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Mount Sinai is in Saudi Arabia?! | Sufi Meditation Center

  • 0:00 - 0:04
    Ashraful Mursaleen, Sayyidina wa Mawlana 
    Muhammadul Mustafa ﷺ. Bi madadikum wa
  • 0:04 - 0:11
    nazarekum Sayyidi ya Rasulul Kareem (The Most 
    Generous Messenger), Ya Habibul ‘Azim (The
  • 0:11 - 0:17
    Beloved of the Magnificent). Madad Ya Sayyidi 
    Ya Sultanul Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Abdullahil
  • 0:17 - 0:23
    Faizad Daghestani, Sultan Shaykh Muhammad Nazim 
    Adil Haqqani, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani,
  • 0:23 - 0:28
    Shaykh Adnan Kabbani, Shaykh Muhammad 
    Adil wa Abdul Khaliq al Ghujdawani,
  • 0:28 - 0:34
    Sahib Zaman Sayyidina Muhammad al-Mahdi (as), 
    Ruhullah Sayyidina Isa (as), Sayfullah Sayyidina
  • 0:34 - 0:40
    Ali (as) thumma Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq 
    (as), Sayyidina Umar (as), Sayyidina Uthman (as),
  • 0:40 - 0:45
    Imam al-Hassan (as), Imam al-Hussain (as) 
    wa Sayyidatina Fatima tul Zahra (as).
  • 0:45 - 0:51
    Fi barakat Laylatul Isra wal Mi’raj (Night 
    Journey and Ascension) inshaAllah tonight,
  • 0:51 - 0:57
    tomorrow night that Allah (AJ) dress us and 
    bless us from the immensities of these lights
  • 0:57 - 1:01
    and this eternal dress Allah 
    (AJ) sending upon the soul and
  • 1:01 - 1:14
    the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
    Bi Hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri
  • 1:14 - 1:20
    Surat al-Fatiha.
  • 1:20 - 1:21
    A’uzu Billahi Minash shaitanir Rajeem 
    Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.”
  • 1:21 - 1:22
    “Atiullah atiur Rasul wa Ulil amre minkum.”
    And always a reminder for myself ana abdukal
  • 1:22 - 1:24
    'ajeezu, dayeefu, miskinu, zhalim, wa 
    jahl, and but for the grace of Allah (AJ)
  • 1:24 - 1:42
    that we are still in existence. 
    Alhamdulillah, inshaAllah Holy Qur’an
  • 1:42 - 1:48
    dress and light for our souls for all 
    of eternity. InshaAllah we’ll read
  • 1:48 - 1:55
    from Surat Al-Isra, 17 inshaAllah, the 
    first verse Hajji Shahid inshaAllah.
  • 1:55 - 1:55
    “A’uzu Billahi Minash shaitanir Rajeem 
    Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. Subhaanal
  • 1:55 - 1:56
    lazeee asraa bi'abdihee lailam minal Masjidil 
    Haraami ilal Masjidil Aqsal-lazee baaraknaa haw
  • 1:56 - 1:57
    lahoo linuriyahoo min aayaatinaa;innahoo Huwas 
    Samee'ul-Baseer.” SadaqAllahul ‘aliyyul ‘azim.
  • 1:57 - 2:06
    SadaqAllahul ‘Azim wa barakah 
    Rasulul Kareem (The Most Generous
  • 2:37 - 2:45
    Messenger). Alhamdulillah the night in 
    which Allah (AJ) called upon His servant,
  • 2:45 - 2:53
    His beloved Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and brought 
    him with physicality to the Divinely Presence
  • 2:54 - 3:00
    and alhamdulillah that Allah (AJ) 
    give to us, a means in which to…
  • 3:00 - 3:03
    As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
    It’s Shaykh Nurjan.
  • 3:03 - 3:06
    Thank you for watching the 
    video that you’re watching.
  • 3:06 - 3:12
    InshaAllah if you’re happy with the content and 
    happy with these programs please support the
  • 3:12 - 3:18
    button below. The programs that we have for our 
    orphanage repairs, our water well – give the gift
  • 3:18 - 3:27
    of life. Our mobile food vans, we have now 5 vans 
    – Vancouver, Chicago, Los Angeles, Pakistan and
  • 3:27 - 3:35
    many programs that reach thousands of people and 
    rescue foods and give those supplies to people in
  • 3:35 - 3:42
    need. Your support is greatly appreciated. Also be 
    so kind as to leave a loving comments and please
  • 3:42 - 3:51
    share the stream. Every bit counts.
    As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi
  • 3:51 - 3:59
    wa barakatuh.
    achieve immense realities. That
  • 4:00 - 4:10
    from Masjid al-Haram, that Allah (AJ) giving to 
    us that everyone has a masjid and that it has
  • 4:10 - 4:16
    to become like Baitullah (house of Allah 
    (AJ)); “Qalb al mu’min Baitullah” which
  • 4:16 - 4:22
    is the importance of Masjid al Haram.
    Means a heart in which no haram (forbidden),
  • 4:22 - 4:31
    a heart in which is busy trying to be cleaned. 
    Not that we don't sin, but we sin and we ask for
  • 4:31 - 4:39
    forgiveness and we keep praying that Allah (AJ) 
    grant us an ‘ajer and reward and write for us a
  • 4:39 - 4:44
    kismet (destiny) filled with good deeds and 
    good actions as much as shaitan (satan) is
  • 4:44 - 4:52
    making us to do bad actions. And that Allah (AJ) 
    is granting us and calling our attention that,
  • 4:52 - 4:58
    ‘I took My servant. If you are following 
    in the way of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ
  • 4:58 - 5:08
    that I take from the Masjid al Haram, I take from 
    the heart in which no haram and I bring to Masjid
  • 5:08 - 5:15
    al-Aqsa, I bring into My Divinely Presence and 
    a mi'raj (ascension) into the Heavenly Kingdom.’
  • 5:16 - 5:22
    And our life is about making our house, 
    making our heart to be the house of God,
  • 5:23 - 5:31
    the house of Allah (AJ) and that we clean and 
    purify our heart, that we circumambulate the heart
  • 5:31 - 5:38
    and that everything in our circumambulation 
    is that based on Allah (AJ) first.
  • 5:39 - 5:47
    That our life, our choices are based on what 
    Allah (AJ) wants for us. And that's embodied with
  • 5:47 - 5:55
    the love and adherence to the way of Sayyidina 
    Muhammad ﷺ to the best of everyone's ability.
  • 5:57 - 6:05
    And living a life in which what Allah’s (AJ) not 
    pleased with to leave so that it doesn't enter the
  • 6:05 - 6:11
    heart, doesn't contaminate the heart, because that 
    which is not pleasing to Allah (AJ) then occupies
  • 6:11 - 6:18
    that what you are making tawaf (circumambulation) 
    around. So when we bring bad actions and bad
  • 6:18 - 6:24
    desires into the heart, we're circumambulating 
    around that bad desire and bad action
  • 6:25 - 6:33
    and it becomes us. It's hard to differentiate and 
    say, ‘No, I have a love for Allah (AJ) but I'm
  • 6:33 - 6:39
    circumambulating these bad desires,’ because that 
    which you circumambulate is your focus in life.
  • 6:41 - 6:47
    So the tariqah (spiritual path) is coming 
    and teaching us real life events. That it is
  • 6:47 - 6:55
    possible to enter into the Divinely Presence and 
    by the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ awliyaullah
  • 6:55 - 7:01
    (saints) come into our life and give us that 
    the Qur'an is drawing us into that reality.
  • 7:03 - 7:09
    That make your heart and imitate the way of 
    Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, that make your heart
  • 7:09 - 7:15
    to be Masjid al-Haram - no haram. That whatever 
    badness come asking tawbah (repentance), asking
  • 7:15 - 7:19
    to be washed, asking for forgiveness. We 
    said that the zikr (Divine remembrance) now
  • 7:19 - 7:23
    “Astaghfirullah al-'Azim” (I seek forgiveness 
    of Allah the Magnificent) 1000, 10,000 times
  • 7:24 - 7:29
    at the beginning of the day asking Allah (AJ) 
    forgiveness, forgiveness. ‘For everything I'm
  • 7:29 - 7:34
    doing wrong, everything from what I do 
    wrong, for what my family does wrong,
  • 7:34 - 7:38
    from what my community does wrong Ya Rabbi 
    grant us Your maghfirah and forgiveness’.
  • 7:39 - 7:45
    So that the house of Allah (AJ) and the heart 
    of the believer becomes Masjid al-Haram,
  • 7:45 - 7:51
    becomes the holy Ka'bah, in which the light 
    and the love of Allah (AJ) resides within
  • 7:51 - 7:57
    the heart of that servant. And as a result, 
    their circumambulation around their heart,
  • 7:57 - 8:05
    their actions and their deeds are matching. 
    And they give to us, they speak of all these
  • 8:05 - 8:11
    realities and begin to remind us it is 
    so easy to accomplish but yet so hard.
  • 8:13 - 8:17
    Means that people whom are waiting for Isra 
    wal Mi'raj (Night Journey and Ascension) and
  • 8:17 - 8:22
    asking and thinking that they're going to go 
    for a mi'raj, awliyaullah come into our lives
  • 8:22 - 8:28
    and teach us - it’s so simple. The mi'raj 
    of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is to Allah (AJ)
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    and the mi'raj for the believers and mu’mineen 
    and muhsin and mukhles (sincere) is the
  • 8:37 - 8:42
    love of Sayyidina Muhammad’s ﷺ. 
    You’ll be with whom you love.
  • 8:44 - 8:51
    Not that you had to do all 
    extraordinary actions to achieve
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    but Prophet ﷺ merely said, ‘You'll be with whom 
    you love and whom you love will be with you.’
  • 9:00 - 9:08
    Something that sounds so simple is a key 
    towards that reality. That our job was to clean,
  • 9:08 - 9:17
    stay clean, have good character, have good manners 
    and good adab and fulfill the covenant of love.
  • 9:19 - 9:24
    He says ‘Be sadiq (truthful), be 
    a truthful servant to love, love
  • 9:25 - 9:33
    and loyalty, love and honor.’ As a 
    result, the servant is a truthful servant.
  • 9:34 - 9:41
    Not they don't tell lies or they have to say 
    the truth even if it's insulting to everyone.
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    We described that in previous months from 
    Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (as) was teaching
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    us because these are his gates. Maka’as Siddiq 
    is to enter through the gate of truthfulness,
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    to leave through the gate of truthfulness because 
    the mi'raj of the believer is into the presence
  • 10:01 - 10:07
    of Sultanan Naseera (Victorious King).
    That the baab and the gate has to be opened
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    by Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (as) for the 
    ‘ashiqeen (lovers) whom sit and look and sit
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    and wait and Siddiqiya truth has to open for them 
    that Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (as) looks to
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    the servant and says that, ‘I know that you're 
    trying your best to be truthful to love.
  • 10:27 - 10:35
    That you uphold your honor and your dignity in 
    love’. And that's something that sounds so simple,
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    but in a world of deceit and deception, it seems 
    to be overwhelmingly more and more difficult.
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    People want to take a path of love and deceive 
    and use deception and have bad manners and
  • 10:52 - 10:59
    bad character. And all that Sayyidina Abu Bakr 
    as-Siddiq (as) is inspiring and teaching for us
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    is that how would you have 
    treated Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ?
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    As they treated, look at the lives of the holy 
    companions and how they had a reverence and
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    love for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. They were true to 
    their love. They knew nothing of Allah (AJ). They
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    didn’t see Allah (AJ). But that which they saw 
    of Ayatun min Ayatullah - the signs of Allah (AJ)
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    is they fell in love with him ﷺ and they served 
    him with their life and with their entire being.
  • 11:38 - 11:42
    And as a result of their truthfulness to that 
    love, what Sayyidina Bilal al-Habash (as)
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    taught us? Because all these companions are
  • 11:49 - 11:52
    representing immense maqams (stations). 
    The Maqamul Akhfa (Station of Most Hidden)
  • 11:55 - 12:03
    is the highest station of 
    annihilation, in which Abdul Ahad
  • 12:03 - 12:10
    in which a servant to the unique Oneness 
    of Allah (AJ). And the holy companion
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    Sayyidina Bilal al-Habashi (as) what he achieved 
    in his darajat (station) of ‘Ahad, Ahad, Ahad’?
  • 12:18 - 12:25
    For what? Because he was tortured 
    for the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
  • 12:27 - 12:34
    And the people of the community said, ‘You leave 
    the Muhammadan way, you can worship Allah (AJ) and
  • 12:34 - 12:42
    nobody will know but why you have to follow 
    Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ? Its creating a pandemonium
  • 12:42 - 12:51
    amongst all the slaves’. And this is a immense 
    reality of the servanthood of Allah (AJ) in which
  • 12:51 - 12:58
    they served their love for Sayyidina Muhammad 
    ﷺ with their lives, with their entire being.
  • 13:01 - 13:11
    So this gate of siddiqiyoon and sadiq is be 
    truthful to love. Have good character. Be loyal
  • 13:11 - 13:17
    to your love. That if you did something 
    wrong, you quickly ask for forgiveness.
  • 13:19 - 13:24
    That people they serve 10 years, 15 years 
    and when they feel they just walk away.
  • 13:25 - 13:32
    They go. This is not sadiq of love. This 
    is a dunya (material world) western person.
  • 13:34 - 13:38
    They have no concept of love, 
    loyalty, and honor and respect.
  • 13:40 - 13:45
    That you give your allegiance to love 
    and you don't leave it until you're dead.
  • 13:45 - 13:51
    And when you're dead, you're going to 
    witness your love. That which you love,
  • 13:51 - 13:58
    that which you served and that which you 
    kept all your loyalty to is the magnet
  • 13:58 - 14:05
    of your soul. It's the compass that drives the 
    ship, not the ‘aqel (intellect), not the brain.
  • 14:06 - 14:13
    You can’t cast your brain to be with whom 
    you thought you read a story about. It's
  • 14:13 - 14:21
    our ship. It's the guidance of the ship. It's the 
    magic compass that takes us to our destination.
  • 14:23 - 14:28
    Say, ‘I don't know, I haven't seen, I don't know 
    all these realities, but Sayyidi ya Rasulul Kareem
  • 14:28 - 14:38
    I have a immense love for you. And when my 
    body withers away and all my physicality goes,
  • 14:38 - 14:45
    I know that my love that's the light within 
    my soul will direct me to your presence’.
  • 14:49 - 14:54
    And you’ll be with whom you love and whom 
    you love is allowing you to be loved.
  • 14:55 - 15:00
    Allah (AJ) says, ‘We don't even allow 
    our name to be mentioned in their homes’.
  • 15:02 - 15:09
    What's the best home of a believer - is his 
    heart. If you have permission to say ‘Allah’,
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    Allah (AJ) gave you permission to say that. 
    Allah (AJ) in Qur'an al-Majeed is saying,
  • 15:16 - 15:20
    ‘We don't even give permission for our 
    name to be mentioned in their homes.’
  • 15:22 - 15:29
    Means already Allah (AJ) gave if you can mention 
    the name of Allah (AJ) He gave a door and a key
  • 15:29 - 15:36
    of love, all we had to do was activate it. And 
    everything in this dunya, everything in this world
  • 15:37 - 15:44
    awakens us to realize not to be loving 
    people, not to have the character of love
  • 15:44 - 15:49
    because people are being fooled thinking 
    they are upholding Islamic issues.
  • 15:52 - 15:59
    ‘Oh no Shaykh, I'm still in Islam. I can do this, 
    this, this but you know I can be rude and vulgar
  • 15:59 - 16:10
    and everything else’. Say no, you lost your whole 
    understanding. That's a much lower level. Yeah,
  • 16:10 - 16:14
    you may get by and you may go through the 
    difficulties of the grave but you're not
  • 16:14 - 16:20
    going to achieve these stations. You're 
    not going to achieve these proximities
  • 16:21 - 16:28
    because you broke the compass towards 
    that reality. The compass of this reality
  • 16:28 - 16:34
    is ishq (love) and muhabbat and to be a 
    sadiq and truthful servant to that love.
  • 16:35 - 16:41
    You upheld the love, your honored the love 
    and you served it with your life and death.
  • 16:42 - 16:47
    And soon may call your life, 
    everyone's life is being called.
  • 16:49 - 16:58
    We talked two weeks ago and was but one 
    shout and 1000s of buildings came down.
  • 16:59 - 17:06
    Did they not plan for it? Nor even thought 
    that something like that was coming.
  • 17:08 - 17:12
    So we don't know when our time comes.
  • 17:14 - 17:22
    And all that they inspire is that it’s such 
    an easy key is love and ishq and muhabbat.
  • 17:22 - 17:29
    And as a result, Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (as) 
    is teaching have the truthful love, the truthful
  • 17:29 - 17:36
    servanthood and at that time Sayyidina Abu Bakr 
    as-Siddiq (as) signs off and opens the heart that,
  • 17:36 - 17:45
    ‘Come and enter amongst the sadiq and truthful 
    servants’. And the truthfulness of love is not
  • 17:45 - 17:51
    when you say you've been loved but when you have 
    been crushed by love and your heart never changes.
  • 17:54 - 18:03
    Why in this month of this immense proximity and 
    immense dress is Munafiqeen the surah (chapter)
  • 18:03 - 18:09
    because everybody may claim love and as 
    soon as they get angry, they say they hate
  • 18:09 - 18:15
    you. And Prophet ﷺ (AJ) describe - this is 
    the characteristic of a munafiq (hypocrite)
  • 18:16 - 18:22
    in which they claim to love you, but in 
    reality, they're jealous of you and hate you.
  • 18:23 - 18:32
    And in the first opportunity they will expose that 
    characteristic. This is a holy month of mi’raj,
  • 18:33 - 18:40
    the Holy Month of Rajab and Allah 
    (AJ) has the 63rd surah is Munafiqeen
  • 18:42 - 18:49
    showing us the exact nemesis of this reality. 
    That don't say that you said it by tongue.
  • 18:50 - 18:56
    But by every action you're going to be 
    tested, you're going to be insulted and
  • 18:56 - 19:02
    squeezed and crushed. Because they want to 
    see if you have a inner munafiq within you.
  • 19:03 - 19:08
    And if the inner munafiq begins to 
    whisper, it has to be destroyed.
  • 19:08 - 19:14
    And do what you do for Allah (AJ), not for your 
    attention, not for photos, not for publicity.
  • 19:16 - 19:22
    The photos and publicity are for the shaykh so 
    that people can be called to his reality and the
  • 19:22 - 19:29
    reflection of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, not to people 
    and distracting people into different directions.
  • 19:31 - 19:35
    This way of love and this way 
    of service is to be nothing.
  • 19:36 - 19:46
    As a result of knowing that the nemesis of this 
    love is munafiqeen (hypocrites), is hypocrisy
  • 19:46 - 19:55
    then you read Surat Al-Munafiqeen - the 63rd surah 
    of this month is the tajalli (manifestation) of
  • 19:55 - 19:57
    Rajab before Rajab ends. And Allah (AJ) in 
    just 11 ayah (verse), ayatul kareem (the
  • 19:57 - 20:06
    generous verse of Holy Qur’an) describes the 
    immensity of the danger of their character.
  • 20:08 - 20:15
    And the messiah is going to exhibit all of 
    them. He's going to call people to Islam,
  • 20:15 - 20:22
    to Allah (AJ) only. And he's going to call them 
    and want to make Hajj (pilgrimage) with them,
  • 20:22 - 20:29
    and come and do everything with them. They're 
    going to claim their right to the Ka'bah
  • 20:30 - 20:34
    and that they want to make Hajj and they 
    want to come and say, ‘One, we are one,
  • 20:35 - 20:44
    we follow La ilaha illAllah.’ But Allah (AJ) 
    describes them. Means this is the immensity and
  • 20:44 - 20:49
    the dangers that are opening upon this earth. 
    And that's why in the holy month of Rajab,
  • 20:49 - 20:57
    Allah (AJ) preordained and predestined 
    Surat Al-Munafiqeen as a immense warning
  • 21:00 - 21:05
    because their character is that everything 
    they asked them that, ‘Come, come,
  • 21:05 - 21:12
    if you're believing in Allah (AJ), and we did 
    things wrong, let us go to Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ
  • 21:13 - 21:19
    and ask his forgiveness’.
    And Allah (AJ) describes them in
  • 21:19 - 21:26
    Surah Munafiqeen that they get angered. ‘What?’ 
    They get filled with pride and turn their heads
  • 21:27 - 21:32
    means they want nothing to do with 
    the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ
  • 21:33 - 21:37
    nor will they ever enter into these 
    zikrullah (remembrance of Allah (AJ)) and
  • 21:37 - 21:42
    the majlis (association) of sali alan 
    Nabi ﷺ (praising upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ).
  • 21:42 - 21:49
    Immensity of danger, immensity of danger that’s 
    facing as the opening of these realities are
  • 21:49 - 21:59
    opening upon this earth. And for ‘ashiqeen so 
    simple. If they have a love and they have an ishq,
  • 21:59 - 22:09
    this gate begins to open and they merely have 
    to know with all their heart that it's your love
  • 22:09 - 22:15
    that takes you through that gate. It's your love 
    that keeps you with whom you're supposed to be
  • 22:16 - 22:23
    with. Because people with their ‘aqel 
    and their mind, they think they have
  • 22:23 - 22:30
    to recite certain things and they're going to 
    achieve certain things. And it's just so easy.
  • 22:31 - 22:37
    If you were true to your love, you know how you 
    served with your love. You know the condition
  • 22:37 - 22:45
    of your heart and was your heart true to your 
    love. As a result if it was true, you feel their
  • 22:45 - 22:52
    presence, you feel the presence of the shaykh. You 
    served with your life, with your wealth, with your
  • 22:52 - 22:59
    time with everything and every bit of you was in 
    service. You feel their presence and that you know
  • 22:59 - 23:07
    whatever their dress is, is dressed upon you and 
    you feel the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
  • 23:10 - 23:16
    And it's only through that love that wherever 
    the one whom I love is being dressed, I'm being
  • 23:16 - 23:23
    dressed. And this is a night in which all of us 
    have the immense love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ
  • 23:27 - 23:35
    and he would never leave his ‘ashiqeen. That from 
    whatever his soul is being dressed by Allah (AJ)
  • 23:36 - 23:40
    and all that he asked from us is 
    be truthful to your love with good
  • 23:40 - 23:48
    character. From whatever Allah (AJ) dressing 
    the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ blessing.
  • 23:50 - 23:59
    He takes the dress of Allah (AJ) and blesses his 
    ‘ashiqeen, take away difficulties and hardships
  • 23:59 - 24:05
    from their souls. And all they have to do is 
    just sit in that love, have good character and
  • 24:05 - 24:11
    good manners. And they know that that's being 
    deposited onto their account. That, ‘Shaykh
  • 24:11 - 24:17
    I don't feel anything’. You're not to feel 
    anything. The time is too dangerous right now.
  • 24:18 - 24:26
    Very dangerous times have opened. Any energies 
    and tajallis are sparking the attentions of
  • 24:26 - 24:32
    shayateen (devils). Everything is being safely 
    deposited where they need to be deposited.
  • 24:33 - 24:39
    But there has to be a sakinah (tranquility) 
    within the heart of the servant that they
  • 24:39 - 24:49
    know they served with love. Some they come for 
    whatever intention, for a fame, for networking,
  • 24:49 - 24:59
    for money, for contacts. But when they review 
    themselves and say, ‘No, I came for love
  • 25:00 - 25:05
    and in my heart of hearts, I feel 
    that love and I know what I came for’.
  • 25:06 - 25:10
    They have a sakinah within their 
    own heart and with their own being.
  • 25:11 - 25:18
    And as a result, they put their back upon that 
    reality. They don't have to prove it to anyone.
  • 25:19 - 25:24
    But everyone when they're by themselves, 
    they know how they served this way.
  • 25:25 - 25:32
    They know what they put into this and what they 
    got out of it. What you put into something is
  • 25:32 - 25:38
    what you get out of it. If you put nothing 
    into it, alhamdulillah you still got immense
  • 25:38 - 25:44
    realities because just mentioning the name 
    ‘Allah’, it can't even be weighed on a scale.
  • 25:45 - 25:50
    But this sense of sakinah on this holy night, Say, 
    ‘Oh Shaykh, when is the night coming? When is it
  • 25:50 - 25:58
    coming?’ When the night comes, the one whom you 
    love is deep in that reality. And you feel that
  • 25:58 - 26:05
    love and you'll be dressed by it. Don't worry, it 
    won’t pass you, it doesn't miss you because love
  • 26:05 - 26:11
    doesn't leave you alone. If we're not getting 
    it that the spiritual magnet draws us together.
  • 26:12 - 26:20
    And whatever that generous soul is receiving, is 
    immensely emanating out and the only condition
  • 26:21 - 26:27
    is love. Because love draws us to a proximity. Not 
    the one who has the fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence)
  • 26:27 - 26:33
    memorized, the one who is hifz (memorize) of 
    this and hifz of that and the one who's external
  • 26:33 - 26:41
    actions is like this and external actions like 
    that. But their love was true. Their soul was
  • 26:41 - 26:48
    true. Their loyalties were true, and they were 
    tested and crushed through it. And yet they
  • 26:48 - 26:56
    never changed the condition of their love. And 
    as a result, they know that their souls are near
  • 26:58 - 27:04
    like an atom radiating into the nucleus. 
    And whatever that nucleus is achieving is
  • 27:04 - 27:10
    emanating out, dressing and blessing them with 
    knowledges and faiz (downpouring blessings) and
  • 27:10 - 27:17
    emanations that can’t be imagined to safeguard 
    them against the days of difficulty that are
  • 27:17 - 27:22
    opening upon this nation. Don't think it's 
    coincidence that now they're recognizing ‘Oh,
  • 27:22 - 27:29
    yeah, we didn't go to Egypt. We actually went 
    into Saudi Arabia’. And all the sites that were
  • 27:29 - 27:38
    biblical sites are actually in Saudi Arabia and 
    the mountain where Nabi Musa (as) was talking to
  • 27:38 - 27:46
    Allah (AJ), it's in Hijaz. The mountaintop 
    is burned when they show the mountaintop.
  • 27:46 - 27:55
    The rock in which he split and the 12 tribes drank 
    is in Hijaz. The whole of that area is in Hijaz
  • 27:55 - 28:00
    and they were making tawaf and they're going to 
    come and say, ‘No, this is actually our place’.
  • 28:03 - 28:08
    Allah (AJ) inshaAllah the only 
    preparation for a believer is love.
  • 28:10 - 28:16
    Not aggression, not anger, not bad character, 
    but people will be tested with love.
  • 28:17 - 28:26
    Don't put out your bad mouth. Don't say things 
    that you regret. Don't write things that you
  • 28:26 - 28:36
    regret. Just keep the way of solitude in which 
    you're silent and patient, silent and patient.
  • 28:36 - 28:45
    In times of energies being bad and energies 
    being confusing for people, learn to live a
  • 28:45 - 28:57
    life of solitude. There is an energy pandemic much 
    more dangerous than any pandemic from the World
  • 28:57 - 29:07
    Health Organization - the Nemesis WHO, the false 
    Hu. You don't see how Allah (AJ) programmed this
  • 29:07 - 29:21
    world and the humor that Allah (AJ) has. 
    That He named them ‘WHO’ [Shaykh laughs]
  • 29:21 - 29:28
    and with a ‘asaa (cane) and a snake on 
    it. Right? Because they're going to copy
  • 29:28 - 29:30
    the sunnah (traditions of Prophet 
    Muhammad ﷺ), but with shaitan on.
  • 29:34 - 29:41
    More dangerous than those physical sickness is the 
    sickness of energy, in which people begin to have
  • 29:41 - 29:49
    a confused energy, a misaligned energy and when 
    they spend too much with somebody, too much time,
  • 29:49 - 29:55
    too much talking, too much jabbering, as a 
    result they’re unloading that energy on to you
  • 29:57 - 30:02
    and before you know it, you're getting all sorts 
    of vibrations and energies from other people.
  • 30:03 - 30:08
    This is a time in which to go to work, 
    go home, spend time with your family.
  • 30:09 - 30:14
    There's not much time and need to do 
    anything else. The more exposure you
  • 30:14 - 30:20
    have and the more energies people begin to 
    pick up, the more their wires become crossed.
  • 30:21 - 30:27
    And that's a danger, that's a danger. That's 
    why the people whom they understood and they
  • 30:28 - 30:34
    seclude themselves, they do what they need to do 
    for their rizq and their sustenance, take care
  • 30:34 - 30:42
    of their family and be pleasantly secluded with 
    their zikr, with their practices, with the love,
  • 30:42 - 30:48
    with the live broadcast, with the knowledges. 
    We pray that Allah (AJ) grant us through the
  • 30:48 - 30:55
    Isra wal Mi’raj that the believers their mi'raj 
    is into the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
  • 30:56 - 31:02
    And those whom don't have that love, 
    they missed the mi'raj. They get the
  • 31:03 - 31:11
    drizzling of rain and barakah (blessing), no doubt 
    but do their souls go into that proximity? No,
  • 31:11 - 31:19
    because as much as we try to teach them of 
    love, as much as Allah (AJ) inspire 1000s of
  • 31:19 - 31:24
    ‘ulama (scholar) to reach to this point, 
    which is the last days of this earth,
  • 31:25 - 31:32
    that you have to love. “Qul in kuntum 
    tuhibbon Allaha fattabi’uni, yuhbibkumullah”.
  • 31:32 - 31:38
    And Allah (AJ) then describes them in Surah 
    Munafiq, ‘They will never come to you and they
  • 31:38 - 31:47
    will never ask your forgiveness and they want 
    nothing to do with that reality, leave them and
  • 31:47 - 31:55
    leave the people whom left zikrullah’ because it 
    also has the praisings upon Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
  • 31:56 - 32:01
    So we pray that Allah (AJ) safeguard us, 
    protect us and keep us with good manners,
  • 32:01 - 32:08
    good character. And so simple a key 
    is to have that love within our hearts
  • 32:08 - 32:14
    and that Allah (AJ) safeguard our families and our 
    communities and all our loved ones, inshaAllah.
  • 32:14 - 32:17
    Subhana rabbika rabbal ‘izzati ‘amma 
    yasifoon, wa salaamun ‘alal mursaleen,
  • 32:17 - 32:21
    walhamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen. Bi hurmati 
    Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha.
  • 32:21 - 32:24
    As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
    It’s Shaykh Nurjan.
  • 32:24 - 32:31
    Thank you for watching the 
    video that you’re watching.
  • 32:31 - 32:36
    InshaAllah if you’re happy with the content 
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    the button below. The programs that we have for 
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  • 32:51 - 32:59
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  • 32:59 - 33:06
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    Also be so kind as to leave a loving comments
  • 33:06 - 33:13
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    As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Mount Sinai is in Saudi Arabia?! | Sufi Meditation Center

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