Studying Coronaviruses: Vectors to Vaccines

Studying Coronaviruses: Vectors to Vaccines

Infectious disease researchers Dr. Tracey Goldstein and Dr. Koen Van Rompay discuss the process of detecting and identifying a new coronavirus, and the steps needed to develop a vaccine.

When an infectious disease outbreak happens, medical workers and public health officials mobilize, but there are also teams of researchers that snap into action. Dr. Tracey Goldstein and Dr. Koen Van Rompay are both actively involved in different initiatives to find answers surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. They talk about the process of studying coronaviruses and other infectious diseases, the steps taken once an outbreak hits, and the ways in which this process could change for the better. The changing world we live in makes predicting outbreaks a challenge, but each one teaches us something new about how to understand and to respond to the next.

To find out more about our conversations with Dr. Goldstein and Dr. Van Rompay, you can read their extended interviews here:
Continuing the Conversation:  Dr. Tracey Goldstein on One Health, Bats, and Looking Ahead
Continuing the Conversation: Dr. Koen Van Rompay on Vaccine Development and Animal Models

Speaker Biographies:
Tracey Goldstein, PhD
Tracey Goldstein is a Professor in the Department of Pathology, Immunology and Microbiology and Associate Director of the One Health Institute. Dr. Goldstein is Co-Principal Investigator and Pathogen Detection lead for PREDICT, a project of the USAID Emerging Pandemic Threats program. She oversees the One Health Institute Laboratory and the Marine Ecosystem Health Diagnostic and Surveillance Laboratory. Dr. Goldstein earned her B.S in Aquatic Biology at UC Santa Barbara and her PhD in Comparative Pathology at UC Davis.

Koen Van Rompay, DVM, PhD
Koen Van Rompay is a veterinary researcher from Belgium, who completed his PhD at UC Davis. He is a Core Scientist in the Infectious Disease Unit at the California National Primate Research Center (CNPRC) at UC Davis. Dr. Van Rompay’s expertise is in nonhuman primate models of viral infections, most notably HIV and Zika virus, but more recently also COVID-19. His research has a special focus on vaccines and antiviral drugs to prevent or treat infection with these viruses. He is also the founder of the nonprofit organization Sahaya International.

In addition to iBiology staff, this video was made possible with:
•Editing by Isabel Ponte and Adam Bolt, The Edit Center
•Design and Graphics by Chris George and Maggie Hubbard
•Videography by Jeremy Poulos, UC Davis Academic Technology Services
•Images and Footage from NSF, NIH, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, California National Primate Research Center, Nigel Walker
•Music from APM Music (“Idea Space”), Jingle Punks (“Needle Drop”), and iSpy Music

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