My name is Dan Jiménez,
I’m from Madrid, Spain.
I’m an entrepreneur, and I run a company
that operates nationwide across Spain.
Look, being an inCruises Partner
and at the same time
enriching other people
is something very beautiful,
because there are many people
in the world
who maybe don’t have a plan
or a business opportunity
that allows them to provide
a better life for their family.
Some struggle through the month
some don’t have vacations,
who, when faced
with buying books or things
for their children, maybe can’t do it.
For me, enriching families
who, simply by promoting
and recommending the vacation club,
can earn an income
that allows them to have
a more comfortable life,
is something very beautiful.
That’s why when we talk about
enriching lives through this opportunity,
it’s that you don’t need
to have experience,
you don’t need to have
a university degree,
you just need the willingness
to try something new,
the willingness to let someone teach you
and to be teachable.
And if you have
that willingness and that desire,
you’ll have the opportunity
in front of you,
you’ll take advantage and you’ll succeed
if you take it seriously.
I’d recommend anyone
who comes across inCruises
to not hesitate for a moment.
Look, the very least
that will happen to anyone
with inCruises
is that they’ll travel more affordably,
with a savings plan.
That’s the minimum benefit,
and that alone is amazing.
And the best thing that can happen
is that they fall in love
with the process,
fall in love with inCruises,
with the business model,
with the opportunity inCruises offers
on a global level
to have your own business.
And I have no doubt,
as of today,
as an entrepreneur, I can say 100%
that I don’t know of a better opportunity
than network marketing
within inCruises. I don’t.
What I would do,
is that anyone who has inCruises
in front of them,
should tell the person
who presented the opportunity to them,
the person who called them on the phone,
“Join the club.”
They should say, “Hey…
I want to start,
I want to improve my life,
my family’s life,
I want to improve my situation,
I want you to tell me,
explain to me how I can start now.”
Surely that person will be thrilled,
you’ll make them happy,
because we know it will be good for you.