Live from the cat
cave in downtown God
knows where next to the
washer and the dryer,
it's Cat Mojo with
Jackson Galaxy.
Welcome, welcome to Cat Mojo.
I'm Jackson Galaxy
live from the cat cave.
It is actually looking more like
a cave these days, isn't it?
There's all kinds
of fun stuff here.
I wanted to point this out.
Diane Dial in Florida,
thank you, Diane,
for sending this
picture, this painting,
of my lovely cat Caroline.
Don't you see the
resemblance, Caroline?
It will become a permanent
fixture in the cat cave.
Let's talk about Cat Mojo 101.
What is cat mojo?
We've talked about this
before, but let's bring up
that little dictionary
looking thing.
It says cat mojo, what
motivates all cats.
It's very simple.
The fact is that it wasn't
until about 120 years ago
that we permanently brought
cats into our houses.
And that means that they
live a very pure existence.
They still have it hardwired
in their brain to hunt.
And that is the first
thing about cat mojo,
hunt, catch, kill, eat.
What's the second thing that's
so important about cat mojo?
What motivates them?
Well, with the hunting, and
the catching, and the killing,
and the eating comes
the owning, right?
It's all about ownership.
Cats need to own
their territory.
If they don't own
their territory,
bad things will happen
to them or to you.
So first we have
the confident owner
of territory, the one
who walks in chest
held high, tail in
that backwards question
mark, everything
relaxed, comes up to you,
gives you a little
head butt, weaving
in and out of your legs,
blinky eyes at you,
that kind of thing,
very confident.
Now, who is that cat?
If they were a person,
you would come in
at a party, a cocktail
party, knocking at the door.
They open the door
with a tray of mojitos.
And would you like
one of these mojitos?
Cucumber, a little bit
of cucumber in here,
I thought you'd
like that very much.
Welcome to my house.
Don't you love it very much?
Come on.
I'll give you a tour.
Mojito cat, that's
who mojito cat is.
Number two, Napoleon
cat, aka the over-owner,
who is that cat?
The chest out, a little bit
of the ears forward glaring
at you a little
bit, eyes zeroing
in on you just a
little, going down
in that offensive,
aggressive posture,
perhaps laying down across
the doorway of the house
to make sure you've
got to step over
that line, peeing on things.
Yes, peeing, because
they don't trust
their ownership
of the territory.
All whether they're
people or animals who
don't trust their
territory over-own, right?
Hence Napoleon, or sort
of a gang mentality.
You see the writing on the wall?
I own this.
Why does that come
out like that?
Why you puff up like that?
You do that, man, because
you are not confident
that you own the joint.
So you over-own.
That is Napoleon Cat.
Number three, that
would be the wallflower.
In cat world, the wallflower
literally hugs the wall.
In the meantime, the
over-owner laying
across the doorway, the mojito
cat just walking around,
hey, how you doing?
Then you've got The Wallflower
hanging back against the wall,
never walking across
the middle of the floor.
That would never happen.
In the meantime, they are
going, I don't own this.
You, you, you're the owner?
Fine, fine, I'm
not looking at you.
I'm not looking.
I'm just going to the
litter box over there.
I'm just leaving, goodbye.
That's the wallflower.
Now, I want all cats
to be the mojito cat.
That's what I strive for.
If they are the over-owner,
if they are the wallflower,
we got problems.
Cat Mojo 101, your
homework assignment
is take a look at your cat.
Watch them walk into a room.
Watch them interact with
other cats and other humans.
And figure out who they
are, who they resemble.
If they're a
wallflower, we've got
to bring them out a little bit.
If they're an
over-owner, we've got
to bring them back a little bit.
Because we want everyone
to be the mojito cat.
That is the quest, the
quest for the mojito cat.
That's what we're
getting at here.
But figure out who your cat is.
Watch him walk around the
joint, because that's the thing.
Do they display confident
ownership of territory?
Are you encouraging your
cat to hunt, catch, kill,
and eat through play
every single day?
Are you feeling them a
bio-appropriate diet?
Because that will
also feed in- ha ha
no pun intended-- to that
healthy lifestyle of every cat.
That's what you want
to be looking at.
Until next time, do
take a look at all
of these different places
you can hook up with me.
Please subscribe.
You'll get all kinds of
mojo-licious news coming up
really soon,
including giveaways,
Google Hangouts live.
I can answer questions
for you guys,
tell you what's coming up in
the world of the cat cave.
And speaking of
Google Hangouts, be
sure to join me on
Wednesday, February 5.
I'll answer your
questions, and we're
going to talk more
about declawing.
So stay tuned for
more information.
But, man, get that on your
calendar and do it now.
Hey, I hope that helped.
I hope you get the
concept of cat mojo
even more so than before.
Take a look at your cats.
Remember every cat is an
individual, just like people
and snowflakes, except there
is a place where we all start.
And that's an important
thing to figure out, OK?
Until next we meet, folks,
all light, all love, all mojo.
Love you.