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  • 0:01 - 0:05
    In this video, we're going to be
    looking at logarithms, but
  • 0:05 - 0:09
    before we can deal with
    logarithms, what we need to have
  • 0:09 - 0:11
    a look at our indices 16.
  • 0:12 - 0:19
    We know that we can write 16 as
    a power of two, so this is 2.
  • 0:20 - 0:23
    Raised to the power 4.
  • 0:23 - 0:27
    Now need to give some names to
    some of these numbers.
  • 0:29 - 0:31
    So this number here 4.
  • 0:33 - 0:37
    Gets called a number of
    different things. I just called
  • 0:37 - 0:39
    it a power.
  • 0:40 - 0:43
    Sometimes it gets called.
  • 0:44 - 0:45
  • 0:46 - 0:53
    Sometimes. Index.
    So that's the four. What about
  • 0:53 - 0:57
    this number? This number doesn't
    usually get a name, but it does
  • 0:57 - 1:03
    have one. It's referred to
    as the base.
  • 1:04 - 1:07
    So another example might be
  • 1:07 - 1:13
    64. 64 is 8 to
    the power 2.
  • 1:14 - 1:21
    So in this case two is
    the power, the exponent or
  • 1:21 - 1:26
    the index, and here 8 is
    the base.
  • 1:27 - 1:33
    So having got the language clear
    for indices or powers, what
  • 1:33 - 1:36
    about logarithms? Well.
  • 1:36 - 1:42
    Let's see what the motivation
    might be for wanting to use
  • 1:42 - 1:42
  • 1:43 - 1:49
    As we've just
  • 1:49 - 1:54
    seen, 16 is 2
    raised to the
  • 1:54 - 1:55
    power of 4.
  • 1:57 - 2:04
    8. Similarly, is 2 raised
    to the power of 3?
  • 2:05 - 2:12
    Now, supposing we want it to
    multiply 16 by 8, well, one way
  • 2:12 - 2:16
    of doing it would be long
  • 2:16 - 2:21
    multiplication. We can do that
    and the answer is 128.
  • 2:22 - 2:26
    That is another way rather than
    having to go through this
  • 2:26 - 2:30
    multiplication. Some which if
    the numbers were other than 16
  • 2:30 - 2:35
    and eight would be very long.
    Can we not make use of the way
  • 2:35 - 2:36
    we've expressed these?
  • 2:37 - 2:40
    16 times by 8.
  • 2:41 - 2:48
    Is 2 to the power four times by
    2 to the power 3.
  • 2:48 - 2:53
    From laws of indices, we know
    that when we do this kind of
  • 2:53 - 2:58
    calculation, what we do is we
    simply add the indices together.
  • 2:59 - 3:03
    So what was a
    multiplication? Some we've
  • 3:03 - 3:06
    reduced to an addition
  • 3:07 - 3:12
    Similarly, we could do this
    sort of thing with division,
  • 3:12 - 3:19
    so if we have 16 / 8, that
    would be 2 to the power, 4 / 2
  • 3:19 - 3:25
    to the power three, and that
    would just be too, because we
  • 3:25 - 3:26
    would subtract the indices.
  • 3:27 - 3:31
    Now, if we had a table of
  • 3:31 - 3:38
    numbers. Where we listed these
    powers then all we would need to
  • 3:38 - 3:41
    do is look them up.
  • 3:41 - 3:48
    Do addition. And then look back
    again at what this 2 to the
  • 3:48 - 3:51
    power 7 actually meant that it
  • 3:51 - 3:58
    means 128. Now this idea
    is the whole basis of
  • 3:58 - 4:03
    logarithms. And they were
    devised in the late 16th
  • 4:03 - 4:08
    century by two mathematicians
    working in dependently John
  • 4:08 - 4:10
    Napier and Henry Briggs.
  • 4:11 - 4:15
    So what exactly is
  • 4:15 - 4:19
    a logarithm? Let's
    start with this 16
  • 4:19 - 4:23
    is 2 to the power 4.
  • 4:24 - 4:29
    This is the power index or the
    exponent, and this is the base.
  • 4:31 - 4:38
    If we take the logarithm, which
    we usually write as log to
  • 4:38 - 4:46
    base 2. Of this number
    16, then the logarithm is
  • 4:46 - 4:51
    4. This power index
    or exponent becomes
  • 4:51 - 4:56
    the logarithm, so we
    take logs to a base.
  • 4:58 - 5:05
    And it's the base that gets
    raised to a particular power in
  • 5:05 - 5:11
    indices, and that power becomes
    the logarithm. So these two are
  • 5:11 - 5:15
    equivalent statements. If we
    write one, we automatically
  • 5:15 - 5:17
    imply the other.
  • 5:17 - 5:25
    So if I say that 64 is
    8 to the power, two, that is
  • 5:25 - 5:30
    exactly the same as saying that
    the log of 64.
  • 5:30 - 5:36
    Two base eight is 2. These two
    statements are exactly the same.
  • 5:36 - 5:42
    So if I write a statement down
    this side, is the exactly the
  • 5:42 - 5:47
    same statement written down
    here? They both mean the same
  • 5:47 - 5:54
    thing, so this side I say the
    log to base three of 27 is 3.
  • 5:54 - 6:01
    what I am saying is that 3 to
    the power three is equal to 27.
  • 6:03 - 6:08
    So these statements down the
    left here or exactly the same as
  • 6:08 - 6:10
    these statements down the right.
  • 6:11 - 6:16
    So. We can write
    this down as a general
  • 6:16 - 6:19
    statement. If we
    have a number X.
  • 6:20 - 6:24
    And we can write X as a
  • 6:24 - 6:30
    number A. Raised to the power
    and then the equivalent
  • 6:30 - 6:34
    statement in logarithms is to
    say that the log.
  • 6:34 - 6:41
    To the base a of
    X is equal to N.
  • 6:41 - 6:44
    These two are equivalent
  • 6:44 - 6:51
    statements. Let's just develop a
    little bit of that, supposing X
  • 6:51 - 6:54
    were equal to 10.
  • 6:55 - 7:01
    Then we can write 10 as 10
    to the power one.
  • 7:02 - 7:08
    So if I now take the
    log to base 9:50.
  • 7:09 - 7:14
    Then be'cause 10 can be written
    as 10 to the power one.
  • 7:15 - 7:21
    Then it's logarithm to the base.
    10 must be one. Similarly, if I
  • 7:21 - 7:24
    had, X is equal to 2.
  • 7:24 - 7:28
    Then two is just 2
    to the power one.
  • 7:29 - 7:31
    And so if I take the log.
  • 7:32 - 7:37
    To base two off to again,
    that's just one.
  • 7:38 - 7:44
    So let's make that general. If X
    were equal to a, then we know
  • 7:44 - 7:48
    that we can write that as A to
    the power one.
  • 7:49 - 7:56
    And so that the log to base
    a of a is there for one.
  • 7:57 - 8:04
    And this gives us a general rule
    that works for any of our base
  • 8:04 - 8:10
    numbers a. Let's see if we can
    generate some laws of
  • 8:10 - 8:15
    logarithms. We know that there
    are laws of indices. Can we have
  • 8:15 - 8:20
    similar laws of logarithms, and
    in one respect we've already had
  • 8:20 - 8:22
    the first law?
  • 8:22 - 8:29
    So. Let's have a look. Let's
    take 2 numbers X&Y and what we
  • 8:29 - 8:35
    want to be able to do is
    multiply X&Y together. As a
  • 8:35 - 8:41
    general thing, so we say X is A
    to the power N.
  • 8:41 - 8:45
    And why is A to the power
  • 8:45 - 8:52
    N? Now this statement X is A
    to the power, N is the
  • 8:52 - 8:58
    equivalent of saying the log of
    X to base a is equal to N.
  • 8:59 - 9:05
    This statement is the equivalent
    of saying the log of Y also to
  • 9:05 - 9:08
    base a is equal to M.
  • 9:09 - 9:16
    We want to multiply these two
    together so X times by Y is
  • 9:16 - 9:22
    A to the power N times by
    A to the power M.
  • 9:24 - 9:30
    And what do we get here? A to
    the power N times by 8 to the
  • 9:30 - 9:36
    power N means that we add the
    indices together. So that's A to
  • 9:36 - 9:37
    the N Plus M.
  • 9:38 - 9:42
    So what is the logarithm?
  • 9:42 - 9:45
    Two base a of XY.
  • 9:46 - 9:49
    While quite clearly from the
    definition we've had.
  • 9:50 - 9:57
    X times by Y is A to the power
    N plus M, so the logarithm is N
  • 9:57 - 10:05
    plus N. But N we know is
    the log of X to base a log
  • 10:05 - 10:13
    of X to base A and similarly M
    is the log of Y to base A.
  • 10:13 - 10:21
    And so there we
    have our first law
  • 10:21 - 10:27
    of logarithms. That if we
    want to multiply 2 numbers
  • 10:27 - 10:32
    together, we get the log of the
    product by adding the logs of
  • 10:32 - 10:33
    the two individual numbers.
  • 10:34 - 10:40
    That's our first law. What about
    our second law again?
  • 10:41 - 10:47
    Let's start with X can be
    written as A to the power N.
  • 10:48 - 10:51
    Now, what if we take X?
  • 10:51 - 10:54
    And we raise it to the power M.
  • 10:56 - 10:57
    That would be.
  • 10:58 - 11:03
    A to the N all raised to
    the power M.
  • 11:04 - 11:10
    And by our laws of indices, we
    know that in order to do that,
  • 11:10 - 11:15
    we multiply the N and the M
    together, giving us NN as the
  • 11:15 - 11:16
    power of A.
  • 11:17 - 11:23
    So what's the logarithm here?
    Log of X to the power M to
  • 11:23 - 11:24
    the base A.
  • 11:26 - 11:32
    Equals well, by definition, that
    must be this number here. End
  • 11:32 - 11:34
    times by N.
  • 11:35 - 11:37
    An times by N.
  • 11:38 - 11:45
    Well, this statement here it's
  • 11:45 - 11:50
    equivalent statement. Is that
    the log of X?
  • 11:51 - 11:57
    To base a is equal to N, so
    instead of NI can write this.
  • 11:58 - 12:05
    And I must multiply it by NM
    times the log of X to base a.
  • 12:05 - 12:11
    There we have our second law of
    logarithms that if we want to
  • 12:11 - 12:14
    raise a number to a given power.
  • 12:16 - 12:20
    Then we can do that by taking
    the log, multiplying that log by
  • 12:20 - 12:26
    M. That will give us the log of
    the number to the given power,
  • 12:26 - 12:31
    and then we can look it up in
    reverse. So our second law of
  • 12:31 - 12:36
    logarithms. Our third law, well,
    in a way we've already met with
  • 12:36 - 12:40
    third law because now we've done
    multiplication of two different
  • 12:40 - 12:44
    numbers. Repeated multiplication
    of the same number. So what
  • 12:44 - 12:46
    we're going to look at now is
  • 12:46 - 12:53
    division. So again, will define
    X to be A to the power N.
  • 12:54 - 12:57
    And why to be A to the power M?
  • 12:58 - 13:05
    Will write down what that means
    in terms of logarithms. Log of X
  • 13:05 - 13:08
    to the base A is N.
  • 13:09 - 13:15
    The log of Y to the
    base A is N.
  • 13:16 - 13:22
    And we're going to have a look
    at X divided by Y.
  • 13:24 - 13:32
    So that's A to the N divided by
    A to the N and our laws of
  • 13:32 - 13:37
    indices tell us that we do this
    calculation by subtracting these
  • 13:37 - 13:41
    indices, so that's A to the N
  • 13:41 - 13:48
    minus M. So what's the
    log of this quantity log to
  • 13:48 - 13:55
    base a of X divided by
    Y equals or by definition it
  • 13:55 - 13:58
    must be this index here.
  • 13:58 - 14:01
    An minus M.
  • 14:02 - 14:08
    And N. Is this quantity the log
    to base a of X?
  • 14:09 - 14:13
    Log to base A 4X.
  • 14:14 - 14:17
    And this quantity M is up here.
  • 14:18 - 14:25
    The log. Of Y
    two base A and. So there
  • 14:25 - 14:28
    is our third law of logarithms.
  • 14:29 - 14:32
    That if we want the
    log of a quotient.
  • 14:33 - 14:38
    The log of a division some. Then
    we subtract the logs of the two
  • 14:38 - 14:40
    numbers that were working with.
  • 14:41 - 14:44
    1 final
  • 14:44 - 14:48
    point. Final general point.
  • 14:49 - 14:56
    What happens if we have A
    to the power 0?
  • 14:57 - 15:02
    We know that anything
    raised to the power zero
  • 15:02 - 15:04
    from indices is one.
  • 15:06 - 15:10
    Well, what does that mean?
  • 15:10 - 15:12
    About the log.
  • 15:13 - 15:16
    To base A of
  • 15:16 - 15:23
    one. Well, since we can write
    1 as A to the power zero, that
  • 15:23 - 15:28
    means that the log of one to
    base a must be 0.
  • 15:29 - 15:33
    And so the log of one in any
    base is 0.
  • 15:34 - 15:40
    Now that does make sense. Let's
    just think about it. If you were
  • 15:40 - 15:45
    doing multiplication. One times
    by 6 is 6 * 1 doesn't affect the
  • 15:45 - 15:51
    six, so if we were to do the
    same in logs, we want the log of
  • 15:51 - 15:56
    one plus the log of six.
    Wouldn't want to change the log
  • 15:56 - 16:01
    of six simply because we knew we
    were multiplying by one, so it
  • 16:01 - 16:05
    makes sense for the log of one
    to be 0.
  • 16:06 - 16:12
    Let's have a look now at some
    more examples of calculating
  • 16:12 - 16:17
    logarithms or various numbers to
    particular basis. So let's take
  • 16:17 - 16:21
    the log of 512 to base 2.
  • 16:22 - 16:30
    Well, this is the same as asking
    what's 512 as a power of two
  • 16:30 - 16:36
    512 equals 2 to what power?
    What's that power up there?
  • 16:36 - 16:42
    Well, 512 is in fact 2 to
    the power 9.
  • 16:43 - 16:45
    And so by definition.
  • 16:45 - 16:49
    The log of 512 to base 2.
  • 16:49 - 16:51
    Is 9.
  • 16:53 - 16:55
    What about the log?
  • 16:55 - 17:01
    To base eight of
    one over 64.
  • 17:02 - 17:09
    This is the same as asking
    what is one over 64 as
  • 17:09 - 17:14
    a power. Of
  • 17:16 - 17:21
    Well, what is that? We know that
    one over 64.
  • 17:21 - 17:24
    Is 64.
  • 17:25 - 17:29
    To the minus one.
  • 17:31 - 17:38
    We also know that 64 is 8
    squared, 8 times by 8 and so
  • 17:38 - 17:45
    that tells us that one over 64
    is 8 tool, the minus 2.
  • 17:46 - 17:52
    And so the logarithm of one over
    64 to base eight is minus.
  • 17:53 - 17:53
  • 17:56 - 17:59
    What about? The log
  • 17:59 - 18:06
    of. 25
    Tool base 5.
  • 18:07 - 18:14
    Well, this is the same as
    asking what is 25 written as
  • 18:14 - 18:16
    5 to the power.
  • 18:17 - 18:21
    What's that power that index?
    What goes there?
  • 18:21 - 18:28
    Well, what we do know is that
    it's 5 squared and so the log of
  • 18:28 - 18:32
    25 two base five is just two.
  • 18:33 - 18:38
    I want to do another calculation
    which is going to look very
  • 18:38 - 18:43
    similar to this one and I'll
    need to compare it with this
  • 18:43 - 18:47
    calculation, so I'm going to
    repeat this statement over the
  • 18:47 - 18:51
    page. So we've got log.
  • 18:51 - 18:58
    Of 25 to base
    five, we know that
  • 18:58 - 19:04
    that's two. Now what if
    I interchange the number and the
  • 19:04 - 19:11
    base? So that I'm asking
    the question, what's the log of
  • 19:11 - 19:14
    five to base 25?
  • 19:15 - 19:17
    Now that's the same as asking.
  • 19:18 - 19:20
    If I have 5.
  • 19:20 - 19:27
    How can I write it as a
    power of 25 Watts that
  • 19:27 - 19:28
    index there?
  • 19:29 - 19:35
    Well, one of the things I do
    know is that the square root of
  • 19:35 - 19:41
    25 is 5 and I can write a
    square root as a power.
  • 19:42 - 19:43
  • 19:44 - 19:48
    So what that tells me is
    that the log of five to
  • 19:48 - 19:50
    base 25 is 1/2.
  • 19:51 - 19:56
    And what seems to have happened
    here is that by interchanging
  • 19:56 - 19:58
    the number with the base.
  • 20:00 - 20:03
    We got one over the logarithm.
  • 20:04 - 20:07
    Let's check that by looking
    at another example.
  • 20:09 - 20:15
    We know that eight can be
    written as 2 to the power
  • 20:15 - 20:20
    three, and of course that
    means that the log of
  • 20:20 - 20:23
    eight to base two is 3.
  • 20:24 - 20:31
    But what if we interchange the
    number with the base? So we ask
  • 20:31 - 20:36
    ourselves what's the log of two
    to the base 8?
  • 20:37 - 20:41
    And that's the equivalent of
    saying to ourselves. How can I
  • 20:41 - 20:46
    write 2 as a power of eight?
    What goes there? What's that
  • 20:46 - 20:54
    index? Well, two is
    the cube root of
  • 20:54 - 21:00
    8. Which we write like that. But
    another way of writing the cube
  • 21:00 - 21:04
    root is to write it as 8 to the
  • 21:04 - 21:11
    power 1/3. That tells us that
    the log of two to base eight
  • 21:11 - 21:17
    is 1/3. And so we see again,
    that by interchanging the number
  • 21:17 - 21:18
    and the base.
  • 21:19 - 21:22
    We get one over the original
  • 21:22 - 21:27
    logarithm. And that's true in
    general. I haven't proved it by
  • 21:27 - 21:32
    showing you those two examples,
    but I have been able to
  • 21:32 - 21:37
    demonstrate it and that is true
    in general that if we have the
  • 21:37 - 21:40
    log of B to base A.
  • 21:40 - 21:46
    Then that is equal
    to one over the log
  • 21:46 - 21:49
    of A to base be.
  • 21:53 - 21:56
    Now. We've done a lot of work
  • 21:56 - 22:01
    with different bases. So the
    question that we might ask is,
  • 22:01 - 22:05
    are there any standard basis?
    Are logarhythms calculated using
  • 22:05 - 22:09
    particular basis? And of course
    the answer is yes.
  • 22:09 - 22:14
    What are those bases? Well, one
    of the common. The two common
  • 22:14 - 22:19
    ones is 10. If you look on your
    Calculator, you will see a
  • 22:19 - 22:21
    button that's labeled log.
  • 22:21 - 22:29
    Just log. That button that's
    labeled log gives you logs to
  • 22:29 - 22:34
    base 10. So for instance, if you
    put in 100.
  • 22:34 - 22:40
    And press the log key. It will
    give you the answer to because
  • 22:40 - 22:42
    the log of 100 to base 10.
  • 22:43 - 22:49
    That's the log of 10
    squared to base. 10
  • 22:49 - 22:51
    clearly gives us 2.
  • 22:52 - 22:56
    What's the other common base?
    Well, the other common bases
  • 22:56 - 23:01
    base E. To letter, not a
    number you might say, but
  • 23:01 - 23:06
    remember pie is also a letter,
    a Greek letter, and the number
  • 23:06 - 23:11
    and E and π share something in
    common. They both have
  • 23:11 - 23:15
    infinite decimal expansions,
    so E is a very special number.
  • 23:16 - 23:23
    How big is it? Well to three
    decimal places? It's 2.718, but
  • 23:23 - 23:28
    that's the three decimal places.
    Remember, it's got an infinite
  • 23:28 - 23:33
    decimal expansion. So if you
    look on your Calculator, you
  • 23:33 - 23:35
    will see a button that's got Ln
  • 23:35 - 23:43
    on it. And that button Ln stands
    for logs to base E. So if you
  • 23:43 - 23:51
    put the number 3 in it and press
    Ln, it will give you the log to
  • 23:51 - 23:52
    base E of three.
  • 23:54 - 23:57
    These logs have a name.
  • 23:57 - 24:03
    Sometimes they're called Napier
    Ian Logarhythms After John
  • 24:03 - 24:09
    Napier, and sometimes they're
    called natural logarithms.
  • 24:11 - 24:16
    Logs to base E of the logs that
    get used in calculus. So it is
  • 24:16 - 24:20
    important to know about logs
    because they're going to come up
  • 24:20 - 24:24
    as a regular part of the
    calculus, and in particular when
  • 24:24 - 24:25
    we're solving differential
  • 24:25 - 24:31
    equations. So let's see if we
    can develop a way of using
  • 24:31 - 24:34
    logarithms and see a use for
  • 24:34 - 24:39
    them. This isn't going to be a
    using terms of calculus, but in
  • 24:39 - 24:40
    terms of solving a particular
  • 24:40 - 24:47
    kind of equation. So supposing
    we've got 3 to the power
  • 24:47 - 24:49
    X equals 5.
  • 24:50 - 24:54
    How would we solve that
    equation? The unknown is up
  • 24:54 - 24:57
    here, it's an index, it's
    an exponent.
  • 24:59 - 25:04
    We need to get it down out
    of being an exponent down to
  • 25:04 - 25:08
    being an ordinary number and
    one of the ways of doing
  • 25:08 - 25:13
    that is to take logarithms,
    so I'm going to take the log
  • 25:13 - 25:15
    of both sides to base 10.
  • 25:17 - 25:19
    So I'm going to have the log.
  • 25:20 - 25:26
    Of three to the power, X is
    equal to the log of five. Now
  • 25:26 - 25:31
    notice I haven't written the 10
    in on the base.
  • 25:32 - 25:36
    And that's because I'm using the
    convention that I've just
  • 25:36 - 25:40
    expressed that log now means log
    to base 10.
  • 25:41 - 25:47
    Well, I've got the log of three
    raised to the power X and of
  • 25:47 - 25:52
    course one of the things that I
    do know from my laws of logs is
  • 25:52 - 25:58
    that I'm raising fun raising to
    the power X. Then what I need to
  • 25:58 - 26:00
    do is multiply the logarithm by
  • 26:00 - 26:07
    X. Well now log of three
    and log of five aren't just
  • 26:07 - 26:09
    numbers, nothing more.
  • 26:09 - 26:16
    So in the same way that I
    might solve an equation such as
  • 26:16 - 26:21
    three X equals 12 by dividing
    both sides by three.
  • 26:21 - 26:28
    Then I'm going to do exactly the
    same with this, and I'm going to
  • 26:28 - 26:32
    divide both sides by the log of
  • 26:32 - 26:37
    three. And that calculation can
    be finished off using a
  • 26:37 - 26:43
    Calculator. We take the log of 5
    divided by the log of three
  • 26:43 - 26:46
    using our Calculator and get the
    answer for X.
  • 26:47 - 26:49
    Let's just have a look at one
  • 26:49 - 26:56
    more example. If we have three
    to the X is equal to 5 to the
  • 26:56 - 27:01
    X minus two. What then again,
    the unknown is X and again it's
  • 27:01 - 27:06
    upstairs, so to speak. It's in
    the index in the power and we
  • 27:06 - 27:11
    need to bring it back downstairs
    to the normal level. So again
  • 27:11 - 27:17
    will take logs of both sides,
    log of three to the power X is
  • 27:17 - 27:20
    equal to the log of 5 to the
  • 27:20 - 27:25
    power. Minus two in the same
    way, if we're raising to the
  • 27:25 - 27:29
    power, then in order to get the
    logarithm we need to multiply.
  • 27:30 - 27:37
    The log of three by X
    and the log of five by
  • 27:37 - 27:39
    X minus 2.
  • 27:40 - 27:45
    Well, this is now just an
    ordinary equation log of three
  • 27:45 - 27:49
    and log of five and nothing more
    than numbers. So let's multiply
  • 27:49 - 27:51
    out this bracket this side.
  • 27:52 - 27:59
    So we're going to have
    X log 5 - 2
  • 27:59 - 28:06
    log 5. Let's gather together
    some terms in X and move this as
  • 28:06 - 28:11
    a number over to this site so
    it's positive. So we're going to
  • 28:11 - 28:16
    add this to both sides, which
    will give Me 2 log 5.
  • 28:17 - 28:25
    And I'm going to take this away
    from both sides, so X log 5
  • 28:25 - 28:27
    minus X log 3.
  • 28:28 - 28:33
    I've got all my ex is together
    here, so I'm going to take X out
  • 28:33 - 28:35
    as a common factor 2.
  • 28:36 - 28:43
    Log 5 is X times log 5 minus
    log 3 and close the bracket. So
  • 28:43 - 28:51
    now to get X all I need to
    do is to divide both sides by
  • 28:51 - 28:58
    this number here log 5 minus log
    3 because that's all it is. It's
  • 28:58 - 29:04
    just a number, so let's do that
    right. The line down again to
  • 29:04 - 29:06
    log 5 is.
  • 29:06 - 29:13
    Equal to X times log
    5 minus log 3.
  • 29:15 - 29:22
    And I'm going to divide both
    sides by this number 2 log
  • 29:22 - 29:29
    5 divided by log 5 minus
    log of three is equal to
  • 29:29 - 29:35
    X. OK, I've got X. You can
    put this lump of numbers here
  • 29:35 - 29:40
    into a Calculator and work them
    out. One way of making that
  • 29:40 - 29:45
    calculation alittle bit simpler
    though, is to notice that here
  • 29:45 - 29:49
    we are subtracting two logs and
    if we're subtracting two logs,
  • 29:49 - 29:55
    that means we are in fact
    dividing five by three in terms
  • 29:55 - 30:00
    of the numbers themselves. So we
    can write this as two log 5.
  • 30:00 - 30:07
    Over log of
    5 / 3.
  • 30:07 - 30:11
    And that gives us perhaps
    a slightly better form to
  • 30:11 - 30:13
    do the calculations in.
  • 30:14 - 30:20
    Now there's one further thing
    that I just want to have a look
  • 30:20 - 30:24
    at and this will become quite
    important when doing calculus
  • 30:24 - 30:28
    so. Let me take the number
  • 30:28 - 30:34
    8. And I'm going to raise
    2 to the power 8.
  • 30:35 - 30:38
    Let me
  • 30:38 - 30:45
    know. Take
    logs to base two
  • 30:45 - 30:49
    of two to the
  • 30:49 - 30:55
    power 8. Well, I
    know what that is, that's eight.
  • 30:57 - 31:01
    I just think what's happened
    there. We started with a number.
  • 31:01 - 31:06
    We took a base and we raise the
    base to that power.
  • 31:07 - 31:10
    We then took logs to that bass.
  • 31:11 - 31:16
    Of our resulting answer and we
    ended up with the number that we
  • 31:16 - 31:17
    first started with.
  • 31:18 - 31:24
    So any fact what we did here
    undid what we've done there.
  • 31:25 - 31:31
    Now when that happens, what
    we're saying is we have got
  • 31:31 - 31:32
    inverse operations.
  • 31:33 - 31:38
    That what this operation
    does, raising the base to the
  • 31:38 - 31:42
    given power is undone by what
    this operation does.
  • 31:44 - 31:48
    Does it work the
    other way around?
  • 31:49 - 31:52
    So let's start with eight again.
  • 31:53 - 31:57
    This time, let's take the
  • 31:57 - 32:00
    log. To base.
  • 32:00 - 32:03
    Two of eight.
  • 32:04 - 32:08
    Well, I know the
  • 32:09 - 32:14
    To base two of eight, well, I
    need to write the 18 a different
  • 32:14 - 32:18
    way I need it is 2 to the power
    three and then of course gives
  • 32:18 - 32:21
    me the answer straight away.
    This number is 3.
  • 32:23 - 32:30
    Now I take my base
    #2 and I raise it
  • 32:30 - 32:33
    to this power 3.
  • 32:33 - 32:36
    And the answers 8.
  • 32:37 - 32:42
    So again, I've done these two
    operations in a different order.
  • 32:43 - 32:48
    But the number that I started
    with and the number that I end
  • 32:48 - 32:50
    up with are exactly the same.
  • 32:51 - 32:57
    So what I've got here are two
    inverse operations. What one
  • 32:57 - 33:03
    does the other one undoes? So in
    terms of our standard basis,
  • 33:03 - 33:11
    what does that mean? It means
    that the natural log of E to
  • 33:11 - 33:17
    the X. Here I've taken X as
    a power, and I've raised the
  • 33:17 - 33:22
    base E to that power X and then
    I've taken the log.
  • 33:23 - 33:30
    The log undoes what I did
    with the X and leaves me
  • 33:30 - 33:34
    with X again. Similarly, if I
  • 33:34 - 33:42
    Hav E. Raised to the power,
    the log of X, this is again X
  • 33:42 - 33:47
    because I've used these two
    process is these two things.
  • 33:47 - 33:51
    Again in combination there
    inverse operations, so they must
  • 33:51 - 33:54
    undo what the other one has
  • 33:54 - 34:01
    done. Similarly.
    If we take our base 10,
  • 34:01 - 34:03
    then the log.
  • 34:04 - 34:11
    Of 10 Raised to
    the power, X is just X.
  • 34:12 - 34:14
    And if we take.
  • 34:14 - 34:21
    10 And we raise it to
    the power. The log of X. Then
  • 34:21 - 34:26
    again, the answer is just X
    because we have undone.
  • 34:26 - 34:32
    By raising 10 to this power, we
    have undone what we did by
  • 34:32 - 34:36
    taking the log of X to base 10.
  • 34:38 - 34:42
    This is the particularly
    important one when you're doing
  • 34:42 - 34:47
    calculus. This is the one that
    you will need to bear in mind.
Video Language:

English subtitles
