Not Synced
My first job out of college
was as an academic researcher
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at one of the largest juvenile
detention centers in the country.
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And every day I would drive
to this building
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on the West Side of Chicago,
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go through the security checkpoint
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and walk down these brown, brick hallways
as I made my way down to the basement
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to observe the intake process.
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The kids coming in were
about 10 to 16 years old,
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usually always black and brown,
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most likely from the same impoverished
South and West Sides of Chicago.
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They should've been
in fifth to 10th grade,
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but instead they were here
for weeks on end
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waiting trial for various crimes.
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Some of them came back to the facility
14 times before their 15th birthday.
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And as I sat there on the other side
of the glass from them,
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idealistic with a college degree,
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I wondered to myself,
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why didn't schools do something more
to prevent this from happening?
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It's been about 10 years since then;
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I still think about how some kids
get tracked towards college
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and others towards detention,
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but I no longer think about schools'
abilities to solve these things.
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You see, I've learned that so much
of this problem is systemic
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that often our school system
perpetuates the social divide.
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It makes worse what it's supposed to fix.
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That's as a crazy or controversial
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as saying that our health care system
isn't preventative
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but somehow profits
off of keeping us sick ...
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I truly do believe though
that kids can achieve great things
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despite the odds against them,
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and in fact, my own research shows that.
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But if we're serious about helping
more kids from across the board
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to achieve and make it in this world,
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we're going to have to realize
that out gaps in student outcomes
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are not so much about achievement
as much as they are about opportunity.
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A 2019 EdBuild report showed
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that majority-white districts received
about 23 billion dollars more
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in annual funding
than non-white districts,
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even though they serve about the same
number of students.
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Lower resource schools are dealing
with lower quality equipment,
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obsolete technology
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and paying teachers way less.
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Here in New York,
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those are also the schools
most likely to serve
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the one in 10 elementary school students
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who will most likely have to sleep
in a homeless shelter tonight.
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The student, parent and teacher
are dealing with a lot.
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Sometimes places are misplacing
the blame back on them.
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In Atlanta, we saw that teachers
felt desperate enough
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to have to help their students cheat
on standardized tests
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that would impact their funding.
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Eight of them went
to jail for that in 2015
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with some sentences as high as 20 years,
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which is more than what many states
give for second-degree murder.
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The thing is though,
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in places like Tulsa,
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teachers pay has been so bad
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that these people have had
to go to food pantries
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or soup kitchens just to feed themselves.
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The same system will criminalize
a parent who will use a relative's address
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to send their child to a better school,
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but for who knows how long
authorities have turned a blind eye
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to those who can bribe their way
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onto the most elite and beautiful
college campueses.
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And a lot of this feels
pretty heavy to be saying --
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and maybe to be hearing --
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and since there's nothing quite like
economics talk to lighten the mood --
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that's right, right?
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Let me tell you about some of the costs
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when we fail to tap
into our students' potential.
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A McKinsey study showed that if in 1998
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we could've closed our long-standing
student achievement gaps
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between students of different
ethnic backgrounds
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or students of different income levels,
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by 2008, our GDP --
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our untapped economic gains --
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could have gone up by more
than 500 billion dollars.
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Those same gaps in 2008,
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between our students here in the US
and those across the world,
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may have deprived our economy
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of up to 2.3 trillion dollars
of economic output.
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But beyond economics, numbers and figures,
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I think there's a simpler reason
that this matters;
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a simpler reason for fixing our system
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is that in a true democracy,
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like the one we pride ourselves on having,
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and sometimes rightfully so,
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a child's future should not
be predetermined
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by the circumstances of their birth.
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A public education system should not
create a wider bottom and more narrow top.
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Some of us can sometimes think
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that these things aren't
that close to home,
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but they are if we broaden our view,
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because a leaky faucet in our kitchen,
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broken radiator in our hallway,
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those parts of the house that we always
say we're going to get to next week,
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they're devaluing our whole property.
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Instead of constantly looking away
to solutions like privitization
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or the charter school movement
to solve our problems,
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why don't we take a deeper look
at public education,
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try to take more pride in it
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and maybe use it to solve
some of our social problems.
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Why don't we try to reclaim
the promise of public education
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and remember that it's our greatest
collective responsibility?
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Luckily some of our communities
are doing just that.
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The huge teacher strikes in the spring
of 2019 in Denver and LA --
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they were successful because
of community support
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for things like smaller class sizes
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and getting things into schools
like more counselors
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in addition to teacher pay.
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And sometimes for the student,
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innovation is just daring
to implement common sense.
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In Baltimore a few years ago,
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they enacted a free breakfast
and lunch program,
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taking away the stigma
of poverty and hunger
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for some students
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but increasing achievement
in attendance for many others.
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And in Memphis,
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the university is recruiting local,
passionate high school students
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and giving them scholarships
to go teach in the inner city
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without the burden of college debt.
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And north of here in the Bronx,
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I recently researched
these partnerships being built
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between high schools, community
colleges and local businesses
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who are creating internships in finance,
health care and technology
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for students without
silver spoon connections
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to gain important skills
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and contribute to the communities
that they come from.
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So today I don't necessarily have
the same questions about education
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that I did when I was an idealistic,
perhaps naïve college grad
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working in a detention center basement.
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It's not, can schools
save more of our students,
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because I think we have
the answer to that,
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and it's yes they can
if we save our schools first.
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We can start by caring about the education
of other people's children ...
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and I'm saying that as someone
who doesn't have kids yet,
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but wants to worry a little bit less
about the future for when I do.
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Cultivating as much talent as possible,
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getting as many girls
as we can from all over
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into science and engineering,
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and as many boys
as we can into teaching --
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those are investments for our future.
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Our students are like
our most valuable resource,
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and when you put it that way,
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our teachers are like our modern-day
diamond and gold miners,
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hoping to help make them shine.
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Let's contribute our voices,
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our votes and our support
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to giving them the resources
that they will need
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not just to survive,
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but hopefully thrive,
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allowing all of us to do so as well.
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Thank you.
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(Applause and cheers)