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les miserables

  • 0:03 - 0:06
  • 0:13 - 0:16
  • 1:06 - 1:08
  • 1:28 - 1:33
    (SINGING) Look down, look down
    Don't look 'em in the eye
  • 1:33 - 1:38
    Look down, look down
    You're here until you die
  • 1:38 - 1:44
    The sun is strong
    It's hot as hell below!
  • 1:44 - 1:49
    Look down, look down
    There's 20 years to go
  • 1:49 - 1:55
    I've done no wrong
    Sweet Jesus, hear my prayer!
  • 1:55 - 2:00
    Look down, look down
    Sweet Jesus doesn't care
  • 2:00 - 2:05
    I know she'll wait
    I know that she'll be true
  • 2:05 - 2:11
    Look down, look down
    They've all forgotten you
  • 2:11 - 2:14
    When I get free
    You won't see me
  • 2:14 - 2:16
    Here for dust!
  • 2:16 - 2:22
    Look down, look down
    Don't look 'em in the eye
  • 2:22 - 2:27
    How long, dear Lord
    Before you let me die?
  • 2:27 - 2:33
    Look down, look down
    You'll always be a slave
  • 2:33 - 2:38
    Look down, look down
    You're standing in your grave
  • 2:38 - 2:41
    Now bring me prisoner 24601
  • 2:41 - 2:44
    Your time is up
    and your parole's begun
  • 2:44 - 2:45
    You know what that means...
  • 2:45 - 2:48
    Yes! It means I'm free!
  • 2:48 - 2:52
    No! It means you get
    your yellow ticket of leave
  • 2:52 - 2:54
    -You are a thief
    -I stole a loaf of bread
  • 2:55 - 2:58
    -You robbed a house
    -I broke a window pane
  • 3:00 - 3:04
    My sister's child was close to death
    And we were starving
  • 3:04 - 3:08
    You will starve again
    Unless you learn the meaning of the law
  • 3:08 - 3:12
    I know the meaning of those 19 years
  • 3:12 - 3:14
    A slave of the law
  • 3:17 - 3:21
    Five years for what you did
    The rest because you tried to run
  • 3:22 - 3:23
    Yes, 24601
  • 3:23 - 3:26
    My name is Jean Valjean!
  • 3:26 - 3:31
    And I'm Javert!
    Do not forget my name
  • 3:32 - 3:37
    Do not forget me, 24601
  • 3:38 - 3:43
    Look down, look down
    You'll always be a slave
  • 3:44 - 3:49
    Look down, look down
    You're standing in your grave
  • 3:49 - 3:51
  • 4:05 - 4:06
    Freedom is mine
  • 4:07 - 4:09
    The earth is still
  • 4:10 - 4:11
    I feel the wind
  • 4:13 - 4:15
    I breathe again
  • 4:15 - 4:17
    And the sky clears
  • 4:20 - 4:22
    The world is waking
  • 4:25 - 4:29
    Drink from the pool
    How clean the taste!
  • 4:30 - 4:33
    Never forget the years, the waste
  • 4:35 - 4:39
    Nor forgive them for what they've done
  • 4:40 - 4:43
    They are the guilty, every one!
  • 4:45 - 4:49
    The day begins
    and now let's see
  • 4:49 - 4:55
    What this new world
    will do for me!
  • 5:08 - 5:11
    You'll have to go!
    I'll pay you off for the day
  • 5:11 - 5:13
    Collect your bits and pieces there
    and be on your way
  • 5:14 - 5:16
    You have given me half
    what the other men get
  • 5:17 - 5:19
    This handful of tin
    wouldn't buy my sweat!
  • 5:19 - 5:23
    You broke the law!
    It's there for people to see
  • 5:23 - 5:27
    Why should you get the same
    as honest men like me?
  • 5:30 - 5:33
    And now I know how freedom feels
    The jailer always at your heels!
  • 5:33 - 5:34
    It is the law!
  • 5:35 - 5:37
    This piece of paper in my hand
    It makes me cursed throughout the land
  • 5:37 - 5:39
    It is the law!
  • 5:39 - 5:44
    Like a cur
    I walk the street
  • 5:44 - 5:47
    The dirt beneath their feet
  • 5:53 - 5:57
    Come in, sir, for you are weary
  • 5:59 - 6:04
    And the night is cold out there
  • 6:04 - 6:07
    Though our lives are very humble
  • 6:07 - 6:14
    What we have, we have to share
  • 6:14 - 6:19
    There is wine here to revive you
  • 6:19 - 6:24
    There is bread to make you strong
  • 6:24 - 6:28
    There's a bed to rest till morning
  • 6:28 - 6:34
    Rest from pain, and rest from wrong
  • 6:35 - 6:39
    He let me eat my fill
    I had the lion's share
  • 6:39 - 6:42
    The silver in my hand
    cost twice what I had earned
  • 6:42 - 6:46
    In all those 19 years
    A lifetime of despair!
  • 6:46 - 6:50
    And yet he trusted me
  • 6:50 - 6:53
    The old fool trusted me
    He'd done his bit of good
  • 6:53 - 6:57
    I played the grateful serf
    and thanked him like I should
  • 6:57 - 7:01
    But when the house was still
    I got up in the night
  • 7:02 - 7:05
    Took the silver
  • 7:05 - 7:07
    Took my
  • 7:07 - 7:13
  • 7:21 - 7:24
    -Tell his reverence your story!
    -Let us see if he's impressed!
  • 7:25 - 7:28
    -You were lodging here last night
    -You were the honest bishop's guest
  • 7:29 - 7:33
    And then, out of Christian goodness
    when he learned about your plight
  • 7:33 - 7:36
    You maintain he made a present
    of this silver
  • 7:36 - 7:38
    That is right!
  • 7:38 - 7:44
    But my friend, you left so early!
    Surely something slipped your mind
  • 7:44 - 7:51
    You forgot I gave these also
    Would you leave the best behind?
  • 7:52 - 7:56
    So, messieurs, you may release him
  • 7:56 - 7:59
    for this man has spoken true
  • 7:59 - 8:02
    I commend you for your duty
  • 8:03 - 8:07
    Now God's blessing go with you
  • 8:10 - 8:15
    But remember this, my brother
  • 8:15 - 8:20
    See in this some higher plan
  • 8:20 - 8:24
    You must use this precious silver
  • 8:24 - 8:30
    to become an honest man
  • 8:30 - 8:35
    By the witness of the martyrs
  • 8:35 - 8:40
    By the passion and the blood
  • 8:40 - 8:45
    God has raised you out of darkness
  • 8:45 - 8:49
    I have bought your soul
  • 8:49 - 8:56
    for God!
  • 9:18 - 9:20
    What have I done?
    Sweet Jesus, what have I done?
  • 9:20 - 9:22
    Become a thief in the night!
    Become a dog on the run!
  • 9:22 - 9:25
    And have I fallen so far
    And is the hour so late
  • 9:25 - 9:27
    That nothing remains
    but the cries of my hate?
  • 9:27 - 9:30
    The cries in the dark that nobody hears!
  • 9:30 - 9:33
    Here where I stand
    at the turning of the years?
  • 9:34 - 9:39
    If there's another way to go
    I missed it 20 long years ago
  • 9:39 - 9:41
    My life was a war that could never be won
  • 9:41 - 9:43
    They gave me a number
    and murdered Valjean
  • 9:43 - 9:48
    When they chained me and left me for dead
    Just for stealing a mouthful of bread!
  • 10:01 - 10:05
    Yet why did I allow this man
  • 10:05 - 10:07
    to touch my soul and teach me love?
  • 10:09 - 10:12
    He treated me like any other
  • 10:12 - 10:17
    He gave me his trust
    He called me brother
  • 10:17 - 10:20
    My life he claims for God above
  • 10:21 - 10:23
    Can such things be?
  • 10:25 - 10:27
    For I had come to hate the world
  • 10:29 - 10:32
    This world that always hated me!
  • 10:34 - 10:36
    Take an eye for an eye!
  • 10:37 - 10:40
    Turn your heart into stone!
  • 10:41 - 10:44
    This is all I have lived for!
  • 10:44 - 10:51
    This is all I have known!
  • 10:54 - 10:58
    One word from him and I'd be back
  • 10:58 - 11:01
    beneath the lash, upon the rack
  • 11:01 - 11:04
    Instead he offers me my freedom!
  • 11:04 - 11:07
    I feel my shame inside me like a knife
  • 11:08 - 11:11
    He told me that I have a soul
  • 11:12 - 11:15
    How does he know?
  • 11:16 - 11:18
    What spirit comes to move my life?
  • 11:20 - 11:25
    Is there another way to go?
  • 11:27 - 11:31
    I am reaching, but I fall
  • 11:32 - 11:36
    and the night is closing in
  • 11:36 - 11:40
    As I stare into the void
  • 11:40 - 11:44
    to the whirlpool of my sin
  • 11:44 - 11:47
    I'll escape now from that world
  • 11:47 - 11:50
    From the world of Jean Valjean
  • 11:50 - 11:53
    Jean Valjean is nothing now!
  • 11:54 - 12:00
    Another story must begin!
  • 12:07 - 12:08
  • 12:47 - 12:50
    (SINGING) At the end of the day
    you're another day older
  • 12:50 - 12:53
    And that's all you can say
    for the life of the poor
  • 12:54 - 12:55
    It's a struggle! It's a war!
  • 12:55 - 12:57
    And there's nothing that anyone's giving
  • 12:57 - 13:00
    One more day standing about
    What is it for?
  • 13:01 - 13:03
    One day less to be living!
  • 13:04 - 13:08
    At the end of the day
    you're another day colder
  • 13:08 - 13:11
    And the shirt on your back
    doesn't keep out the chill
  • 13:11 - 13:15
    And the righteous hurry past
    They don't hear the little ones crying
  • 13:15 - 13:17
    And the winter is coming on fast
    Ready to kill
  • 13:19 - 13:21
    One day nearer to dying!
  • 13:22 - 13:25
    At the end of the day
    there's another day dawning
  • 13:25 - 13:28
    And the sun in the morning
    is waiting to rise!
  • 13:28 - 13:32
    And the waves crash on the sand
    Like a storm that'll break any second
  • 13:32 - 13:36
    There's a hunger in the land
    There's a reckoning still to be reckoned
  • 13:36 - 13:40
    And there's gonna be hell to pay!
    At the end of the day!
  • 13:42 - 13:45
    FOREMAN: At the end of the day
    you get nothing for nothing!
  • 13:45 - 13:48
    Sitting flat on your bum
    doesn't buy any bread!
  • 13:48 - 13:52
    -There are children back at home
    -And the children have got to be fed
  • 13:52 - 13:55
    -And you're lucky to be in a job
    -And in a bed!
  • 13:55 - 13:56
  • 13:56 - 13:58
    And we're counting our blessings!
  • 14:01 - 14:04
    Have you seen
    how the foreman is fuming today
  • 14:04 - 14:08
    With his terrible breath
    and his wandering hands?
  • 14:08 - 14:10
    It's because little Fantine
    won't give him his way
  • 14:10 - 14:13
    Take a look at his trousers
    you'll see where he stands!
  • 14:13 - 14:17
    And the boss, he never knows
    that the foreman is always on heat
  • 14:17 - 14:21
    WOMAN: If Fantine doesn't look out
    Watch how she goes
  • 14:22 - 14:24
    She'll be out on the street!
  • 14:24 - 14:28
    At the end of the day it's another day over
  • 14:28 - 14:31
    With enough in your pocket
    to last for a week
  • 14:31 - 14:35
    Pay the landlord, pay the shop
    Keep on grafting as long as you're able
  • 14:35 - 14:38
    Keep on grafting till you drop
    Or it's back to the crumbs off the table
  • 14:38 - 14:43
    Well, you've got to pay your way
    At the end of the day!
  • 14:46 - 14:50
    And what have we here
    little innocent sister?
  • 14:50 - 14:54
    Come on, Fantine, let's have all the news!
  • 14:54 - 14:56
    Dear Fantine, you must send us more money
  • 14:56 - 14:59
    Your child needs a doctor
    There's no time to lose
  • 14:59 - 15:02
    Give that letter to me
    It is none of your business
  • 15:03 - 15:06
    With a husband at home
    and a bit on the side!
  • 15:06 - 15:08
    Is there anyone here
    who can swear before God
  • 15:09 - 15:12
    She has nothing to fear?
    She has nothing to hide?
  • 15:18 - 15:22
    What is this fighting all about?
    Will someone tear these two apart?
  • 15:22 - 15:25
    This is a factory, not a circus
  • 15:25 - 15:27
    Now, come on, ladies, settle down!
  • 15:28 - 15:32
    I run a business of repute
    I am the mayor of this town
  • 15:33 - 15:36
    I look to you to sort this out
    and be as patient as you can
  • 15:36 - 15:39
    Now someone say how this began!
  • 15:40 - 15:42
    At the end of the day
    she's the one who began it!
  • 15:43 - 15:46
    There's a kid that she's hiding
    in some little town
  • 15:47 - 15:51
    There's a man she has to pay
    You can guess how she picks up the extra
  • 15:51 - 15:55
    You can bet she's earning her keep
    sleeping around!
  • 15:55 - 15:57
    And the boss wouldn't like it!
  • 15:58 - 16:01
    Yes, it's true there's a child
    and the child is my daughter
  • 16:02 - 16:05
    And her father abandoned us
    leaving us flat
  • 16:06 - 16:08
    Now she lives
    with an innkeeper man and his wife
  • 16:08 - 16:11
    And I pay for the child
    What's the matter with that?
  • 16:11 - 16:15
    At the end of the day
    she'll be nothing but trouble
  • 16:15 - 16:18
    And there's trouble for all
    when there's trouble for one!
  • 16:18 - 16:22
    While we're earning our daily bread
    she's the one with her hands in the butter
  • 16:22 - 16:25
    You must send the slut away
    or we're all gonna end in the gutter
  • 16:25 - 16:29
    And it's us who'll have to pay
    At the end of the day!
  • 16:30 - 16:33
    I might have known the bitch could bite!
    I might have known the cat had claws!
  • 16:33 - 16:36
    I might have guessed your little secret!
  • 16:36 - 16:42
    Ah, yes! The virtuous Fantine
    Who keeps herself so pure and clean
  • 16:42 - 16:46
    You'd be the cause, I had no doubt
    of any trouble hereabout
  • 16:46 - 16:50
    You play a virgin in the light
    but need no urging in the night!
  • 16:50 - 16:51
    She's been laughing at you
    while she's having her men!
  • 16:51 - 16:53
    She'll be nothing but trouble
    again and again!
  • 16:53 - 16:57
    -You must sack her today!
    -Sack the girl today!
  • 16:58 - 16:59
    Right, my girl
  • 17:00 - 17:02
    On your way!
  • 17:31 - 17:35
    There was a time when men were kind
  • 17:36 - 17:39
    When their voices were soft
  • 17:39 - 17:42
    and their words inviting
  • 17:42 - 17:46
    There was a time when love was blind
  • 17:46 - 17:49
    and the world was a song
  • 17:49 - 17:53
    and the song was exciting!
  • 17:53 - 17:55
    There was a time
  • 17:58 - 18:03
    Then it all went wrong
  • 18:19 - 18:26
    I dreamed a dream in time gone by
  • 18:27 - 18:32
    when hope was high and life worth living
  • 18:34 - 18:41
    I dreamed that love would never die
  • 18:42 - 18:47
    I dreamed that God would be forgiving
  • 18:49 - 18:56
    Then I was young and unafraid
  • 18:56 - 19:02
    And dreams were made and used
    and wasted
  • 19:03 - 19:10
    There was no ransom to be paid
  • 19:10 - 19:15
    No song unsung, no wine untasted
  • 19:17 - 19:23
    But the tigers come at night
  • 19:23 - 19:30
    with their voices soft as thunder
  • 19:30 - 19:36
    As they tear your hope apart
  • 19:37 - 19:39
    As they turn your dream
  • 19:39 - 19:46
    to shame
  • 19:50 - 19:56
    He slept a summer by my side
  • 19:56 - 20:02
    He filled my days with endless wonder
  • 20:02 - 20:08
    He took my childhood in his stride
  • 20:09 - 20:15
    But he was gone when autumn came
  • 20:18 - 20:24
    And still I dream he'll come to me!
  • 20:24 - 20:30
    That we will live the years together
  • 20:30 - 20:36
    But there are dreams that cannot be
  • 20:36 - 20:42
    And there are storms we cannot weather
  • 20:46 - 20:51
    I had a dream my life would be
  • 20:52 - 20:56
    so different from this hell I'm living
  • 20:56 - 21:03
    So different now from what it seemed!
  • 21:06 - 21:12
    Now life has killed the dream
  • 21:14 - 21:21
    I dreamed
  • 21:31 - 21:34
  • 22:04 - 22:07
    (SINGING) I smell women!
    Smell 'em in the air!
  • 22:07 - 22:10
    Think I'll drop me anchor
    in that harbour over there!
  • 22:10 - 22:12
    Lovely ladies!
    Smell 'em through the smoke!
  • 22:13 - 22:15
    Seven months at sea
    can make you hungry for a poke
  • 22:16 - 22:18
    Even stokers need a little stoke!
  • 22:18 - 22:21
    Lovely ladies waiting for a bite!
  • 22:21 - 22:24
    Waiting for the customers
    who only come at night
  • 22:24 - 22:27
    Lovely ladies ready for a call
  • 22:27 - 22:30
    Standing up or lying down or any way at all
  • 22:31 - 22:34
    Bargain prices up against the wall!
  • 22:34 - 22:38
    Come here, my dear
    Let's see this trinket you wear
  • 22:39 - 22:41
    This bagatelle
  • 22:41 - 22:43
    Madame, I'll sell it to you!
  • 22:44 - 22:48
    -I'll give you four
    -That wouldn't pay for the chain
  • 22:48 - 22:52
    I'll give you five, you're far too eager to sell
    It's up to you
  • 22:52 - 22:55
    -It's all I have!
    -That's not my fault
  • 22:55 - 22:57
    -Please, make it 10!
    -No more than five
  • 22:57 - 23:01
    My dear, we all must stay alive!
  • 23:02 - 23:05
    Lovely ladies waiting in the dark
  • 23:05 - 23:08
    Ready for a thick one
    or a quick one in the park
  • 23:08 - 23:11
    Long time, short time, anytime, my dear!
  • 23:11 - 23:14
    Cost a little extra
    if you want to take all year
  • 23:14 - 23:18
    Quick and cheap is underneath the pier!
  • 23:18 - 23:23
    What pretty hair!
    What pretty locks you've got there
  • 23:23 - 23:27
    What luck you've got
    It's worth a centime, my dear!
  • 23:28 - 23:32
    -I'll take the lot!
    -Don't touch me! Leave me alone!
  • 23:32 - 23:36
    Let's make a price
    I'll give you all of 10 francs
  • 23:36 - 23:38
    -Just think of that!
    -It pays a debt
  • 23:38 - 23:42
    -Just think of that
    -What can I do? It pays a debt
  • 23:42 - 23:46
    Ten francs may save my poor Cosette
  • 23:49 - 23:52
    Gimme the dirt
    Who's that bit over there?
  • 23:52 - 23:55
    A bit of skirt
    She's the one sold her hair
  • 23:55 - 23:58
    She's got a kid
    Sends her all that she can
  • 23:58 - 24:01
    I might've known
    there is always some man
  • 24:01 - 24:03
    Lovely lady, come along and join us!
  • 24:03 - 24:06
    Lovely lady!
  • 24:09 - 24:12
    Come on, dearie, why all the fuss?
  • 24:12 - 24:15
    You're no grander than the rest of us
  • 24:16 - 24:19
    Life has dropped you
    at the bottom of the heap
  • 24:19 - 24:23
    Join your sisters
    Make money in your sleep!
  • 24:24 - 24:27
    WHORE 1 : That's right, dearie
    Let 'im have the lot
  • 24:28 - 24:31
    WHORE 2: That's right, dearie
  • 24:31 - 24:36
    Show 'im what you've got
  • 24:39 - 24:41
    Old men, young men, take 'em as they come!
  • 24:42 - 24:44
    Harbour rats and alley cats
    and every kind of scum!
  • 24:45 - 24:47
    Poor men, rich men, leaders of the land
  • 24:48 - 24:50
    See them with their trousers off
    They're never quite as grand!
  • 24:51 - 24:54
    All it takes is money in your hand!
  • 24:56 - 25:01
    Lovely ladies going for a song
  • 25:01 - 25:07
    Got a lot of callers
    but they never stay for long
  • 25:07 - 25:12
    Come on, Captain, you can wear your shoes
  • 25:12 - 25:16
    Don't it make a change
    to have a girl who can't refuse?
  • 25:17 - 25:21
    Easy money
    Lying on a bed
  • 25:21 - 25:26
    Just as well they never see
    the hate that's in your head!
  • 25:26 - 25:29
    Don't they know they're making love
  • 25:29 - 25:35
    to one already dead?
  • 25:38 - 25:39
    Here's something new
  • 25:41 - 25:43
    I think I'll give it a try
  • 25:44 - 25:46
    Come closer, you!
  • 25:47 - 25:49
    I like to see what I buy
  • 25:50 - 25:52
    The usual price
  • 25:52 - 25:56
    for just one slice of your pie
  • 25:58 - 26:02
    I don't want you!
    No! No, monsieur, let me go!
  • 26:02 - 26:04
    Is this a trick? I won't pay more!
  • 26:04 - 26:05
    No, not at all
  • 26:05 - 26:07
    You've got some nerve, you ugly slut!
  • 26:07 - 26:09
    You've got some gall!
  • 26:11 - 26:14
    It's the same with a tart
    as it is with a grocer
  • 26:14 - 26:17
    The customer sees what he gets in advance
  • 26:18 - 26:20
    It's not for the whore
    to say yes sir or no sir
  • 26:20 - 26:22
    It's not for the harlot
    to pick or to choose
  • 26:22 - 26:23
    Or to lead me a dance
  • 26:24 - 26:27
    I'll kill you, you bastard, try any of that!
  • 26:28 - 26:33
    Even a whore who has gone to the bad
    won't be had by a rat!
  • 26:34 - 26:37
    By Christ, you'll pay for what you've done!
    This rat will make you bleed, you'll see!
  • 26:37 - 26:40
    I guarantee, I'll make you suffer!
  • 26:40 - 26:43
    For this disturbance of the peace
  • 26:43 - 26:46
    For this insult to life and property!
  • 26:46 - 26:49
    I beg you, don't report me, sir
    I'll do whatever you may want
  • 26:49 - 26:53
    Make your excuse to the police!
  • 27:00 - 27:03
    Tell me quickly what's the story
    Who saw what, and why, and where?
  • 27:04 - 27:07
    Let him give a full description
    Let him answer to Javert!
  • 27:07 - 27:11
    In this nest of whores and vipers
    Let one speak who saw it all
  • 27:11 - 27:16
    Who laid hands on this good man here?
    What's the substance of this brawl?
  • 27:16 - 27:20
    Javert, would you believe it?
    I was crossing from the park
  • 27:20 - 27:24
    When this prostitute attacked me
    You can see she left her mark!
  • 27:25 - 27:29
    She will answer for her actions
    When you make a full report
  • 27:29 - 27:33
    You may rest assured, monsieur
    That she will answer to the court
  • 27:33 - 27:38
    There's a child who sorely needs me
    Please, monsieur, she's but that high
  • 27:38 - 27:45
    Holy God, is there no mercy?
    If I go to jail she'll die!
  • 27:45 - 27:50
    I have heard such protestations
    every day for 20 years
  • 27:50 - 27:55
    Let's have no more explanations
    Save your breath and save your tears
  • 27:55 - 28:01
    Honest work, just reward
    That's the way to please the Lord
  • 28:05 - 28:08
    A moment of your time, Javert
    I do believe this woman's tale
  • 28:08 - 28:10
    But, Monsieur Mayor
  • 28:10 - 28:13
    You've done your duty, let her be
    She needs a doctor not a jail
  • 28:13 - 28:16
    -But, Monsieur Mayor
    -Can this be?
  • 28:16 - 28:22
    Where will she end
    This child without a friend?
  • 28:26 - 28:30
    I've seen your face before
  • 28:32 - 28:36
    Show me some way to help you
  • 28:38 - 28:42
    How have you come to grief
  • 28:42 - 28:46
    In such a place as this
  • 28:48 - 28:52
    Monsieur, don't mock me now, I pray
  • 28:53 - 28:58
    It's hard enough I've lost my pride
  • 28:59 - 29:06
    You let your foreman send me away
  • 29:06 - 29:12
    Yes, you were there and turned aside
  • 29:16 - 29:19
    I never did no wrong
  • 29:19 - 29:21
    Is it true, what I've done...
  • 29:21 - 29:24
    My daughter's close to dying
  • 29:24 - 29:27
    ... to an innocent soul?
  • 29:27 - 29:32
    -If there's a God above...
    -Had I only known then
  • 29:32 - 29:38
    ...he'd let me die instead
  • 29:38 - 29:42
    In his name my task has just begun
  • 29:43 - 29:45
    I will see it done
  • 29:45 - 29:46
    But, Monsieur Mayor!
  • 29:46 - 29:48
    Take her to the hospital
  • 29:48 - 29:49
    But, Monsieur Mayor!
  • 29:49 - 29:52
    I will see it done!
  • 30:19 - 30:21
    Can this be true?
  • 30:21 - 30:24
    I don't believe what I see!
  • 30:24 - 30:28
    A man your age
    To be as strong as you are!
  • 30:29 - 30:31
    A memory stirs
  • 30:31 - 30:33
    You make me think of a man
  • 30:34 - 30:36
    from years ago
  • 30:36 - 30:38
    A man who broke his parole
  • 30:38 - 30:40
    He disappeared
  • 30:42 - 30:43
    Forgive me, sir!
    I would not dare
  • 30:44 - 30:47
    Say what you must
    Don't leave it there
  • 30:49 - 30:53
    I have only known one other
    who can do what you have done
  • 30:53 - 30:58
    He's a convict from the chain gang
    He's been 10 years on the run
  • 30:58 - 31:03
    But he couldn't run forever
    We have found his hideaway
  • 31:03 - 31:07
    And he's just been re-arrested
    And he comes to court today
  • 31:07 - 31:12
    Well, of course, he now denies it
    You'd expect that of a con
  • 31:12 - 31:19
    But he couldn't run forever
    No, not even Jean Valjean!
  • 31:20 - 31:21
    You say this man denies it all
  • 31:21 - 31:25
    And gives no sign of understanding
    or repentance
  • 31:25 - 31:26
    You say this man is going to trial
  • 31:27 - 31:30
    And that he's sure to be returned
    to serve his sentence
  • 31:30 - 31:35
    Come to that, can you be sure
  • 31:35 - 31:38
    that I am not your man?
  • 31:39 - 31:44
    I have known the thief for ages
    Tracked him down through thick and thin
  • 31:44 - 31:49
    And to make the matter certain
    There's the brand upon his skin
  • 31:49 - 31:51
    He will bend
    He will break
  • 31:52 - 31:55
    This time there is no mistake!
  • 32:14 - 32:17
    He thought that man was me
    without a second glance
  • 32:18 - 32:22
    This stranger he has found
    This man could be my chance
  • 32:23 - 32:27
    Why should I save his hide?
    Why should I right this wrong?
  • 32:28 - 32:32
    When I have come so far
    and struggled for so long?
  • 32:35 - 32:41
    If I speak, I am condemned
  • 32:42 - 32:45
    If I stay silent
  • 32:46 - 32:49
    I am damned!
  • 32:49 - 32:53
    I am the master of hundreds of workers
    They all look to me
  • 32:55 - 32:56
    Can I abandon them?
  • 32:56 - 32:59
    How will they live
    If I am not free?
  • 33:02 - 33:07
    If I speak, they are condemned
  • 33:09 - 33:16
    If I stay silent, I am damned
  • 33:24 - 33:26
    Who am I?
  • 33:27 - 33:30
    Can I condemn this man to slavery?
  • 33:31 - 33:34
    Pretend I do not feel his agony?
  • 33:35 - 33:39
    This innocent who wears my face
    Who goes to judgement in my place
  • 33:39 - 33:40
    Who am I?
  • 33:41 - 33:43
    Can I conceal myself for evermore?
  • 33:44 - 33:47
    Pretend I'm not the man I was before?
  • 33:48 - 33:52
    And must my name until I die
    Be no more than an alibi?
  • 33:52 - 33:56
    Must I lie?
    How can I ever face my fellow men?
  • 33:56 - 33:59
    How can I ever face myself again?
  • 34:01 - 34:05
    My soul belongs to God, I know
    I made that bargain long ago
  • 34:05 - 34:09
    He gave me hope when hope was gone
  • 34:09 - 34:14
    He gave me strength to journey on
  • 34:15 - 34:17
    Who am I?
  • 34:20 - 34:22
    Who am I?
  • 34:22 - 34:26
    I'm Jean Valjean!
  • 34:28 - 34:30
    And so, Javert, you see it's true
  • 34:31 - 34:35
    This man bears no more guilt than you
  • 34:36 - 34:39
    Who am I?
  • 34:40 - 34:47
  • 34:49 - 34:51
  • 35:21 - 35:25
    (SINGING) Cosette, it's turned so cold
  • 35:28 - 35:33
    Cosette, it's past your bed time
  • 35:34 - 35:38
    You've played the day away
  • 35:39 - 35:46
    And soon it will be night
  • 35:48 - 35:51
    Come to me
  • 35:51 - 35:57
    Cosette, the light is fading
  • 35:57 - 36:04
    Don't you hear the winter wind is crying?
  • 36:05 - 36:12
    There's a darkness
    which comes without a warning
  • 36:12 - 36:18
    But I will sing you lullabies
    and wake you in the morning
  • 36:18 - 36:23
    Oh, Fantine, our time is running out
  • 36:25 - 36:29
    But, Fantine, I swear this on my life
  • 36:30 - 36:37
    Look, monsieur, where all the children play!
  • 36:37 - 36:39
    Be at peace!
  • 36:40 - 36:43
    Be at peace ever more
  • 36:43 - 36:48
    -My Cosette...
    -Shall live in my protection
  • 36:49 - 36:54
    -Take her now!
    -Your child will want for nothing
  • 36:55 - 37:01
    Good monsieur
    You come from God in heaven
  • 37:01 - 37:06
    And none will ever harm Cosette
    as long as I am living
  • 37:08 - 37:11
    Take my hand
  • 37:12 - 37:17
    The night grows ever colder
  • 37:17 - 37:18
    Then I will keep you warm
  • 37:18 - 37:20
    Take my child
  • 37:21 - 37:24
    I give her to your keeping
  • 37:24 - 37:27
    Take shelter from the storm
  • 37:27 - 37:34
    For God's sake
    please stay till I am sleeping
  • 37:35 - 37:38
    And tell Cosette I love her
  • 37:38 - 37:45
    and I'll see her when I wake
  • 38:06 - 38:11
    Valjean, at last
    We see each other plain!
  • 38:11 - 38:17
    Monsieur Ie Mayor
    You'll wear a different chain!
  • 38:17 - 38:21
    Before you say another word, Javert
    Before you chain me up like a slave again
  • 38:21 - 38:25
    Listen to me! There is something I must do
  • 38:27 - 38:29
    This woman leaves behind a suffering child
  • 38:29 - 38:32
    There is none but me who can intercede
  • 38:32 - 38:35
    In mercy's name, three days are all I need
  • 38:37 - 38:40
    Then I'll return, I pledge my word
    Then I'll return
  • 38:40 - 38:45
    You must think me mad!
    I've hunted you across the years
  • 38:45 - 38:52
    Men like you can never change
    A man such as you
  • 38:52 - 38:55
    -Believe of me what you will
    -Men like me can never change
  • 38:55 - 38:58
    -There is a duty that I'm sworn to do
    -Men like you can never change
  • 38:58 - 39:00
    -You know nothing of my life
    -No, 24601!
  • 39:00 - 39:03
    -All I did was steal some bread
    -My duty is to the law
  • 39:03 - 39:05
    -You know nothing of the world
    -You have no rights!
  • 39:05 - 39:07
    -You would sooner see me dead
    -Come with me, 24601!
  • 39:08 - 39:10
    -But not before I see this justice done!
    -Now the wheel has turned around
  • 39:10 - 39:12
    Jean Valjean is nothing now
  • 39:13 - 39:15
    -I am warning you, Javert
    -Dare you talk to me of crime
  • 39:15 - 39:17
    -I'm the stronger man by far!
    -And the price you had to pay
  • 39:17 - 39:20
    -There is power in me yet!
    -Every man is born in sin
  • 39:20 - 39:22
    -My race is not yet run!
    -Every man must choose his way
  • 39:23 - 39:25
    -I am warning you, Javert
    -You know nothing of Javert!
  • 39:25 - 39:27
    -There is nothing I won't dare!
    -I was born inside a jail
  • 39:28 - 39:30
    -If I have to kill you here
    -I was born with scum like you
  • 39:30 - 39:33
    -I'll do what must be done
    -I am from the gutter, too
  • 39:37 - 39:39
  • 39:48 - 39:51
    And this I swear to you tonight
  • 39:51 - 39:54
    There is no place for you to hide
  • 39:54 - 39:57
    Your child will live within my care
  • 39:58 - 40:01
    Wherever you may hide away
  • 40:01 - 40:05
    And I will raise her to the light
  • 40:05 - 40:10
    I swear to you
  • 40:10 - 40:17
    I will be there
  • 40:29 - 40:32
  • 41:01 - 41:06
    (SINGING) There is a castle on a cloud
  • 41:06 - 41:10
    I like to go there in my sleep
  • 41:11 - 41:15
    Aren't any floors for me to sweep
  • 41:15 - 41:20
    Not in my castle on a cloud
  • 41:20 - 41:24
    There is a lady all in white
  • 41:24 - 41:27
    Holds me and sings a lullaby
  • 41:27 - 41:31
    She's nice to see
    and she's soft to touch
  • 41:31 - 41:37
    She says
    "Cosette, I love you very much"
  • 41:38 - 41:43
    I know a place where no one's lost
  • 41:43 - 41:47
    I know a place where no one cries
  • 41:47 - 41:52
    Crying at all is not allowed
  • 41:52 - 41:58
    Not in my castle on a cloud
  • 42:01 - 42:03
  • 42:11 - 42:13
    Now look who's here!
  • 42:13 - 42:15
    The little madam herself
  • 42:16 - 42:19
    Pretending once again
    She's been so awfully good!
  • 42:19 - 42:23
    Better not let me catch you slacking
    Better not catch my eye
  • 42:24 - 42:27
    Ten rotten francs your mother sends me
    What's that going to buy?
  • 42:28 - 42:31
    Now, take that pail
    My little mademoiselle
  • 42:32 - 42:35
    And go and draw some water from the well
  • 42:36 - 42:38
    We should never have taken you in
    in the first place
  • 42:38 - 42:40
    How stupid the things we do
  • 42:40 - 42:44
    Like mother, like daughter
    The scum of the street!
  • 42:44 - 42:46
    Still there, Cosette?
  • 42:47 - 42:49
    Your tears will do you no good
  • 42:49 - 42:54
    I told you fetch some water
    from the well in the wood
  • 42:54 - 42:58
    Please do not send me out alone
  • 42:58 - 43:01
    Not in the darkness on my own
  • 43:02 - 43:04
    (ANGRILY) Enough of that
  • 43:04 - 43:07
    (SOFTLY) or I'll forget to be nice!
  • 43:07 - 43:08
  • 43:08 - 43:12
    You heard me ask for something
    And I never ask twice
  • 43:24 - 43:27
  • 43:32 - 43:36
    My band of soaks
    My den of dissolutes
  • 43:36 - 43:39
    My dirty jokes
    My always pissed as newts
  • 43:40 - 43:44
    My sons of whores
    Spend their lives in my inn
  • 43:45 - 43:48
    Homing pigeons homing in
  • 43:48 - 43:53
    They fly through my doors
  • 43:54 - 43:57
    And their money's as good as yours
  • 44:00 - 44:03
    Welcome, monsieur!
    Sit yourself down
  • 44:03 - 44:07
    And meet the best innkeeper in town
  • 44:08 - 44:11
    As for the rest
    All of them crooks
  • 44:11 - 44:15
    Rooking the guests
    and cooking the books
  • 44:17 - 44:19
    Seldom do you see
  • 44:20 - 44:22
    Honest men like me!
  • 44:22 - 44:25
    A gent of good intent
  • 44:25 - 44:28
    Who's content to be
  • 44:29 - 44:32
    Master of the House!
    Doling out the charm
  • 44:32 - 44:34
    Ready with a handshake
    and an open palm
  • 44:34 - 44:37
    Tells a saucy tale
    Creates a little stir
  • 44:37 - 44:40
    Customers appreciate a bon-viveur
  • 44:40 - 44:43
    Glad to do a friend a favour!
  • 44:43 - 44:46
    Doesn't cost me to be nice
  • 44:46 - 44:51
    But nothing gets you nothing
    Everything has got a little price!
  • 44:52 - 44:54
    Master of the House!
    Keeper of the zoo!
  • 44:54 - 44:57
    Ready to relieve them
    of a sou or two
  • 44:57 - 45:00
    Watering the wine
    Making up the weight
  • 45:00 - 45:03
    Picking up their knick-knacks
    When they can't see straight
  • 45:03 - 45:09
    Everybody loves a landlord
    Everybody's bosom friend!
  • 45:09 - 45:12
    I do whatever pleases
    Jesus! Won't I bleed 'em in the end!
  • 45:12 - 45:13
  • 45:13 - 45:16
    Master of the House!
    Quick to catch yer eye!
  • 45:16 - 45:19
    Never wants a passer-by
    to pass him by!
  • 45:19 - 45:21
    Servant to the poor
    Butler to the great
  • 45:21 - 45:24
    Comforter, philosopher and life-long mate!
  • 45:24 - 45:30
    Everybody's boon companion!
    Everybody's chaperone!
  • 45:30 - 45:34
    But lock up your valises
    Jesus! Won't I skin you to the bone!
  • 45:38 - 45:42
    Enter, monsieur
    Lay down yer load
  • 45:42 - 45:45
    Unlace yer boots
    Rest from the road
  • 45:46 - 45:50
    This weighs a ton!
    Travel's a curse
  • 45:50 - 45:54
    But here we strive
    to lighten your purse
  • 45:55 - 45:58
    Here the goose is cooked!
  • 45:58 - 46:01
    Here the fat is fried!
  • 46:01 - 46:06
    And nothing's overlooked till I'm satisfied
  • 46:07 - 46:10
    Food beyond compare!
    Food beyond belief!
  • 46:10 - 46:12
    Mix it in a mincer and pretend it's beef
  • 46:13 - 46:16
    Kidney of a horse
    Liver of a cat
  • 46:16 - 46:18
    Filling up the sausages with this and that!
  • 46:18 - 46:21
    Residents are more than welcome!
  • 46:21 - 46:24
    Bridal suite is occupied!
  • 46:24 - 46:29
    Reasonable charges
    Plus some little extras on the side!
  • 46:29 - 46:30
    Here we go
  • 46:30 - 46:33
    Charge them for the lice
    Extra for the mice
  • 46:33 - 46:36
    Two percent for looking
    in the mirror twice
  • 46:36 - 46:38
    Here a little slice
    There a little cut
  • 46:39 - 46:41
    Three per cent for sleeping
    with the window shut!
  • 46:41 - 46:47
    When it comes to fixing prices
    There are lots of tricks he knows!
  • 46:47 - 46:50
    How it all increases!
    All them bits and pieces!
  • 46:50 - 46:53
    Jesus! It's amazing how it grows!
  • 46:53 - 46:56
    Master of the House!
    Quick to catch yer eye!
  • 46:56 - 46:59
    Never wants a passer-by
    to pass him by!
  • 46:59 - 47:01
    Servant to the poor
    Butler to the great
  • 47:02 - 47:04
    Comforter, philosopher and life-long mate!
  • 47:04 - 47:10
    Everybody's boon companion
    Gives them everything he's got
  • 47:10 - 47:14
    Dirty bunch of geezers
    Jesus! What a sorry little lot!
  • 47:20 - 47:25
    I used to dream
    that I would meet a prince
  • 47:25 - 47:29
    But, God almighty, have you seen
    what's happened since?
  • 47:29 - 47:31
  • 47:31 - 47:36
    "Master of the House"
    isn't worth my spit!
  • 47:36 - 47:40
    Comforter, philosopher, and life-long shit!
  • 47:40 - 47:44
    Cunning little brain
    Regular Voltaire!
  • 47:44 - 47:48
    Thinks he's quite a lover
    But there's not much there
  • 47:48 - 47:55
    What a cruel trick of nature
    Landed me with such a louse!
  • 47:55 - 47:59
    God knows how I've lasted
    living with this bastard in the house!
  • 47:59 - 48:02
    -Master of the House!
    -Master and a half!
  • 48:02 - 48:05
    -Comforter, philosopher!
    -Don't make me laugh!
  • 48:05 - 48:08
    Servant to the poor
    Butler to the great
  • 48:08 - 48:11
    Hypocrite, and toady, and inebriate
  • 48:11 - 48:16
    Everybody bless the landlord!
    Everybody bless his spouse!
  • 48:17 - 48:18
    Everybody raise a glass!
  • 48:18 - 48:19
  • 48:19 - 48:21
    Raise it up the master's arse!
  • 48:21 - 48:22
  • 48:22 - 48:26
    Everybody raise a glass
    to the Master of the House!
  • 48:31 - 48:33
  • 48:33 - 48:35
  • 49:04 - 49:05
    I found her wandering in the woods
  • 49:05 - 49:07
    This is her child
  • 49:07 - 49:09
    I found her trembling in the shadows
  • 49:09 - 49:11
    And I am here to help Cosette
  • 49:11 - 49:14
    And I will settle any debt
    you may think proper
  • 49:14 - 49:19
    I will pay what I must pay
  • 49:19 - 49:23
    to take Cosette away
  • 49:28 - 49:32
    What to do?
    What to say?
  • 49:32 - 49:36
    Shall you carry our treasure away?
  • 49:36 - 49:40
    What a gem!
    What a pearl!
  • 49:40 - 49:43
    Beyond rubies is our little girl!
  • 49:43 - 49:47
    How can we speak of debt?
  • 49:48 - 49:51
    Let's not haggle for darling Colette!
  • 49:51 - 49:53
    -(SOFTLY) Cosette!
  • 49:53 - 49:58
    Dear Fantine, gone to rest
  • 49:58 - 50:01
    Have we done for her child what is best?
  • 50:01 - 50:05
    Shared our bread, haven't we?
    Shared each bone
  • 50:05 - 50:12
    We treated her like she's one of our own!
    Like our own, monsieur!
  • 50:15 - 50:20
    Your feelings do you credit, sir
    I will ease the parting blow
  • 50:20 - 50:23
    Let us not talk of bargains
    or bones or greed
  • 50:23 - 50:27
    Now, may I say we are agreed?
  • 50:27 - 50:32
    That would quite fit the bill
  • 50:32 - 50:36
    if she hadn't so often been ill
  • 50:36 - 50:39
    Little dear, cost us dear!
  • 50:39 - 50:43
    Medicines are expensive, monsieur
  • 50:43 - 50:47
    Not that we'd begrudge a sou
  • 50:47 - 50:52
    It's no more than we Christians must do!
  • 50:54 - 50:58
    One thing more
    One small doubt!
  • 50:58 - 51:02
    There are treacherous people about!
  • 51:02 - 51:05
    No offence!
    Please reflect
  • 51:06 - 51:11
    Your intentions may not be correct
  • 51:13 - 51:17
    No more words!
    Here's your price
  • 51:17 - 51:20
    1, 500 for your sacrifice
  • 51:20 - 51:24
    Come, Cosette, say goodbye!
  • 51:24 - 51:28
    Let us seek out some friendlier sky
  • 51:28 - 51:32
    Thank you both for Cosette
  • 51:32 - 51:37
    It won't take you too long to forget
  • 51:47 - 51:48
  • 51:59 - 52:04
    Look down and see the beggars at your feet!
  • 52:04 - 52:09
    Look down and show
    some mercy if you can!
  • 52:09 - 52:15
    Look down and see
    the sweepings of the street!
  • 52:15 - 52:20
    Look down, look down
    upon your fellow man!
  • 52:20 - 52:23
    How do you do?
    My name's Gavroche!
  • 52:23 - 52:25
    These are my people
    Here's my patch
  • 52:25 - 52:28
    Not much to look at
    Nothing posh
  • 52:28 - 52:31
    Nothing that you'd call up to scratch
  • 52:31 - 52:33
    This is my school, my high society!
  • 52:33 - 52:36
    Here in the slums of Saint Michel
  • 52:36 - 52:39
    We live on crumbs of humble piety
  • 52:39 - 52:41
    Tough on the teeth, but what the hell!
  • 52:41 - 52:44
    Think you're poor?
    Think you're free?
  • 52:44 - 52:46
    Follow me! Follow me!
  • 52:46 - 52:52
    Look down and show
    some mercy if you can!
  • 52:52 - 52:57
    Look down, look down
    upon your fellow man!
  • 52:58 - 53:00
    What you think yer at?
    Hanging round me pitch
  • 53:00 - 53:03
    If you're new around here, girl
    You've got a lot to learn
  • 53:03 - 53:05
    Listen, you old bat
    Crazy bloody witch
  • 53:05 - 53:08
    Least I give my customers
    some pleasure in return
  • 53:08 - 53:11
    I know what you give
    You give them all the pox
  • 53:11 - 53:13
    You spread around your poison
    till they end up in a box
  • 53:13 - 53:16
    Leave the poor old cow
    Move it, Madeleine
  • 53:16 - 53:19
    She used to be no better
    till the clap got to her brain
  • 53:19 - 53:21
    When's it gonna end?
    When we gonna live?
  • 53:21 - 53:24
    -Something's gotta happen now
    -MAN: Or something's gonna give
  • 53:24 - 53:28
    It'll come, it'll come, it'll come
    It'll come, it'll come, it'll come
  • 53:28 - 53:33
    Where are the leaders of the land?
    Where are the swells who run this show?
  • 53:33 - 53:38
    Only one man, and that's Lamarque
    speaks for these people here below
  • 53:38 - 53:41
    See our children fed!
    Help us in our shame!
  • 53:41 - 53:43
    Something for a crust of bread
    in holy Jesus' name!
  • 53:43 - 53:46
    In the Lord's holy name
    In his name, in his name, in his name
  • 53:47 - 53:52
    Lamarque is ill and fading fast
    Won't last a week out, so they say
  • 53:52 - 53:57
    With all the anger in the land
    How long before the judgement day?
  • 53:57 - 54:02
    Before we cut the fat ones down to size?
  • 54:02 - 54:09
    Before the barricades arise?
  • 54:11 - 54:16
    Watch out for old Thenardier!
    All of his family's on the make
  • 54:16 - 54:21
    Once ran a hash-house down the way
    Bit of a swine and no mistake
  • 54:21 - 54:24
    He's got a gang
    The bleeding layabout
  • 54:24 - 54:27
    Even his daughter does her share
  • 54:27 - 54:32
    That's Eponine, she knows her way about
    Only a kid, but hard to scare!
  • 54:32 - 54:34
    Do we care?
    Not a cuss!
  • 54:35 - 54:37
    Long live us!
    Long live us!
  • 54:37 - 54:42
    Look down and show
    some mercy if you can!
  • 54:42 - 54:47
    Look down, look down
    upon your fellow man!
  • 54:49 - 54:54
    Here's the old boy!
    Stay on the job and watch out for the law!
  • 54:54 - 54:57
    -Stay out of this!
    -But, Eponine...
  • 54:57 - 55:02
    You'll be in trouble here!
    It's not your concern, you'll be in the clear
  • 55:03 - 55:05
    -Who is that man?
    -Leave me alone!
  • 55:05 - 55:07
    Why is he here?
    Hey, Eponine!
  • 55:13 - 55:17
    I didn't see you there, forgive me
  • 55:24 - 55:28
    Please, monsieur, come this way
  • 55:28 - 55:32
    Here's a child what ain't eaten today
  • 55:32 - 55:36
    Save a life
    Spare a sou!
  • 55:36 - 55:40
    God rewards all the good that you do
  • 55:40 - 55:44
    Wait a bit!
    Know that face!
  • 55:45 - 55:48
    Ain't the world a remarkable place?
  • 55:48 - 55:52
    Men like me don't forget
  • 55:52 - 55:55
    You're the bastard who borrowed Cosette!
  • 55:55 - 55:58
    What is this?
    Are you mad?
  • 55:59 - 56:01
    No, monsieur, you don't know what you do!
  • 56:01 - 56:04
    You know me, you know me!
    I'm a con, just like you
  • 56:04 - 56:06
    It's the police! Disappear!
    Run for it!
  • 56:06 - 56:12
    It's Javert!
  • 56:15 - 56:18
    Another brawl in the square!
    Another stink in the air!
  • 56:18 - 56:20
    Was there a witness to this?
    Well, let him speak to Javert!
  • 56:20 - 56:23
    Monsieur, the streets are not safe
    But let these vermin beware
  • 56:23 - 56:25
    We'll see that justice is done!
  • 56:25 - 56:30
    Look upon this fine collection
    crawled from underneath a stone
  • 56:30 - 56:37
    This swarm of worms and maggots
    could have picked you to the bone!
  • 56:37 - 56:39
    I know this man over here
    I know his name and his trade
  • 56:39 - 56:42
    And on your witness, monsieur
    I'll see him suitably paid
  • 56:43 - 56:47
    But where's the gentleman gone?
    And why on earth did he run?
  • 56:47 - 56:52
    You will have a job to catch him!
    He's the one you should arrest!
  • 56:52 - 56:58
    No more bourgeois when you scratch him
    than that brand upon his chest!
  • 56:59 - 57:04
    Could it be he's some old jailbird
    that the tide now washes in?
  • 57:04 - 57:09
    Heard my name and started running
    Had the brand upon his skin
  • 57:09 - 57:14
    And the girl who stood beside him
    When I turned they both had gone
  • 57:14 - 57:20
    Could he be the man I've hunted?
    Could it be he's Jean Valjean?
  • 57:21 - 57:22
  • 57:22 - 57:27
    In the absence of a victim
  • 57:27 - 57:30
    Dear Inspector, may I go?
  • 57:31 - 57:34
    And remember when you've nicked him
  • 57:34 - 57:40
    It was me wot told you so!
  • 57:41 - 57:45
    Let the old man keep on running
  • 57:45 - 57:52
    I will run him off his feet!
  • 57:53 - 57:57
    Everyone about your business
    Clear this garbage off the street!
  • 57:59 - 58:01
  • 58:17 - 58:22
    There, out in the darkness
  • 58:23 - 58:26
    A fugitive running
  • 58:27 - 58:30
    Fallen from God
  • 58:31 - 58:33
    Fallen from grace
  • 58:34 - 58:37
    God, be my witness!
  • 58:37 - 58:43
    I never shall yield
    till we come face to face
  • 58:44 - 58:47
    Till we come face to face
  • 58:48 - 58:51
    He knows his way in the dark
  • 58:51 - 58:55
    Mine is the way of the Lord
  • 58:55 - 58:58
    Those who follow the path
    of the righteous
  • 58:58 - 59:02
    shall have their reward
  • 59:02 - 59:06
    And if they fall, as Lucifer fell
  • 59:06 - 59:12
    The flame!
    The sword!
  • 59:13 - 59:18
    Stars in your multitudes!
  • 59:18 - 59:22
    Scarce to be counted
  • 59:22 - 59:25
    Filling the darkness
  • 59:25 - 59:29
    With order and light
  • 59:29 - 59:32
    You are the sentinels
  • 59:32 - 59:36
    Silent and sure
  • 59:36 - 59:41
    Keeping watch in the night
    Keeping watch in the night
  • 59:43 - 59:49
    You know your place in the sky
    You hold your course and your aim!
  • 59:49 - 59:53
    And each in your season
    returns and returns
  • 59:53 - 59:57
    And is always the same
  • 59:57 - 60:01
    And if you fall, as Lucifer fell
  • 60:01 - 60:05
    You fall in flames!
  • 60:05 - 60:10
    And so it must be
    For so it is written
  • 60:11 - 60:14
    On the doorway to Paradise
  • 60:14 - 60:18
    That those who falter and those who fall
  • 60:18 - 60:23
    Must pay the price!
  • 60:30 - 60:33
    Lord, let me find him
  • 60:34 - 60:41
    that I may see him safe behind bars!
  • 60:41 - 60:48
    I will never rest till then!
  • 60:49 - 60:52
    This I swear!
  • 60:52 - 60:59
    This I swear by the stars!
  • 61:08 - 61:10
  • 61:29 - 61:32
    That inspector thinks he's something
  • 61:32 - 61:34
    But it's me who runs this town!
  • 61:35 - 61:40
    And my theatre never closes
    and the curtain's never down!
  • 61:40 - 61:46
    Trust Gavroche! Have no fear!
    You can always find me here!
  • 61:49 - 61:51
  • 61:59 - 62:02
    (SINGING) Enjolras!
    At Notre Dame the sections are prepared!
  • 62:02 - 62:04
    At Rue du Bac they're straining at the leash!
  • 62:04 - 62:07
    Students, workers, everyone!
    There's a river on the run!
  • 62:08 - 62:11
    Like the flowing of the tide
    Paris coming to our side!
  • 62:11 - 62:15
    The time is near
  • 62:15 - 62:19
    So near it's stirring the blood in their veins
  • 62:19 - 62:20
    And yet beware!
  • 62:22 - 62:27
    Don't let the wine go to your brains
  • 62:27 - 62:30
    For the army we fight is a dangerous foe
  • 62:31 - 62:34
    With the men and the arms
    that we never can match
  • 62:34 - 62:37
    It is easy to sit here and swat them like flies
  • 62:37 - 62:40
    But the National Guard
    will be harder to catch
  • 62:40 - 62:44
    We need a sign to rally the people
  • 62:44 - 62:50
    To call them to arms
    To bring them in line
  • 62:51 - 62:54
    -Marius, you're late
    -JOLY: What's wrong today?
  • 62:54 - 62:56
    You look as if you've seen a ghost!
  • 62:56 - 63:00
    Some wine, and say what's going on!
  • 63:00 - 63:06
    A ghost you say? A ghost may-be
    She was just like a ghost to me!
  • 63:06 - 63:10
    One minute there, then she was gone!
  • 63:12 - 63:15
    I am agog!
    I am aghast!
  • 63:15 - 63:18
    Is Marius in love at last?
  • 63:18 - 63:24
    I have never heard him "ooh" and "ah"
  • 63:24 - 63:30
    You talk of battles to be won
    And here he comes like Don Juan
  • 63:30 - 63:35
    It is better than an opera
    Thank you!
  • 63:47 - 63:51
    It is time for us all
    to decide who we are
  • 63:52 - 63:56
    Do we fight for the right
    to a night at the opera now?
  • 63:57 - 64:02
    Have you asked of yourselves
    what's the price you might pay?
  • 64:03 - 64:06
    Is this simply a game
    for rich young boys to play?
  • 64:06 - 64:13
    The colours of the world
    are changing day by day
  • 64:13 - 64:17
    Red, the blood of angry men!
  • 64:17 - 64:21
    Black, the dark of ages past!
  • 64:21 - 64:24
    Red, a world about to dawn!
  • 64:25 - 64:31
    Black, the night that ends at last!
  • 64:31 - 64:35
    Had you been there tonight
    you might know how it feels
  • 64:36 - 64:40
    To be struck to the bone
    in a moment of breathless delight
  • 64:41 - 64:45
    Had you been there tonight
    you might also have known
  • 64:46 - 64:50
    How the world may be changed
    with just one burst of light
  • 64:50 - 64:56
    And what was right seems wrong
    And what was wrong seems right!
  • 64:56 - 65:00
    -I feel my soul on fire!
  • 65:00 - 65:04
    -GRANTAIRE: Black!
    -My world if she's not there!
  • 65:04 - 65:08
    -The colour of desire!
  • 65:08 - 65:14
    -The colour of despair!
  • 65:14 - 65:15
    Marius, you're no longer a child
  • 65:16 - 65:18
    I do not doubt you mean it well
  • 65:18 - 65:22
    But now there is a higher call!
  • 65:22 - 65:24
    Who cares about your lonely soul?
  • 65:24 - 65:26
    We strive towards a larger goal
  • 65:26 - 65:31
    Our little lives don't count at all!
  • 65:31 - 65:34
    Red, the blood of angry men!
  • 65:34 - 65:38
    Black, the dark of ages past!
  • 65:38 - 65:42
    Red, a world about to dawn!
  • 65:42 - 65:49
    Black, the night that ends at last!
  • 65:54 - 65:56
  • 66:08 - 66:10
    (SINGING) Well, Courfeyrac!
    Do we have all the guns?
  • 66:10 - 66:12
    Feuilly, Combeferre!
    Our time is running short!
  • 66:12 - 66:16
    Grantaire, put the bottle down!
    Do we have the guns we need?
  • 66:16 - 66:19
    Give me brandy on my breath
    and I'll breathe them all to death!
  • 66:19 - 66:21
    Listen, everybody!
  • 66:24 - 66:26
    General Lamarque is dead!
  • 66:30 - 66:34
    Lamarque is dead
  • 66:36 - 66:40
    Lamarque, his death is the hour of fate
  • 66:41 - 66:42
    The people's man
  • 66:44 - 66:50
    His death is the sign we await!
  • 66:50 - 66:52
    On his funeral day
    They will honour his name
  • 66:52 - 66:55
    With the light of rebellion
    ablaze in their eyes
  • 66:55 - 66:58
    From their candles of grief
    we will kindle our flame
  • 66:58 - 67:01
    On the tomb of Lamarque
    shall our barricade rise!
  • 67:01 - 67:03
    The time is here!
  • 67:03 - 67:06
    Let us welcome it gladly
    with courage and cheer!
  • 67:06 - 67:09
    Let us take to the streets
    with no doubt in our hearts
  • 67:09 - 67:11
    But a jubilant shout!
  • 67:11 - 67:13
    They will come one and all!
  • 67:14 - 67:20
    They will come when we call!
  • 67:28 - 67:34
    Do you hear the people sing?
    Singing the song of angry men?
  • 67:34 - 67:39
    It is the music of a people
    who will not be slaves again!
  • 67:39 - 67:45
    When the beating of your heart
    echoes the beating of the drums
  • 67:45 - 67:51
    There is a life about to start
    when tomorrow comes!
  • 67:51 - 67:56
    Will you join in our crusade?
    Who will be strong and stand with me?
  • 67:56 - 68:02
    Beyond the barricade
    is there a world you long to see?
  • 68:02 - 68:07
    Then join in the fight
    that will give you the right to be free!
  • 68:07 - 68:12
    Do you hear the people sing?
    Singing the song of angry men?
  • 68:12 - 68:18
    It is the music of a people
    who will not be slaves again!
  • 68:18 - 68:23
    When the beating of your heart
    echoes the beating of the drums!
  • 68:23 - 68:28
    There is a life about to start
    when tomorrow comes!
  • 68:28 - 68:34
    Will you give all you can give
    so that our banner may advance?
  • 68:34 - 68:39
    Some will fall and some will live
    Will you stand up and take your chance?
  • 68:39 - 68:44
    The blood of the martyrs
    will water the meadows of France!
  • 68:44 - 68:49
    Do you hear the people sing?
    Singing the song of angry men?
  • 68:49 - 68:54
    It is the music of a people
    who will not be slaves again!
  • 68:54 - 68:59
    When the beating of your heart
    echoes the beating of the drums
  • 69:00 - 69:05
    There is a life about to start
    when tomorrow comes
  • 69:05 - 69:07
  • 69:35 - 69:40
    How strange, this feeling
    that my life's begun at last
  • 69:40 - 69:46
    This change!
    Can people really fall in love so fast?
  • 69:48 - 69:51
    What's the matter with you, Cosette?
  • 69:51 - 69:54
    Have you been too much on your own?
  • 69:54 - 70:01
    So many things unclear
    So many things unknown
  • 70:03 - 70:06
    In my life
  • 70:06 - 70:12
    There are so many questions and answers
    that somehow seem wrong
  • 70:12 - 70:14
    In my life
  • 70:14 - 70:20
    There are times when I catch in the silence
    the sigh of a far away song
  • 70:20 - 70:24
    And it sings of a world that I long to see
  • 70:24 - 70:31
    Out of reach, just a whisper away
    Waiting for me!
  • 70:31 - 70:35
    Does he know I'm alive?
    Do I know if he's real?
  • 70:35 - 70:41
    Did he see what I see?
    Does he feel what I feel?
  • 70:41 - 70:44
    In my life
  • 70:44 - 70:50
    I'm no longer alone
    now the love in my life is so near
  • 70:50 - 70:52
    Find me now!
  • 70:52 - 70:56
    Find me here!
  • 71:00 - 71:03
    Dear Cosette
    You're such a lonely child
  • 71:04 - 71:08
    How pensive
    How sad you seem to me
  • 71:08 - 71:14
    Believe me, were it within my power
    I'd fill each passing hour
  • 71:14 - 71:19
    How quiet it must be, I can see
  • 71:19 - 71:23
    With only me for company
  • 71:24 - 71:27
    There's so little I know
    that I'm longing to know
  • 71:27 - 71:31
    Of the child that I was
    in a time long ago
  • 71:31 - 71:34
    There's so little you say
    of the life you have known
  • 71:34 - 71:37
    Why you keep to yourself
    Why we're always alone
  • 71:37 - 71:41
    So dark, so dark and deep
  • 71:41 - 71:45
    The secrets that you keep
  • 71:46 - 71:48
    In my life
  • 71:48 - 71:54
    I'm no longer a child
    and I yearn for the truth that you know
  • 71:54 - 72:00
    Of the years, years ago!
  • 72:00 - 72:02
    You will learn!
  • 72:02 - 72:09
    Truth is given by God to us all
    in our time, in our turn!
  • 72:18 - 72:21
    In my life
  • 72:21 - 72:26
    She has burst like the music of angels
    The light of the sun!
  • 72:27 - 72:30
    And my life seems to stop
    as if something is over
  • 72:30 - 72:33
    And something has scarcely begun!
  • 72:33 - 72:37
    Eponine, you're the friend
    who has brought me here
  • 72:37 - 72:43
    Thanks to you, I am one with the Gods
    and heaven is near!
  • 72:43 - 72:47
    And I soar through a world
    that is new, that is free!
  • 72:48 - 72:52
    Every word that he says is a dagger in me!
  • 72:52 - 72:55
    In my life
  • 72:55 - 72:58
    There's been no one like him anywhere
  • 72:59 - 73:03
    Anywhere, where he is
  • 73:03 - 73:09
    If he asked, I'd be his!
  • 73:09 - 73:12
    In my life
  • 73:12 - 73:16
    There is someone who touches my life
  • 73:16 - 73:19
    Waiting near!
  • 73:20 - 73:24
    Waiting here!
  • 73:31 - 73:37
    A heart full of love!
  • 73:38 - 73:41
    A heart full of song!
  • 73:41 - 73:44
    I'm doing everything all wrong!
  • 73:44 - 73:47
    Oh, God, for shame!
  • 73:47 - 73:50
    I do not even know your name
  • 73:50 - 73:53
    Dear mademoiselle
  • 73:53 - 73:58
    Won't you say?
    Will you tell?
  • 73:58 - 74:03
    A heart full of love!
  • 74:04 - 74:08
    No fear, no regret!
  • 74:08 - 74:11
    My name is Marius Pontmercy
  • 74:11 - 74:13
    And mine's Cosette
  • 74:13 - 74:16
    Cosette! I don't know what to say
  • 74:17 - 74:20
    Then make no sound
  • 74:21 - 74:24
    I am lost!
  • 74:24 - 74:25
    I am found!
  • 74:25 - 74:30
    A heart full of light!
  • 74:30 - 74:34
    A night bright as day!
  • 74:35 - 74:38
    And you must never go away
  • 74:38 - 74:40
    Cosette, Cosette!
  • 74:40 - 74:45
    This is a chain we'll never break
  • 74:47 - 74:50
    Do I dream?
  • 74:51 - 74:56
    -I'm awake
    -A heart full of love!
  • 74:56 - 75:02
    -He was never mine to lose
    -A heart full of you!
  • 75:02 - 75:06
    -Why regret what could not be?
    -A single look and then I knew!
  • 75:06 - 75:13
    -I knew it, too!
    -These are words he'll never say
  • 75:15 - 75:18
    -Not to me
    -From today...
  • 75:18 - 75:21
    Not to me! Not for me
  • 75:21 - 75:23
    Every day
  • 75:23 - 75:29
    -For it isn't a dream
    -EPONINE: His heart full of love
  • 75:30 - 75:35
    -Not a dream
    -He will never
  • 75:35 - 75:42
    -After all!
    -Feel this way
  • 75:45 - 75:47
  • 76:02 - 76:05
    (SINGING) This is his lair!
    I've seen the old fox around
  • 76:05 - 76:07
    He keeps himself to himself
    He's staying close to the ground
  • 76:07 - 76:10
    I smell profit here!
  • 76:10 - 76:12
    Ten years ago
    He came and paid for Cosette
  • 76:12 - 76:15
    I let her go for a song
    It's time we settled the debt
  • 76:15 - 76:17
    This'll cost him dear!
  • 76:17 - 76:22
    What do I care who you should rob?
    Gimme my share! Finish the job!
  • 76:22 - 76:25
    You shut your mouth!
    You'll get what's yours!
  • 76:25 - 76:26
    CLAQUESOUS: What have we here?
  • 76:26 - 76:28
    Who is this hussy?
  • 76:28 - 76:31
    It's your brat Eponine!
    Don't you know your own kid?
  • 76:31 - 76:34
    Why's she hanging about you?
  • 76:34 - 76:37
    Eponine, get on home!
    You're not needed in this
  • 76:37 - 76:39
    We're enough here without you
  • 76:41 - 76:46
    I know this house, I tell you!
    There's nothing here for you!
  • 76:46 - 76:49
    Just the old man and the girl
  • 76:49 - 76:53
    They live ordinary lives
  • 76:54 - 76:55
    Don't interfere! You've got some gall!
  • 76:55 - 76:58
    Take care, young miss
    You've got a lot to say!
  • 76:58 - 77:00
    -She's going soft!
    -Happens to all!
  • 77:00 - 77:03
    Go home, 'Ponine!
    Go home, you're in the way!
  • 77:03 - 77:05
    I'm gonna scream
    I'm gonna warn them here!
  • 77:05 - 77:08
    One little scream
    and you'll regret it for a year!
  • 77:09 - 77:11
  • 77:12 - 77:16
    Make for the sewers! Get underground!
    Leave her to me! Don't wait around!
  • 77:17 - 77:19
    You wait my girl! You'll rue this night!
  • 77:19 - 77:22
    I'll make you scream!
    You'll scream alright!
  • 77:22 - 77:24
    It was your cry sent them away
  • 77:24 - 77:26
    Once more 'Ponine, saving the day!
  • 77:26 - 77:29
    Dearest Cosette
    My friend 'Ponine
  • 77:29 - 77:31
    Brought me to you
    Showed me the way!
  • 77:31 - 77:34
    Someone is near!
    Let's not be seen!
  • 77:34 - 77:37
    Somebody's here!
  • 77:41 - 77:44
    My God, Cosette!
    I heard a cry in the dark
  • 77:44 - 77:47
    I heard the shout of angry voices
    in the street
  • 77:47 - 77:51
    That was my cry you heard, Papa
  • 77:51 - 77:54
    I was afraid of what they'd do
  • 77:54 - 77:57
    They ran away when they heard my cry
  • 77:57 - 78:02
    Cosette, my child
    What will become of you?
  • 78:02 - 78:06
    Three men I saw beyond the wall
  • 78:06 - 78:11
    Three men in shadow moving fast!
  • 78:11 - 78:15
    This is a warning to us all!
  • 78:15 - 78:20
    These are the shadows of the past!
  • 78:22 - 78:25
    Must be Javert
    He's found my cover at last
  • 78:25 - 78:28
    I've got to get Cosette away
    before they return!
  • 78:29 - 78:32
    We must get away from
    shadows that will never let us be
  • 78:32 - 78:35
    Tomorrow to Calais
    And then a ship across the sea
  • 78:36 - 78:38
    Hurry, Cosette!
    Prepare to leave and say no more
  • 78:39 - 78:41
    Tomorrow we'll away!
  • 78:41 - 78:43
    Hurry, Cosette!
    It's time to close another door
  • 78:43 - 78:45
    And live another day!
  • 79:10 - 79:12
    One day more!
  • 79:13 - 79:16
    Another day, another destiny
  • 79:17 - 79:20
    This never-ending road to Calvary
  • 79:21 - 79:25
    These men who seem to know my crime
    will surely come a second time
  • 79:25 - 79:31
    -One day more!
    -I did not live until today
  • 79:32 - 79:38
    How can I live when we are parted?
  • 79:38 - 79:39
    One day more!
  • 79:39 - 79:45
    Tomorrow you'll be worlds away
  • 79:46 - 79:51
    And yet with you my world has started!
  • 79:52 - 79:56
    One more day all on my own
  • 79:56 - 79:59
    Will we ever meet again?
  • 79:59 - 80:02
    One more day with him not caring
  • 80:02 - 80:05
    I was born to be with you!
  • 80:05 - 80:08
    What a life I might have known
  • 80:08 - 80:11
    And I swear I will be true!
  • 80:11 - 80:18
    But he never saw me there!
  • 80:20 - 80:23
    One more day before the storm!
  • 80:23 - 80:26
    Do I follow where she goes?
  • 80:26 - 80:28
    At the barricades of freedom!
  • 80:28 - 80:31
    MARIUS: Shall I join my brothers there?
  • 80:31 - 80:34
    ENJOLRAS: When our ranks begin to form
  • 80:34 - 80:36
    Do I stay, and do I dare?
  • 80:37 - 80:40
    Will you take your place with me?
  • 80:40 - 80:46
    ALL: The time is now! The day is here!
  • 80:46 - 80:47
    One day more!
  • 80:48 - 80:53
    One more day to revolution
    We will nip it in the bud
  • 80:53 - 80:57
    We'll be ready for these schoolboys
    They will wet themselves with blood!
  • 80:57 - 80:58
    One day more!
  • 80:58 - 81:00
    Watch 'em run amuck
    Catch 'em as they fall
  • 81:01 - 81:03
    Never know your luck
    when there's a free-for-all
  • 81:03 - 81:06
    Here a little dip
    There a little touch
  • 81:06 - 81:08
    Most of them are goners
    So they won't miss much!
  • 81:09 - 81:14
    One day to a new beginning!
    Raise the flag of freedom high!
  • 81:14 - 81:19
    Every man will be a king!
    Every man will be a king!
  • 81:19 - 81:24
    There's a new world for the winning!
    There's a new world to be won!
  • 81:24 - 81:27
    Do you hear the people sing?
  • 81:27 - 81:34
    My place is here! I fight with you!
  • 81:34 - 81:37
    One day more!
  • 81:37 - 81:40
    I did not live until today
  • 81:40 - 81:42
    -I will follow where they go
    -One more day on my own
  • 81:42 - 81:46
    I will learn their little secrets
    I will know the things they know
  • 81:46 - 81:48
    One day more!
  • 81:48 - 81:50
    -One more day to revolution
    -Tomorrow you'll be worlds away
  • 81:50 - 81:53
    Never know your luck
    When there's a free-for-all
  • 81:53 - 81:55
    We'll be ready for these schoolboys
  • 81:55 - 81:58
    Tomorrow we'll be far away
    Tomorrow is the judgement day
  • 81:58 - 82:05
    Tomorrow we'll discover
    what our God in heaven has in store
  • 82:05 - 82:08
    One more dawn!
  • 82:08 - 82:11
    One more day!
  • 82:11 - 82:18
    One day more!
  • 82:27 - 82:30
  • 83:20 - 83:22
  • 83:29 - 83:30
  • 83:38 - 83:40
  • 84:09 - 84:12
    (SINGING) Here upon these stones
    we will build our barricade
  • 84:12 - 84:15
    In the heart of the city
    we claim as our own
  • 84:16 - 84:18
    Each man to his duty
    and don't be afraid!
  • 84:18 - 84:21
    Wait! I will need a report
    on the strength of the foe
  • 84:21 - 84:26
    I can find out the truth!
    I know their ways
  • 84:26 - 84:30
    Fought their wars
    Served my time
  • 84:30 - 84:34
    In the days of my youth
  • 84:34 - 84:38
    Hey, little boy, what's this I see?
    God, Eponine, the things you do!
  • 84:38 - 84:43
    I know this is no place for me
    Still I would rather be with you!
  • 84:43 - 84:48
    Get out before the trouble starts!
    Get out, 'Ponine, you might get shot!
  • 84:48 - 84:53
    I got you worried now, I have!
    That shows you like me quite a lot
  • 84:53 - 84:57
    There is a way that you can help
    You are the answer to a prayer!
  • 84:57 - 85:01
    Please take this letter to Cosette
    and pray to God that she's still there!
  • 85:02 - 85:06
    Little you know!
  • 85:06 - 85:11
    Little you care!
  • 85:28 - 85:33
    I have a letter, monsieur
    It's addressed to your daughter Cosette
  • 85:33 - 85:38
    It's from a boy at the barricade, sir
    In the Rue de Valette
  • 85:41 - 85:43
    Give me that letter here, my boy
  • 85:44 - 85:46
    He said to give it to Cosette
  • 85:47 - 85:49
    You have my word that
    my daughter will know
  • 85:49 - 85:51
    what this letter contains
  • 85:52 - 85:55
    Tell the young man
    she will read it tomorrow
  • 85:55 - 85:57
    and here's for your pains
  • 85:59 - 86:02
    Go careful now
    Stay out of sight
  • 86:03 - 86:05
    There's danger in the streets tonight
  • 86:17 - 86:19
    Dearest Cosette
  • 86:19 - 86:23
    You have entered my soul
    and soon you will be gone
  • 86:23 - 86:27
    Can it be only a day since we met
    and the world was reborn?
  • 86:27 - 86:31
    If I should fall in the battle to come
    let this be my goodbye
  • 86:31 - 86:35
    Now that I know that
    you love me as well
  • 86:35 - 86:37
    it is harder to die
  • 86:38 - 86:43
    I pray that God will bring me home
    to be with you
  • 86:43 - 86:46
    Pray for your Marius
  • 86:46 - 86:50
    He prays for you
  • 87:04 - 87:10
    And now I'm all alone again
    Nowhere to turn, no one to go to
  • 87:10 - 87:15
    Without a home, without a friend
    Without a face to say hello to
  • 87:15 - 87:18
    And now the night is near
  • 87:18 - 87:23
    Now I can make believe he's here
  • 87:24 - 87:31
    Sometimes I walk alone at night
    when everybody else is sleeping
  • 87:31 - 87:36
    I think of him and then I'm happy
    with the company I'm keeping
  • 87:36 - 87:40
    The city goes to bed
  • 87:40 - 87:44
    and I can live inside
  • 87:45 - 87:49
    my head!
  • 87:54 - 87:57
    On my own
  • 87:57 - 88:01
    Pretending he's beside me
  • 88:02 - 88:09
    All alone I walk with him till morning
  • 88:11 - 88:17
    Without him, I feel his arms around me
  • 88:17 - 88:21
    And when I lose my way
    I close my eyes
  • 88:21 - 88:24
    and he has found me
  • 88:24 - 88:27
    In the rain
  • 88:27 - 88:32
    the pavement shines like silver
  • 88:32 - 88:38
    All the lights are misty in the river
  • 88:40 - 88:46
    In the darkness
    the trees are full of starlight
  • 88:46 - 88:52
    And all I see is him and me
    forever and forever!
  • 88:52 - 88:59
    And I know it's only in my mind
  • 88:59 - 89:05
    That I'm talking to myself
    and not to him
  • 89:05 - 89:11
    And although I know that he is blind
  • 89:11 - 89:18
    Still I say there's a way for us
  • 89:18 - 89:23
    I love him, but when the night is over
  • 89:23 - 89:28
    He is gone
    The river's just a river
  • 89:29 - 89:34
    Without him
    the world around me changes
  • 89:34 - 89:41
    The trees are bare and everywhere
    the streets are full of strangers
  • 89:41 - 89:47
    I love him, but every day I'm learning
  • 89:47 - 89:54
    All my life, I've only been pretending
  • 89:54 - 90:00
    Without me, his world will go on turning
  • 90:00 - 90:07
    A world that's full of happiness
    that I have never known
  • 90:13 - 90:15
    I love him
  • 90:17 - 90:19
    I love him
  • 90:22 - 90:24
    I love him
  • 90:24 - 90:28
    But only
  • 90:30 - 90:37
    on my own
  • 90:38 - 90:40
  • 91:08 - 91:10
  • 91:48 - 91:51
    ALL: (SINGING) Now we pledge ourselves
    to hold this barricade!
  • 91:51 - 91:54
    Let them come in their legions
    and they will be met
  • 91:54 - 91:57
    Have faith in yourselves
    and do not be afraid
  • 91:57 - 92:00
    Let's give 'em a screwing
    they'll never forget!
  • 92:01 - 92:03
    This is where it begins
  • 92:03 - 92:06
    And if I should die in the fight to be free
  • 92:06 - 92:10
    Where the fighting is hardest
    there will I be
  • 92:10 - 92:13
    Let them come if they dare
  • 92:13 - 92:19
    We'll be there!
  • 92:19 - 92:20
    He's back!
  • 92:24 - 92:26
    Listen, my friends
    I have done as I said
  • 92:26 - 92:29
    I have been to their lines
    I have counted each man
  • 92:29 - 92:32
    I will tell what I can
  • 92:35 - 92:37
    Better be warned
    They have armies to spare
  • 92:37 - 92:38
    and our danger is real
  • 92:38 - 92:43
    We will need all our cunning
    to bring them to heel!
  • 92:45 - 92:47
    Have faith!
  • 92:47 - 92:50
    If you know what their movements are
    we'll spoil their game
  • 92:50 - 92:52
    There are ways that our people can fight
  • 92:52 - 92:57
    We shall overcome their power!
  • 92:57 - 93:01
    I overheard their plans
    There will be no attack tonight
  • 93:01 - 93:05
    They intend to starve us out
    before they start a proper fight
  • 93:05 - 93:09
    Concentrate their force
    Hit us from the right
  • 93:09 - 93:11
  • 93:11 - 93:16
    (SINGING) Good evening, dear Inspector
    Lovely evening, my dear!
  • 93:16 - 93:20
    I know this man, my friends
    His name's Inspector Javert!
  • 93:21 - 93:26
    So don't believe a word he says
    'cause none of it's true
  • 93:26 - 93:30
    This only goes to show
    what little people can do!
  • 93:30 - 93:33
    Bravo, little Gavroche!
    You're the top of the class!
  • 93:33 - 93:36
    So what are we going to do
    with this snake in the grass?
  • 93:36 - 93:38
    Tie this man
    and take him to the tavern in there!
  • 93:38 - 93:41
    The people will decide your fate
    Inspector Javert!
  • 93:41 - 93:45
    Shoot me now or shoot me later
    Every schoolboy to his sport!
  • 93:46 - 93:50
    Death to each and every traitor!
    I renounce your people's court!
  • 93:50 - 93:52
    Take this man
    Bring him through
  • 93:52 - 93:55
    There is work we have to do
  • 93:55 - 93:57
    There's a boy climbing the barricade!
  • 94:02 - 94:06
    Good God! What are you doing?
    'Ponine! Have you no fear?
  • 94:06 - 94:11
    Have you seen my beloved?
    Why have you come back here?
  • 94:11 - 94:16
    Took the letter, like you said
    I met her father at the door
  • 94:16 - 94:21
    He said he would give it
    I don't think I can stand any more
  • 94:21 - 94:26
    Eponine, what's wrong?
    There's something wet upon your hair
  • 94:26 - 94:28
    Eponine, you're hurt!
    You need some help!
  • 94:29 - 94:32
    Oh, God, it's everywhere!
  • 94:33 - 94:39
    Don't you fret, Monsieur Marius
  • 94:39 - 94:42
    I don't feel any pain
  • 94:43 - 94:46
    A little fall of rain
  • 94:47 - 94:51
    can hardly hurt me now
  • 94:52 - 94:57
    You're here
    That's all I need to know
  • 94:58 - 95:01
    And you will keep me safe
  • 95:02 - 95:05
    And you will keep me close
  • 95:06 - 95:13
    And rain will make the flowers grow
  • 95:14 - 95:19
    But you will live 'Ponine
    Dear God above!
  • 95:20 - 95:26
    If I could close your wounds
    with words of love
  • 95:27 - 95:31
    Just hold me now, and let it be
  • 95:31 - 95:36
    Shelter me
    Comfort me
  • 95:38 - 95:44
    You will live 100 years
    if I could show you how
  • 95:45 - 95:49
    I won't desert you now
  • 95:49 - 95:52
    The rain can't hurt me now
  • 95:53 - 95:58
    This rain will wash away what's past
  • 95:58 - 96:01
    And you will keep me safe
  • 96:01 - 96:05
    And you will keep me close
  • 96:05 - 96:11
    I'll sleep in your embrace at last
  • 96:12 - 96:19
    The rain that brings you here
    is heaven blessed!
  • 96:19 - 96:26
    The skies begin to clear
    and I'm at rest
  • 96:27 - 96:31
    A breath away from where you are
  • 96:31 - 96:35
    I've come home from so far
  • 96:39 - 96:43
    -So don't you fret, Monsieur Marius
    -Hush-a-bye, dear Eponine
  • 96:43 - 96:47
    -I don't feel any pain
    -You won't feel any pain
  • 96:47 - 96:51
    -A little fall of rain
    -A little fall of rain
  • 96:51 - 96:54
    -Can hardly hurt me now
    -Can hardly hurt you now
  • 96:54 - 96:56
  • 96:56 - 96:58
    I'm here!
  • 96:58 - 97:02
    That's all I need to know
  • 97:02 - 97:06
    -And you will keep me safe
    -I will stay with you...
  • 97:07 - 97:12
    -And you will keep me close
    -...till you are sleeping
  • 97:12 - 97:14
    -And rain...
    -And rain...
  • 97:14 - 97:19
    -... will make the flowers...
    -... will make the flowers...
  • 97:21 - 97:24
  • 97:43 - 97:45
  • 98:02 - 98:06
    (SINGING) She is the first to fall
  • 98:06 - 98:13
    The first of us to fall upon this barricade
  • 98:14 - 98:19
    Her name was Eponine!
  • 98:19 - 98:26
    Her life was cold and dark
    yet she was unafraid!
  • 98:28 - 98:31
    We fight here in her name
  • 98:31 - 98:35
    She will not die in vain
  • 98:35 - 98:42
    She will not be betrayed
  • 99:14 - 99:16
    Here comes a man in uniform!
  • 99:16 - 99:18
    What brings you to this place?
  • 99:18 - 99:19
    I come here as a volunteer!
  • 99:20 - 99:22
    Approach, and show your face!
  • 99:22 - 99:23
    You wear an army uniform!
  • 99:24 - 99:25
    That's why they let me through!
  • 99:25 - 99:27
    JOLY: You've got some years
    behind you, sir!
  • 99:27 - 99:29
    There's much that I can do
  • 99:29 - 99:31
    You see that prisoner over there?
  • 99:31 - 99:33
    A volunteer like you!
  • 99:33 - 99:35
    A spy who calls himself Javert!
  • 99:35 - 99:37
    GRANTAIRE: He's going to get it, too!
  • 99:37 - 99:38
    MAN: They're getting ready to attack!
  • 99:39 - 99:40
    Take this, and use it well!
  • 99:40 - 99:44
    But if you shoot us in the back
    You'll never live to tell
  • 99:44 - 99:47
    MAN: PIatoon of sappers
    advancing towards the barricade!
  • 99:47 - 99:50
    Troops behind them! Fifty men or more!
  • 99:55 - 99:56
  • 99:59 - 100:00
  • 100:00 - 100:02
  • 100:25 - 100:26
    (SINGING) Look how they turn and run!
  • 100:26 - 100:28
    And so the war was won!
  • 100:28 - 100:31
    They will be back again
    Make an attack again
  • 100:31 - 100:33
    For your presence of mind
    For the deed you have done
  • 100:34 - 100:36
    I will thank you, monsieur
    when our battle is won
  • 100:38 - 100:40
    Give me no thanks, monsieur
    There's something you can do
  • 100:40 - 100:42
    If it is in my power
  • 100:43 - 100:47
    Give me the spy Javert!
    Let me take care of him!
  • 100:47 - 100:50
    The law is inside out
    The world is upside down!
  • 100:51 - 100:54
    Do what you have to do!
    The man belongs to you!
  • 100:54 - 100:57
    The enemy may be regrouping!
    Hold yourself in readiness!
  • 100:58 - 101:00
    Come, my friends
    Back to your positions
  • 101:00 - 101:03
    The night is falling fast!
  • 101:06 - 101:07
    We meet again
  • 101:08 - 101:09
    You've hungered for this all your life
  • 101:10 - 101:15
    Take your revenge
    How right you should kill with a knife!
  • 101:15 - 101:19
    You talk too much
    Your life is safe in my hands
  • 101:20 - 101:21
    -Don't understand
    -Get out of here
  • 101:22 - 101:24
    -Valjean, take care! I'm warning you
    -Clear out of here!
  • 101:26 - 101:29
    Once a thief, forever a thief
    What you want, you always steal!
  • 101:29 - 101:33
    You would trade your life for mine
    Yes, Valjean, you want a deal!
  • 101:34 - 101:38
    Shoot me now for all I care
    If you let me go, beware!
  • 101:38 - 101:41
    You'll still answer to Javert!
  • 101:43 - 101:47
    You are wrong
    and always have been wrong
  • 101:48 - 101:52
    I'm a man no worse than any man
  • 101:54 - 101:57
    You are free
    and there are no conditions
  • 101:57 - 102:00
    No bargains or petitions
  • 102:00 - 102:03
    There's nothing that I blame you for
  • 102:04 - 102:05
    You've done your duty
  • 102:06 - 102:08
    Nothing more
  • 102:11 - 102:13
    If I come out of this alive
  • 102:13 - 102:17
    You'll find me at number 55 Rue Plumet
  • 102:17 - 102:21
    No doubt our paths will cross again!
  • 102:23 - 102:24
  • 102:29 - 102:30
  • 102:54 - 102:59
    (SINGING) Courfeyrac, you take the watch
    They won't attack until it's light
  • 103:00 - 103:03
    Everybody keep the faith
  • 103:03 - 103:08
    For certain as the eagle flies
    we are not alone
  • 103:08 - 103:12
    The people too must rise
  • 103:13 - 103:16
    Marius! Rest.
  • 103:30 - 103:33
    (SINGING) Drink with me
  • 103:33 - 103:36
    to days gone by!
  • 103:37 - 103:40
    Sing with me
  • 103:41 - 103:45
    the songs we knew!
  • 103:45 - 103:50
    Here's to pretty girls
    who went to our heads!
  • 103:50 - 103:55
    Here's to witty girls
    who went to our beds!
  • 103:55 - 104:02
    Here's to them
    and here's to you!
  • 104:03 - 104:06
    Drink with me
  • 104:06 - 104:11
    to days gone by!
  • 104:13 - 104:18
    Can it be you fear to die?
  • 104:19 - 104:24
    Will the world remember you
    when you fall?
  • 104:24 - 104:30
    Can it be your death
    means nothing at all?
  • 104:30 - 104:36
    Is your life just one more lie?
  • 104:38 - 104:41
    Drink with me
  • 104:41 - 104:45
    to days gone by!
  • 104:46 - 104:49
    To the life
  • 104:49 - 104:54
    that used to be!
  • 104:54 - 104:59
    At the shrine of friendship
    never say die
  • 104:59 - 105:04
    Let the wine of friendship
    never run dry
  • 105:04 - 105:07
    Here's to you!
  • 105:07 - 105:13
    And here's to me!
  • 105:14 - 105:20
    Do I care if I should die
    now she goes across the sea?
  • 105:20 - 105:26
    Life without Cosette
    means nothing at all
  • 105:26 - 105:31
    Would you weep, Cosette
    should Marius fall?
  • 105:31 - 105:34
    Will you weep
  • 105:35 - 105:37
  • 105:37 - 105:43
    for me?
  • 105:48 - 105:50
  • 106:14 - 106:21
    (SINGING) God on high
  • 106:22 - 106:28
    Hear my prayer
  • 106:29 - 106:34
    In my need
  • 106:34 - 106:39
    you have always been there
  • 106:41 - 106:47
    He is young
  • 106:47 - 106:53
    He's afraid
  • 106:54 - 106:58
    Let him rest
  • 106:58 - 107:03
    heaven blessed
  • 107:04 - 107:09
    Bring him home!
  • 107:09 - 107:15
    Bring him home!
  • 107:16 - 107:20
    Bring him home
  • 107:22 - 107:25
    He's like the son I might have known
  • 107:27 - 107:30
    if God had granted me a son
  • 107:31 - 107:36
    The summers die one by one
  • 107:36 - 107:42
    How soon they fly on and on
  • 107:43 - 107:46
    And I am old
  • 107:46 - 107:52
    and will be gone
  • 107:57 - 108:04
    Bring him peace
  • 108:05 - 108:11
    Bring him joy
  • 108:12 - 108:17
    He is young
  • 108:17 - 108:22
    He is only a boy
  • 108:23 - 108:28
    You can take!
  • 108:28 - 108:33
    You can give!
  • 108:34 - 108:37
    Let him be
  • 108:38 - 108:42
    Let him live!
  • 108:44 - 108:49
    If I die
  • 108:49 - 108:56
    Iet me die!
  • 108:57 - 109:02
    Let him live
  • 109:04 - 109:09
    Bring him home
  • 109:11 - 109:16
    Bring him home!
  • 109:19 - 109:24
    Bring him
  • 109:25 - 109:29
  • 109:43 - 109:45
  • 110:26 - 110:28
  • 110:56 - 110:59
    (SINGING) You at the barricade listen to this!
  • 111:00 - 111:02
    The people of Paris sleep in their beds!
  • 111:03 - 111:07
    You have no chance
    No chance at all!
  • 111:08 - 111:12
    Why throw your lives away?
  • 111:12 - 111:16
    Let us die facing our foes!
    Make them bleed while we can!
  • 111:16 - 111:17
    Make them pay through the nose!
  • 111:17 - 111:19
    Make them pay for every man!
  • 111:20 - 111:22
    Let others rise
  • 111:22 - 111:29
    to take our place
    until the earth is free!
  • 114:53 - 114:56
    Here's a hint of gold
    Stuck into a tooth
  • 114:56 - 114:59
    Pardon me, monsieur
    You won't be needing it no more!
  • 115:00 - 115:02
    Shouldn't be too hard to sell
  • 115:02 - 115:05
    Add it to the pile!
    Add it to the stock!
  • 115:05 - 115:09
    Here among the sewer rats
    A breath away from hell
  • 115:09 - 115:11
    You get accustomed to the smell
  • 115:12 - 115:16
    Well, someone's got to
    clean 'em up, my friends
  • 115:16 - 115:21
    Before the little harvest
    disappears into the mud
  • 115:21 - 115:25
    Someone's got to collect
    their odds and ends
  • 115:27 - 115:30
    When the gutters run with blood
  • 115:34 - 115:39
    It's a world where the dog eats the dog
  • 115:39 - 115:44
    Where they kill for the bones in the street
  • 115:45 - 115:51
    And God in his heaven
    you don't interfere
  • 115:51 - 115:56
    'Cos he's dead as the stiffs at me feet!
  • 115:57 - 116:01
    I raise my eyes to see the heavens
  • 116:01 - 116:08
    And only the moon looks down!
  • 116:09 - 116:16
    The harvest moon shines down!
  • 116:19 - 116:21
  • 117:11 - 117:13
    (SINGING) It's you, Javert
    I knew you wouldn't wait too long
  • 117:13 - 117:16
    The faithful servant
    at his post once more!
  • 117:16 - 117:19
    This man's done no wrong
    and he needs a doctor's care!
  • 117:21 - 117:24
    I warned you I would not give in!
    I won't be swayed!
  • 117:24 - 117:27
    Another hour yet
    and then I'm yours
  • 117:27 - 117:30
    And all our debts are paid!
  • 117:31 - 117:35
    The man of mercy comes again
    and talks of justice!
  • 117:35 - 117:37
    Come, time is running short
  • 117:37 - 117:43
    Look down, Javert!
    He's standing in his grave!
  • 117:43 - 117:45
    Take him, Valjean
  • 117:45 - 117:47
    Before I change my mind!
  • 117:47 - 117:53
    I will be waiting, 24601!
  • 118:04 - 118:06
    Who is this man?
    What sort of devil is he?
  • 118:06 - 118:08
    To have me caught in a trap
    and choose to let me go free?
  • 118:08 - 118:11
    It was his hour at last
    to put a seal on my fate!
  • 118:11 - 118:13
    Wipe out the past
    and wash me clean off the slate!
  • 118:13 - 118:16
    All it would take
    was a flick of his knife!
  • 118:16 - 118:21
    Vengeance was his
    and he gave me back my life!
  • 118:21 - 118:23
    Damned if I live in the debt of a thief!
  • 118:23 - 118:25
    Damned if I yield
    at the end of the chase!
  • 118:25 - 118:30
    I am the law, and the law is not mocked!
    I'll spit his pity right back in his face!
  • 118:30 - 118:32
    There is nothing on earth that we share!
  • 118:32 - 118:36
    It is either Valjean or Javert!
  • 118:46 - 118:49
    How can I now allow this man
  • 118:50 - 118:53
    to hold dominion over me?
  • 118:54 - 118:57
    This desperate man whom I have hunted
  • 118:57 - 119:01
    He gave me my life!
    He gave me freedom!
  • 119:02 - 119:06
    I should have perished by his hand
  • 119:06 - 119:09
    It was his right
  • 119:09 - 119:12
    It was my right to die as well
  • 119:13 - 119:18
    Instead, I live, but live in hell
  • 119:19 - 119:22
    And my thoughts fly apart
  • 119:22 - 119:26
    Can this man be believed?
  • 119:26 - 119:30
    Shall his sins be forgiven?
  • 119:30 - 119:34
    Shall his crimes be reprieved?
  • 119:39 - 119:46
    And must I now begin to doubt
    who never doubted all these years?
  • 119:46 - 119:50
    My heart is stone and still it trembles
  • 119:50 - 119:54
    The world I have known
    is lost in shadow
  • 119:54 - 120:01
    Is he from heaven or from hell?
    And does he know
  • 120:02 - 120:04
    that, granting me my life today
  • 120:07 - 120:11
    this man has killed me even so?
  • 120:13 - 120:17
    I am reaching, but I fall
  • 120:19 - 120:23
    And the stars are black and cold
  • 120:24 - 120:31
    As I stare into the void
    of a world that cannot hold
  • 120:32 - 120:38
    I'll escape now from that world
    From the world of Jean Valjean
  • 120:38 - 120:41
    There is nowhere I can turn
  • 120:41 - 120:47
    There is no way to go on
  • 120:56 - 120:58
  • 121:27 - 121:32
    (SINGING) Did you see them
    going off to fight?
  • 121:32 - 121:37
    Children of the barricade
    that didn't last the night?
  • 121:37 - 121:42
    They were school boys
    Never held a gun
  • 121:42 - 121:47
    Fighting for a new world
    that would rise up like the sun
  • 121:47 - 121:54
    Where's that new world
    now the fighting's done?
  • 121:55 - 122:00
    -Who will wake them?
    -No one ever will
  • 122:01 - 122:07
    No one ever told them
    that a summer day can kill
  • 122:07 - 122:13
    Same old story
    What's the use of tears?
  • 122:13 - 122:19
    What's the use of praying
    if there's nobody who hears?
  • 122:19 - 122:22
    Turning, turning
  • 122:22 - 122:29
    Turning, turning, turning
    through the years
  • 122:34 - 122:39
    Turning, turning, turning
    through the years
  • 122:39 - 122:43
    Minutes into hours
    and the hours into years
  • 122:43 - 122:48
    Nothing changes, nothing ever can
  • 122:48 - 122:53
    Rounding round the roundabout
    and back where you began
  • 122:53 - 122:59
    Round and round
    and back where you began!
  • 123:11 - 123:15
    There's a grief that can't be spoken
  • 123:16 - 123:21
    There's a pain goes on and on
  • 123:22 - 123:25
    Empty chairs at empty tables
  • 123:26 - 123:32
    Now my friends are dead and gone
  • 123:33 - 123:37
    Here they talked of revolution
  • 123:39 - 123:43
    Here it was they lit the flame
  • 123:44 - 123:47
    Here they sang about tomorrow
  • 123:48 - 123:54
    And tomorrow never came
  • 123:56 - 124:01
    From the table in the corner
  • 124:01 - 124:05
    They could see a world reborn
  • 124:06 - 124:10
    And they rose with voices ringing
  • 124:10 - 124:15
    And I can hear them now!
  • 124:15 - 124:20
    The very words that they had sung
  • 124:20 - 124:26
    became their last communion
  • 124:29 - 124:35
    On the lonely barricade at dawn
  • 124:37 - 124:41
    Oh, my friends, my friends, forgive me
  • 124:42 - 124:47
    That I live and you are gone
  • 124:47 - 124:51
    There's a grief that can't be spoken
  • 124:51 - 124:57
    There's a pain goes on and on
  • 124:57 - 125:02
    Phantom faces at the window!
  • 125:02 - 125:06
    Phantom shadows on the floor!
  • 125:07 - 125:10
    Empty chairs at empty tables
  • 125:10 - 125:16
    Where my friends will meet no more
  • 125:17 - 125:23
    Oh, my friends, my friends, don't ask me
  • 125:24 - 125:29
    What your sacrifice was for
  • 125:30 - 125:34
    Empty chairs at empty tables
  • 125:35 - 125:40
    Where my friends will meet
  • 125:41 - 125:45
    no more
  • 125:58 - 126:00
  • 126:25 - 126:27
    (SINGING) Every day, you walk
    with stronger step
  • 126:27 - 126:31
    You walk with longer step
    The worst is over
  • 126:31 - 126:33
    Every day, I wonder, every day
  • 126:33 - 126:36
    who it was brought me here
    from the barricade
  • 126:37 - 126:38
    Don't think about it, Marius!
  • 126:38 - 126:42
    With all the years ahead of us
    I will never go away
  • 126:42 - 126:46
    and we will be together every day
  • 126:48 - 126:52
    Every day
  • 126:53 - 126:55
    we'll remember that night
  • 126:56 - 127:00
    and the vow that we made
  • 127:00 - 127:05
    A heart full of love
  • 127:05 - 127:07
    She was never mine to keep
  • 127:07 - 127:11
    A night full of you
  • 127:11 - 127:15
    -She is youthful, she is free
    -The words are old, but always true
  • 127:15 - 127:17
    Cosette, Cosette!
  • 127:18 - 127:22
    -Love is the garden of the young
    -I saw you waiting and I knew
  • 127:22 - 127:24
    Waiting for you
  • 127:24 - 127:27
    -Let it be!
    -At your feet!
  • 127:27 - 127:30
    -Let it be!
    -At your call!
  • 127:32 - 127:39
    -And it wasn't a dream
    -A heart full of love
  • 127:40 - 127:45
    -Not a dream...
    -This I give you...
  • 127:45 - 127:51
    -...after all
    -... this day
  • 127:54 - 127:56
  • 128:10 - 128:13
    (SINGING) Monsieur, this is a day
    I never can forget
  • 128:14 - 128:17
    Is gratitude enough
    for giving me Cosette?
  • 128:18 - 128:21
    Your home shall be with us
    and not a day shall pass
  • 128:22 - 128:25
    But we will prove our love
    to you, whom we shall call
  • 128:25 - 128:28
    a father to us both
    a father to us all
  • 128:32 - 128:34
    Not another word, my son!
  • 128:35 - 128:39
    There's something now that must be done
  • 128:50 - 128:54
    There lived a man
    whose name was Jean Valjean
  • 128:57 - 129:01
    He stole some bread
    to save his sister's son
  • 129:04 - 129:08
    For 19 winters served his time
  • 129:10 - 129:14
    In sweat he washed away his crime!
  • 129:15 - 129:18
    Years ago
  • 129:18 - 129:21
    he broke parole
    and lived a life apart
  • 129:22 - 129:25
    How could he tell Cosette
    and break her heart?
  • 129:26 - 129:29
    It's for Cosette this must be faced
    If he is caught, she is disgraced
  • 129:30 - 129:33
    The time has come to journey on
  • 129:33 - 129:38
    and from this day he must be gone!
  • 129:39 - 129:41
    Who am I?
  • 129:43 - 129:44
    Who am I?
  • 129:44 - 129:48
    You're Jean Valjean!
  • 129:50 - 129:54
    What can I do to turn you from this?
    Monsieur, you cannot leave
  • 129:54 - 129:58
    Whatever I tell my beloved Cosette
    she will never believe
  • 129:59 - 130:02
    Make her believe
    I have gone on a journey a long way away
  • 130:02 - 130:07
    Tell her my heart was too full for farewells
    It is better this way
  • 130:07 - 130:10
    Promise me, monsieur
    Cosette will never know
  • 130:11 - 130:12
    I give my word
  • 130:12 - 130:16
    What I have spoken, why I must go!
  • 130:16 - 130:22
    For the sake of Cosette, it must be so
  • 130:46 - 130:52
    CHORUS: (SINGING) Ring out the bells
    upon this day of days!
  • 130:53 - 130:59
    May all the angels
    of the Lord above
  • 131:02 - 131:08
    In jubilation sing their songs of praise
  • 131:08 - 131:14
    And crown this blessed time
    with peace and love!
  • 131:28 - 131:32
    The Baron and Baroness de Thenard
    wish to pay their respects to the groom!
  • 131:35 - 131:36
  • 131:42 - 131:46
    I forget where we met
  • 131:46 - 131:49
    Was it not at the Chateau Lafarge?
  • 131:50 - 131:53
    Where the Duke did that puke
  • 131:53 - 131:57
    down the Duchess's decolletage?
  • 131:57 - 132:00
    No, Baron de Thenard
  • 132:00 - 132:04
    The circles I move in are humbler by far
  • 132:04 - 132:07
    Go away, Thenardier
  • 132:08 - 132:11
    Do you think I don't know who you are?
  • 132:12 - 132:15
    He's not fooled!
    Told you so!
  • 132:15 - 132:19
    Show monsieur
    what you've come here to show
  • 132:19 - 132:22
    Tell the boy what you know!
  • 132:24 - 132:27
    Pity to disturb you at a feast like this
  • 132:28 - 132:31
    But 500 francs
    surely wouldn't come amiss
  • 132:32 - 132:34
    In God's name, say what you have to say!
  • 132:34 - 132:37
    But first you pay!
  • 132:42 - 132:46
    What I saw, clear as light
  • 132:46 - 132:50
    Jean Valjean in the sewers that night
  • 132:50 - 132:57
    Had this corpse on his back
    hanging there like a bloody great sack
  • 132:57 - 133:01
    I was there, never fear!
  • 133:01 - 133:05
    Even found me this fine souvenir!
  • 133:05 - 133:08
    I know this! This was mine!
  • 133:08 - 133:12
    This is surely some heavenly sign!
  • 133:12 - 133:15
    One thing more, mark this well
  • 133:15 - 133:19
    It was the night that the barricade fell!
  • 133:19 - 133:23
    Then it's true! Then I'm right!
  • 133:23 - 133:27
    Jean Valjean was my saviour that night!
  • 133:27 - 133:30
    As for you, take this, too!
  • 133:31 - 133:34
    God forgive us the things that we do!
  • 133:34 - 133:38
    Come, my love, come, Cosette
  • 133:38 - 133:42
    This day's blessings are not over yet!
  • 133:44 - 133:45
  • 133:48 - 133:51
    Ain't it a laugh?
    Ain't it a treat?
  • 133:51 - 133:55
    Hob-nobbin' here
    among the elite?
  • 133:55 - 133:57
  • 133:57 - 134:01
    Here comes a prince
    There goes a Jew
  • 134:01 - 134:05
    This one's a queer
    But what can you do?
  • 134:08 - 134:12
    Paris at my feet!
  • 134:12 - 134:15
    Paris in the dust!
  • 134:15 - 134:21
    And here's me, breaking bread
    with the upper crust
  • 134:22 - 134:25
    Beggar at the feast!
    Master of the dance!
  • 134:25 - 134:28
    Life is easy pickings
    if you grab your chance
  • 134:28 - 134:31
    Everywhere you go
    law-abiding folk
  • 134:31 - 134:33
    doing what is decent
    but they're mostly broke!
  • 134:33 - 134:39
    Singing to the Lord on Sundays
    praying for the gifts he'll send
  • 134:39 - 134:44
    But we're the ones who take it
    We're the ones who make it in the end!
  • 134:44 - 134:47
    Watch the buggers dance!
    Watch them till they drop!
  • 134:47 - 134:50
    Keep your wits about you
    And you stand on top!
  • 134:50 - 134:53
    Masters of the land!
    Always get our share!
  • 134:53 - 134:55
    Clear away the barricades
    and we're still there!
  • 134:56 - 135:01
    We know where the wind is blowing
    Money is the stuff we smell
  • 135:01 - 135:05
    And when we're rich as Croesus
    Jesus! Won't we see you all in hell?
  • 135:05 - 135:07
  • 135:10 - 135:12
  • 135:59 - 136:03
    (SINGING) Alone I wait in the shadows
  • 136:03 - 136:07
    I count the hours till I can sleep
  • 136:07 - 136:11
    I dreamed a dream Cosette stood by
  • 136:11 - 136:17
    It made her weep to know I die
  • 136:19 - 136:23
    Alone at the end of the day
  • 136:23 - 136:27
    Upon this wedding night I pray
  • 136:27 - 136:32
    Take these children, my Lord
    to thy embrace
  • 136:33 - 136:37
    And show them grace
  • 136:46 - 136:53
    God on high
  • 136:55 - 137:01
    Hear my prayer
  • 137:03 - 137:08
    Take me now
  • 137:09 - 137:13
    to thy care
  • 137:15 - 137:22
    Where you are
  • 137:22 - 137:29
    Let me be
  • 137:30 - 137:36
    Take me now!
  • 137:37 - 137:43
    Take me there!
  • 137:44 - 137:49
    Bring me home!
  • 137:52 - 137:57
    Bring me home!
  • 138:00 - 138:04
    Monsieur, I bless your name
  • 138:04 - 138:06
    I am ready, Fantine
  • 138:06 - 138:10
    Monsieur, lay down your burden
  • 138:11 - 138:13
    At the end of my days
  • 138:13 - 138:18
    -You raised my child in love
    -She's the best of my life
  • 138:19 - 138:24
    And you will be with God
  • 138:30 - 138:33
    Papa, papa, I do not understand!
  • 138:33 - 138:36
    Are you alright?
    They said you'd gone away!
  • 138:38 - 138:41
    Cosette, my child! Am I forgiven now?
  • 138:41 - 138:44
    Thank God, thank God
    I lived to see this day!
  • 138:44 - 138:46
    It's you who must forgive
    a thoughtless fool!
  • 138:47 - 138:50
    It's you who must forgive
    a thankless man!
  • 138:51 - 138:55
    It's thanks to you that I am living
  • 138:55 - 138:58
    and again I lay down my life
    at your feet
  • 138:59 - 139:02
    Cosette, your father is a saint!
  • 139:02 - 139:07
    When they wounded me
    he took me from the barricade
  • 139:08 - 139:15
    Carried like a babe
    and brought me home to you!
  • 139:26 - 139:29
    Now you are here
  • 139:34 - 139:37
    again beside me
  • 139:40 - 139:44
    Now I can die in peace
  • 139:44 - 139:50
    for now my life is blessed
  • 139:51 - 139:56
    You will live, papa, you're going to live!
  • 139:57 - 140:02
    It's too soon
    too soon to say goodbye!
  • 140:03 - 140:07
    Yes, Cosette, forbid me now to die!
  • 140:10 - 140:12
    I'll obey
  • 140:13 - 140:15
    I will try
  • 140:18 - 140:25
    On this page
    I write my last confession
  • 140:28 - 140:33
    Read it well
    when I, at last, am sleeping
  • 140:36 - 140:42
    It's the story
    of those who always loved you
  • 140:42 - 140:48
    Your mother gave her life for you
    then gave you to my keeping
  • 140:50 - 140:52
    Come with me
  • 140:52 - 140:57
    where chains will never bind you
  • 140:58 - 141:05
    All your grief
    at last, at last, behind you
  • 141:06 - 141:09
    Lord in heaven
  • 141:09 - 141:14
    Iook down on him in mercy
  • 141:14 - 141:19
    Forgive me all my trespasses
    and take me to your glory!
  • 141:21 - 141:24
    Take my hand
  • 141:24 - 141:30
    I lead you to salvation
  • 141:30 - 141:33
    Take my love
  • 141:33 - 141:38
    For love is everlasting
  • 141:39 - 141:42
    And remember
  • 141:42 - 141:47
    the truth that once was spoken
  • 141:47 - 141:54
    To love another person
    is to see the face of God
  • 141:58 - 142:04
    CHOIR: Do you hear the people sing
    lost in the valley of the night?
  • 142:04 - 142:10
    It is the music of a people
    who are climbing to the light
  • 142:10 - 142:16
    For the wretched of the earth
    there is a flame that never dies
  • 142:16 - 142:22
    Even the darkest night will end
    and the sun will rise
  • 142:22 - 142:29
    They will live again in freedom
    in the garden of the Lord
  • 142:29 - 142:35
    They will walk behind the plough-share
    They will put away the sword
  • 142:35 - 142:40
    The chain will be broken
    and all men will have their reward
  • 142:40 - 142:46
    Will you join in our crusade?
    Who will be strong and stand with me?
  • 142:46 - 142:51
    Somewhere beyond the barricade
    is there a world you long to see?
  • 142:52 - 142:57
    Do you hear the people sing?
    Say, do you hear the distant drums?
  • 142:57 - 143:03
    It is the future that they bring
    when tomorrow comes!
  • 143:03 - 143:08
    Will you join in our crusade?
    Who will be strong and stand with me?
  • 143:08 - 143:14
    Somewhere beyond the barricade
    is there a world you long to see?
  • 143:14 - 143:20
    Do you hear the people sing?
    Say, do you hear the distant drums?
  • 143:20 - 143:26
    It is the future that they bring
    when tomorrow comes
  • 143:26 - 143:28
  • 143:34 - 143:41
    Tomorrow comes!
  • 143:46 - 143:48
  • 144:44 - 144:46
  • 147:06 - 147:08
  • 148:20 - 148:22
  • 148:22 - 148:24
  • 148:33 - 148:39
    (SINGING) God on high
  • 148:40 - 148:41
  • 148:41 - 148:47
    Hear my prayer
  • 148:48 - 148:52
    In my need
  • 148:53 - 148:57
    you have always been there
  • 149:00 - 149:06
    He is young
  • 149:06 - 149:11
    He's afraid
  • 149:12 - 149:17
    Let him rest
  • 149:17 - 149:21
    heaven blessed
  • 149:23 - 149:28
    Bring him home!
  • 149:29 - 149:34
    Bring him home!
  • 149:35 - 149:39
    Bring him home
  • 149:40 - 149:43
    He's like the son I might have known
  • 149:45 - 149:49
    if God had granted me a son
  • 149:50 - 149:55
    The summers die one by one
  • 149:55 - 150:01
    How soon they fly on and on
  • 150:01 - 150:04
    And I am old
  • 150:05 - 150:10
    and will be gone
  • 150:14 - 150:20
    Bring him peace
  • 150:21 - 150:26
    Bring him joy
  • 150:27 - 150:32
    He is young
  • 150:33 - 150:38
    He is only a boy
  • 150:38 - 150:44
    You can take!
  • 150:45 - 150:51
    You can give!
  • 150:51 - 150:56
    Let him be
  • 150:56 - 151:01
    Let him live!
  • 151:02 - 151:08
    If I die
  • 151:08 - 151:14
    Iet me die!
  • 151:14 - 151:21
    Let him live
  • 151:21 - 151:25
    Bring him home
  • 151:25 - 151:28
    Bring him home
  • 151:28 - 151:32
    Bring him home
  • 151:32 - 151:37
    Bring him home
  • 151:40 - 151:45
    Bring him
  • 151:47 - 151:50
  • 152:03 - 152:05
  • 152:59 - 153:02
    (SINGING) One day more!
  • 153:02 - 153:06
    Another day, another destiny
  • 153:06 - 153:09
    This never-ending road to Calvary
  • 153:10 - 153:14
    These men who seem to know my crime
    will surely come a second time
  • 153:15 - 153:21
    -One day more!
    -I did not live until today
  • 153:22 - 153:27
    How can I live when we are parted?
  • 153:27 - 153:29
    One day more!
  • 153:29 - 153:35
    Tomorrow you'll be worlds away
  • 153:35 - 153:41
    And yet with you my world has started!
  • 153:42 - 153:45
    One more day all on my own
  • 153:45 - 153:49
    Will we ever meet again?
  • 153:49 - 153:52
    One more day with him not caring
  • 153:52 - 153:55
    I was born to be with you!
  • 153:55 - 153:58
    What a life I might have known
  • 153:58 - 154:01
    And I swear I will be true!
  • 154:01 - 154:07
    But he never saw me there!
  • 154:11 - 154:14
    One more day before the storm!
  • 154:14 - 154:16
    Do I follow where she goes?
  • 154:16 - 154:20
    At the barricades of freedom!
  • 154:20 - 154:22
    Shall I join my brothers there?
  • 154:22 - 154:24
    When our ranks begin to form
  • 154:25 - 154:27
    Do I stay, and do I dare?
  • 154:28 - 154:30
    Will you take your place with me?
  • 154:31 - 154:37
    ALL: The time is now! The day is here!
  • 154:37 - 154:39
    One day more!
  • 154:39 - 154:44
    One day more to revolution
    We will nip it in the bud
  • 154:44 - 154:49
    We'll be ready for these schoolboys
    They will wet themselves with blood!
  • 154:49 - 154:50
    One day more!
  • 154:50 - 154:53
    Watch 'em run amuck
    Catch 'em as they fall
  • 154:53 - 154:55
    Never know your luck
    when there's a free-for-all
  • 154:56 - 154:58
    Here a little dip
    There a little touch
  • 154:58 - 155:01
    Most of them are goners
    So they won't miss much!
  • 155:01 - 155:06
    One day to a new beginning!
    Raise the flag of freedom high!
  • 155:06 - 155:12
    Every man will be a king!
    Every man will be a king!
  • 155:12 - 155:17
    There's a new world for the winning!
    There's a new world to be won!
  • 155:17 - 155:20
    Do you hear the people sing?
  • 155:20 - 155:27
    My place is here! I fight with you!
  • 155:27 - 155:29
    One day more!
  • 155:30 - 155:32
    I did not live until today
  • 155:32 - 155:35
    One more day on my own
  • 155:35 - 155:38
    How can I live when we are parted?
  • 155:39 - 155:40
    One day more!
  • 155:41 - 155:43
    Tomorrow you'll be worlds away!
  • 155:44 - 155:46
    Never know your luck
    When there's a free-for-all
  • 155:46 - 155:48
    And yet with you my world has started
  • 155:48 - 155:51
    Tomorrow we'll be far away
    Tomorrow is the judgement day
  • 155:52 - 155:58
    Tomorrow we'll discover
    what our God in heaven has in store
  • 155:58 - 156:01
    One more dawn!
  • 156:01 - 156:04
    One more day!
  • 156:04 - 156:11
    One day more!
  • 156:21 - 156:23
  • 157:16 - 157:21
    Well, Les Miserables is 25 years young!
  • 157:25 - 157:27
    What a remarkable evening.
  • 157:27 - 157:30
    This is going to be one of
    the greatest nights of my Iife.
  • 157:31 - 157:37
    We are all very Iucky to be here in front of
    such an incredible, stellar, amazing cast.
  • 157:38 - 157:40
  • 157:44 - 157:46
    I realised, over the Iast few days,
  • 157:46 - 157:48
    seeing the original cast here,
  • 157:48 - 157:51
    the two wonderful London
    companies at the moment,
  • 157:51 - 157:54
    and our extraordinary cast tonight,
  • 157:54 - 157:56
    that I've not only shared
    Les Miserables with them,
  • 157:56 - 157:59
    I've shared most of
    my professional Iife with them.
  • 157:59 - 158:03
    And everyone, including the choir,
    the ensemble, everyone,
  • 158:03 - 158:06
    they're all the stars of the West End
  • 158:07 - 158:11
    that have kept the British
    musical theatre thriving.
  • 158:17 - 158:22
    And they're here
    for the same reason I'm here
  • 158:22 - 158:24
    and the same reason you're here.
  • 158:24 - 158:28
    We Iove Les Miserables. There's something
    extraordinary about this musical.
  • 158:29 - 158:33
    And ever since it opened,
    25 years ago, at the Barbican
  • 158:33 - 158:37
    it is you, the public, that have grasped it
  • 158:37 - 158:40
    and embraced it in the most personal way.
    And that's how we all feel.
  • 158:40 - 158:43
    I watched the second act backstage.
  • 158:43 - 158:46
    It was as electrifying
    as it was for you outside,
  • 158:47 - 158:50
    just because the embrace between us,
  • 158:50 - 158:54
    and seeing everybody
    just Iove this material so much,
  • 158:54 - 158:56
    and Iove their fellow performers,
  • 158:56 - 158:59
    is something I have never
    encountered in the theatre,
  • 158:59 - 159:01
    and I never will for the rest of my Iife.
  • 159:04 - 159:09
    The inspiration, of course,
    belongs to Victor Hugo,
  • 159:09 - 159:15
    and Victor Hugo inspired two Frenchmen,
    they had to be French, of course,
  • 159:15 - 159:19
    AIain Boublil and CIaude-Michel Schonberg,
    to write the show,
  • 159:19 - 159:22
    with the wonderful, uplifting words
    of Herbert Kretzmer.
  • 159:22 - 159:25
    Ladies and gentlemen,
    the authors of Les Miserables.
  • 159:25 - 159:27
  • 160:05 - 160:08
    Just a few words
    on such an emotional evening,
  • 160:08 - 160:12
    in front of such a huge and warm crowd.
  • 160:13 - 160:18
    I must remember that 32 years ago
    I was asking myself one question.
  • 160:19 - 160:22
    Would Les Miserables make
    a good subject for a musical?
  • 160:22 - 160:24
  • 160:24 - 160:28
    And I was unconscious enough
    to think it was,
  • 160:28 - 160:32
    and CIaude-Michel
    crazy enough to agree with me.
  • 160:32 - 160:37
    So tonight is a celebration of
    obviously the genius of Victor Hugo,
  • 160:37 - 160:41
    of nearly 40 years of collaboration and
    friendship between CIaude-Michel and me,
  • 160:43 - 160:45
  • 160:52 - 160:57
    and 27 years of collaboration and
    friendship with Cameron Mackintosh.
  • 161:03 - 161:09
    It's also the celebration of incredible talents
    that we met through Cameron.
  • 161:09 - 161:15
    Namely they are the people
    who have helped him to reshape our work.
  • 161:15 - 161:20
    They are James Fenton,
    Trevor Nunn, John Caird,
  • 161:20 - 161:24
    and master Iyricist Herbert Kretzmer.
  • 161:25 - 161:26
  • 161:40 - 161:43
    Well, it's an evening...
    It's hard to speak, but...
  • 161:43 - 161:48
    An evening which I will remember
    for all my Iife, obviously.
  • 161:48 - 161:53
    Seeing this company of companies
    perform this night, this incredible evening,
  • 161:53 - 161:59
    and the 1985 evening, with whom
    we share so many fond memories,
  • 161:59 - 162:03
    is something that we'II carry with us
    for the rest of our Iives.
  • 162:03 - 162:07
    I want to thank you, Cameron,
    again, for making us
  • 162:07 - 162:10
    such an incredible and overwhelming
    birthday present.
  • 162:11 - 162:13
  • 162:23 - 162:25
    It's an incredible evening for us.
  • 162:25 - 162:29
    We are privileged to attend such a concert.
  • 162:29 - 162:32
    But I am wondering
    what we are doing here, really,
  • 162:32 - 162:36
    because, generally, when you have
    a tribute for a show Iike that
  • 162:36 - 162:39
    it means that the authors,
    they are dead for a Iong time.
  • 162:40 - 162:41
  • 162:42 - 162:44
    And we are still here.
  • 162:44 - 162:47
    And they are not very happy
    every day, those two gents
  • 162:47 - 162:49
    and Laurence, the director of the show,
    that we are here
  • 162:49 - 162:54
    because we are always Iooking
    what they are doing with our baby.
  • 162:54 - 162:56
    But anyway, as AIain said,
  • 162:57 - 163:01
    it's 40 years of brothership
    between me and AIain,
  • 163:02 - 163:07
    27 years of friendship
    and collaboration with Cameron.
  • 163:07 - 163:10
    Sometimes it's easy,
    sometimes it's very tough,
  • 163:10 - 163:13
    but it's always a Iot of fun.
  • 163:13 - 163:17
    And I wish that it will Iast a very Iong time.
  • 163:17 - 163:19
    Thank you very much, everyone.
    Thank you!
  • 163:20 - 163:21
  • 163:28 - 163:30
    I've just realised
  • 163:32 - 163:36
    that I'II be nearly 90 for the
    50th anniversary. What shall I do?
  • 163:37 - 163:39
    I intend to be here, though.
  • 163:40 - 163:41
  • 163:42 - 163:47
    Now, in 2002,
    it was Victor Hugo's bicentennial,
  • 163:47 - 163:51
    and we decided that
    we would do a school's edition,
  • 163:51 - 163:54
    so that under-19-year-olds
    could perform the show.
  • 163:55 - 163:57
    They've been extraordinary doing it.
  • 163:57 - 163:59
    Hundreds and thousands of students
  • 163:59 - 164:02
    and tens of thousands
    of productions have done it.
  • 164:02 - 164:05
    And now, here, just a few of them
    are going to be here
  • 164:05 - 164:09
    to take part in our celebration
    as we come to an end tonight.
  • 164:09 - 164:11
    They are the future.
  • 164:11 - 164:15
    They will be doing Les Miserables
    when tomorrow comes.
  • 164:23 - 164:29
    (SINGING) Do you hear the people sing
    lost in the valley of the night?
  • 164:29 - 164:35
    It is the music of a people
    who are climbing to the light
  • 164:35 - 164:41
    For the wretched of the earth
    there is a flame that never dies
  • 164:41 - 164:47
    Even the darkest night will end
    and the sun will rise
  • 164:47 - 164:53
    They will live again in freedom
    in the garden of the Lord
  • 164:54 - 164:59
    They will walk behind the plough-share
    They will put away the sword
  • 164:59 - 165:04
    The chain will be broken
    and all men will have their reward
  • 165:05 - 165:10
    Will you join in our crusade?
    Who will be strong and stand with me?
  • 165:10 - 165:16
    Somewhere beyond the barricade
    is there a world you long to see?
  • 165:16 - 165:22
    Do you hear the people sing?
    Say, do you hear the distant drums?
  • 165:22 - 165:28
    It is the future that they bring
    when tomorrow comes!
  • 165:28 - 165:34
    Will you join in our crusade?
    Who will be strong and stand with me?
  • 165:34 - 165:39
    Somewhere beyond the barricade
    is there a world you long to see?
  • 165:39 - 165:45
    Do you hear the people sing?
    Say, do you hear the distant drums?
  • 165:45 - 165:51
    It is the future that they bring
    when tomorrow comes
  • 165:52 - 165:53
  • 166:00 - 166:05
    Tomorrow comes!
  • 166:10 - 166:12
les miserables

the 25th Anniversary Special

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Video Language:
윤석찬(Channy Yun) edited English subtitles for les miserables
윤석찬(Channy Yun) added a translation

English subtitles
