So, who will start the bidding?
No bids?
Surely she can work in your fields.
All right, let me see this for a second.
I'm playing.
All right, ladies and gentlemen,
we got to say the arch technological
achievement of 21st century.
Who will give you $5?
I got you.
We got our better.
I've got you.
But I'm looking for five.
Who will give you five?
How about you, beautiful young lady?
Oh, I'll be put it that way.
I'll give you five if you
don't give it back to me.
Going once.
Going twice.
Sold to the original owner for $5.
Next on the menu, we have
Carrie sleeping bag for 250.
Hello, Miss Helen.
Come on in.
Well, we're here.
Brother Stewart.
You got her to come?
It was a struggle, but she finally agreed.
It's going to be a great trip.
I'm so glad.
Sometimes I don't know
what to do with her.
Wow, teenagers.
And then just before we left,
her mother called,
making all kinds of promises about how she
was going to come and take
her with her again.
That makes it hard.
I feel so sorry for her.
Deep down inside, she is a sweet girl.
I hope she cooperates for you.
I'm sure she will.
Ashley, it's good to see you again.
I'm glad you're coming camping with us.
Not my choice.
Don't you worry about a thing,
all right, Miss Ellen?
We're going to take good care of her.
Thank you.
Have fun, sweetheart.
Hey, guys.
Ready to go?
Where are the kids?
This is us.
But there are 30 kids in our youth group.
30 in the youth group.
Ten who signed up.
Six had to cancel at the last minute.
So this is all of us.
Well, this isn't going to be any fun.
I don't want to go if I'm the only girl.
Well, as it turns out,
you're not the only girl.
We actually have Ashley coming with us.
You remember Kerry.
And you have Cooper.
Call me Cooper.
And lastly, we have Game Boy.
And here, right on time,
is my beautiful wife.
Hi, hon.
Hey, guess what?
We have Ashley coming with us.
Oh, fantastic.
Ashley, good to see you.
I'm Beth.
Have you been camping before?
Neither have I,
but I'm sure it'll be fine.
Plus, the cabins supposed
to have air conditioners.
What's he talking about?
There aren't any cabins.
Honey, do you have everything you need?
You know what?
I have to run to the office.
If you don't mind getting
everybody loaded up.
I'll be down in a second.
Ashley, why don't you come into the van?
I'll get your bag.
Look at her bag.
We're only going to be gone for two days.
She's never been camping before,
so she overpacked.
Steve, I got to be bugs.
Yeah, cool.
We're camping in the woods.
There's going to be bugs.
I hate bugs.
We're not even there yet and she's
already doing her nails.
You can borrow my Bugs for a coupe.
Thanks, man.
No problem.
I know what you're thinking.
She's out of your league.
Carrie is right.
She only dates guys with money.
How do you know?
I know.
What I know are a big bus.
Yes, big enough to bite your head off.
You don't know that.
Ashley only dates guys that can
buy her lots of stuff.
And you're not rich enough.
There's more to life than money.
I'm just saying, I think
she's out of your week.
It's not like I'm going to date her.
Than what?
I think she just needs
a friend, that's all.
Kerry, you think one can
of Bugs free will do it?
Do what?
Keep the big bugs away.
Let'S go.
Everybody load up.
The bags aren't going to pack themselves.
All right, guys.
All right, everybody,
let's get out and check around.
It should be your home
for the next two nights.
Is this it?
This is it.
Where are the cabins?
You know?
Coop, this is wilderness living.
No cabins.
But Carrie said there would be cabins.
Why do you think they asked
us to bring on sleeping bags?
So you mean we actually have
to sleep on the ground with the bus?
Oh, wait.
You know what?
We might not even have tents.
No tents?
What if it rains?
Don't worry, Coop.
We brought tents.
You know what, Stuart?
I like it.
Looks good.
What about snakes?
Any snakes up here?
No, I don't think we get
snakes this time of year.
That's relief.
I don't think so.
Hey, Ashley, we're only going
to be here for this weekend.
Do you really need all that luggage?
I couldn't decide what to wear.
I couldn't decide what to wear.
Come on, be nice.
She's just different.
It doesn't make her a bad person.
No, but the fact that she's stuck up,
spoiled, and self involved does.
Not fill the time.
He's a funny kid.
When we're back.
We love this place, don't we?
Yeah, we sure do.
Something good always happens up here.
All right, everybody, let's go.
Grab your tents.
Gameboy, what are you doing?
Making another hot dog.
That's like your third one.
It's my fourth.
You're cooking me in hot dog?
Stewart, thank you very much, Gameboy.
It's the only thing I learned how
to do right at culinary school.
What kind of school?
Culinary cooking.
You went to a school to learn
how to cook hot dogs?
No, Coop.
Stewart's kidding.
But that's what culinary school is.
A school where you learn
how to cook hot dogs?
What's so funny?
It's a school where you learn
to cook, not just hot dogs.
You don't know anything.
I didn't know.
It's okay, Coop.
Learn something new every day.
I actually wanted to study hamburgers.
We had to go for an extra year to do that.
My family and I camp out like this a lot.
This will be a fun weekend, you'll see.
Okay, look, I don't really
want to talk to anybody, okay?
I mean, no offense, but I hate
it out here and I'm just trying.
To get through this as quick as possible.
Okay, I understand.
Appreciate it.
All right, since we're all gathered
around, let's take a moment to get
to know one another a little better.
All right, I want to ask
everybody a few questions.
Is this going to be one
of those dumb games?
Oh, this isn't going to be one
of those dumb games, Stewart.
Think of it as an experiment, all right?
And everyone has to answer.
So here's the question.
What is your favorite book in the Bible?
Coop, you go first.
Favorite book?
How about gas, blood, job?
Do I have to?
Yeah, you have to.
Come on.
Steve, how about you?
Game Boy?
I prefer Amos.
What are you laughing at?
Yes, Amos.
It's in the Old Testament.
I know where Amos is.
Leave it to Game Boy to be different.
Game Boy says he likes Amos.
There's some good stuff in Amos.
We'll go with that.
And last Ashley Steward.
Ashley, please.
It really doesn't matter.
You got to choose one.
Matthew it is.
Okay, now, can each of you tell me
something about your favorite book?
It can be a verse, something
that spoke to you, anything.
Now tell me something about John.
I don't know.
I can't think of anything.
Right on the spot.
Let'S let Steve go.
Come on, it's your turn.
Can't really think of anything right now.
Steve, how about you?
For all of sinned and have come
short of the glory of God?
Romans 323.
That's why we all need Jesus about you.
Game Boy.
You want me to tell you something
about the book of Amos?
So it was your favorite book?
Yeah, but I didn't know we were
going to have a pop quiz on it.
Oh, all right.
Can you tell me something about Matthew?
No, I can't.
All right.
Thanks for being honest.
All right, last question.
If you could change one thing about
your character, what would it be?
I don't know.
I never thought about it.
Okay, well, take your time.
I guess not to be so scared of everything.
Like bugs.
Hey, that's a legitimate fear.
Doctors diagnose it all the time.
Yeah, bug doctors.
I agree with Coupe.
It's a legitimate fear.
I accept it.
Stuart, no offense with these questions.
They have a purpose.
Please, just give me something.
I don't know.
Reach out to more people, I guess.
It's good.
Be more sensitive to others.
I realized that a lot of people look good
on the outside, but on the inside
they're really hurting.
Okay, good.
Game Boy?
I guess.
Be more attentive my mind
wanders sometimes.
And Ashley, I don't like this.
I know.
Last question.
Come on, Ashley.
I'm hoping for this point.
Be more neat.
Be more neat.
Ashley, you're like the neatest
person I've ever met.
Oh, this is good.
We could all, present company included,
be a little more neat.
Okay, what's the point?
The point is that you all gave really
good answers for the most part.
And if you notice,
they were all pretty different.
That's the point.
It's okay to be different.
We don't all have to try
to be like everyone else.
We need to recognize that we were
all created by God to be ourselves.
And instead of just criticizing each other
and tearing each other down,
we should see each other as special in
the eyes of the Lord and help each other.
Sound like a plan?
Sounds good, Stuart.
Oh, also, I think just while we're here,
might be a good idea to brush up
on our favorite books in the Bible.
Do I see a bug?
I was just messing with you.
It's just a twig, not a bug.
Not funny, Steve.
What's wrong?
Steve put a bug on my face.
It was just a twig, Steve.
Didn't feel like it.
Almost had a heart attack, man.
I was just trying to help
you overcome your fear.
Well, surely you can find
a better way to do that.
Come on, it's night time turning.
Not funny, Steve.
Okay, I'm sorry, Coop.
At least it wasn't a real bug.
Yeah, well, just for that, I'm not
paying you back for a can of bug spray.
It's just a joke.
No, jokes make people laugh,
not fear for their laughs.
Still hoping.
Hoping for what?
You know, I saw you trying
to talk to her earlier.
Well, someone has to.
Maybe you should.
You said you wanted to reach out more.
Is that your motive?
Reach out?
Of her?
No way.
I think you are.
I think you like her.
I have some compassion.
My mom knows Ashley's grandmother,
and Ashley's living with her because her
mom's living with her new boyfriend.
Your mom's always finding guys
that have money and can buy her things.
Maybe Ashley is the way she is
because she doesn't know any better.
Or maybe she's just the way
she is because she likes it.
And she's these guys to get nice
things just like her mother.
Has it ever occurred to you that maybe one
of the purposes of this trip
is to show her a better way?
That girl is nothing like
us and she never will be.
You don't know that.
She may be tough on the outside, but on
the inside, I think she's really hurting.
And you can be the one
to rescue her, right?
Good pancakes, Beth.
Yeah, they sure are.
Thank you.
I'll have some more
for you in just a minute.
It's actually Stewart's recipe.
No, I don't think so.
Oh, come on.
Beth makes the pancakes,
I make the French toast.
Hey, game boy.
How are you liking your pancakes?
I'm finding them very palatable.
Yeah, it means he likes them.
You speak a different language, Game Boy.
Hey, Kerry, why don't you go see if
Ashley would like some pancakes?
I would really prefer not to.
I think it'd be a nice gesture.
Having pancakes for breakfast.
How many do you want?
Who said I wanted pancakes?
This isn't a restaurant.
She's making pancakes.
So how many?
I don't want any.
She said she doesn't want any.
They're not getting that for her.
So, Stuart, what are we going to do today?
We're going to change the oil
in the van and rotate the tires.
And since we're there,
we might as well get the vacuum cleaner
out and just kind
of spruce it up a little.
We can't not work.
He's just messing with the Cooper.
Plus, there's not an electrical
outlet to run the vacuum.
I mean, why do you think I brought
extra batteries for my game?
Always thinking there, Game Boy.
So, what are we going to do?
I have an idea.
I say we go scuba diving in the lake.
That sounds like fun.
You can't go scuba diving in the lake.
You got to go scuba diving in the ocean.
Did you bring the scuba gear?
You know what?
I didn't.
You know what I did bring them?
Fishing pole.
All right, everybody,
we about ready to go?
I am.
Hi, Stewart.
Thanks for letting me borrow this net.
Thank me.
Thank Beth.
She's the one who thought
you might need it.
Thanks, Beth.
You're welcome.
I'm ready to where's gay Boy?
Oh, he's coming.
Okay, Steve, where is it?
My game.
I can't find my game.
What did you do?
Did you try to sell it to somebody again?
I didn't take your game.
You're laughing.
See, you can't keep a straight face.
I know you took it.
I didn't take it.
Coop, did you take it?
I didn't take it.
Well, I can't go fishing
until I find my game.
We didn't take it.
Well, where is it then, Stewart?
Do you know?
Sorry, Game Boy.
I don't you remember
the last place you saw?
We'll help you find it.
Well, I know I had it in my tent
last night before Steve took it.
Hey, Ashley.
Ready to go home?
Everybody's got to go fishing, Ashley.
Yeah, I know, but I don't want to.
We're going to have a good time.
I'd much rather stay here.
Everybody has to go, okay?
Come on.
Stewart's rules.
I'm ready.
And I love fishing.
It's my favorite thing about camping.
I can't wait.
Well, that's the spirit, Gary.
Listen, why don't you go ahead and tell
Stewart will be there in a minute.
Thank you, Ashley.
I'll be expecting you.
We have to find this game, boys.
What's wrong?
I can't find my game.
Steve took it, but he won't admit it.
The last time I didn't take your game.
See, you're laughing.
Guilty is charged.
You mean the game that you left
behind the log after breakfast?
There it is.
Thanks, Carrie.
You're the best.
Hey, guys.
Thanks for helping me look for the game.
Now let's go.
The fish are waiting.
Got a love game, boy Told you.
I didn't take it.
If somebody doesn't catch a fish,
we're not going to have
anything to eat for dinner.
We'll catch them.
Maybe we should give a prize out
to the first person who catches one.
What, they get to change
the oil on the bus?
That's funny.
I know he's not going
to catch the first one.
Gay boy, you got one.
Hey, Carrie, you've ever
been fishing before?
Yeah, all the time.
My dad used to fishing tournaments,
and now we go with him.
Being in a boat doesn't make
you a fisherman, Carrie.
I beg your pardon?
I bet I've been fishing
more than you have.
No, not a chance.
Cook man grew up with his own personal
fishing pond right in his backyard.
I've been fishing ever since
I was a little bobbin.
Got you there, Carrie.
Well, we'll see who catches the first one.
Would you mind taking
a drink to Stewart for me?
I guess.
Thank you.
You know what you're supposed to do
is to catch a big one, right, Kate?
A big one in this lake?
Kind of like the big ones
used to catching your pond.
She got you there, too.
Well, when you think you got one,
the first thing you got to do is take
a step back and pull your
Paul hard like this.
I'm sorry.
You are such an idiot.
Ashley, do you know how
much this outfit costs?
I said I'm sorry.
Yes, well, I'm going to send
you the dry cleaning bill.
He said he was sorry.
It matters now.
Why did you even come on this trip anyway?
You obviously don't want to be here.
You think I wanted to be here?
And you certainly don't fit in.
Carrie, my grandmother made
me come on this trip, okay?
I hate this church, though.
Because you think you're too good for us?
All right, guys, just keep fishing.
I'll be back in a minute.
I don't want to talk, all right?
I don't like her and she doesn't
like me, and that's that.
So what if you came over here
to say you can just save it?
She needs our help.
She's beyond our help.
What if the Lord had
that attitude about us?
She's someone with the attitude.
Can't you see that?
Okay, even if she does,
how should we react?
I'm not sorry for what I said.
It was the truth.
Like I said.
Just save it.
Just leave me alone, okay?
Ashley, it was an accident.
You know what?
She's right, okay?
I don't belong here.
I don't belong anywhere.
That is not so.
We love having you here with us.
I just want to go home.
Look, I think if you just meet everyone
halfway, you'd see they're a great group.
And that's just going to fix everything.
Look, I understand that your life's
been hard with your family situation.
No, you don't understand.
I've never met my father because he loved
when I was little, and I've lost count
of how many boyfriends my mom has had.
Because of all of them,
Ashley's always in the way,
and I get shuffled to some family member.
Is that how life is for you?
Is it?
Because if not, please do not
tell me that you understand.
Didn't look good.
My girl is really troubled.
Well, can you blame her?
I mean, the way she'd been passed around.
How's Carrie?
I don't know.
Probably feels terrible
the way she blew up at her.
What can we do?
Nothing for now.
She let both girls be alone for a while.
Actually just needs a huge
dose of unconditional love.
What did you just say?
Ashley needs a huge dose
of unconditional love.
All right, since this is our last night
here, I think it would be
appropriate to end with a story.
Can we tell ghost stories?
Let me tell him.
Hey, tell him about the guy with the hook.
I'm going to tell the story, all right?
It's going to be a love story,
not a ghost story.
Well, it's more guys and girls.
We should be able to pick.
Can I at least still have
a guy with a hook in it?
Yeah, that'll work.
A love story about a guy with a hook.
This is actually a Bible story
about a man named Hosea.
He's a prophet in the Old Testament.
Come on.
The Old Testament.
This is the now, not the then.
You haven't even heard the story yet.
It's a good one, I promise.
And you might be surprised
to find out how it applies to us.
I'd rather hear a ghost story.
No, offensive.
It's Jose.
It's Josea.
You don't know the guy.
Yes, I do.
I've read Jose before.
You have not.
Yes, I have.
You have not.
All right?
in order to understand the story of Jose,
you got to know something about
the times he was living in.
In those days, God's people, Israel,
was divided into two kingdoms the Northern
Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom.
the Southern Kingdom was faithful
in following God,
but the Northern Kingdom, not so much.
They had chosen to worship pagan gods
from neighboring countries
instead of following the Lord.
And because of this lack of faithfulness
by the Northern Kingdom,
god was sending in the Assyrians
to attack and enslave them.
But even in his judgment,
God loved his people.
He wanted to give them every opportunity
to come back to Him.
And so he sent them a warning.
He sent them a prophet, a man named Hosea.
For I desire mercy and not sacrifice
the knowledge of God and not bird
offerings, so says the Lord, are God.
Therefore shall the land mourn,
and everyone who dwells therein shall
languish with the beasts of the field
and with the fowls in heaven.
Yea, the fishes of the sea
also shall be taken away.
I thought you said that
this was a love story.
It sounds depressing.
Sounds like the making of an awesome video
game where those Assyrian
guys come to attack.
Don't worry, Carrie.
Don't worry.
The love story part is coming.
I just got to keep setting
the stage a little bit.
All right?
To God, the people of Israel are
like his wife, his one true love.
Only she keeps being unfaithful
to him by worshipping other gods.
What God really wanted was for someone
to understand how he was feeling.
That's where Jose comes in.
Jose was a good man, and God knew
that he could relate to him.
It's also where Jose's future wife,
Gomer, comes in.
Wait a minute.
What kind of name is that?
What's her name?
I don't see anything wrong with it.
Right up there with Amos.
Hey, what if Game Boy married gomer.
Game Boy and gomer.
Like I was saying, this is where
Gomer comes into the picture.
Now, the Bible tells us that Gomer
was a woman of harlotry.
But what we don't know is,
was she already a harlot?
Or was that just something that was in her
heart that she would one day act out on?
That's not even really the point.
The point is that she would
never be faithful to one man.
She would sell herself and her love
in exchange for expensive jewelry
and a place of status in her society.
In a way, she was kind of like
the people of the Northern Kingdom.
Never being faithful to their God.
Always looking to other false
gods for prosperity or prestige.
And then God said to Hosea,
take this woman as your wife.
Such beautiful bracelets.
Yes, they are indeed.
Are you buying them for someone?
For my wife.
Very fortunate woman.
She is.
I wish I were that fortunate.
Maybe one day you will be.
There you are.
I've been looking for you.
Why did you leave the temple?
I've heard your sayings before.
They are not just sayings.
These are prophecies from the Lord.
I decided to come
to marketplace ahead of you.
Such beautiful bracelets.
We know we cannot afford them.
Sometimes it is better not to even
gaze upon the things we cannot have.
So beautiful.
Do you remember this place, Gomer?
This is where I first approached you to
tell you that God wanted me to marry you.
I never understood why you would
want to marry someone like me.
Because it was the Lord's will.
And I promised to love you a lifetime.
You have business left.
Go ahead.
I will see you at home.
Zetakaya, my friend.
And what have you for me?
Another jar, I hope.
You are.
A beauty.
I can see that you work hard on these.
Creating these from the dust and clay
helped me to understand the Lord better.
I see how fragile we all really are.
Well, I just hope you keep bringing your
work so I can sell to my customers.
Yes, of course I will.
It is our only means of provision.
Here is your share from the last one.
Thank you.
I was afraid I must confess
that my jars might stop selling.
You are speaking
to the people again today?
Yes, I deliver to them
the words of the Lord.
Why do you talk of such great judgment?
Times are good.
To some.
It may seem so zedigaia,
but the truth is we have abandoned our
true god in exchange for little
statues that we pretend our gods.
Something terrible is coming.
And if the people of the Northern Kingdom
do not repent and turn from their ways,
we will all suffer a horrible fate.
Your God does not sound so kind.
He is not only my God.
Zacaya, have you forgotten
the name of your true God?
His name is Jehovah.
Let us not talk of such things.
I do not want to upset the work
and relationship that we have.
Horrible things.
I see that Gomer
was about the marketplace today.
Yes, she came with me.
She is a very beautiful woman,
but she has a wondering eye.
I see the way she looks at other men.
Please do not see such things as the guy.
It is the truth.
She is not a woman you can.
Trust with your heart.
I do not understand why you're married.
The Lord told me to do so.
Surely they were finer and purer
women for you to marry.
She is in need of love like everyone else.
Gomer, the daughter of Diblahim,
has never lacked in love.
She is being faithful to me now.
And there is a difference between the love
she is used to receiving
and the love that I have for her.
Only a broken heart will
this woman give you.
We'Ve been talking about you.
Some people do not like what you
were saying, so why do you persist?
The words I speak are from the.
Lord, for they are harsh.
Oh, my wife, they are truth.
Always the truth.
Because of your words,
they do not speak with me either.
I cannot change what the Lord
instructs me to say.
But why does God not show
mercy to the people?
God has shown great mercy with his people
by allowing them to live in their
sinful ways for such a long time.
The people have forgotten the great
things the Lord has done for them.
Perhaps if God was not so judgmental,
the people would respond.
Lord God, I pray that your
words might affect the people.
I pray that they would turn
their hearts back to you again.
Please, God, forgive us our sins.
Help us to turn away
from sacrifices to idols.
Cause us to be the people who long for you
and only for you.
Yes, Steve?
I don't mean to interrupt you here,
but I've read the story of Gomer and Jose
before, and I don't remember any of this.
Well, you're not wrong.
The book of Hosea doesn't go into detail
about how Hosea and Gomer met or the
circumstances surrounding their marriage.
It simply says that God told Jose
to marry Gomer, and so he did.
What I'm doing is just
coming up with a way that it might have
happened so you can get a little
more appreciation for the facts.
We do know from the Bible that Hosea
married Gomer and that Gomer
gave birth to his son.
And the Lord told Hosea to call the child
Jesrael because he would put
an end to the kingdom of Israel.
Okay, what was his name?
You see, the judgment was coming, and
the Lord was trying to warn the people.
It was God's will that the child be called
Jesrael as a prophecy against
the Northern Kingdom.
Wait a minute, Stuart.
I've got a question.
If God knew that Gaumo was going to be
unfaithful, then why would
he have Jose marry her?
Especially because he said
that he was a good man.
God wanted Jose to understand him.
I mean, that's the key here.
He wanted Hosea to love so deeply,
knowing that it would never be returned.
It's a hard lesson, but in the end.
Well, I'm getting ahead of myself.
He's finally sleeping.
I have to go to the temple.
Again tomorrow to set another jar.
Yes, and I need to speak
to the people again.
Jose, why can you not just be
concerned about taking care of us?
We have enough food.
We have a place to live,
a place for our son to sleep.
It is the people we need
to be concerned about.
These are good times for the people.
The harvest was plentiful,
merchants are selling.
Their goods, but we don't acknowledge
the one who is providing for us.
And we have traded the living God
for silent statues no
more than pieces of clay.
Hosea, what have you gained
by obeying your God?
How can you say such a thing?
He is your god too.
We need money, Hosea,
not more prophecies of doom.
Hear this, you priests.
Hearken you.
House of Israel.
Give ear, O you house of the king,
for judgment is toward you.
I know Efraim and Yisrael
is not hid from me for now.
O eprayim you commit prostitution.
And yes, Rayel is defiled.
He speaks of prostitution while
his own wife is a harlot.
They do not frame their doings to turn
onto their God,
for the spirit of prostitution is in the
land, and they have not known the Lord.
And the pride of Yisrael
does testify to his face.
Therefore shall Yisrael and Ephraim
fall in their iniquity.
Judah also shall fall with them.
They have dealt treacherously against
the Lord, for they have
begotten strange children.
So says the Lord, our God.
The only person bearing
strange children is your wife.
You speak of this judgment to come
only to provoke the people.
My heart breaks for God's people.
Your words are false.
The words that I deliver to you are
the words of the Lord, and they are true.
We need to take heed
before it is too late.
If you keep speaking these words,
we shall deal treacherously with you.
So good to see you, my friend.
I had thought you had found
yourself another business partner.
No, it has been hard for me to find
time to make jars these days.
Which was this one?
Perhaps if you would spend less time
warning the people and more time tending.
To your jars, you would find
yourself better suited.
The Lord and his work
must always come first.
Be careful with the people, Hosea.
I do not want to see
anything happen to you.
Neither do I.
We'll see you next time.
Jose, you forgot your pay.
Why wouldn't the people listen?
Because they probably thought Hosea was
a nutcase with all that judgment talk.
And you heard Zeteka.
Times were good.
Sometimes it's hard to hear
God when it's going well.
Yeah, but these people are deaf.
Well, it's easy to forget that he's
the one who allows us to prosper.
I'm not forgetting,
and I would have listened.
No, you wouldn't have.
Yes, I would have.
And I would have helped Jose too.
And you know what, Coop?
I bet Jose would have
appreciated that help.
You have returned so soon.
I have said what I needed
to say to the people.
Did you get a good price in a jar?
Yes, I did.
Zeta Kaya here is always fair with me.
Where is the payment?
I do not have it.
I have forgotten to take
it from Zetekaiah.
That money is our only means.
Zedekiah is a loyal friend.
He will keep the money for me.
I shall go there tomorrow and get it.
I am tired now from the day's journey.
And you are bringing us to poverty.
The Lord is providing.
And soon we'll have nothing at all.
And where are you going?
To the marketplace,
to get your payment from Zekai.
Tomorrow will be soon enough.
What brings you to the
marketplace at Close?
I have come from my husband's pay.
Yes, of course.
Jose left in such a hurry.
I tried calling out to him.
Here you go.
Thank you.
We need this payment.
You have a fine man in Hosea.
A man who is bringing us to poverty.
His jobs always bring a good price.
But he does not make enough of them.
He spends too much time being
concerned about the people.
Your husband speaks boldly for his God.
Have you noticed no one is listening?
What I have noticed is that your
husband loves you very much.
I won't be on my way.
Shh shh, shh shh shh.
It is you.
I did not mean to scare you.
You surprised me.
I've been looking for you
each day at the marketplace.
I do not come here often.
I want to see you.
You were married?
I'm giving my wife a bill of divorcement.
I have a husband who loves me.
Your husband's of no concern to me.
But you you're a very beautiful woman.
And you deserve beautiful things.
So beautiful, beautiful
things that I can give you.
I've been waiting for you, Jose.
Are you frightened?
I was unable to sleep.
You said that you were going
to the market to see Zedekaya.
But this was many hours ago.
My wife.
Where have you been?
I went also to see my father.
I thought it'd be best
to spend time with him.
He isn't feeling well.
Deblyim's health is failing.
I thought it'd be best
I spent time with him.
Yes, of course.
I wish you to see that blame
as often as you like.
This is Galmer.
What a loser.
Jose should have dumped it.
Jose was doing what God told him to do.
He couldn't dump her.
That's right.
When you make a vow
to the Lord, you keep it.
No matter what the circumstances
are of the situation.
You stay true to your word.
And marriage is a vow.
The Lord put that deep into Hosea's heart.
Well, I didn't mean something really.
Dump her.
I know you didn't.
You just didn't like her
unfaithfulness to Hosea.
Just as God didn't like his
people's unfaithfulness to him.
The Bible tells us that Gomer conceived
again and gave birth to a daughter.
And the Lord told Hosea to name this child
loruma that he would no more have
mercy upon the house of Israel.
Hear the word of the Lord,
you children of Israel.
For the Lord has a controversy
with the inhabitants of this land.
There is no truth, no mercy,
nor knowledge of God in the land.
There is only cursing and lying, killing
and stealing and committing adultery.
Therefore shall the land mourn,
and everyone that dwells
in it shall languish.
These are the words of the Lord our God.
Dare you continue to speak these
words of judgment against us?
I say to you, Jahas, and to all the people
you bow down to God that are no gods.
And you have rejected the Lord God,
your true maker.
But we are blessed.
Our purses are full.
We have no need for the ways of your God.
The ways of the Lord are right
and the just shall walk in them.
Hosea is jealous because we are
prosperous and he has come into poverty.
Do you see this bear in olive tree?
Such will be the result
of your prosperity.
You shall all of you become as barren as
this tree if you do not
turn back to the true God.
The God of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob.
It is you that is Baron.
Our gods have well taken care of us.
To all the people I say after the judgment
your God will not forget his children.
The day will come when all ye Sriel will
return unto the Lord and this tree
shall be full again.
Hosea is jealous because we are
prosperous and he has come into poverty.
It is you that is barren.
Our gods have well taken care of us.
Did she still it?
Cooper, would you stop interrupting?
I just want to know if she stole it.
No, the rich guy bought it
for what makes you say that?
Because that's what rich guys do.
They buy things for women.
That's how they get them to like them.
How do you know?
I know it.
I know.
Plus Jose savings were
still in a safe spot.
Who is the rich guy?
But money can't buy true love.
Yeah, but that's not
what Gomer was thinking.
Sorry Steve, but this Jose got maybe
you're profiting at all,
but he's not very smart.
Yes, I saw through this Gomer
lady at least a half hour ago.
You know what?
You're all pleading a very good
case and I hear you loud and clear.
Which brings me to this.
There's a verse in the Bible all the way
back in the book of Numbers that says
you can be sure that your
sin will find you out.
So what do you think is about to happen?
She's going to get caught.
I doubt it.
He's not by Jose.
Well, you got to stop talking.
Let's do it.
Continue his story.
Keep going, Stuart.
You're the one who started talking first.
A couple of days later.
I'm surprised to see you.
How is my son in law?
I'm well.
It is you I am concerned about.
Gomez says your health has not been good.
My health is very strong these days.
Gomer said you were ill.
But I am well.
How is my daughter?
I have not seen her in many weeks.
In many weeks?
She has lied to me.
She was not with her father.
So where could she have gone?
Where could she have gone?
I think you already know
the answer to that, my friend.
I did not want to say anything before, but
there has been talk of Gomer
and there's no, not you not said.
You need to know the truth.
Goma has been unfaithful again.
We do not know this for certain.
I will ask her.
I would not trust the answer
from that holiday.
Do not call her that.
Why do you defend her?
Because I love her.
Then you are a fool.
You would love her even
though she has done this?
And more than once.
She is my wife.
Okay, Jose.
Enough is enough.
Yeah, she's toast first
Gomer last night she cheats.
Time to throw this fish back in the water.
But not back in my pond.
I don't want her.
He's not going to get rid of Gomer.
Why not?
He knows she's doing wrong.
Yeah, but you're missing the point.
She's been nothing but trouble.
I'm with coupe.
Jose is not going to get rid of her.
The next day, Jose was
working on a jargona.
Where are you going?
I'm going to see my father.
Yes, I want to see about his
health and prepare him some food.
Let me come with you.
We can ask Lydia to care for the children.
No, please stay here.
I would like to see him alone.
We can go see him together another time.
When will you return?
I will be back before sunset.
Please give the blame a greeting for me.
Of course.
Please, God, I cannot take this anymore.
My heart will not last.
I would send her away,
but I know I cannot.
For it is not your will.
I have made a promise
to you and I will keep it.
I don't think I would have been like that.
I probably would have been mad at God.
Had to be tough to deal with.
Maybe that's why God chose hosea.
Because he knew Jose would understand
and yet stay faithful to his vow.
I think it's cool that Jose
is going to stay with her.
Even after we found out about Gomer.
What Hosea was going through right now is
what God was going
through with his people.
Hosea was feeling God's pain.
So the Bible tells us that Gomer had
another son and the Lord told
Hosea to call him Loa Me.
Which has the meaning?
You are not my people and I
will not be your God.
Why do you insist on these names?
My name them is the Lord tells me.
But we are being ridiculed by our people.
The names of our children is
not what is troubling us.
What do you mean?
I see this jewelry you are wearing, Gomer.
I know.
We cannot afford this with what
we make from the jars.
They are guests.
It is wrong what you are doing.
I do not know what you were saying.
You do go.
Ma'am, it is wrong for you
to be seeing another man.
I told you I could not detain him.
He only wants you for what
you can offer him.
I want to be with you
for what I can give to you.
You give me nothing.
He does.
It is against God's holy law.
I do not need your God or you to pity me.
You speak of this Dune that is to come.
Let it come.
Let your God destroy us all.
God does not want to destroy us.
He wants to save us.
Not all of us want to be safe.
We celebrate the leaving of my wife.
I pray that no man here ever
gets married to one such as she.
So we can see you are no longer lonely.
No, not at all.
For I found one far lovelier.
A toast.
To the most beautiful woman in the land.
The idols of the people
are silver and gold.
They are the work of men's hands.
Nothing more than just piece of clay.
Mouths have they, but they speak not.
They have eyes, but they see not.
Ears have they, but they hear not.
Nor is there even any
breath in their mouths.
Everyone who trusts in them
shall become like them.
Your people have rejected you
as Gomer has rejected me.
I'm so sorry for Jose.
He deserved better.
Here Jose is doing right
and Gomer's doing wrong.
Yeah, Jose is the one who has to pay.
Plus, nobody's doing anything
about what he's saying.
So you got Jose taking care of his kids.
He's busy making jars.
He's got to speak God's word to the people
and nobody's listening to them.
And what's gomer off doing?
She's in some five star
hotel with the rich guy.
Thank you, Game Boy for capturing
that so eloquently.
However, there is a little
more to the story.
My people are destroyed
for lack of knowledge.
Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also shall reject you.
You shall be no priest to me for seeing as
how you have forgotten
the law of your God.
I also shall forget your children.
As they were increased,
so they sinned against me.
Therefore will I change
their glory into shame.
I shall punish them for their ways
and reward them for their doings.
For they shall eat and not have enough
because they have left off
to take heed to the Lord.
Son of Barry.
Wait for me.
Those were strong words to the people.
The patience of our God
will not endure forever.
You continue to warn us of this
great judgment that is to come.
But nothing has yet happened.
All is well.
No, Zedekiah.
All is not well.
The people do not worship
the one who created them.
Nor do they even fear his holy name.
Judgment is coming as Gomer returned.
Gomer, my love.
Come and dance with me.
Come dance.
Dance with me.
I'm not in the mood.
Dance with me.
I'm not in the mood.
Your husband or Sarah may have stood
for your mood, but I will not
because I am in the mood.
Now that's with me.
I will not.
You resist me.
I do not desire it.
But I do.
Is I not the one you left that false
prophet and all your other lovers for?
You ran into my arms because of all
the nice things I could give you.
Now dance with me.
Leave me alone.
You will do as I say.
What are you doing?
Since you do not desire my charge tonight
I do not care to see this one anymore.
The girl auction.
Please leave me alone.
Let me go, then.
Let me go.
My Lord God, how can I love
one who loves another?
Why did you want me to marry her?
She has been unfaithful so many times.
I know now how your heart grieves over
your people that have abandoned you so.
How can you still love us?
You love us?
Because your love is not dependent on us.
Oh, my Lord God, how great is your love.
And now what say you of this one?
Do I have a bid?
She's still a childbearing age.
If that suits you.
So who will start the bidding?
No bids?
Surely she can work in your fields.
Half homer of Bali.
Surely this woman has many
good years of work in her.
Who will give me one
piece of silver for her?
One Homer of Bali.
One Homer of Bali.
This woman is of strong stock.
She can bear your children.
One piece of silver.
One Homer of Bali.
I said one homer of Bali.
Anyone else?
One homer of Bali going once.
One homer of Bali going twice.
15 pieces of silver.
15 pieces of silver.
And a homer of barley.
And a half homer of barley too.
Sold for 15 pieces of silver
and a homer of Bali.
And a half homer of Bali too.
Shall not be for another.
I will be for you always.
Any bought or back.
I call it the Story of Hosea is a picture.
It's a picture of God's
amazing love for us.
And just as Hosea bought back his own life
with all that he had Jesus Christ
paid 15 pieces of silver for us
when he died on that cross.
And he certainly gave all that he had.
And if we, through faith believe
in Jesus Christ and receive him into our
well, then all our sins are forgiven
and we enter into God's family forever.
You know, Stuart would never tell
you this part, but he is my hosea.
When I was really little,
my parents were divorced.
And I was passed back and forth
between them for years.
And I felt so unloved,
like neither parent really wanted me.
And then I met steward at church
and he made me feel so special.
I think it was the first time that I
really realized what love was
and that he is my real father.
I don't think I could do what Jose did.
I'm not sure any of us could, Steve.
I don't know that any of us could
muster up that much selfless love.
To love someone who had
treated us like that.
It's hard enough just to like someone
sometimes, even when they're just
a little bit different than we are.
But just like we need Jesus
to get to heaven for salvation,
we also need him to live
his life through us daily.
Jesus in you could love a gomer.
What happened to the Northern Kingdom
and all the Jose prophecies?
Did they come true?
Yes, Cooper, they did.
The people didn't turn back to God,
and so the Assyrians came and they
enslaved the Israelites for many years.
Just goes to show how serious
God is about his word.
You see, most of us
don't revere the Lord the way we should.
Yes, steve Hosea did.
So what you guys reading?
Figured it was time to read
my favorite book in the Bible again.
John, it's good.
Just reading a little bit of Amos.
Do you have a moment?
Ashley, I'm so sorry about
what I said earlier.
I should not have said those things.
You meant them at the time.
Maybe, but it was wrong.
I just got so mad and had
some stupid things.
That story changed your mind?
I know a little bit about
your situation with your mom.
I'm really sorry.
It must be so tough.
How would you know?
You probably have two parents who are
there for you and who care about you.
You don't have any idea what it's like.
Right, I don't.
But God does.
And he can make it better if
you just give him a chance.
I can't handle it myself.
I'd like to be your friend
if you give me a chance.
I know I haven't acted like much
of a friend on this trip,
but if you ever need someone to talk to.
All right, everybody,
make sure you got everything.
It's time to go.
I read the whole book
of Amos last night, Stuart.
Did you?
I did.
It's like eight chapters, isn't it?
Nine to be exact.
I think that's the most I've
ever read the Bible in one time.
Very impressive.
Going home, Coop?
No more lump, the ground to sleep on.
No more bugs.
No more bugs.
I'm going to miss it.
Yeah, me, too.
Hey, Ashley.
Give me a second,
I'll come get those for you.
It's okay, I got it.
Hang on a second.
You mind sitting in the back?
Not at all.
Can I stay with you?
We really love this place, don't we?
We sure do.
Good things always happen up here.
Jahas, can we speak?
Yes, we can speak.
I would like to know more about your God.
The day will come when all yezrael will
return unto the Lord and this tree
shall be full again.