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  • 0:10 - 0:12
    You're traveling
    through another dimension-
  • 0:12 - 0:15
    a dimension not only of sight
    and sound, but of mind.
  • 0:15 - 0:16
    A journey into a wondrous land
  • 0:17 - 0:19
    whose boundaries
    are that of imagination.
  • 0:19 - 0:21
    That's the signpost up ahead.
  • 0:21 - 0:23
    Your next stop,
    the twilight zone.
  • 0:35 - 0:37
  • 0:37 - 0:39
    Time for your sleeping medicine,
  • 0:41 - 0:43
    Is it night already?
  • 0:43 - 0:45
    It's 9:30.
  • 0:46 - 0:49
    Oh. What about the day?
  • 0:49 - 0:50
    Oh, what about it?
  • 0:50 - 0:52
    Well, was it
    a beautiful day?
  • 0:52 - 0:54
    Was it warm?
  • 0:54 - 0:55
    Was the sun out?
  • 0:55 - 0:57
    It was kind of warm.
  • 0:57 - 0:58
    Yes... and clouds?
  • 0:58 - 1:01
    Were there clouds in the sky?
  • 1:01 - 1:02
    I suppose there were.
  • 1:02 - 1:04
    I never was much
  • 1:04 - 1:05
    for staring up at the sky.
  • 1:05 - 1:06
  • 1:07 - 1:09
    I used to like to
    look at the clouds.
  • 1:09 - 1:11
    If you stare at them long
    enough, they become things.
  • 1:11 - 1:12
    You know what i mean?
  • 1:12 - 1:15
    People, ships,
    anything you want, really.
  • 1:15 - 1:16
    It's time to take
    your temperature now.
  • 1:16 - 1:17
    Oh, please, one
    more thing, nurse.
  • 1:17 - 1:18
  • 1:22 - 1:25
    When will they take
    the bandages off?
  • 1:27 - 1:29
    How long, nurse?
  • 1:29 - 1:30
    Until they decide
  • 1:30 - 1:34
    whether or not they
    can fix your face.
  • 1:34 - 1:37
    Oh, i guess it's...
    pretty bad, isn't it?
  • 1:37 - 1:39
    I've seen worse.
  • 1:39 - 1:43
    Well, yes, but... it's
    pretty bad, isn't it?
  • 1:43 - 1:47
    Oh, i know it's pretty bad.
  • 1:47 - 1:49
    Ever since i can remember-
  • 1:49 - 1:51
    ever since i was a little girl-
  • 1:51 - 1:55
    people have turned away
    when they looked at me.
  • 1:55 - 1:58
  • 1:58 - 2:02
    the very first thing
    i can remember
  • 2:02 - 2:07
    is another little child
    screaming when she looked at me.
  • 2:07 - 2:11
    I... i never really wanted
    to be beautiful, you know.
  • 2:11 - 2:15
    I mean, i never wanted
    to look like a painting.
  • 2:15 - 2:17
    I never even wanted
    to be loved, really.
  • 2:17 - 2:20
    I just wanted
    people not to scream
  • 2:20 - 2:22
    when they looked at me.
  • 2:22 - 2:24
    When, nurse? When? When?
  • 2:24 - 2:25
    When will they take
    the bandages off?
  • 2:26 - 2:27
    Maybe tomorrow.
  • 2:27 - 2:29
    Maybe the next day.
  • 2:29 - 2:31
    Now hush.
  • 2:39 - 2:42
    You've been waiting so long now.
  • 2:42 - 2:44
    It doesn't really
    make much difference
  • 2:44 - 2:47
    whether it's two weeks
    or days now.
  • 2:48 - 2:49
    Does it?
  • 3:02 - 3:06
    Dr. Bernardi, evening
    report on patient 307:
  • 3:06 - 3:10
    No temperature change,
    resting comfortably.
  • 3:10 - 3:13
    Thank you, nurse.
    I'll be down later.
  • 3:15 - 3:18
    Ever see her face- 307?
  • 3:18 - 3:19
    Indeed i have.
  • 3:19 - 3:21
    If it were mine,
  • 3:21 - 3:24
    i'd bury myself
    in a grave someplace.
  • 3:24 - 3:26
    Poor thing.
  • 3:26 - 3:29
    Some people want to
    live no matter what.
  • 3:30 - 3:31
  • 3:42 - 3:45
    Suspended in time and space
    for a moment,
  • 3:45 - 3:47
    your introduction
    to miss janet tyler,
  • 3:47 - 3:50
    who lives in a very private
    world of darkness,
  • 3:50 - 3:52
    a universe whose dimensions
  • 3:52 - 3:55
    are the size, thickness, length
    of the swath of bandages
  • 3:55 - 3:57
    that cover her face.
  • 3:57 - 4:00
    In a moment, we'll go
    back into this room.
  • 4:00 - 4:03
    And also, in a moment,
    we'll look under those bandages,
  • 4:03 - 4:04
    keeping in mind, of course,
  • 4:04 - 4:07
    that we're not to be surprised
    by what we see
  • 4:07 - 4:09
    because this isn't
    just a hospital,
  • 4:09 - 4:11
    and this patient 307
    is not just a woman.
  • 4:12 - 4:14
    This happens
    to be the twilight zone,
  • 4:14 - 4:18
    and miss janet tyler, with you,
    is about to enter it.
  • 4:23 - 4:25
    Blood pressure and
    temperature are normal, doctor.
  • 4:25 - 4:27
    There's been no change.
  • 4:27 - 4:29
    All right. Come back
    about 11:00, nurse.
  • 4:29 - 4:30
    Give her
    the usual sedative then.
  • 4:30 - 4:32
    All right,doctor.
  • 4:38 - 4:40
    Well, it's warm this
    evening, miss tyler.
  • 4:40 - 4:44
    Yes, i thought it was,
    but i couldn't be sure.
  • 4:44 - 4:45
    it's very warm.
  • 4:45 - 4:47
    Take my word for that.
  • 4:49 - 4:51
    We'll have those bandages
    off you very soon.
  • 4:51 - 4:54
    I expect you're pretty uncomfortable.
  • 4:54 - 4:56
    Well, i'm used to
    bandages on my face.
  • 4:56 - 4:57
    I have no doubt.
  • 4:57 - 4:59
    It's your ninth
    visit here.
  • 5:00 - 5:01
    It is the ninth?
  • 5:02 - 5:03
    The 11th.
  • 5:05 - 5:07
    You know, sometimes i...
  • 5:07 - 5:10
    i think i've lived my whole
    life inside of a dark cave
  • 5:10 - 5:12
    with walls of gauze,
  • 5:12 - 5:16
    and the wind that blows
    into the mouth of the cave
  • 5:16 - 5:18
    smells of ether
    and disinfectant.
  • 5:19 - 5:21
    Of course there's a...
  • 5:22 - 5:26
    there's a kind of a comfort
    living inside this cave-
  • 5:27 - 5:29
    wonderfully private.
  • 5:30 - 5:32
    Nobody can ever see you.
  • 5:35 - 5:37
    It's hopeless,
    isn't it, doctor?
  • 5:37 - 5:39
    I'll never look any
    different than now.
  • 5:40 - 5:41
    Well, that's hard to say.
  • 5:42 - 5:47
    Up to now, you haven't responded
    to the shots, the medications-
  • 5:47 - 5:50
    any of the proven techniques.
  • 5:52 - 5:54
    Frankly, you've stumped us, miss tyler.
  • 5:54 - 5:56
    Nothing we've done
    so far has made
  • 5:56 - 5:58
    any difference at all.
  • 5:58 - 6:01
    However, we're very hopeful
  • 6:01 - 6:03
    for what this last treatment
    may have accomplished.
  • 6:04 - 6:07
    There's no telling, of course,
    till we get the bandages off.
  • 6:09 - 6:11
    I'm sorry your case is not one
  • 6:11 - 6:13
    that we could have
    handled with plastic surgery,
  • 6:13 - 6:15
    but your bone structure,
  • 6:15 - 6:16
    flesh type...
  • 6:16 - 6:20
    many factors prohibit
    the surgical approach.
  • 6:21 - 6:23
    Your 11th visit.
  • 6:23 - 6:25
    No more after this, doctor.
  • 6:25 - 6:26
    No more tries.
  • 6:26 - 6:29
    11 is the mandatory number
    of experiments.
  • 6:29 - 6:32
    We're not permitted
    to do any more after 11.
  • 6:32 - 6:33
    Now what, doctor?
  • 6:33 - 6:36
    Well, you're kind of jumping
    the gun, aren't you, miss tyler?
  • 6:36 - 6:38
    You may very well have responded
    to these last injections.
  • 6:38 - 6:41
    There's no way of telling
    till we get the bandages off.
  • 6:41 - 6:43
    And, if i haven't
    responded, then what?
  • 6:44 - 6:45
    Well, there
    are alternatives.
  • 6:46 - 6:47
  • 6:47 - 6:48
    Don't you know?
  • 6:50 - 6:51
    Yes, i know.
  • 6:54 - 6:56
    You realize, of course, miss tyler,
  • 6:56 - 6:58
    why these rules
    are in effect.
  • 7:00 - 7:02
    Each of us is afforded
  • 7:02 - 7:05
    as much opportunity as possible
    to fit in with society.
  • 7:06 - 7:08
    In your case,
    think of the time
  • 7:08 - 7:10
    and the money and the effort
  • 7:11 - 7:13
    expended to make you look...
  • 7:13 - 7:15
    look like what, doctor?
  • 7:15 - 7:18
    Normal. The way
    you'd like to look.
  • 7:21 - 7:22
  • 7:24 - 7:25
  • 7:27 - 7:29
    may i walk outside?
  • 7:30 - 7:31
    Please, may i?
  • 7:31 - 7:34
    May i just go and...
    and sit in the garden?
  • 7:35 - 7:36
    Just... just for a little while.
  • 7:36 - 7:39
    Just...just to feel the air.
  • 7:39 - 7:41
    Just... just to smell the flowers.
  • 7:41 - 7:46
    Just... just
    to make believe i am normal?
  • 7:46 - 7:49
    If... if i sit out there
    in the darkness,
  • 7:49 - 7:51
    then the whole world is dark,
  • 7:51 - 7:55
    and i'm more a part of it
    like that, not just...
  • 7:55 - 8:02
    one grotesque, ugly woman
    with a bandage on her face
  • 8:03 - 8:07
    with a special darkness
    all around.
  • 8:08 - 8:09
    I want to belong.
  • 8:11 - 8:14
    I want to be like everybody.
  • 8:15 - 8:16
    Please, doctor.
  • 8:18 - 8:19
    Please help me.
  • 8:27 - 8:31
    There are many others
    who share your misfortune-
  • 8:31 - 8:35
    people who look much as you do.
  • 8:41 - 8:43
    Now, one of the alternatives...
  • 8:46 - 8:47
    just in the event
  • 8:47 - 8:49
    that this last treatment
    is not successful,
  • 8:51 - 8:53
    is simply to allow you
  • 8:53 - 8:55
    to move into a special area
  • 8:56 - 9:00
    in which people of your kind
    have been congregated.
  • 9:01 - 9:04
    People of my kind?
  • 9:08 - 9:10
  • 9:11 - 9:14
    Oh, you mean segregated!
  • 9:14 - 9:17
    You mean imprisoned,
    don't you, doctor?
  • 9:17 - 9:19
    You're talking about
    a ghetto, aren't you?
  • 9:19 - 9:21
    A ghetto designed for freaks!
  • 9:21 - 9:22
    Miss tyler!
  • 9:22 - 9:24
    Now, the state is
    not unsympathetic.
  • 9:24 - 9:27
    Your presence here
    in this hospital is proof of that.
  • 9:27 - 9:29
    It's doing all
    it can for you.
  • 9:30 - 9:32
    But you're not being rational,
    miss tyler.
  • 9:34 - 9:36
    Now, you know you can't expect
  • 9:36 - 9:38
    to live any kind
    of a life among...
  • 9:39 - 9:41
    normal people.
  • 9:41 - 9:42
    I could try.
  • 9:42 - 9:44
  • 9:44 - 9:47
    i could wear a mask
    or this bandage or...
  • 9:47 - 9:49
    i wouldn't bother anybody.
  • 9:49 - 9:50
    I'd just go my own way.
  • 9:50 - 9:52
    I'd get a job. Any job!
  • 9:52 - 9:53
  • 9:55 - 9:56
    who are you people anyway?
  • 9:56 - 9:58
    What is this state?
  • 9:59 - 10:03
    Who makes all these rules
    and conditions and statutes:
  • 10:03 - 10:05
    The people who are different
    have to stay away
  • 10:05 - 10:06
    from the people who are normal.
  • 10:07 - 10:10
    The state isn't god, doctor.
  • 10:10 - 10:11
    Miss tyler,
    please, please.
  • 10:11 - 10:12
    The state is not god!
  • 10:13 - 10:15
    It hasn't the right
    to penalize somebody
  • 10:15 - 10:16
    for an accident of birth!
  • 10:17 - 10:19
    It hasn't the right to make
    ugliness a crime!
  • 10:19 - 10:21
    Miss tyler! Miss tyler,
    stop this immediately.
  • 10:25 - 10:27
    I feel the night
    out there.
  • 10:27 - 10:28
    I feel the air.
  • 10:28 - 10:30
    I can smell the flowers.
  • 10:30 - 10:32
  • 10:32 - 10:33
    1oh, please.
  • 10:33 - 10:36
    2Please, please take this off me, .
  • 10:38 - 10:40
    3Please, take this off me.
  • 10:41 - 10:42
    4Oh, please, take this off me!
  • 10:42 - 10:47
    5Oh, please, take this off me!
    Take it off me!
  • 10:47 - 10:51
    Take it off me!
  • 10:52 - 10:54
    Help! Somebody, help me!
  • 10:56 - 10:56
  • 10:56 - 10:58
    No, no, no.
  • 10:58 - 10:59
    Let me go.
  • 10:59 - 11:00
    Please, let me go.
  • 11:00 - 11:01
    Let me go, please.
  • 11:01 - 11:02
    Oh, please.
  • 11:02 - 11:03
    Please, let me go.
  • 11:03 - 11:04
    Please, please, let me...
  • 11:11 - 11:12
    all right, then.
    I will take the bandages off.
  • 11:12 - 11:13
    Get the anesthetist.
  • 11:13 - 11:15
    Yes, doctor.
  • 11:32 - 11:35
    You look tired, doctor.
  • 11:35 - 11:38
    Do i? Well, i hadn't
    thought about it.
  • 11:38 - 11:39
    I suppose i am.
  • 11:39 - 11:42
    You've been
    under a great deal of tension.
  • 11:42 - 11:44
    I know how much
    it means to you-
  • 11:44 - 11:46
    this case in 307.
  • 11:47 - 11:49
    Well, you try to be
    impersonal about these things.
  • 11:49 - 11:51
    You do everything
    medically possible,
  • 11:51 - 11:53
    everything humanly possible
  • 11:53 - 11:55
    and then, in the end,
    you cross your fingers
  • 11:55 - 11:58
    and you hope for a miracle.
  • 11:58 - 12:00
    You know, once in a while,
  • 12:00 - 12:02
    a miracle does happen
    just often enough
  • 12:02 - 12:04
    to let you know
    that you're not wrong
  • 12:04 - 12:06
    or foolish
    to hope for one.
  • 12:06 - 12:09
    But you're destroying
    yourself this way.
  • 12:10 - 12:13
    Forgive me, but you mustn't
  • 12:13 - 12:16
    let yourself get
    personally involved here.
  • 12:17 - 12:19
    I know. You think
    i haven't told myself that?
  • 12:22 - 12:23
    But you see, nurse,
  • 12:23 - 12:25
    i've... i've looked
    underneath those bandages.
  • 12:25 - 12:28
    So have i.
    It's horrible.
  • 12:28 - 12:30
    No, i mean deeper than that.
  • 12:30 - 12:33
    Deeper than that pitiful,
    twisted lump of flesh-
  • 12:34 - 12:38
    deeper even than that
    misshapen skeletal mask.
  • 12:38 - 12:41
    I've seen that woman's
    real face, nurse-
  • 12:43 - 12:45
    the face of her real self.
  • 12:47 - 12:48
    It's a good face.
  • 12:49 - 12:51
    It's a human face.
  • 12:51 - 12:53
    I understand,
  • 12:53 - 12:55
    but i must confess,
  • 12:55 - 12:58
    it's easier for me to
    think of her as human
  • 12:59 - 13:01
    when her face is covered up.
  • 13:01 - 13:03
    But why?
  • 13:03 - 13:05
    Why must we feel
    that way, nurse?
  • 13:07 - 13:09
    What is the dimensional
  • 13:09 - 13:11
    between beauty and
    something repellant?
  • 13:11 - 13:13
    Is it skin deep?
  • 13:13 - 13:16
    Oh, less than that.
  • 13:16 - 13:19
    Why, nurse?
  • 13:20 - 13:21
    Why shouldn't people be
    allowed to be different?
  • 13:22 - 13:23
  • 13:23 - 13:24
    Doctor, careful.
  • 13:24 - 13:26
    What you're talking is...
  • 13:26 - 13:27
  • 13:28 - 13:31
    Oh, this case has
    upset your balance-
  • 13:31 - 13:33
    your sense of values.
  • 13:34 - 13:35
    Well, i suppose.
  • 13:37 - 13:39
    Don't be concerned,
  • 13:39 - 13:41
    I'll be all right once
    the bandages are off.
  • 13:41 - 13:43
    Once i know one way
    or the other.
  • 13:45 - 13:46
    Leader's speaking tonight.
  • 13:46 - 13:48
    He goes on in
    just a few minutes.
  • 13:57 - 14:01
    And now, ladies and gentlemen,
    our leader.
  • 14:01 - 14:04
    Good evening,
    ladies and gentlemen.
  • 14:04 - 14:10
    Tonight, i shall talk to you
    about glorious conformity.
  • 14:10 - 14:12
    About the delight
    and the ultimate pleasure
  • 14:13 - 14:16
    of our unified society.
  • 14:16 - 14:18
    Now, i have to ask you
    once again, miss tyler.
  • 14:18 - 14:20
    And i must insist
    that you promise
  • 14:20 - 14:21
    remain rational,
  • 14:22 - 14:25
    no tantrums, no
    temperament, and no violence.
  • 14:25 - 14:27
    You understand?
  • 14:28 - 14:29
    Now, i'll tell
    you precisely
  • 14:29 - 14:31
    what i'm going to do.
  • 14:31 - 14:32
    I'm going to
    cut the bandages
  • 14:32 - 14:34
    a section at a time,
  • 14:34 - 14:37
    then i'm going to unwrap
    the bandages very gradually.
  • 14:37 - 14:38
    The process
    has to be slow,
  • 14:38 - 14:41
    so that your eyes can become
    accustomed to the light.
  • 14:41 - 14:42
    As you know,
    these injections
  • 14:42 - 14:44
    may have had some
    effect on your vision.
  • 14:44 - 14:46
    I understand.
  • 14:46 - 14:51
    So now, as i unwrap, i want
    you to keep your eyes open,
  • 14:51 - 14:53
    and i want you to
    describe to me
  • 14:53 - 14:56
    the various shadings of
    light as you perceive it.
  • 14:56 - 14:58
    All right.
  • 14:58 - 15:00
    Now, if you make
    any movement,
  • 15:00 - 15:02
    or if you start getting
    emotional on us, miss tyler,
  • 15:02 - 15:04
    i'm going to have to have
    the nurses hold you down,
  • 15:04 - 15:05
    and have the anesthetist
  • 15:05 - 15:08
    put you under sedation,
    you understand.
  • 15:08 - 15:10
    I promise i won't.
  • 15:10 - 15:12
    All right, then.
  • 15:31 - 15:34
    Do you see any light
    now, miss tyler?
  • 15:34 - 15:36
    Oh, just a little.
  • 15:36 - 15:38
    It looks gray.
  • 15:38 - 15:40
    All right, now.
  • 15:40 - 15:42
    Just be very quiet.
  • 15:53 - 15:54
    miss tyler?
  • 15:55 - 15:57
    Oh, it... it's much brighter.
  • 15:57 - 15:57
    Good, good.
  • 15:58 - 15:59
    Look- look up toward the light.
  • 16:01 - 16:03
    How about now,
    miss tyler?
  • 16:06 - 16:07
    Oh, yes, it...it's very bright.
  • 16:08 - 16:09
    Good, good.
  • 16:09 - 16:11
  • 16:36 - 16:39
    i'm at the last layer
    of bandages, miss tyler.
  • 16:39 - 16:40
  • 16:41 - 16:43
    i, i can just see you.
  • 16:43 - 16:45
    I can just distinguish
    your outline vaguely,
  • 16:45 - 16:47
    but i can just see you.
  • 16:47 - 16:48
  • 16:48 - 16:49
    All right, miss tyler,
  • 16:49 - 16:52
    i'm going to remove
    the last of the bandages now.
  • 16:52 - 16:55
    Would you like a mirror?
  • 16:56 - 16:57
  • 16:57 - 16:59
    No, thank you.
    No mirror.
  • 17:00 - 17:01
    All right, then.
  • 17:02 - 17:05
    I want you to remember
    this, please.
  • 17:06 - 17:08
    Miss tyler, are you listening?
  • 17:08 - 17:10
    Yes, i'm listening.
  • 17:11 - 17:13
    Now, we have done
    all we could do.
  • 17:14 - 17:16
    If we've been successful,
  • 17:16 - 17:18
    well and good.
    There are no problems.
  • 17:19 - 17:21
    But if,
    on the other hand,
  • 17:21 - 17:24
    this final treatment has not achieved
    the desired result,
  • 17:25 - 17:27
    please remember,
    miss tyler,
  • 17:27 - 17:30
    that you can still live
    a long and fruitful life
  • 17:30 - 17:33
    among people of...
    your own kind.
  • 17:34 - 17:35
    Now, as soon as we
    discover the results,
  • 17:35 - 17:38
    we'll either release you or...
  • 17:39 - 17:40
  • 17:40 - 17:41
  • 17:43 - 17:45
    If i'm still terribly ugly...
  • 17:47 - 17:49
    well, is there
    any other alternative?
  • 17:49 - 17:51
    Could i please be put away?
  • 17:53 - 17:54
    Well, under certain
    circumstances, miss tyler,
  • 17:54 - 17:57
    the state does provide for
    the extermination of undesirables.
  • 17:57 - 18:00
    However, there are many factors
    to be considered in the decision.
  • 18:01 - 18:04
    Under the present
    circumstances, i...
  • 18:04 - 18:06
    i doubt very much whether
    we would be permitted
  • 18:06 - 18:09
    to do anything
    but... transfer you
  • 18:09 - 18:13
    to a communal group of people
    with your disability.
  • 18:15 - 18:17
    They'll make me go, then?
  • 18:17 - 18:19
    That would probably
    be the case.
  • 18:21 - 18:23
    Now, remain very quiet.
  • 18:24 - 18:26
    Keep your eyes open.
  • 18:28 - 18:29
    All right, miss tyler...
  • 18:31 - 18:33
    here comes
    the last of it.
  • 18:34 - 18:36
    I wish you
    every good luck.
  • 18:58 - 18:59
    No change.
  • 19:00 - 19:01
    No change at all.
  • 19:11 - 19:13
    I was afraid of this.
  • 19:13 - 19:14
    Turn on the light.
  • 19:19 - 19:20
    Needle, please.
  • 19:34 - 19:35
    Life at the...
  • 19:35 - 19:37
    stop that patient!
  • 19:37 - 19:38
    Stop her!
  • 19:41 - 19:43
    We know now that there must be
    a single purpose,
  • 19:43 - 19:46
    a single norm,
    a single approach,
  • 19:46 - 19:50
    a single entity of people,
    a single virtue,
  • 19:50 - 19:52
    a single morality,
  • 19:53 - 19:54
    a single frame of reference,
  • 19:54 - 19:56
    a single philosophy
    of government.
  • 19:56 - 19:59
    We must cut out
    all that is different
  • 19:59 - 20:01
    like a cancerous filth!
  • 20:02 - 20:04
    It is essential,
    in this society,
  • 20:04 - 20:06
    that we not only have a norm
  • 20:06 - 20:09
    but that we conform
    to that norm!
  • 20:10 - 20:12
    Differences weaken us!
  • 20:12 - 20:14
    Variations destroy us!
  • 20:16 - 20:20
    ...this norm is what
    has ended nations
  • 20:20 - 20:23
    and brought them
    to their knees!
  • 20:23 - 20:27
    Conformity, we must worship
    in all interests!
  • 20:27 - 20:31
    Conformity is
    the key to survival!
  • 20:39 - 20:41
    Miss tyler.
  • 20:41 - 20:44
    Miss tyler,
    don't be afraid.
  • 20:44 - 20:46
    He's... he's only
    a representative
  • 20:46 - 20:48
    from the group you're
    going to live with.
  • 20:48 - 20:50
    Oddly enough, you've
    come right to him.
  • 20:50 - 20:52
    Now, come on now.
  • 20:52 - 20:54
    Don't be afraid.
  • 20:54 - 20:56
    He's not going to hurt you.
  • 20:56 - 20:57
    He won't hurt you.
  • 20:57 - 20:58
    Don't be afraid.
  • 21:01 - 21:02
    It's all right.
  • 21:02 - 21:06
    It's all right, miss tyler.
  • 21:06 - 21:08
    Now, this is mr. Smith.
  • 21:08 - 21:10
    Mr. Walter smith.
  • 21:10 - 21:12
    Mr. Smith is in charge
  • 21:12 - 21:15
    of the village group
    in the north.
  • 21:15 - 21:17
    He'll take you there tonight.
  • 21:19 - 21:21
    It's the only way now.
  • 21:26 - 21:31
    Miss tyler, we have a lovely village
    and wonderful people.
  • 21:32 - 21:33
    I think you're
    going to like it
  • 21:33 - 21:36
    where i'm going to take you.
  • 21:36 - 21:41
    You'll, uh... you'll
    be with your own kind,
  • 21:41 - 21:43
    and in a little while-
  • 21:43 - 21:47
    oh, you'll be amazed
    how little a while-
  • 21:47 - 21:52
    you'll feel a sense
    of great belonging.
  • 21:52 - 21:57
    You'll feel a sense
    of being loved...
  • 21:57 - 21:59
    and you will be loved,
    miss tyler.
  • 22:08 - 22:10
    Miss tyler...
  • 22:11 - 22:13
    ...would you get
    your things now?
  • 22:13 - 22:16
    We can leave anytime.
  • 22:17 - 22:18
    Mr. Smith?
  • 22:18 - 22:20
  • 22:20 - 22:24
    Why do we have
    to look like this?
  • 22:25 - 22:28
    I don't know, miss tyler;
    i really don't know.
  • 22:30 - 22:32
    But you know something?
    It doesn't matter.
  • 22:33 - 22:36
    There's an old saying...
    a very, very old saying:
  • 22:38 - 22:42
    "Beauty is in the eye
    of the beholder."
  • 22:43 - 22:45
    When we leave here,
    when we go to the village,
  • 22:45 - 22:47
    try to think of that,
    miss tyler.
  • 22:47 - 22:50
    Say it over and over
    to yourself.
  • 22:51 - 22:55
    Beauty is in the eye
    of the beholder.
  • 22:59 - 23:00
    Come on now.
  • 23:00 - 23:03
    We'll get your things
    and we'll leave.
  • 23:23 - 23:25
    Good-bye, miss tyler.
  • 23:35 - 23:37
    Now the questions
    that come to mind:
  • 23:37 - 23:39
    Where is this place
    and when is it?
  • 23:39 - 23:42
    What kind of world
    where ugliness is the norm
  • 23:42 - 23:45
    and beauty the deviation
    from that norm?
  • 23:45 - 23:46
    You want an answer?
  • 23:46 - 23:49
    The answer is:
    It doesn't make any difference
  • 23:49 - 23:52
    because the old saying
    happens to be true-
  • 23:52 - 23:55
    beauty is
    in the eye of the beholder,
  • 23:55 - 23:58
    in this year
    or a hundred years hence,
  • 23:58 - 24:01
    on this planet or wherever
    there is human life,
  • 24:01 - 24:03
    perhaps out amongst the stars.
  • 24:03 - 24:06
    Beauty is
    in the eye of the beholder.
  • 24:06 - 24:09
    Lesson to be learned
    in the twilight zone.
Video Language:

English subtitles
