So mindfulness is first of all
the energy that helps you to recognize
the conditions of happiness.
Anyone can help remind us that
we can be happy right here and right now.
So who is going to
do that in our daily life?
The answer is:
You have to do that!
You are the one who has to do that.
You remind yourself that you have
enough conditions to be happy
right here and right now.
And you remind the person next to you.
And he reminds the person
who is next to him.
So that is the practice of mindfulness.
♫ Guitar music ♫
Sam, what's this?
It looks really cool!
Hold on, Iz.
Sam, I really think you should see this!
(Narrator) If you are reading this,
it is because I want to tell you my story.
Well, not just my story.
I want to tell you about something
that I discovered this summer.
I mean, it is not really a thing.
It is more of a...
Well, it's hard to describe.
♫ Acoustic Guitar music ♫
♫ We are standing like a mountain,
calm safe and free ♫
♫ We are standing like a mountain,
as high as you can see ♫
♫ I've got a pebble in my pocket,
maybe one or two ♫
♫ I've got a pebble in my pocket,
hey look, here's one for you ♫
When are some moments
when we need solidity?
When do we really need
that mountain energy in us?
(Child) When we are being bullied!
(Sister) Why do we need
the mountain in us then?
So they can't hurt you.
How can it help to be a mountain
when we are being bullied?
Because you stay still and
they don't push you on the ground.
(Sister) Mindfulness is to know what is
happening in yourself and your environment.
taking care of yourself,
treasuring yourself,
listening to yourself,
and loving yourself.
Mindfulness is love.
For me, mindfulness
has brought so much peace
and awareness of who I am and
what I am doing in the world.
For children to have that insight,
means a lot to me.
I want to make it available
for young children.
They can be aware of their breath,
they can calm their body.
They can be aware of their emotion.
So when difficulties arise in
their family or their school,
they have a way
to transform the situation,
to transform their suffering.
I don't think that children are
not ready yet to do that.
It can be one of the times
when we suffer the most.
Giving the tools to cultivate mindfulness
through a movie like this,
is like giving one of the greatest gifts
to the young people of our world.
♫ And I feel there is space,
deep inside of me ♫
Breathing in, I see myself as a mountain.
Breathing out, I feel solid.
Mountain, solid.
(Br. Phap Lai) For teachers
the classroom can be a wonderful place,
but it can sometimes be stressful.
A teacher might find herself
with a class full of children she loves,
but things are not happening
in peaceful and calm way.
Some of the practices
you learn in this film,
can transform the classroom
into a happy classroom,
a classroom the teachers
and children really enjoy.
They become more calm,
more attentive to what is being taught
and more attentive to each other.
And they really enjoy to be
together in the class
and make a kind of community.
♫ May you be peaceful,
may you be at ease ♫
♫ with love in your heart and all round ♫
♫ You can sing your love ♫
♫ You can dance your love ♫
♫ You can play your love ♫
♫ Today, my love ♫