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Jeff Koons: Dinero & Valor | Art21 "Exclusiva"

  • 0:15 - 0:15
    Me complace que hay un dialogo acerca de mi trabajo
  • 0:19 - 0:19
    pero hay una tergiversación, algunas personas
  • 0:24 - 0:24
    pueden pensar que mi trabajo es sólo acerca de dinero.
  • 0:28 - 0:28
    Ciertos aspectos de mi trabajo son acerca de dinero porque
  • 0:32 - 0:32
    mi trabajo también habla sobre el deseo
  • 0:37 - 0:37
    pero ahhh... el trabajo no es acerca de dinero, no es
  • 0:37 - 0:37
    sólo acerca de hacer algo para vender.
Jeff Koons: Dinero & Valor | Art21 "Exclusiva"

Episode #098: Artist Jeff Koons discusses themes of money, desire, perfection, and moral responsibility. Filmed in his busy New York studio and surrounded by numerous assistants at work on paintings and sculptures, Koons describes how the practicalities of running a business are often in service to creative ends.

Jeff Koons plucks images and objects from popular culture, framing questions about taste and pleasure. His contextual sleight-of-hand, which transforms banal items into sumptuous icons, takes on a psychological dimension through dramatic shifts in scale, spectacularly engineered surfaces, and subliminal allegories of animals, humans, and anthropomorphized objects. The subject of art history is a constant undercurrent, whether Koons elevates kitsch to the level of Classical art, produces photos in the manner of Baroque paintings, or develops public works that borrow techniques and elements of seventeenth-century French garden design. Organizing his own studio production in a manner that rivals a Renaissance workshop, Koons makes computer-assisted, handcrafted works that communicate through their meticulous attention to detail.

Learn more about Jeff Koons:

VIDEO | Producer: Wesley Miller & Nick Ravich. Interview: Susan Sollins. Camera: Brian Hwang, Clair Popkin & Joel Shapiro. Sound: Mark Mandler. Editor: Paulo Padilha. Artwork Courtesy: Jeff Koons.

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"Extended Play" series
Patricia Cedres edited Spanish subtitles for Jeff Koons: Money & Value | Art21 "Exclusive"
Carolina Tamara added a translation

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