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Lobsters are turning into humans.
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So check this out guys
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Look at this picture of this claw
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Now look at my hand
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Now back to the claw
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Now look at my hand
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Now look at the claw
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Now look at my hand
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Are they turning into us?
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Just kidding
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Actually, this is a six-claw
lobster named Lola
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and she's beautiful just the way she is.
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Lola was captured in Massachusetts.
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She's about 10 years old
and weighs 4 pounds.
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Last week, she was donated to
the Maine State Aquarium
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where she'll be able to hang out
with some other friends of her caliber.
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This aquarium has two other lobsters
with deformed claws
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but nothing as amazing as Lola.
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So how did this deformity happen?
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Well there's two ways
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Either she was born with it which
makes it a result of genetic mutation
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Or she was in some crazy
lobster fight club
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and she lost her claw, and it grew back
this way through regeneration
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which would make her the
newest member of the X-Men
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Sorry, I mean the X lobsters
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The super sea creatures
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I reach out to Amy Hayden Rodri,
the aquarium manager of
the maine state aquarium
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and this is what she told me
about lobster regeneration
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While some lobsters can be born with
these kind of deformities,
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many of them have this happen
when they have lost a limb
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and are trying to regenerate
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The genetic 'message' sent
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sometimes gets skewed or replicated,
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resulting in extra sets of claws,
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or in the case of 'Lola' extra 'fingers'
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She also says that she has never seen
anything like this before
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and the meat of the lobster should not
be affected by their deformity
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And I'm feeling very hungry
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so pass the butter
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No, I'm kidding, I'd never eat a lobster.
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They look like aliens. They're aliens.
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Lobsters are aliens.
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All right guys, that's it for this episode.
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Be sure to check out our other
episodes over here
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and let me know in the comments what
you guys want to see.
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We've been reading the comments
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and we love it
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I want to do what you want to see
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All right, well, I'll see you guys tomorrow
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hairy mammals
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Also, what's your favourite crustation?
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Let me know in the comments below!