Ashraful Mursaleen, Sayyidina wa Mawlana
Muhammadul Mustafa ﷺ. Bi madadikum wa
nazarekum Sayyidi ya Rasulul Kareem (The Most
Generous Messenger), Ya Habibul ‘Azim (The
Beloved of the Magnificent). Madad Ya Sayyidi
Ya Sultanul Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Abdullahil
Faizad Daghestani, Sultan Shaykh Muhammad Nazim
Adil Haqqani, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani,
Shaykh Adnan Kabbani, Shaykh Muhammad
Adil wa Abdul Khaliq al Ghujdawani,
Sahib Zaman Sayyidina Muhammad al-Mahdi (as),
Ruhullah Sayyidina Isa (as), Sayfullah Sayyidina
Ali (as) thumma Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq
(as), Sayyidina Umar (as), Sayyidina Uthman (as),
Imam al-Hassan (as), Imam al-Hussain (as)
wa Sayyidatina Fatima tul Zahra (as).
Fi barakat Laylatul Isra wal Mi’raj (Night
Journey and Ascension) inshaAllah tonight,
tomorrow night that Allah (AJ) dress us and
bless us from the immensities of these lights
and this eternal dress Allah
(AJ) sending upon the soul and
the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
Bi Hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri
Surat al-Fatiha.
A’uzu Billahi Minash shaitanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.”
“Atiullah atiur Rasul wa Ulil amre minkum.”
And always a reminder for myself ana abdukal
'ajeezu, dayeefu, miskinu, zhalim, wa
jahl, and but for the grace of Allah (AJ)
that we are still in existence.
Alhamdulillah, inshaAllah Holy Qur’an
dress and light for our souls for all
of eternity. InshaAllah we’ll read
from Surat Al-Isra, 17 inshaAllah, the
first verse Hajji Shahid inshaAllah.
“A’uzu Billahi Minash shaitanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. Subhaanal
lazeee asraa bi'abdihee lailam minal Masjidil
Haraami ilal Masjidil Aqsal-lazee baaraknaa haw
lahoo linuriyahoo min aayaatinaa;innahoo Huwas
Samee'ul-Baseer.” SadaqAllahul ‘aliyyul ‘azim.
SadaqAllahul ‘Azim wa barakah
Rasulul Kareem (The Most Generous
Messenger). Alhamdulillah the night in
which Allah (AJ) called upon His servant,
His beloved Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and brought
him with physicality to the Divinely Presence
and alhamdulillah that Allah (AJ)
give to us, a means in which to…
As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
It’s Shaykh Nurjan.
Thank you for watching the
video that you’re watching.
InshaAllah if you’re happy with the content and
happy with these programs please support the
button below. The programs that we have for our
orphanage repairs, our water well – give the gift
of life. Our mobile food vans, we have now 5 vans
– Vancouver, Chicago, Los Angeles, Pakistan and
many programs that reach thousands of people and
rescue foods and give those supplies to people in
need. Your support is greatly appreciated. Also be
so kind as to leave a loving comments and please
share the stream. Every bit counts.
As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi
wa barakatuh.
achieve immense realities. That
from Masjid al-Haram, that Allah (AJ) giving to
us that everyone has a masjid and that it has
to become like Baitullah (house of Allah
(AJ)); “Qalb al mu’min Baitullah” which
is the importance of Masjid al Haram.
Means a heart in which no haram (forbidden),
a heart in which is busy trying to be cleaned.
Not that we don't sin, but we sin and we ask for
forgiveness and we keep praying that Allah (AJ)
grant us an ‘ajer and reward and write for us a
kismet (destiny) filled with good deeds and
good actions as much as shaitan (satan) is
making us to do bad actions. And that Allah (AJ)
is granting us and calling our attention that,
‘I took My servant. If you are following
in the way of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ
that I take from the Masjid al Haram, I take from
the heart in which no haram and I bring to Masjid
al-Aqsa, I bring into My Divinely Presence and
a mi'raj (ascension) into the Heavenly Kingdom.’
And our life is about making our house,
making our heart to be the house of God,
the house of Allah (AJ) and that we clean and
purify our heart, that we circumambulate the heart
and that everything in our circumambulation
is that based on Allah (AJ) first.
That our life, our choices are based on what
Allah (AJ) wants for us. And that's embodied with
the love and adherence to the way of Sayyidina
Muhammad ﷺ to the best of everyone's ability.
And living a life in which what Allah’s (AJ) not
pleased with to leave so that it doesn't enter the
heart, doesn't contaminate the heart, because that
which is not pleasing to Allah (AJ) then occupies
that what you are making tawaf (circumambulation)
around. So when we bring bad actions and bad
desires into the heart, we're circumambulating
around that bad desire and bad action
and it becomes us. It's hard to differentiate and
say, ‘No, I have a love for Allah (AJ) but I'm
circumambulating these bad desires,’ because that
which you circumambulate is your focus in life.
So the tariqah (spiritual path) is coming
and teaching us real life events. That it is
possible to enter into the Divinely Presence and
by the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ awliyaullah
(saints) come into our life and give us that
the Qur'an is drawing us into that reality.
That make your heart and imitate the way of
Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, that make your heart
to be Masjid al-Haram - no haram. That whatever
badness come asking tawbah (repentance), asking
to be washed, asking for forgiveness. We
said that the zikr (Divine remembrance) now
“Astaghfirullah al-'Azim” (I seek forgiveness
of Allah the Magnificent) 1000, 10,000 times
at the beginning of the day asking Allah (AJ)
forgiveness, forgiveness. ‘For everything I'm
doing wrong, everything from what I do
wrong, for what my family does wrong,
from what my community does wrong Ya Rabbi
grant us Your maghfirah and forgiveness’.
So that the house of Allah (AJ) and the heart
of the believer becomes Masjid al-Haram,
becomes the holy Ka'bah, in which the light
and the love of Allah (AJ) resides within
the heart of that servant. And as a result,
their circumambulation around their heart,
their actions and their deeds are matching.
And they give to us, they speak of all these
realities and begin to remind us it is
so easy to accomplish but yet so hard.
Means that people whom are waiting for Isra
wal Mi'raj (Night Journey and Ascension) and
asking and thinking that they're going to go
for a mi'raj, awliyaullah come into our lives
and teach us - it’s so simple. The mi'raj
of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is to Allah (AJ)
and the mi'raj for the believers and mu’mineen
and muhsin and mukhles (sincere) is the
love of Sayyidina Muhammad’s ﷺ.
You’ll be with whom you love.
Not that you had to do all
extraordinary actions to achieve
but Prophet ﷺ merely said, ‘You'll be with whom
you love and whom you love will be with you.’
Something that sounds so simple is a key
towards that reality. That our job was to clean,
stay clean, have good character, have good manners
and good adab and fulfill the covenant of love.
He says ‘Be sadiq (truthful), be
a truthful servant to love, love
and loyalty, love and honor.’ As a
result, the servant is a truthful servant.
Not they don't tell lies or they have to say
the truth even if it's insulting to everyone.
We described that in previous months from
Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (as) was teaching
us because these are his gates. Maka’as Siddiq
is to enter through the gate of truthfulness,
to leave through the gate of truthfulness because
the mi'raj of the believer is into the presence
of Sultanan Naseera (Victorious King).
That the baab and the gate has to be opened
by Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (as) for the
‘ashiqeen (lovers) whom sit and look and sit
and wait and Siddiqiya truth has to open for them
that Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (as) looks to
the servant and says that, ‘I know that you're
trying your best to be truthful to love.
That you uphold your honor and your dignity in
love’. And that's something that sounds so simple,
but in a world of deceit and deception, it seems
to be overwhelmingly more and more difficult.
People want to take a path of love and deceive
and use deception and have bad manners and
bad character. And all that Sayyidina Abu Bakr
as-Siddiq (as) is inspiring and teaching for us
is that how would you have
treated Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ?
As they treated, look at the lives of the holy
companions and how they had a reverence and
love for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. They were true to
their love. They knew nothing of Allah (AJ). They
didn’t see Allah (AJ). But that which they saw
of Ayatun min Ayatullah - the signs of Allah (AJ)
is they fell in love with him ﷺ and they served
him with their life and with their entire being.
And as a result of their truthfulness to that
love, what Sayyidina Bilal al-Habash (as)
taught us? Because all these companions are
representing immense maqams (stations).
The Maqamul Akhfa (Station of Most Hidden)
is the highest station of
annihilation, in which Abdul Ahad
in which a servant to the unique Oneness
of Allah (AJ). And the holy companion
Sayyidina Bilal al-Habashi (as) what he achieved
in his darajat (station) of ‘Ahad, Ahad, Ahad’?
For what? Because he was tortured
for the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
And the people of the community said, ‘You leave
the Muhammadan way, you can worship Allah (AJ) and
nobody will know but why you have to follow
Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ? Its creating a pandemonium
amongst all the slaves’. And this is a immense
reality of the servanthood of Allah (AJ) in which
they served their love for Sayyidina Muhammad
ﷺ with their lives, with their entire being.
So this gate of siddiqiyoon and sadiq is be
truthful to love. Have good character. Be loyal
to your love. That if you did something
wrong, you quickly ask for forgiveness.
That people they serve 10 years, 15 years
and when they feel they just walk away.
They go. This is not sadiq of love. This
is a dunya (material world) western person.
They have no concept of love,
loyalty, and honor and respect.
That you give your allegiance to love
and you don't leave it until you're dead.
And when you're dead, you're going to
witness your love. That which you love,
that which you served and that which you
kept all your loyalty to is the magnet
of your soul. It's the compass that drives the
ship, not the ‘aqel (intellect), not the brain.
You can’t cast your brain to be with whom
you thought you read a story about. It's
our ship. It's the guidance of the ship. It's the
magic compass that takes us to our destination.
Say, ‘I don't know, I haven't seen, I don't know
all these realities, but Sayyidi ya Rasulul Kareem
I have a immense love for you. And when my
body withers away and all my physicality goes,
I know that my love that's the light within
my soul will direct me to your presence’.
And you’ll be with whom you love and whom
you love is allowing you to be loved.
Allah (AJ) says, ‘We don't even allow
our name to be mentioned in their homes’.
What's the best home of a believer - is his
heart. If you have permission to say ‘Allah’,
Allah (AJ) gave you permission to say that.
Allah (AJ) in Qur'an al-Majeed is saying,
‘We don't even give permission for our
name to be mentioned in their homes.’
Means already Allah (AJ) gave if you can mention
the name of Allah (AJ) He gave a door and a key
of love, all we had to do was activate it. And
everything in this dunya, everything in this world
awakens us to realize not to be loving
people, not to have the character of love
because people are being fooled thinking
they are upholding Islamic issues.
‘Oh no Shaykh, I'm still in Islam. I can do this,
this, this but you know I can be rude and vulgar
and everything else’. Say no, you lost your whole
understanding. That's a much lower level. Yeah,
you may get by and you may go through the
difficulties of the grave but you're not
going to achieve these stations. You're
not going to achieve these proximities
because you broke the compass towards
that reality. The compass of this reality
is ishq (love) and muhabbat and to be a
sadiq and truthful servant to that love.
You upheld the love, your honored the love
and you served it with your life and death.
And soon may call your life,
everyone's life is being called.
We talked two weeks ago and was but one
shout and 1000s of buildings came down.
Did they not plan for it? Nor even thought
that something like that was coming.
So we don't know when our time comes.
And all that they inspire is that it’s such
an easy key is love and ishq and muhabbat.
And as a result, Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (as)
is teaching have the truthful love, the truthful
servanthood and at that time Sayyidina Abu Bakr
as-Siddiq (as) signs off and opens the heart that,
‘Come and enter amongst the sadiq and truthful
servants’. And the truthfulness of love is not
when you say you've been loved but when you have
been crushed by love and your heart never changes.
Why in this month of this immense proximity and
immense dress is Munafiqeen the surah (chapter)
because everybody may claim love and as
soon as they get angry, they say they hate
you. And Prophet ﷺ (AJ) describe - this is
the characteristic of a munafiq (hypocrite)
in which they claim to love you, but in
reality, they're jealous of you and hate you.
And in the first opportunity they will expose that
characteristic. This is a holy month of mi’raj,
the Holy Month of Rajab and Allah
(AJ) has the 63rd surah is Munafiqeen
showing us the exact nemesis of this reality.
That don't say that you said it by tongue.
But by every action you're going to be
tested, you're going to be insulted and
squeezed and crushed. Because they want to
see if you have a inner munafiq within you.
And if the inner munafiq begins to
whisper, it has to be destroyed.
And do what you do for Allah (AJ), not for your
attention, not for photos, not for publicity.
The photos and publicity are for the shaykh so
that people can be called to his reality and the
reflection of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, not to people
and distracting people into different directions.
This way of love and this way
of service is to be nothing.
As a result of knowing that the nemesis of this
love is munafiqeen (hypocrites), is hypocrisy
then you read Surat Al-Munafiqeen - the 63rd surah
of this month is the tajalli (manifestation) of
Rajab before Rajab ends. And Allah (AJ) in
just 11 ayah (verse), ayatul kareem (the
generous verse of Holy Qur’an) describes the
immensity of the danger of their character.
And the messiah is going to exhibit all of
them. He's going to call people to Islam,
to Allah (AJ) only. And he's going to call them
and want to make Hajj (pilgrimage) with them,
and come and do everything with them. They're
going to claim their right to the Ka'bah
and that they want to make Hajj and they
want to come and say, ‘One, we are one,
we follow La ilaha illAllah.’ But Allah (AJ)
describes them. Means this is the immensity and
the dangers that are opening upon this earth.
And that's why in the holy month of Rajab,
Allah (AJ) preordained and predestined
Surat Al-Munafiqeen as a immense warning
because their character is that everything
they asked them that, ‘Come, come,
if you're believing in Allah (AJ), and we did
things wrong, let us go to Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ
and ask his forgiveness’.
And Allah (AJ) describes them in
Surah Munafiqeen that they get angered. ‘What?’
They get filled with pride and turn their heads
means they want nothing to do with
the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ
nor will they ever enter into these
zikrullah (remembrance of Allah (AJ)) and
the majlis (association) of sali alan
Nabi ﷺ (praising upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ).
Immensity of danger, immensity of danger that’s
facing as the opening of these realities are
opening upon this earth. And for ‘ashiqeen so
simple. If they have a love and they have an ishq,
this gate begins to open and they merely have
to know with all their heart that it's your love
that takes you through that gate. It's your love
that keeps you with whom you're supposed to be
with. Because people with their ‘aqel
and their mind, they think they have
to recite certain things and they're going to
achieve certain things. And it's just so easy.
If you were true to your love, you know how you
served with your love. You know the condition
of your heart and was your heart true to your
love. As a result if it was true, you feel their
presence, you feel the presence of the shaykh. You
served with your life, with your wealth, with your
time with everything and every bit of you was in
service. You feel their presence and that you know
whatever their dress is, is dressed upon you and
you feel the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
And it's only through that love that wherever
the one whom I love is being dressed, I'm being
dressed. And this is a night in which all of us
have the immense love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ
and he would never leave his ‘ashiqeen. That from
whatever his soul is being dressed by Allah (AJ)
and all that he asked from us is
be truthful to your love with good
character. From whatever Allah (AJ) dressing
the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ blessing.
He takes the dress of Allah (AJ) and blesses his
‘ashiqeen, take away difficulties and hardships
from their souls. And all they have to do is
just sit in that love, have good character and
good manners. And they know that that's being
deposited onto their account. That, ‘Shaykh
I don't feel anything’. You're not to feel
anything. The time is too dangerous right now.
Very dangerous times have opened. Any energies
and tajallis are sparking the attentions of
shayateen (devils). Everything is being safely
deposited where they need to be deposited.
But there has to be a sakinah (tranquility)
within the heart of the servant that they
know they served with love. Some they come for
whatever intention, for a fame, for networking,
for money, for contacts. But when they review
themselves and say, ‘No, I came for love
and in my heart of hearts, I feel
that love and I know what I came for’.
They have a sakinah within their
own heart and with their own being.
And as a result, they put their back upon that
reality. They don't have to prove it to anyone.
But everyone when they're by themselves,
they know how they served this way.
They know what they put into this and what they
got out of it. What you put into something is
what you get out of it. If you put nothing
into it, alhamdulillah you still got immense
realities because just mentioning the name
‘Allah’, it can't even be weighed on a scale.
But this sense of sakinah on this holy night, Say,
‘Oh Shaykh, when is the night coming? When is it
coming?’ When the night comes, the one whom you
love is deep in that reality. And you feel that
love and you'll be dressed by it. Don't worry, it
won’t pass you, it doesn't miss you because love
doesn't leave you alone. If we're not getting
it that the spiritual magnet draws us together.
And whatever that generous soul is receiving, is
immensely emanating out and the only condition
is love. Because love draws us to a proximity. Not
the one who has the fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence)
memorized, the one who is hifz (memorize) of
this and hifz of that and the one who's external
actions is like this and external actions like
that. But their love was true. Their soul was
true. Their loyalties were true, and they were
tested and crushed through it. And yet they
never changed the condition of their love. And
as a result, they know that their souls are near
like an atom radiating into the nucleus.
And whatever that nucleus is achieving is
emanating out, dressing and blessing them with
knowledges and faiz (downpouring blessings) and
emanations that can’t be imagined to safeguard
them against the days of difficulty that are
opening upon this nation. Don't think it's
coincidence that now they're recognizing ‘Oh,
yeah, we didn't go to Egypt. We actually went
into Saudi Arabia’. And all the sites that were
biblical sites are actually in Saudi Arabia and
the mountain where Nabi Musa (as) was talking to
Allah (AJ), it's in Hijaz. The mountaintop
is burned when they show the mountaintop.
The rock in which he split and the 12 tribes drank
is in Hijaz. The whole of that area is in Hijaz
and they were making tawaf and they're going to
come and say, ‘No, this is actually our place’.
Allah (AJ) inshaAllah the only
preparation for a believer is love.
Not aggression, not anger, not bad character,
but people will be tested with love.
Don't put out your bad mouth. Don't say things
that you regret. Don't write things that you
regret. Just keep the way of solitude in which
you're silent and patient, silent and patient.
In times of energies being bad and energies
being confusing for people, learn to live a
life of solitude. There is an energy pandemic much
more dangerous than any pandemic from the World
Health Organization - the Nemesis WHO, the false
Hu. You don't see how Allah (AJ) programmed this
world and the humor that Allah (AJ) has.
That He named them ‘WHO’ [Shaykh laughs]
and with a ‘asaa (cane) and a snake on
it. Right? Because they're going to copy
the sunnah (traditions of Prophet
Muhammad ﷺ), but with shaitan on.
More dangerous than those physical sickness is the
sickness of energy, in which people begin to have
a confused energy, a misaligned energy and when
they spend too much with somebody, too much time,
too much talking, too much jabbering, as a
result they’re unloading that energy on to you
and before you know it, you're getting all sorts
of vibrations and energies from other people.
This is a time in which to go to work,
go home, spend time with your family.
There's not much time and need to do
anything else. The more exposure you
have and the more energies people begin to
pick up, the more their wires become crossed.
And that's a danger, that's a danger. That's
why the people whom they understood and they
seclude themselves, they do what they need to do
for their rizq and their sustenance, take care
of their family and be pleasantly secluded with
their zikr, with their practices, with the love,
with the live broadcast, with the knowledges.
We pray that Allah (AJ) grant us through the
Isra wal Mi’raj that the believers their mi'raj
is into the heart of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
And those whom don't have that love,
they missed the mi'raj. They get the
drizzling of rain and barakah (blessing), no doubt
but do their souls go into that proximity? No,
because as much as we try to teach them of
love, as much as Allah (AJ) inspire 1000s of
‘ulama (scholar) to reach to this point,
which is the last days of this earth,
that you have to love. “Qul in kuntum
tuhibbon Allaha fattabi’uni, yuhbibkumullah”.
And Allah (AJ) then describes them in Surah
Munafiq, ‘They will never come to you and they
will never ask your forgiveness and they want
nothing to do with that reality, leave them and
leave the people whom left zikrullah’ because it
also has the praisings upon Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
So we pray that Allah (AJ) safeguard us,
protect us and keep us with good manners,
good character. And so simple a key
is to have that love within our hearts
and that Allah (AJ) safeguard our families and our
communities and all our loved ones, inshaAllah.
Subhana rabbika rabbal ‘izzati ‘amma
yasifoon, wa salaamun ‘alal mursaleen,
walhamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen. Bi hurmati
Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha.
As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
It’s Shaykh Nurjan.
Thank you for watching the
video that you’re watching.
InshaAllah if you’re happy with the content
and happy with these programs please support
the button below. The programs that we have for
our orphanage repairs, our water well – give the
gift of life. Our mobile food vans, we have now 5
vans – Vancouver, Chicago, Los Angeles, Pakistan
and many programs that reach thousands of people
and rescue foods and give those supplies to people
in need. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Also be so kind as to leave a loving comments
and please share the stream. Every bit counts.
As salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh.