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Vegan Ruins School Lunch

  • 0:00 - 0:04
    They usually hang them up, they kill them,
    they stick their hand down into their body
  • 0:04 - 0:06
    cavities and rip out their organs.
  • 0:08 - 0:12
    Hi, it’s Emily from Bite Size Vegan with
    another vegan nugget.
  • 0:12 - 0:16
    I had the honor of speaking in two classes
    at the Passaic Valley Regional High school
  • 0:16 - 0:18
    in New Jersey.
  • 0:18 - 0:22
    I was invited to spend some time with a passionate
    vegan student Alyssa, that’s her: “Hi,
  • 0:22 - 0:28
    I’m Alyssa, I was the one who contacted
    you to set up the conference”, and her attentive
  • 0:28 - 0:32
    peers who listened to me ramble on quite a
    bit about all manner of animal rights and
  • 0:32 - 0:33
    vegan topics.
  • 0:33 - 0:38
    This was part of a unique class called ‘Contemporary
    Issues Through Video Conferencing’ run by
  • 0:38 - 0:39
    Ms. Kathleen Menake.
  • 0:39 - 0:44
    The class invites guests speakers to utilize
    technology to create an interactive classroom
  • 0:44 - 0:47
    and speak with individuals in diverse fields
    all over the world.
  • 0:47 - 0:50
    So I wanted to share with you guys a segment
    from one of the classes.
  • 0:50 - 0:55
    I apologize for the rapid speaking in this,
    i was really excited to try to fit in as many
  • 0:55 - 0:58
    vegan ‘nuggets’ as possible in these 45
    minute classes.
  • 0:58 - 1:02
    Captions are available for your convenience
    and as always, for more information please
  • 1:02 - 1:04
    see the description below and the blog post.
  • 1:04 - 1:09
    Now it’s time to go back to high school,
    where i was always the cool kid...
  • 1:12 - 1:17
    Alyssa: I just want to know if you can explain a little bit more about the relationship that our government—
  • 1:17 - 1:23
    or just governments in general—have with the agricultural and the factory farming and dairy industries
  • 1:23 - 1:28
    …kind of the money that might be exchanged or the power within and things like that.
  • 1:28 - 1:30
    Okay, I would love to talk about that.
  • 1:30 - 1:33
    The government, especially
    in America, but I think other countries
  • 1:33 - 1:36
    that I've looked into as well, the regulatory
    bodies that are supposed to regulate animal
  • 1:36 - 1:41
    agriculture like in America, the USDA, also
    have a vested interest: the USDA also
  • 1:41 - 1:45
    benefits from more animal products being sold,
    so they’re self regulating.
  • 1:46 - 1:51
    What we do in America—they stopped doing
    this in Europe—but in America for chickens,
  • 1:51 - 1:55
    once we've killed them and taken off their
    feathers and everything we soak the carcasses
  • 1:55 - 1:56
    in these things called tanks.
  • 1:56 - 2:03
    They just pop them into this water that this
    one industry specialist calls 'fecal soup'
  • 2:03 - 2:06
    because the chickens, they've still got a
    lot of their feces and they weren't flushed
  • 2:06 - 2:08
    out well because they're supposed to —well
    what they do is— they usually hang them
  • 2:08 - 2:12
    up, they kill them, they stick their hand
    down into their body cavities and rip out
  • 2:12 - 2:13
    their organs and everything.
  • 2:13 - 2:15
    They're supposed to them flush out, flush
    out all the poop and everything.
  • 2:15 - 2:19
    Doesn't always work that way because we've
    also assembly lined 'faster and faster', which
  • 2:19 - 2:22
    is how workers lose arms and everything.
  • 2:22 - 2:26
    So by the time they get to the water, they
    still have fecal matter and stuff on them.
  • 2:26 - 2:30
    But you know chicken producers they get paid
    per weight most of the time, so the heavier
  • 2:30 - 2:32
    the bird is the better.
  • 2:32 - 2:34
    So they'll actually even inject
    them with more water
  • 2:34 - 2:36
    or let them sit there and kinda
    [indicates swelling of carcass with hands].
  • 2:36 - 2:41
    So it's like yeah, you've got more chicken—
    it's just kind of bloated with some poop-water for ya'!
  • 2:41 - 2:46
    It's kind of astounding, but the USDA is like,
    “well a certain level of fecal matter is
  • 2:46 - 2:47
    ok. Just cook it”.
  • 2:47 - 2:50
    One of the more recent speeches I did it was
    in Dublin, Ireland.
  • 2:50 - 2:52
    And when I was putting this together—Ireland
    is kind of—you know when people talk about
  • 2:52 - 2:58
    free range, grass fed, small farms, Ireland
    is the embodiment of that: the entire country
  • 2:58 - 2:59
    does it that way.
  • 2:59 - 3:03
    So all of the dairy cattle there— they're
    very big on dairy, all of the dairy cattle
  • 3:03 - 3:08
    are grass fed out in the beautiful Irish fields—
    what they don't talk about though, that they
  • 3:08 - 3:11
    do have industrial pig farming and chicken
  • 3:11 - 3:14
    But what I did in that speech—and I'm going
    to be tying this into what you've asked in
  • 3:14 - 3:22
    a second— is one thing I like to do, there
    are so many horror stories that I can show
  • 3:22 - 3:27
    people, I can show graphic abuse of animals
    that even meat-eaters are like "this is wrong,
  • 3:27 - 3:28
    we shouldn't be doing this to them.”
  • 3:28 - 3:32
    And sometimes it can shock people into waking
  • 3:32 - 3:35
    But I think it also leaves this door open
    for, "well we just need to treat them better".
  • 3:35 - 3:39
    So what I think is more effective is to say,
    “Ok, let's look at the ideal.
  • 3:39 - 3:43
    Let's look at what we as a society have said
    “this is acceptable”.
  • 3:43 - 3:48
    So if we look at the ideal, and even that
    is not acceptable to us— then it might be
  • 3:48 - 3:49
    time to change.
  • 3:49 - 3:53
    One of the things I've done very often in
    a lot of my research especially going to Portugal
  • 3:53 - 3:58
    in Ireland but in America as well, is I look
    at the legislation and sometimes it takes
  • 3:58 - 4:01
    months and months of digging into, like the
    EU legislation, because I have yet to find
  • 4:01 - 4:04
    a country that makes it really easy to find
  • 4:04 - 4:07
    For one thing, in America, I think one thing
    that people don't always realize, is that
  • 4:07 - 4:13
    we have no federal law protecting the treatment
    of farmed animals, there's nothing, there's
  • 4:13 - 4:15
    no regulation as to how they should be treated
  • 4:15 - 4:20
    There's also something called ‘Common Farming
    Exemptions’, which basically means if something
  • 4:20 - 4:26
    is done enough across industry—if enough
    people do this even if it's awful— we are
  • 4:26 - 4:31
    going to call it standard practice and it's
  • 4:31 - 4:36
    So in this Ireland speech, I was going way,
    way deep into the legislation —because the
  • 4:36 - 4:43
    EU has some of what's lauded as the most widest
    range protection for animals, great legislation—
  • 4:43 - 4:47
    because in this thing called ‘The Treaty
    of Lisbon’ the EU basically was the first
  • 4:47 - 4:52
    governmental body to legally say that animals
    are sentient, so it's actually in their legislation,
  • 4:52 - 4:53
    “animals are sentient”.
  • 4:53 - 4:56
    So what they decided from that —now that
    they're sentient and we've acknowledged that
  • 4:56 - 5:01
    they can feel these emotions and they can
    hurt— the conclusion wasn't “now maybe
  • 5:01 - 5:05
    we shouldn't kill them" —no— “now we're
    going to make sure we design the right ways
  • 5:05 - 5:06
    to kill them”.
  • 5:06 - 5:09
    So then they launched these different studies
    and everything to try and figure out how do
  • 5:09 - 5:13
    we kill them and then they drafted this thing
    called, ‘The Protection For Animals at the
  • 5:13 - 5:17
    Time of Killing’, which sounds absurd and
    if you really look in there, one of the things
  • 5:17 - 5:20
    I like to talk about is the male chicks in
    the egg industry.
  • 5:20 - 5:26
    In the egg industry, the chickens who are
    laying eggs for human consumption, males can't
  • 5:26 - 5:27
    do that.
  • 5:27 - 5:31
    And the way that we've specialized things:
    we have 'layer hens' and then we have 'broiler’
  • 5:31 - 5:32
  • 5:32 - 5:34
    So the chickens that you eat are different
    than the chickens who have eggs.
  • 5:34 - 5:39
    So the male chickens of the egg industry,
    there's no use for them, so then the industry
  • 5:39 - 5:42
    —the egg industries the world over no matter
    how big or little— have to figure out what
  • 5:42 - 5:44
    do we do with all these male baby chicks.
  • 5:44 - 5:46
    So in every country they're killed.
  • 5:46 - 5:47
    I mean there's nothing else to do with them!
  • 5:47 - 5:51
    And it's either through gassing them, suffocating
    them, or grinding them alive.
  • 5:51 - 5:52
    Grinding seems to be the preferred thing.
  • 5:52 - 5:55
    In the EU legislation —this landmark stuff
    that you hear in the news— “maceration”,
  • 5:55 - 5:58
    it's hard to kill chicks, throw them in the
  • 5:58 - 5:59
    In America too it's the standard.
  • 5:59 - 6:00
    Ireland, it's the standard.
  • 6:00 - 6:03
    And the reason that they did this —I dug
    deep enough to find what's called the ‘Impact
  • 6:03 - 6:06
    Assessment’— where they're deciding how
    they're gonna kill these animals.
  • 6:06 - 6:11
    And of course the people on the panel are
    the egg industry, the dairy industry, a company
  • 6:11 - 6:14
    called Butina —which I'll talk about in
    a second— and they have in there, if we
  • 6:14 - 6:18
    gas the chicks, it's going to cost this many
    euros... and that's expensive!
  • 6:18 - 6:22
    If we grind them up, studies have shown that
    it's a negligible cost —it's pretty cheap—
  • 6:22 - 6:24
    so what do they put in the humane legislation?
  • 6:24 - 6:25
    Grind them up!
  • 6:25 - 6:26
    Grind up the baby boys.
  • 6:26 - 6:28
    And you know, there's actually now a number
    of companies that have spent at least a million
  • 6:28 - 6:29
    —I don't know if they've gotten into the
    billions of dollars— trying to research
  • 6:29 - 6:31
    a way to sex the eggs before they're hatched.
  • 6:31 - 6:34
    So we can determine which ones are going to
    be boys and then we'll just throw those eggs
  • 6:34 - 6:37
    away so they don't hatch and we won't have
    to kill them.
  • 6:37 - 6:41
    Because the legislation usually says –if
    there is any— that they have to be killed
  • 6:41 - 6:43
    within the first three days of life.
  • 6:43 - 6:48
    Now we're gonna spend years and probably at
    the end at least 1 billion dollars trying
  • 6:48 - 6:50
    to figure out how to tell if it's a baby boy.
  • 6:50 - 6:53
    So when it hatches, we don't have to kill
  • 6:53 - 6:56
    And it's kind of like, if we step back from
    it, maybe we just shouldn't eat the eggs!
  • 6:56 - 6:57
    Maybe we could think about that —that maybe
    we shouldn't be doing this— because it's
  • 6:57 - 6:58
    kind of ridiculous.
  • 6:58 - 6:59
    So that's something where I think...
  • 6:59 - 7:00
    I have yet to meet a person who eats eggs
    that would wake up in the morning, take a
  • 7:00 - 7:04
    little fluffy yellow chick, throw him in a
    blender, and blend him up for breakfast!
  • 7:04 - 7:06
    But, when you eat eggs, that's what's happening!
  • 7:06 - 7:10
    You just don't see it, and you don't want
    to connect to it.
  • 7:10 - 7:12
    But there's no way to have eggs without that
  • 7:12 - 7:15
    Because the baby boys are waste, they're just
    waste material.
  • 7:15 - 7:18
    So this one company is trying to develop this
    sexing technique, they assume it's like 3.2
  • 7:18 - 7:21
    billion baby chicks are killed worldwide every
  • 7:21 - 7:22
    And then the EU has their actual number listed,
    in the multiple millions.
  • 7:22 - 7:28
    So, when we look at these kinds of legislations
    ,this is our ideal, our humane ideal of how
  • 7:28 - 7:30
    to treat these animals.
  • 7:30 - 7:36
    And in the dairy industry, baby boys there
    are also waste material because dairy cows
  • 7:36 - 7:37
    produce milk!
  • 7:37 - 7:38
    Boys aren't going to produce milk.
  • 7:38 - 7:44
    A mother cow has a baby, and if he's a boy
    he's either taken to the veal industry, — which
  • 7:44 - 7:47
    a lot of people even meat eaters sometimes
    are like "I'm not going to eat veal it's just
  • 7:47 - 7:52
    cruel"— so he's shuttled either to the veal
    industry, where he's tied up, can't move and
  • 7:52 - 7:53
    is slaughtered when he is a couple days old.
  • 7:53 - 7:55
    Or sometimes they just shoot him in the head
    or they'll bludgeon him, they'll just beat
  • 7:55 - 8:00
    him, beat him in the head hope that they're
    going to die at some point, they don't really
  • 8:00 - 8:01
    check on them.
  • 8:01 - 8:02
    They are waste.
  • 8:02 - 8:03
    They're waste material.
  • 8:03 - 8:08
    Veal is the ideal because at least someone
    can make a profit from this baby.
  • 8:08 - 8:13
    And in the pig industry, in America too —it's
    another humane thing if you look in the EU
  • 8:13 - 8:18
    too— one of the ways to kill piglets that
    are either deformed, or a runt or their sick,
  • 8:18 - 8:24
    or too sick there's no financial reason or
    gain, or it's too expensive to fix them.
  • 8:24 - 8:25
    It's something called ‘blunt force’.
  • 8:25 - 8:29
    So what they do is pick up the baby pigs by
    the legs and they smack their heads on the
  • 8:29 - 8:34
    concrete, and that's a humane approved thing.
  • 8:34 - 8:40
    So in America —we had this expose happen
    of undercover footage— and a lot of the
  • 8:40 - 8:46
    news articles said things like "workers were
    filmed beating baby pigs against the pavement
  • 8:46 - 8:47
    and they were still twitching for days later”.
  • 8:47 - 8:50
    Because there were undercover people, they
    would document how long it took these piglets
  • 8:50 - 8:52
    to die.
  • 8:52 - 8:54
    But the things that the news articles will
    never tell you, because you will also find
  • 8:54 - 8:59
    news articles about, "undercover” footage
    showing baby chicks being thrown in a grinder.
  • 8:59 - 9:03
    And it's salacious and everyone goes "oh my
    gosh this is horrible we have to stop this".
  • 9:03 - 9:08
    But then they keep eating eggs, and they keep
    eating bacon, and they keep eating pork, and
  • 9:08 - 9:10
    they keep drinking milk.
  • 9:10 - 9:14
    The connection that's not being made is that
    this isn't undercover abuse, this is standard
  • 9:14 - 9:15
    industry practice.
  • 9:15 - 9:18
    You know, it's just not something the articles
    usually cover.
  • 9:18 - 9:23
    So we get this impression that it's just one
    place where these people were doing this horrible
  • 9:23 - 9:26
    thing —no— there's nothing illegal about
  • 9:26 - 9:30
    And in that expose of this pig place —workers
    were also abusing mother pigs because it was
  • 9:30 - 9:35
    a pig breeding facility—so they were beating
    the pregnant pigs, jamming rods into their
  • 9:35 - 9:37
    orifices, just horrible stuff.
  • 9:37 - 9:42
    And one of the leading humane specialists
    in the country is Temple Grandin, if you've
  • 9:42 - 9:47
    ever heard of her, she commented on one of
    these articles, "this is outrageous abuse"
  • 9:47 - 9:50
    —she's talking about the mother pigs—
    they say something about the baby pigs, "that's
  • 9:50 - 9:52
    standard practice that's fine, but what they're
    doing to the mothers, horrible".
  • 9:52 - 10:00
    So in one of my more recent videos, I list
    all of these offenses, all of these things
  • 10:00 - 10:05
    that are seen in this undercover investigation
    from the baby pigs and the mother pigs.
  • 10:05 - 10:09
    And if you didn't know the laws and you looked
    at these two, I don't know if anyone would
  • 10:09 - 10:12
    be able to be like "this one's okay, this
    one's not, this one's okay, this one's not".
  • 10:12 - 10:14
    Ripping out the baby boys testicles with no
  • 10:14 - 10:18
    Oh that's totally fine —because that's what
    happens— you cut off their tails, you clip
  • 10:18 - 10:24
    their teeth, you pull out their testicles,
    no anesthetic is required at all.
  • 10:24 - 10:28
    And I think if people don't know the law they
    assume that's some kind of abuse that's going
  • 10:28 - 10:30
    to be corrected, but it's not, it's completely
  • 10:30 - 10:36
    And it's just one of the things that in this
    EU document as well, they talk about the CO2
  • 10:36 - 10:40
    chambers —and that's Butina the company
    I was telling you about— it's the way to
  • 10:40 - 10:43
    kill pigs these days, it kind of seems like
    the most humane way.
  • 10:43 - 10:48
    So pigs are kind of lowered into this CO2
    chamber —the biggest ones it's almost like
  • 10:48 - 10:52
    a giant rotisserie— they go in there, they
    get lowered, and basically they burn from
  • 10:52 - 10:54
    the inside out and they scream.
  • 10:54 - 11:00
    I've been to these places, I've been to one
    in Manchester in the UK, the walls were thin
  • 11:00 - 11:03
    enough you could hear the churning, you could
    hear the workers slapping the pigs, you could
  • 11:03 - 11:08
    hear them screaming for blocks and it's terrifying
    when they scream.
  • 11:08 - 11:12
    So it's not a calm death.
  • 11:12 - 11:12
    It's not a friendly death.
  • 11:12 - 11:14
    It's not a humane death!
  • 11:14 - 11:16
    There's no such thing.
  • 11:16 - 11:17
    But this is what we look at.
  • 11:17 - 11:22
    It’s like “ok well, the gas is like the
    most humane thing” and it’s anything but!
  • 11:22 - 11:25
    On that impact assessment of course, there’s
    Butina: “Hey!
  • 11:25 - 11:29
    We’re here, we’re gonna help figure out
    what’s the best way to kill these pigs”.
  • 11:29 - 11:32
    And also if you buy a lot of these chambers,
    we’ll make a crap ton of money.
  • 11:32 - 11:34
    But don’t worry, we’re not biased.
  • 11:34 - 11:37
    So, in the legislation, CO2 chambers are the
  • 11:37 - 11:40
    But there is something in the legislation:
    we’re gonna reconsider this at some point.
  • 11:40 - 11:44
    This, and electric baths for chickens, we’re
    gonna reconsider that.
  • 11:44 - 11:46
    But the Impact Assessment deemed that it’s
    not financially viable right now.
  • 11:46 - 11:51
    The laws that we have—even at the ideal,
    even if we don’t look at abuse—the laws
  • 11:51 - 11:57
    that our governments have, the regulations
    that we have, it’s pretty horrifying.
  • 11:57 - 12:01
    There is no way to make dairy without taking
    baby boys from their mothers, and even the
  • 12:01 - 12:03
    baby girls get taken, immediately after birth.
  • 12:03 - 12:07
    They’re shuttled elsewhere and then they
    can grow up and be a big milk machine too.
  • 12:07 - 12:10
    And cows can live 20 to 25 years.
  • 12:10 - 12:14
    In the dairy industry, they usually give out
    and they become what we call ‘downers’
  • 12:14 - 12:18
    around 4 to 5 years old, because they are
    just serially impregnated again and again
  • 12:18 - 12:19
    and again.
  • 12:19 - 12:25
    As soon as they’ve had a baby, artificial
    insemination again, they get another round.
  • 12:25 - 12:29
    And then every time their babies are taken
    from them.
  • 12:29 - 12:35
    I have a friend who used to be a cattle farmer—or she married a multi-generation cattle farmer—
  • 12:36 - 12:40
    and she just... there was one too many times
    where they’d take the babies away and the
  • 12:40 - 12:43
    mothers are chasing the trailer as their babies leave.
  • 12:43 - 12:47
    And then they cry for days—I mean they just
    cry out for their babies until they go hoarse
  • 12:47 - 12:48
    and they can’t cry anymore.
  • 12:49 - 12:50
    And she was like “I can’t do this.
  • 12:50 - 12:51
    I can’t do this anymore”.
  • 12:51 - 12:55
    There is an article I found from Massachusetts,
    where there was Sunshine Dairy Farms, a little
  • 12:55 - 12:56
    farm there.
  • 12:56 - 12:59
    Neighbors were calling the police because
    the cows would not stop screaming out.
  • 12:59 - 13:01
    And the police issued a report: “Ok we talked
    to the farmers.
  • 13:01 - 13:02
    Don’t worry!
  • 13:02 - 13:03
    The cows are fine.
  • 13:03 - 13:07
    It’s just the normal part of the dairy industry,
    ‘cause they’re upset that their babies
  • 13:07 - 13:08
    were taken.
  • 13:08 - 13:09
    Don’t worry.
  • 13:09 - 13:10
    It’s fine.
  • 13:10 - 13:11
    It’s ok.
  • 13:11 - 13:12
    They’re fine”.
  • 13:12 - 13:13
    So even when we acknowledge the fact that
    they are grieving the loss of their children,
  • 13:13 - 13:15
    oh, but because it’s standard practice it’s
  • 13:15 - 13:19
    So it’s really just interesting, we have
    such a divide in our minds.
  • 13:19 - 13:23
    Like pigs —pigs have mannerisms very much
    like dogs— we would never do the things
  • 13:23 - 13:25
    we do to pigs that we do to dogs [sic].
  • 13:25 - 13:29
    And even Americans get super outraged about
    the Yulin Dog Festival.
  • 13:29 - 13:31
    You know, people in that country eating dogs,
    that’s not cool.
  • 13:31 - 13:33
    And never would I say that is.
  • 13:33 - 13:39
    But if who we can eat and who we can’t eat
    is determined by where we are living.
  • 13:39 - 13:47
    That kind of gives evidence that this isn’t
    a logical based decision of ours.
  • 13:47 - 13:56
    Yet we have the audacity to hold this legislative
    recognition of non-human sentience on high
  • 13:56 - 14:00
    as a giant step forward for the rights of
  • 14:00 - 14:06
    As if systematically exploiting individuals
    with fully admitted knowledge and comprehension
  • 14:06 - 14:09
    of their capacity to suffer is something to
  • 14:09 - 14:14
    Look what we offer ourselves as evidence of
    progress: one news report extolled the reduction
  • 14:14 - 14:19
    in animals slipping and falling on their way
    to slaughter in one abattoir in one country.
  • 14:19 - 14:25
    When we look at our actions from the other
    side, the perverse absurdity of our deluded
  • 14:25 - 14:27
    self-congratulations is astounding.
  • 14:27 - 14:33
    If you were in the place of these beings,
    how grateful would you feel if your captor
  • 14:33 - 14:37
    laid down a bathmat on the ramp to your execution?
Vegan Ruins School Lunch

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