The Internet: Encryption & Public Keys
0:03 - 0:08The Internet: Encryption and Public Keys
0:09 - 0:14Hi my name is Mia Gil-Epner, I'm majoring
in Computer Science at UC Berkeley and I work -
0:14 - 0:19for the Department of Defense, where I try
to keep information safe. The Internet is -
0:19 - 0:26an open and public system. We all send and
receive information over shared wires and -
0:26 - 0:30connections. But even though it's an open
system we still exchange a lot of private -
0:30 - 0:36data. Things like credit card numbers,
bank information, passwords, and emails. So -
0:36 - 0:41how is all this private stuff kept secret?
Data of any kind can be kept secret through -
0:41 - 0:45a process known as encryption, the scrambling
or changing of the message to hide the original -
0:45 - 0:52text. Now decryption is the process of un-scrambling
that message to make it readable. This is -
0:52 - 0:57a simple idea, and people have been doing
it for centuries. One of the first well known -
0:57 - 1:02methods of encryption was Caesar's Cipher.
Named after Julius Caesar, a Roman general -
1:02 - 1:07who encrypted his military commands to make
sure that if a message was intercepted by -
1:07 - 1:13enemies, they wouldn't be able to read it.
Caesar Cipher is an Algorithm that substitutes -
1:13 - 1:17each letter in the original message with a
letter a certain number of steps down the -
1:17 - 1:21alphabet. If the number is something only
the sender and receiver know, then it's called -
1:21 - 1:29the key. It allows the reader to unlock the
secret message. For example, if your original -
1:29 - 1:36message is 'HELLO' then using the Caesar Cipher
algorithm with a key of 5 the encrypted message -
1:36 - 1:43would be this... To decrypt the message, the
recipient would simple use the key to reverse -
1:43 - 1:50the processes. But there is a big problem
with Caesar Cipher, anybody can easily break -
1:50 - 1:56or crack the encrypted message, by trying
every possible key, and in the english alphabet -
1:56 - 2:00there are only 26 letters, which means you
would only need to try at most 26 keys to -
2:00 - 2:07decrypt the message. Now trying 26 possible
keys isn't very hard, it would take at most -
2:07 - 2:13an hour or two. So lets make it harder. Instead
of shifting every letter by the same amount, -
2:13 - 2:19let's shift each letter by a different amount.
In this example a ten digit key shows how many -
2:19 - 2:27positions each successive letter will be changed
to encrypt a longer message. Guessing this -
2:27 - 2:34key would be really hard. Using 10 digit encryption
there could be 10 billion possible key solutions. -
2:34 - 2:40Obviously that's more then any human could
ever solve, it would take many centuries. -
2:40 - 2:46But an average computer today, would take
just a few seconds to try all 10 billion possibilities. -
2:46 - 2:51So in a modern world were the bad guys are
armed with computers instead of pencils how -
2:51 - 2:58can you encrypt messages so securely that
they're too hard to crack? Now too hard means -
2:58 - 3:04that there are too many possibilities to compute
in a reasonable amount of time. Today's secure -
3:04 - 3:10communications are encrypted using 256 bit
keys. That means a bad guy's computer that -
3:10 - 3:16intercepts your message would need to try
this many possible options... until they discover -
3:16 - 3:24the key and crack the message. Even if you
had a 100,000 super computers and each of -
3:24 - 3:31them was able to try a million billion keys
every second it would take trillions of trillions -
3:31 - 3:38of years to try every option, just to crack
a single message protected with 256 bit encryption. -
3:38 - 3:43Of course computer chips get twice as fast
and half the size every year or so. If that -
3:43 - 3:48pace of exponential progress continues, today's
impossible problems will be solvable just -
3:48 - 3:55a few hundred years in the future and 256
bits won't be enough to be safe. In fact -
3:55 - 4:01we've already had to increase the standard key
length to keep up with the speed of computers. -
4:01 - 4:06The good news is using a longer key doesn't
make encrypting messages much harder but it -
4:06 - 4:12exponentially increases the number of guesses
that it would take to crack a cipher. When -
4:12 - 4:17the sender and receiver share the same key
to scramble and unscramble a message its called -
4:17 - 4:24Symmetric Encryption. With Symmetric Encryption,
like Caesar Cipher, the secret key has to be -
4:24 - 4:30agreed on ahead of time by two people in private.
So that's great for people, but the internet -
4:30 - 4:36is open and public so it's impossible for
two computers to "meet" in private to agree -
4:36 - 4:42on a secret key. Instead computers use Asymmetric
Encryption keys, a public key that can be -
4:42 - 4:49exchanged with anybody and a private key that is
not shared. The Public Key is used to encrypt -
4:49 - 4:56data and anybody can use it to create a secret
message, but the secret can only be decrypted -
4:56 - 5:01by a computer with access to the private key.
How this works is with some math that we won't -
5:01 - 5:06get into right now. Think of it this way,
imagine that you have a personal mailbox, -
5:06 - 5:11where anybody can deposit mail but they need
a key to do it. Now you can make many copies -
5:11 - 5:17of the deposit key and send one to your friend
or even just make it publicly available. Your -
5:17 - 5:21friend or even a stranger can use the public
key to access your deposit slot and drop a -
5:21 - 5:27message in, But only you can open the mailbox
with your private key, to access all of the -
5:27 - 5:32secret messages you've received. And you can
send a secure message back to your friend -
5:32 - 5:38by using the public deposit key to their mailbox.
This way people can exchange secure messages -
5:38 - 5:44without ever needing to agree on a private
key. Public Key cryptography is the foundation -
5:44 - 5:49of all secure messaging on the open internet.
Including the Security Protocols known as -
5:49 - 5:56SSL and TLS, which protect us when we are
browsing the web. Your computer uses this -
5:56 - 6:01today, anytime you see the little lock or
the letters https in your browser's address -
6:01 - 6:07bar. This means your computer is using public
key encryption to exchange data securely with -
6:07 - 6:13the website you're on. As more and more people
get on the internet more and more private -
6:13 - 6:19data will be transmitted, and the need to
secure that data will be even more important. -
6:19 - 6:24And as computers become faster and faster
we will have to develop new ways to make encryption -
6:24 - 6:29too hard for computers to break. This is what
I do with my work and it's always changing.
- Title:
- The Internet: Encryption & Public Keys
- Description:
Mia Epner, who works on security for a US national intelligence agency, explains how cryptography allows for the secure transfer of data online. This educational video explains 256 bit encryption, public and private keys, SSL & TLS and HTTPS.
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- English
- Duration:
- 06:40
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