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for 21 days,
we’re going to be seeking the Lord
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through prayer and fasting together.*
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And that’s going to lead into
what we’re calling a sacred assembly,
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or what we’re going to name
the return gathering
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where we’re drawing all of our campuses together
to, to come together for several days
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of seeking God in unity.
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Yeah, in the in the Bible,
in multiple occasions,
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there would be a sacred assembly
where the people of God would come together.
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They would commit themselves
to what God had for them in that season
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and for what was ahead.
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If you go to the book of Joel,
the book of Joel talks about
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God pouring out his Spirit
on all his sons and daughters,
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giving dreams and visions.
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And right before that,
before the dreaming,
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there is a returning where God says,
“Call a sacred assembly,
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call my people to return to my heart.”
we’re going to for…
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As for as a church family for three days,
we’re going to go after worship,
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pray, recommit ourselves to God as a whole
for this next season.
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And this Dream Now Initiative,
if you’ve been around Saddleback for a while,
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we’ve done capital campaigns
a very similar,
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but we’re seeing this is the next chapter
of what God has in store for our church family.
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Big visions, big dreams,
and what better way to go into a dream
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that God has for your life
to be fully surrendered and fully committed.
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As you think about the beginning of the year,
you, you might say before you do a fast,
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the first 21 days,
hold it for that season
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starting the beginning of February
and let’s get our whole church together,
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praying, seeking God
and then dreaming together
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God’s dream for the future of our lives.
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Yeah, this is going to be such a special season
as we move into this together.
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We’re…we feel God has something
maybe unique and unprecedented for this time.
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You think back on the history of Saddleback
and how God has moved historically
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through this church in such dynamic ways
that have impacted the global church around the world.
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And we believe that God has another season
of that for Saddleback Church
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and that this is the beginning of it.
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We’re on the ground level
and we’re coming together to say,
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“God, would you move again in this generation?
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Would you pour out your Spirit again
on this generation in our day?”
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I’m going to ask you to take some time off of work
to make margin here
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to see the dates on the screen here
to come and to join us.
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Some of you guys might want to get a hotel
from the other campuses,
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come down, spend a few days
and it’s going to be a very powerful time
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of a church family gathering
seeking the heart of God for this next season.
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This is going to be incredible.
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I can’t wait to be part of it
called the Return Gathering.
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Any final parting words *
that you want to say