:23 - 23:24, take a look
23:24 - 23:26at the size there
23:26 - 23:27enlarged
23:27 - 23:30couldn't even get the whole lobule on the screen there
23:30 - 23:33This is a lactating mammary gland
23:33 - 23:34there's a tremendous
23:34 - 23:38increase in the number of cells, actually some hypertrophy
23:38 - 23:40in individual cells, but basically
23:40 - 23:41a whole lot of hyperplasia
23:41 - 23:44there, and it responds to
23:44 - 23:46the hormone.
23:46 - 23:51When the hormonal stimulus is withdrawn at the end of lactation, things pretty much
23:51 - 23:55go back to normal, plus or minus a little stretching of the connective tissue
23:55 - 23:57but the epithelial
23:57 - 24:02population goes back to normal.
24:02 - 24:06That's hyperplasia, tends to be reversible
24:06 - 24:09under very nice elegant control
24:09 - 24:11in some situations
24:11 - 24:13got to throw this in. Not all good news.
24:13 - 24:15In some situations, the hyperplasia
24:15 - 24:17
24:17 - 24:18isn't necessarily
24:18 - 24:22adaptive and good. We see
24:22 - 24:25examples of hyperplasia, I'll show two of them.
24:25 - 24:28
24:28 - 24:29They're probably responses
24:29 - 24:34to the subtly abnormal endocrine stimulation, somehow
24:34 - 24:36we don't exactly know.
24:36 - 24:40but, i think one for the guys, one for the girls
24:40 - 24:43this is something that is going to afflict about
24:43 - 24:46forty nine percent of us in the room, one way or the other.
24:46 - 24:48and this is
24:48 - 24:50a cross cut of the prostate
24:50 - 24:51and the
24:51 - 24:54prostate normally is about the size
24:54 - 24:56of a golf
24:56 - 24:59ball, a walnut, a good sized walnut
24:59 - 25:00and it's right at the base
25:00 - 25:08the bladder and the urethra. The outflow tract goes through the prostate.
25:08 - 25:08You're looking at a cross-section there
25:08 - 25:10and you see the urethra there.
25:10 - 25:11The normal prostate would be
25:11 - 25:15nice and smooth across the cut surface.
25:15 - 25:15Here you see
25:15 - 25:21a bunch of lumps and this represents
25:21 - 25:23hyperplasia of
25:23 - 25:26glandular and muscular tissue, glandular tissue undergoes tremendous hyperplasia.
25:26 - 25:29we don't know why, and the
25:29 - 25:31problem with
25:31 - 25:33is not simply walk around with a tennis ball
25:33 - 25:39there instead of a walnut, but it rests on the base of the bladder
25:39 - 25:41and urethra and can cause outflow problems.
25:41 - 25:46and also urinary tract problems.
25:46 - 25:49I'll give you a little tidbit that's absolutely useless.
25:49 - 25:53Eunuchs don't get prostatic hyperplasia,
25:53 - 25:58but it's not a very popular preventative measure.
25:58 - 26:02so there's an example, it's not a neoplasm, it's strictly hyperplasia, but it's out of
26:02 - 26:05kilter and not good.
26:05 - 26:07for
26:07 - 26:07the rest of you
26:07 - 26:09we'll talk about
26:09 - 26:11a very common condition
26:11 - 26:13called fibrocystic change in the breast
26:13 - 26:15now this is
26:15 - 26:18a non-descript looking piece of tissue
26:18 - 26:19but if it were perfectly normal
26:19 - 26:20mostly
26:20 - 26:23it would be a yellowish background
26:23 - 26:25because the breast is largely fatty tissue
26:25 - 26:27and not
26:27 - 26:30those big yawning things there. So what's happened in this breast
26:30 - 26:34it's, first of all, increase in fibroblast
26:34 - 26:38fibrous connective tissue, see these white streaks
26:38 - 26:39and this represents part of the duct system.
26:39 - 26:42where the cells increase in number
26:42 - 26:45and fluid is accumulated in
26:45 - 26:45what we call cysts,
26:45 - 26:46a cyst
26:46 - 26:48is a hollow space filled with fluid
26:48 - 26:51lined with epithelium
26:51 - 26:54and so we call this fibrocystic change.
26:54 - 26:56In and of itself, it's very
26:56 - 27:00common, in and of itself it's no big deal.
27:00 - 27:01I'll show you
27:01 - 27:04what happens conceptually, here again here's the
27:04 - 27:09normal breast, this is a lobule like I showed you before and this is
27:09 - 27:15part of the duct system leading to that lobule. That's normal. Now in a fibrocystic
27:15 - 27:17change, what you see
27:17 - 27:17is
27:17 - 27:20this little garbled
27:20 - 27:20Here's a lobule
27:20 - 27:22that has undergone
27:22 - 27:26hyperplasia, pretty evident
27:26 - 27:29and the duct system, the lining is also
27:29 - 27:35undergone hyperplasia, the ducts are dilating and eventually form cysts.
27:35 - 27:38and again we don't know exactly why
27:38 - 27:43this happens, but it represents hyperplasia
27:43 - 27:48gone wrong.
27:48 - 27:59All right, moving right along, what I'm doing is just ticking off these concepts. You can follow this in your reading too.
27:59 - 28:09I want to move on to proliferation and maturation of cells within a population.
28:09 - 28:12I'm talking about two particular situations here
28:12 - 28:13we'll talk first about
28:13 - 28:17metaplasia and then dysplasia.
28:17 - 28:23all right, what about metaplasia? We define this as
28:23 - 28:30a change in the cell population, in which one normal mature special
28:30 - 28:34cell, I'll clarify this in a moment, but one
28:34 - 28:38cell type is replaced by another
28:38 - 28:39normal cell type,
28:39 - 28:41except it doesn't belong
28:41 - 28:43there, in other words, it's changed
28:43 - 28:52that particular location. Now this isn't just a substitution, where this cell
28:52 - 28:54changes into another cell
28:54 - 28:56what this is, rather,
28:56 - 29:02is change in the maturation of stem cells in the population. We've got a proliferating cell population
29:02 - 29:09where ordinarily the cells mature in this direction, and metaplasia represents
29:09 - 29:30a switch, under some influence, where they mature in that direction.
29:30 - 29:36They become more resistant than the normal one and that represents metaplasia.
29:36 - 29:41Let me illustrate this, try to make sense out of it.
29:41 - 29:43Here is the lining
29:43 - 29:45of the
29:45 - 29:46what we call
29:46 - 29:49the endocervical canal
29:49 - 29:55this is the canal that goes up into the uterus. Now normally
29:55 - 29:56what's going on
29:56 - 30:00here is that there are certain number of, well, call them stem cells
30:00 - 30:02or reserved cells that are proliferating
30:02 - 30:02all the
30:02 - 30:05time, but they mature
30:05 - 30:06into these tall
30:06 - 30:07what we call columnar
30:07 - 30:09cells, they are
30:09 - 30:11tall and columnar and they've got
30:11 - 30:15very pale cytoplasm because they're full of mucus.
30:15 - 30:22So normally this endocervical canal is lined by this mucus secreting epithelium, very
30:22 - 30:23slight stimulus
30:23 - 30:24is all it takes
30:24 - 30:26and there may be a change
30:26 - 30:29here you see the normal, here you see a plaque
30:29 - 30:31of cells that looks a little bit different
30:31 - 30:33and these cells
30:33 - 30:35are, well, they're
30:35 - 30:39odd shapes here, they're maturing into these
30:39 - 30:43flat cells that we saw on top of the epidermis, and we call this
30:43 - 30:44these are columnar
30:44 - 30:47cells, these are squamous cells, we call this squamous
30:47 - 30:48metaplasia
30:48 - 30:51very very
30:51 - 30:53common, some of you
30:53 - 30:55in this room have this, it's a trivial change
30:55 - 30:56practically
30:56 - 31:00ubiquitous in the adult females in the
31:00 - 31:01endocervix
31:01 - 31:06it can become quite extreme. Look at this.
31:06 - 31:14this whole area should be lined by these columnar cells that look this, and instead what we've got here is squamous
31:14 - 31:20epithelium, looks a lot like the epidermis, doesn't it?
31:20 - 31:24I would emphasize a couple things
31:24 - 31:27this is perfectly orderly, you look at this
31:27 - 31:32and I know you haven't become histologic experts yet
31:32 - 31:33but that is a perfectly orderly
31:33 - 31:37squamous epithelium, nothing unusual about it except
31:37 - 31:38it doesn't belong there.
31:38 - 31:41So that's an example
31:41 - 31:43of metaplasia
31:43 - 31:44in and of itself
31:44 - 31:45trivial
31:45 - 31:47or even protective.
31:47 - 31:49Let's say
31:49 - 31:52chemical workers were exposed to fumes might develop
31:52 - 31:53this kind of
31:53 - 31:59metaplasia in the lining of their trachea and bronchi, that makes them more resistant to whatever they're
31:59 - 32:02inhaling, smokers develop
32:02 - 32:03this sort of thing. Now, this could go on
32:03 - 32:05and something
32:05 - 32:07else might happen, and this might
32:07 - 32:09lead to bad
32:09 - 32:10things, but
32:10 - 32:12in and of itself, metaplasia
32:12 - 32:14is perfectly innocent.
32:14 - 32:16Not so
32:16 - 32:17with dysplasia.
32:17 - 32:19D-y-s-p-l-a-s-i-a
32:19 - 32:23Now morphologically,
32:23 - 32:42dysplasia is a
32:42 - 32:45variation, abnormal variation
32:45 - 32:48in
32:48 - 32:50the size
32:50 - 32:51of the cells, the shape of the cells
32:51 - 32:53the arrangement of the
32:53 - 32:54cells
32:54 - 32:57and the maturation of the cells
32:57 - 32:59too much variation
32:59 - 33:01in other words
33:01 - 33:04something very well controlled like this
33:04 - 33:06this epithelium is very well controlled
33:06 - 33:08with all the cells down here proliferating
33:08 - 33:10at a certain rate and maturing gradually
33:10 - 33:12and so forth
33:12 - 33:19all of this gets screwed up in dysplasia.
33:19 - 33:21Here again is a normal squamous
33:21 - 33:23epithelium, this isn't palmar
33:23 - 33:28or skin now, this is let's say the lining of the vagina or
33:28 - 33:32covering of the cervix, one of those, this happens to be cervix
33:32 - 33:35perfectly normal squamous epithelium, notice how orderly
33:35 - 33:36it is, it's like a
33:36 - 33:37kind of like
33:37 - 33:41a parade where you have cells in
33:41 - 33:44a certain type down here, they all resemble one another
33:44 - 33:46in this layer, cells here
33:46 - 33:49resemble one another, and then there's this maturation
33:49 - 33:53these flattened out cells, that's occurring in a very orderly
33:53 - 33:57step fashion. In dysplasia
33:57 - 34:00of the epithelium, everything gets
34:00 - 34:08screwed up. All right,
34:08 - 34:10this is dysplasia.
34:10 - 34:14and we can see where
34:14 - 34:19there's a shadow of what you looked at in the preceding slide, but now some things have
34:19 - 34:20happened, there's more
34:20 - 34:23variation in any
34:23 - 34:23layer. In other words,
34:23 - 34:24
34:24 - 34:29if you look down here, these cells are more variable than those cells were in the basal layer
34:29 - 34:31in the normal. You look here
34:31 - 34:33where in the
34:33 - 34:37preceding slide, every cell in the intermediate zone is perfectly
34:37 - 34:39like every other cell, there's variation
34:39 - 34:43here, there's big cells and small cells, round cells and elongated cells
34:43 - 34:45cells with
34:45 - 34:49very dark nuclei, cells with lighter nuclei
34:49 - 34:51and so forth
34:51 - 34:51and gradually, though, despite
34:51 - 34:54this mess, there is
34:54 - 34:55slight
34:55 - 34:56maturation
34:56 - 35:02you can see here how this jumble of cells gradually becomes organized
35:02 - 35:05up here, so what have we got
35:05 - 35:07we've got abnormal
35:07 - 35:08variations
35:08 - 35:12in the size of the cells, the shape of the cells, the arrangement
35:12 - 35:16of the cells, this is out of order. It's not in a nice, neat, locked set.
35:16 - 35:16And it's not
35:16 - 35:21maturing quite properly until it gets to the very top.
35:21 - 35:23Actually,
35:23 - 35:29this is trivial for you now, but we grade dysplasia as slight, moderate, severe depending on how much
35:29 - 35:30normal
35:30 - 35:33there might be there. But when you see
35:33 - 35:36this degree of variation, that's a very
35:36 - 35:39bad thing. There's one other thing
35:39 - 35:42that's abnormal here, it's a little more subtle, ordinarily
35:42 - 35:45mitosis occurs only down in this
35:45 - 35:47basal layer. But these cells
35:47 - 35:52are goofy enough that they forget about that and they do something very impolite.
35:52 - 35:53They reproduce out
35:53 - 35:59in public and you find mitotic figures at all levels of such an epithelium.
35:59 - 36:01So morphologically,
36:01 - 36:07this represents a lot of variation.
36:07 - 36:14This is a serious change because these cells
36:14 - 36:27are in a sense losing control. They're losing control of proliferation and maturation.
36:27 - 36:28Any number of mutations
36:28 - 36:39that occur in the cell population, this reflects genetic change in the cell, somatic cell
36:39 - 36:56any number of these mutations and this happens. This I want you to remember for the rest of your lives, dysplasia
36:56 - 36:58in other words, I can't tell you
36:58 - 37:13that epithelium absolutely for sure will become cancer, it depends I suppose on the last garbled
37:13 - 37:38mild degree of dysplasia sometimes don't necessarily progress, while very severe degrees of dysplasia can.
37:38 - 37:39Here is a squamous epithelium
37:39 - 37:41with what we call severe
37:41 - 37:43dysplasia, and you can see close
37:43 - 37:45up what's going on here
37:45 - 37:49This basal layer is increased in thickness, a lot of variation
37:49 - 37:49in these cells,
37:49 - 37:51here is
37:51 - 37:56a cell dividing, as they say, out in public and there is an absolute total
37:56 - 37:58jumble
37:58 - 38:01in terms of how these cells are arranged with respect to one another.
38:01 - 38:03We call that a loss of polarity.
38:03 - 38:05And in this instance
38:05 - 38:16it occurred all the way, full thickness of this epithelium.
38:16 - 38:20and we now know, from a lot of experience, severe dysplasia
38:20 - 38:22really is
38:22 - 38:24tantamount to cancer
38:24 - 38:27that perhaps hasn't
38:27 - 38:28yet invaded. Now that'll
38:28 - 38:34make sense when we talk about what cancer really is. Without
38:34 - 38:40any evidence of invasion or anything else that cancers usually do
38:40 - 38:44when dysplasia is this severe, we can say this is like carcinoma-in-situ
38:44 - 38:47which means an 'in-place' cancer
38:47 - 38:48pre-invasive
38:48 - 38:51cancer because we know
38:51 - 38:52if this sort of
38:52 - 38:55dysplasia is left alone, probably close
38:55 - 38:56to 100% will
38:56 - 39:02evolve into a cancer if the patient lives long enough.
39:02 - 39:08While I've got this on the screen, I'll point out some cytologic changes that are very important in making
39:08 - 39:09this decision. First of all
39:09 - 39:09you'll notice
39:09 - 39:13there's a lot of variation in size of nuclei. We call that
39:13 - 39:15nuclear pleomorphism.
39:15 - 39:16p-l-e-o
39:16 - 39:19that's a bad sign
39:19 - 39:20and none of these
39:20 - 39:23is absolute, but it's a bad sign.
39:23 - 39:29Some of the nuclei are very dark as you cast your eye around here.
39:29 - 39:33We would call that nuclear hyperchromatism. Too much
39:33 - 39:37colored material in the nucleus.
39:37 - 39:37The nuclei
39:37 - 39:44are very unusually shaped and sometimes
39:44 - 39:45you can't see it, but
39:45 - 39:48sometimes the mitotic figures are themselves
39:48 - 39:51are even abnormal, may see a tripolar mitotic figure
39:51 - 39:53or something like that.
39:53 - 40:02These are all signs of badness in a cell population.
40:02 - 40:13If something like this is left alone, it will proceed to an invasive cancer. Instead of carcinoma-in-situ, we call it invasive.
40:13 - 40:18Put a line underneath all of this and now we turn to the main topic -- Neoplasia.
40:18 - 40:48Spend the rest of this morning and Wednesday morning on this topic. It's ultimately
40:48 - 40:49more cells than there ought to be, it's an increase in cells
40:49 - 40:52it's a lump basically
40:52 - 40:56and these are proliferating cells, they're not just sitting there, they're
40:56 - 41:02they're dividing and making new cells. And, they're cells that have somehow
41:02 - 41:23become autonomous
41:23 - 41:25they don't obey the same start and stop signals
41:25 - 41:28that normal cells do. Their growth
41:28 - 41:34tends to be excessive and uncoordinated with the needs of the host.
41:34 - 41:37In other words, this thing is taking off on its own!
41:37 - 41:46It's kind of rebellious, I'm going to grow, I don't give a damn about what's going on over here, I'm not going to listen to your signals.
41:46 - 42:00You want to think teleologically, serves no useful purpose, it's not adaptive.
42:00 - 42:04Once the neoplasm is formed, it's off and running,
42:04 - 42:23which is different from hypertrophy and hyperplasia, where once you remove the stimulus, it goes back to normal.
42:23 - 42:31In some countries, it's the word tumor, which now is practically synonymous with neoplasm.
42:31 - 42:38It's also one of the cardinal signs of inflammation, the old meaning of tumor simply means swelling. But
42:38 - 42:49when you say a patient has a tumor, you don't mean swelling, you mean neoplasm. So tumor, neoplasm, same thing.
42:49 - 43:04'oma' usually denotes a neoplasm of some sort, there are exceptions, hematoma is a lump of blood.
43:04 - 43:08Different types of neoplasms are distinguished by their behavior,
43:08 - 43:21which, I think you all know, is benign and malignant. Cancer is a general term which refers only to malignant neoplasms. I don't want to insult you, but
43:21 - 43:31just so we're on the same page, there are many neoplasms that are not cancer. Only the malignant ones we refer to as cancer.
43:31 - 43:51Looking at all of these characteristics, they are very different from hyperplasia and hypertrophy, which are generally adaptive.
43:51 - 44:20A neoplasm is a living, proliferating cell and
44:20 - 44:27we call this neoplastic transformation, basically, and when speaking of transformed cells, we speak of cells that have acquired
44:27 - 44:30a set of these new characteristics
44:30 - 44:45that define them as neoplastic and, as you will hear, usually
44:45 - 44:48the wrong mutations. We talk about the clonal origin
44:48 - 45:00of neoplasms, in other words, a neoplasm is a clonal proliferation of a transformed cell.
45:00 - 45:04This transformed cell has a lot of characteristics
45:04 - 45:11and behaviors that are quite abnormal and we can see this in vitro when we culture it.
45:11 - 45:14Malignant cells, for instance,
45:14 - 45:32they've often lost control of movement that they display on the surface of a plate. There's
45:32 - 45:55loss of, ordinarily there's control in a cell population where proliferation reaches a certain size, not so with cancer cells. I could go on, there are many different things that occur
45:55 - 46:11in vitro and in vivo, in the host, it manifests a non-equilibrium growth, at some point, and keeps on growing.
46:11 - 46:29You will learn that
46:29 - 46:42there's a difference between benign and malignant. I think this cartoon sums it up well.
46:42 - 46:53As the neoplasm grows, the number of cells gradually increases, they tend to be cohesive
46:53 - 46:58there's not any reason for this, just they tend to be cohesive, so as the neoplasm
46:58 - 47:01grows, and it may grow to a very large
47:01 - 47:02size, it tends to grow
47:02 - 47:08by a centrifugal expansion. Now it's not a perfect circle, but
47:08 - 47:13it tends to grow by expansion. As it expands,
47:13 - 47:15it frequently will pick up
47:15 - 47:15a
47:15 - 47:18condensed capsule of connective tissue as it pushes out
47:18 - 47:20causes atrophy of surrounding tissues
47:20 - 47:26and will accumulate a kind of capsule almost and anyway
47:26 - 47:26at any rate
47:26 - 47:33it stays local, its size, and it doesn't invade
47:33 - 47:38adjacent tissues, just pushes them out of the way, or it may press up, but it's like blowing up a
47:38 - 48:04balloon in the thing. On the average,
48:04 - 48:07this is not as cohesive as this suggests
48:07 - 48:12it grows, the cells have a great tendency of invading
48:12 - 48:13what we call the primary,
48:13 - 48:17they tend to drift
48:17 - 48:21away and don't obey the stop and start signals.
48:21 - 48:22They have a very different relationship
48:22 - 48:25with the cellular matrix and basically
48:25 - 48:27they have
48:27 - 48:33the ability, this is the primary difference, to cut their way
48:33 - 48:36through
48:36 - 48:36the adjacent stroma
48:36 - 48:40and actually invade as clumps of cells,
48:40 - 48:43lines of cells, individual cells,
48:43 - 48:44Invasion is one
48:44 - 48:47of the defining
48:47 - 48:55characteristics of malignancy. When I said the malignant ones tend to grow faster than benign ones, that's not a defining difference.
48:55 - 49:04They have to be invasive to be malignant.
49:04 - 49:05One other, well this sums it up,
49:05 - 49:09cohesive, expansile, circumscribed, localized
49:09 - 49:13that's benign. Malignant is poorly circumscribed, invasive, metastasizing.
49:13 - 49:14That means
49:14 - 49:21it can spread to distant foci, we'll talk about that in just a moment. But it's invasion
49:21 - 49:32and metastasis that define malignancy. Benign neoplasms do not metastasize.
49:32 - 49:38Here's a uterus
49:38 - 49:41cut sort of in
49:41 - 49:44sagittal sections, this is the cervix
49:44 - 49:47down here, this is a normal one half
49:47 - 49:49this is the cavity here, here is a
49:49 - 49:53neoplasm.
49:53 - 49:57Benign or malignant? See, it works.
49:57 - 49:58This is what you
49:58 - 50:00probably grew up hearing, a fibroid.
50:00 - 50:01Uterine fibroid.
50:01 - 50:05That's a misnomer, because it isn't
50:05 - 50:09a fibrous tumor, it's a muscular tumor
50:09 - 50:10one we call a leiomyoma.
50:10 - 50:14But you can see it's got, just like the cartoon, pushing at the edges.
50:14 - 50:16You look at that microscopically,
50:16 - 50:17same sort of thing
50:17 - 50:18here's a
50:18 - 50:20tumor, here's the
50:20 - 50:24edge along here, no invasion.
50:24 - 50:28Can see it just pushing, pressing along that adjacent line.
50:28 - 50:31Here's a breast
50:31 - 50:33that's been
50:33 - 50:34taken off
50:34 - 50:38a mastectomy specimen and it's been cut in this plane,
50:38 - 50:40a section where you can see
50:40 - 50:42the skin out here, and this is the neoplasm
50:42 - 50:43very very hard
50:43 - 50:45to define and circumscribe.
50:45 - 50:47It's going out in little
50:47 - 50:49sites in the adjacent
50:49 - 50:50tissue, even
50:50 - 50:51way beyond this microscopically
50:51 - 50:54there are lines of cells that you couldn't see here.
50:54 - 50:57That's invasion. A benign neoplasm
50:57 - 51:00wouldn't look like that.
51:00 - 51:01Here's one that's a little deceptive at first.
51:01 - 51:02This is a colon cancer,
51:02 - 51:06we've opened the colon and washed it off. You might
51:06 - 51:09say, at first, gee that's circumscribed,
51:09 - 51:11isn't it? Well, not exactly.
51:11 - 51:13What I did here is
51:13 - 51:14fix this in formaldehyde
51:14 - 51:18and then made a cut
51:18 - 51:21across it, and it looks like
51:21 - 51:23this. Now this doesn't look so
51:23 - 51:26awful, but it really is.
51:26 - 51:30Here's the normal mucous membrane up here, this layer we call sub-mucosa,
51:30 - 51:34this is the muscular wall of the colon here.
51:34 - 51:37Here is that mushroom
51:37 - 51:40and you can see this whitish tissue, this is neoplasm, invade
51:40 - 51:41all the way through that muscular layer.
51:41 - 51:45This is invasion.
51:45 - 51:50This is what it looks
51:50 - 51:53like microscopically, don't worry about this.
51:53 - 51:55duct cells, hyperchromatic, pleomorphic nuclei,
51:55 - 51:59and so forth.
51:59 - 52:03These cancer cells are cutting right through the colonic wall, it's not that simple,
52:03 - 52:06but they're cutting right through that colonic wall
52:06 - 52:09and invading. That constitutes
52:09 - 52:13the evidence
52:13 - 52:18that this is a malignant neoplasm.
52:18 -Let's take a break.
- Title:
- Neoplasia l
- Description:
A lecture on Disturbances of Growth Neoplasia by Dr. Gerald Abrams, M.D. This lecture was taught as a part of the University of Michigan Medical School's M1 - Patients and Populations Sequence.
View the course materials: Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 License - Video Language:
- Turkish
- Duration:
- 52:23
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