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First login Google Earth Pro
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Then some setting changes are required
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Fill the name of the area that is explored
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Next to do is to localize the map center
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This happens by clicking on the yellow pin
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Now the point coordinates may be taken
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Export this data in MS Excel
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Next is to specify map's length and height
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Do the length specification as shown
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Then export the data to the same Excel file
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Repeat the same action to specify the length
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Now determine Lower Left and Upper Right
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Do the simple calculations like shown
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It is time to Save the map in jpg. format
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Then use Paint to convert the file in bmp.
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Open EPANET 2.0
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First do the required settings changes
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Change the measuring units in a proper way
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Then switch Auto-Length On function
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Now is to Backdrop the bmp. file (map)
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Tthe workspace capacity is not used at all
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Therefore a properscaling is required
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Don't forget to select "meters" as a Map Units
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It is expanded and use the whole work screen
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Now the scaling model has to be verified
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Select two nodes and connect it with a pipe
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Now check what is the pipe length in EPANET
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Then measure the same distancse in Google Earth
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After comparing the two results
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It can be seen that there is a perfect corresponding
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Thus the validation is completed successfully
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Save the verification pipe (if necessary)
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