This is the birthplace of the internet.
Let's enter this very special place.
That machine over there is the first
piece of internet equipment.
This is a military hardened machine.
It has a unique odor and it was from here
that the first message was sent.
A revolution began.
The explosion of information technology
on the internet has lead to some of its...
... greatest glories.
Herzog: Could this team beat the real
Brazilian football team?
Student: That is the goal, to have a team
of soccer playing robots defeat...
...the FIFA world champion.
Herzog: In the forest we met a
modern day hermit.
Woman: I became very ill from wireless
radiation signals.
As soon as I heard there was a place with
no cell towers I was here in 48 hours.
Female voice: The internet is a
manifestation of evil itself.
Herzog: Elon Musk, the founder of Space X
is pursing how we would talk to...
...colonies on Mars via the internet.
Musk: I mean, right now we can't even get
one person to Mars, so clearly...
Herzog: I would come along, I wouldn't
have a problem.
Male voice: We're going to have a
revolution in our definition of what...
...it means to be human. Will our
children's children's children...
...need the companionship of humans or
will they have evolved in a world where...
...that's not important?
Male voice: You could essentially in the
not too distant future tweet thoughts.
Will there every be a artificial
intelligent machine that makes movies?
Absolutely yes. Will they be quite as
good as yours?
No one can even come close.
Herzog: Of course not.
Have the monks stopped meditating?
They all seem to be tweeting.