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¡Hasta la pasta compañerxs!

  • 0:07 - 0:12
    This episode of it’s the end of the world
    as we know it and I feel fine was made possible
  • 0:12 - 0:15
    by contributions from slaves like you.
    Spank you very much
  • 0:15 - 0:17
    President is on his way to Andrew’s to join airborne command
  • 0:17 - 0:19
    Should we give him a launch option?
  • 0:19 - 0:21
  • 0:23 - 0:24
    This is not necessary Mr. President
  • 0:24 - 0:28
    We have a diplomatic solution
    Mr. Vice President, Mr. Secretary
  • 0:28 - 0:30
    The missiles are flying
  • 0:30 - 0:31
  • 0:31 - 0:35
    let’s see 28 minutes, that’s 18 until
    it’s inside the US radar cup
  • 0:35 - 0:39
    figure two for our responses
    say 20 until total commitment
  • 0:39 - 0:44
    I figure 20 or 22 until first impact of our
    retaliatory strike
  • 0:44 - 0:48
    I figure we have 42 minutes until the end
    of civilization as we know it
  • 0:56 - 1:01
    Goooood morning slaves, and welcome to the
    final sedition of It’s the end of the world
  • 1:01 - 1:04
    as we know it and I feel fine, a show for
  • 1:04 - 1:06
    Trump - It’s over, don’t you think it’s
  • 1:06 - 1:09
    Stim - Yeah, that’s what I said, this is
    the final fuckin show
  • 1:09 - 1:12
    Trump - For two weeks you’ve been on the
    edge, you know that
  • 1:12 - 1:15
    Stim - Well yeah whattaya expect? you’re
    gonna be fuckin president and besides, every
  • 1:15 - 1:19
    time you eat a taco bowl, you come around
    here and you stink up the whole fuckin place,
  • 1:19 - 1:20
    tell him Maria
  • 1:20 - 1:25
    Maria - You came in our dressing room
    and you took at crap and left the stench
  • 1:25 - 1:26
    in the room
  • 1:26 - 1:29
    Stim - Yeah man, at least you could’ve burnt
    a match or something
  • 1:29 - 1:30
    Trump - You’re fired
  • 1:30 - 1:32
    Stim - You can’t fire me, cause I fuckin
  • 1:32 - 1:38
    Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you, you cool, and
    fuck you I’m out
  • 1:41 - 1:43
    Agitator - Trying to live out some sort of
    unrealized dream of dramatically quitting
  • 1:43 - 1:44
    your job, stim?
  • 1:44 - 1:46
    How fuckin pathetic.
  • 1:46 - 1:51
    Stim - Yeah I know Agitator, it’s just that...,
    I wanted to go out with a bang, y’know.
  • 1:51 - 1:55
    Agitator - Well stop being such a whiny piss worm, and let the Greeks show you how it’s done.
  • 1:55 - 1:57
    Remember when you used to play riot porn
  • 1:57 - 1:58
    Stim - yeah…
  • 1:58 - 2:00
    I remember…
  • 2:00 - 2:01
    I remember…
  • 2:01 - 2:03
    I remember…
  • 2:39 - 2:44
    Stim - Thanks Agitator, I needed that, for
    those of you who just don’t know, 8 years
  • 2:44 - 2:50
    ago on december 6th, pigs in Athens killed
    teenage anarchist Alexis Grigoropoulos.
  • 2:50 - 2:55
    The reaction from peeps in the A-team was
    bold and swift, with weeks of epic riots in
  • 2:55 - 2:59
    which 74 cops were injured and lot’s of
    shit got burned, including cops.
  • 2:59 - 3:04
    Now every December 6th, peeps take to the
    streets to remember Alexis and to set a few
  • 3:04 - 3:05
    pigs on fire.
  • 3:05 - 3:06
    Check this shit out.
  • 3:23 - 3:25
    Agitator - But seriously dude, why are you
    fuckin quitting?
  • 3:25 - 3:30
    Stim - Well, agitator, a while back we made
    a video hating on anarcho-capitalism.
  • 3:30 - 3:35
    Buuuuuuuuuut after pouring over the hundreds
    of youtube comments, watching some response
  • 3:35 - 3:40
    videos and doing some research, I concluded
    that letting the free market really be free,
  • 3:40 - 3:44
    would unleash peeps’ creativity and humanity
    could reach it’s highest potential, through
  • 3:44 - 3:47
    friendly competition, unregulated by the state.
  • 3:47 - 3:52
    So, from now on I will be promoting the tenets
    of anarcho-capitalism with the creation of
  • 3:52 - 3:56
    a  new fuckin show entitled “Freedom….
    in my mom’s basement”
  • 3:58 - 4:02
  • 4:02 - 4:03
    Agitator – Good one stim
  • 4:03 - 4:08
    Anywho, while ancaps were furiously whining
    against feminists and leftists, peeps in North
  • 4:08 - 4:12
    Dakota were bracing for a massive fucking
    showdown with the pigs on December 5th.
  • 4:12 - 4:16
    You see, the Army Corps of Engineers, the
    same ones who oversee the shitty levees in
  • 4:16 - 4:20
    New Orleans, issued an eviction notice to
    folks camping close to a drilling site for
  • 4:20 - 4:24
    the Dakota Access Pipeline or DAPL, saying
    that it wasn’t safe for them to be there
  • 4:24 - 4:25
    in the winter.
  • 4:25 - 4:29
    Since the Army Corps are super concerned with
    protecting people’s rights, they even provided
  • 4:29 - 4:31
    water protectors with their very own free
    speech zone.
  • 4:31 - 4:36
    OK have fun enjoy your right to free speech,
    the armed forces welcomes your dissent
  • 4:36 - 4:41
    Then on December 4th, the day before the eviction,
    thousands of US army veterans arrived at the
  • 4:41 - 4:46
    site to serve as human shields to stop police
    attacks against water protectors, as the stage
  • 4:46 - 4:47
    was set for a massive crackdown.
  • 4:47 - 4:53
    Buuuuuuuuuuuut in a surprise move, the man-your-mama-calls-Obama
    got the Army Corps to deny a permit for a
  • 4:53 - 4:58
    key part of the pipeline that would borrow
    under the Missouri river, kick-starting celebrations
  • 4:58 - 5:00
    at the camp and around the world
  • 5:00 - 5:04
    What we need to do is we have to be proud
    of what we did
  • 5:04 - 5:08
    We have to be honored by the victory and it’s
    time now
  • 5:08 - 5:11
    it’s time to go home
  • 5:11 - 5:15
    But  some peeps,  felt that it was too soon
    to claim victory and leave
  • 5:15 - 5:17
    the Standing Rock encampment
  • 5:17 - 5:23
    Energy Transfer came out within hours and
    said it doesn’t matter what the Obama administration
  • 5:23 - 5:26
    we’re sticking with this route and we’re
  • 5:26 - 5:28
    going to drill anyway
  • 5:28 - 5:33
    Yep, the fight to stop DAPL is not over, and
    despite the call from Archambolt that peeps
  • 5:33 - 5:36
    should leave, hard core water protectors are
    digging in for the long haul.
  • 5:36 - 5:42
    There isn’t a country in the world that
    would find billion of barrels of oil and leave
  • 5:42 - 5:44
    it in the ground while there is a market for
  • 5:44 - 5:48
    Meanwhile up in Klanada the Unist’ot’en
    Camp has been doing some celebrating of their
  • 5:48 - 5:53
    own, as the federal government hammered the
    final nail in the coffin of the Northern Gateway
  • 5:53 - 5:57
    Pipeline, an Enbridge project that they have
    been physically blocking for 7 years.
  • 5:57 - 6:03
    Buuuuuuuuuuuuut this victory was also bittersweet,
    as pretty boy prime minister Justin Trudeau,
  • 6:03 - 6:08
    approved two other tar sands pipelines on
    the same day, Enbridge’s Line 3 and Kinder
  • 6:08 - 6:09
    Morgan’s Trans Mountain.
  • 6:09 - 6:12
    Following JT’s announcement, Klanada’s
    Minister of Natural Resources warned anyone
  • 6:12 - 6:15
    hoping to duplicate what went down In Standing
  • 6:15 - 6:22
    if people choose for their own reasons not
    to be peaceful then the government of Canada
  • 6:22 - 6:28
    through its defense forces through its police
    forces will ensure the people are kept safe
  • 6:28 - 6:33
    Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut anyone who has been following
    indigenous resistance in Klanada for the past
  • 6:33 - 6:39
    26 years, knows that when native land is threatened
    peeps here throw down and they throw hard
  • 6:39 - 6:45
    That's great, it starts with an earthquake
    Birds and snakes, and aeroplanes,
  • 6:45 - 6:48
    And Lenny Bruce is not afraid
  • 6:48 - 6:48
    Let's go!
  • 6:48 - 6:51
    Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn
  • 6:51 - 6:53
    World serves its own needs,
    Don't mis-serve your own needs
  • 6:53 - 6:56
    Speed it up a notch, speed, grunt, no, strength,
    The ladder starts to clatter
  • 6:56 - 6:59
    With a fear of height, down, height
    Wire in a fire, represent the seven games
  • 6:59 - 7:04
    And a government for hire and a combat site
    Left her, wasn't coming in a hurry
  • 7:04 - 7:08
    With the Furies breathing down your neck
    Team by team, reporters baffled, trumped,
  • 7:08 - 7:12
    tethered, cropped
    Look at that low plane, fine, then
  • 7:12 - 7:16
    Uh oh, overflow, population, common group
    But it'll do, save yourself, serve yourself
  • 7:16 - 7:18
    World serves its own needs, listen to your
    heart bleed
  • 7:18 - 7:21
    Tell me with the Rapture and the reverent
    in the right, right
  • 7:21 - 7:24
    You vitriolic, patriotic, slam fight, bright
  • 7:24 - 7:29
    Feeling pretty psyched
    It's the end of the world as we know it
  • 7:29 - 7:34
    It's the end of the world as we know it
    It's the end of the world as we know it
  • 7:34 - 7:38
    It's the end of the world as we know it
    It's the end of the world as we know it
  • 7:38 - 7:42
    And I feel fine
  • 7:44 - 7:46
    While in the process of wrapping up this fuckin
  • 7:46 - 7:50
    show, I went to my favorite taco joint to
    do a little self reflecting on the good the
  • 7:50 - 7:53
    bad and the fuckin stupid shit I’ve experienced
    over the last 10 fuckin years.
  • 7:53 - 7:57
    So I’m gonna spit out a bunch of shit that
    comes to mind when I think about my work at
  • 7:57 - 8:02
    subMedia since I first started putting out
    seditions back in 2006, and hopefully set
  • 8:02 - 8:04
    the record straight on a few things.
  • 8:04 - 8:05
  • 8:05 - 8:09
    For some fuckin reason, otherwise smart fucking
    people seem to get off on splitting the world
  • 8:09 - 8:11
    into a series of competing categories.
  • 8:11 - 8:16
    Good versus Bad, Left versus Right, Taco versus
    Burrito, when in reality shit’s way more
  • 8:16 - 8:18
    complex and nuanced than that.
  • 8:18 - 8:23
    For example.. tacos are quite clearly the
    most delicious food ever fucking created,
  • 8:23 - 8:27
    but some tacos fucking suck.... like the ones
    that have pineapple in them, what the fuck.
  • 8:27 - 8:32
    Burritos on the other hand can carry a wide
    variety of ingredients, that tacos, due to
  • 8:32 - 8:33
    their small size cannot.
  • 8:33 - 8:36
    Plus burritos are way more portable.
  • 8:36 - 8:38
    Fuck, I’m hungry now.
  • 8:38 - 8:42
    anyway, we take great pleasure in crucifying
    and vilifying the capitalist death machine
  • 8:42 - 8:47
    known as the United Snakes, and nothing would
    make us happier than to see it disintegrate
  • 8:47 - 8:51
    and the stolen land it was built on returned
    to its original inhabitants.
  • 8:51 - 8:55
    I think we make this pretty fuckin clear in every
    single muthafuckin episode.
  • 8:55 - 8:59
    Yet, whenever we publish critiques of so-called
    “socialist” states, we are labeled as
  • 8:59 - 9:03
    tools of the gringo empire and accused of
    being financed by the Clinton foundation.
  • 9:03 - 9:04
  • 9:04 - 9:08
    And on the flip-side, right wingers see our
    critiques of the Orange one
  • 9:09 - 9:13
    as endorsements of Hill Dawg, and proof that we’re funded by George Soros.
  • 9:13 - 9:18
    If I can be real with y’all, people seriously
    need to get their heads outta their asses.
  • 9:18 - 9:20
    This type of binary thinking is fuckin useless.
  • 9:20 - 9:25
    So let me set the record straight and please
    try not to be confused, because...
  • 9:25 - 9:26
    This shit is REAL!
  • 9:26 - 9:30
    Donald Trump is a racist piece of
    shit, Hillary Clinton is a hawkish piece of
  • 9:30 - 9:35
    shit, Bernie Sanders is a fuckin sellout,
    Jill Stein is a fuckin idiot and Gary Johnson,
  • 9:35 - 9:37
    ehhhh never mind.
  • 9:37 - 9:41
    Authoritarian socialist states have jailed
    and killed dissidents including anarchists,
  • 9:41 - 9:42
    and so have capitalists states.
  • 9:42 - 9:44
    They all need to be fucking smashed.
  • 9:44 - 9:49
    I am an anarchist, and a control freak, I
    love both tacos and burritos, I hate sexists,
  • 9:49 - 9:52
    love hip hop, hate Obama, love freedom.
  • 9:52 - 9:52
  • 9:52 - 9:53
  • 9:53 - 9:57
    Identity Politics are cannibalizing our movements.
  • 9:57 - 10:00
    Important theoretical contributions that once
    served as used as tools for understanding
  • 10:00 - 10:04
    and explaining shared experiences of oppression
    based on race, gender, sexuality, ability
  • 10:04 - 10:08
    and nationality, are increasingly morphing
    into liberal bullying tactics used to shut
  • 10:08 - 10:12
    down conversations and settle beefs, and have
    helped to creating a police-like atmosphere
  • 10:12 - 10:13
    in our spaces.
  • 10:13 - 10:14
    If you wish to avoid prosecution
  • 10:14 - 10:17
    I would advice to you comply with our language laws
  • 10:17 - 10:21
    And corporate social media outlets like fedbook
    have created the perfect conditions for this
  • 10:21 - 10:23
    liberal poison to fester and thrive.
  • 10:23 - 10:27
    ♪ If I were you I'd take precaution ♪
  • 10:27 - 10:31
    Identity Politicians accumulate social capital,
    much like capitalist pigs accumulate wealth
  • 10:31 - 10:32
    and thus create invisible hierarchies,
  • 10:32 - 10:34
    Him and Gordon split up
  • 10:34 - 10:36
    Oh... Poor Ches
  • 10:36 - 10:37
    No, no, no, no, no, we're all on Gordon's side
  • 10:37 - 10:39
  • 10:40 - 10:42
    where the people at the top can easily trash a comrade
  • 10:42 - 10:46
    with a single status post or tweet, that will
    further unleash the wrath of their followers
  • 10:46 - 10:50
    and send said person into oblivion without
    much accountability or process.
  • 10:50 - 10:56
    While we struggle to rid society and ourselves
    of patriarchy, white supremacy, colonialism,
  • 10:56 - 11:00
    capitalism etc, we must find new and better
    ways of confronting the contradictions within
  • 11:00 - 11:04
    our communities without chastising and exiling
    every single motherfuckin person, who has
  • 11:04 - 11:08
    ever transgressed a rule they didn’t know
    about, is not pure enough, or that hasn’t
  • 11:08 - 11:10
    reached the 7th level of anarchism.
  • 11:10 - 11:11
    He’s the one
  • 11:11 - 11:13
    It’s problematic, y’know?
  • 11:13 - 11:14
  • 11:14 - 11:15
  • 11:15 - 11:17
    Speaking of problematic language.
  • 11:17 - 11:21
    When this show started 10 years ago and in
    the years that followed, I said some really
  • 11:21 - 11:24
    stupid fuckin shit that hurt some comrades
  • 11:24 - 11:28
    While my intentions were never to make homies
    feel shitty, my use of certain words or descriptors
  • 11:28 - 11:33
    were due mainly to ignorance, and thanks to
    the patience of peeps who reached out to me,
  • 11:33 - 11:37
    I was able to see their points and removed
    certain shitty verbiage from my vernacular
  • 11:37 - 11:41
    without having to sacrifice my love of fuckin
    curse words and grotesque humor.
  • 11:41 - 11:44
    So to those I may have offended, I’m really
    fuckin sorry.
  • 11:44 - 11:45
  • 11:45 - 11:47
    Throughout the years I traveled the world
  • 11:47 - 11:50
    screening my fuckin videos, and got to meet
    lot’s of good folks who were kind enough
  • 11:50 - 11:54
    to offer me a couch, some dumpstered food,
    and a dirty sheet to project my propaganda.
  • 11:54 - 11:57
    I’d like to say once again spank you very
  • 11:57 - 11:58
  • 11:58 - 11:59
  • 11:59 - 12:00
    About Alex Jones
  • 12:03 - 12:07
    Joking aside, and with this I’ll shut the
    fuck up, because honestly I’m sounding kinda
  • 12:07 - 12:08
  • 12:08 - 12:09
    Shut the fuck up!
  • 12:09 - 12:12
    The extreme right media is kicking our fucking
  • 12:12 - 12:16
    In our quest for furthering our ideas, we’ve
    fallen prey to continually speaking to each
  • 12:16 - 12:19
    other in a language few outside our bubble
    can understand.
  • 12:19 - 12:22
    An anarchist is someone who believes that
    the burden of proof rests upon those who claim
  • 12:22 - 12:25
    hierarchical privileges for themselves or
  • 12:25 - 12:29
    I take responsibility in participating in
    this, and honestly it’s pretty fuckin hard
  • 12:29 - 12:30
    to avoid.
  • 12:30 - 12:35
    But if we want to fuckin win, we have to stop
    acting like smug intellectual know-it-alls,
  • 12:35 - 12:37
    and practice what we preach.
  • 12:37 - 12:41
    To all y’all who harbour a burning desire
    to create radical media….
  • 12:41 - 12:43
    fuckin do it, and do it quick.
  • 12:43 - 12:44
    But please attempt to make shit that’s accessible.
  • 12:44 - 12:48
    Don’t make media that’s gonna score you
    brownie points with your crew.
  • 12:48 - 12:51
    And by all means, strive for creating the
    highest quality content you can.
  • 12:51 - 12:53
    specially when corporate fucks and
  • 12:53 - 12:56
    racist scum like Alex Jones are cranking out
    slick ass shit.
  • 12:56 - 12:58
    I’m setting fires everywhere!
  • 12:58 - 13:02
    As regular fucking viewers of my show will
    know, I usually like to end each sedition
  • 13:02 - 13:06
    with an interview, and over the past decade
    I’ve had the honor of chatting with dozens
  • 13:06 - 13:08
    of radical peeps from across the world.
  • 13:08 - 13:12
    Buuuuuuuuuuut since this is my last fucking
    show, I figured that I’d flip shit around,
  • 13:12 - 13:14
    and take questions from you fuckers.
  • 13:14 - 13:18
    So… in order to do so, last week I put a
    call out for all your most ass-burning questions
  • 13:18 - 13:21
    that you always wanted to ask yours fucking
  • 13:21 - 13:25
    We ended up getting a shit-ton of great fucking
    responses… and my team of subMedia slaves
  • 13:25 - 13:26
    had a hard time narrowing them down.
  • 13:26 - 13:28
    Anyway… let’s get this fucking show on
    the road.
  • 13:28 - 13:30
    Agitator… will you do the honors?
  • 13:30 - 13:32
    AGITATOR: Do I have a fucking choice?
  • 13:32 - 13:34
    STIM: Just fucking do it.
  • 13:34 - 13:36
    AGITATOR: Hey Stim, how the fuck are you
  • 13:36 - 13:37
    STIM: Oh fuck off already
  • 13:37 - 13:40
    AGITATOR: Y’know... you really need to get
    more friends.
  • 13:40 - 13:45
    OK… first question comes from Youtube
    commenter The Unapologetic Leftist, who asks
  • 13:45 - 13:50
    “Why do you think pissy liberals are against
    antifa and against smashing the homes of Nazis?”
  • 13:50 - 13:54
    STIM: Well that’s easy, Unapologetic…
    it’s because liberals are fucking cowards
  • 13:54 - 13:55
    who don’t wanna rock the boat.
  • 13:55 - 13:58
    Kinda like those so-called “Good Germans”
    who didn’t do anything to stop the rise
  • 13:58 - 14:03
    of Hitler and his goose-stepping Gestapo homies,
    liberals don’t see nazis as a direct threat
  • 14:03 - 14:07
    to their own well-being, so they’re unwilling
    to question deeply-ingrained myths, such as
  • 14:07 - 14:11
    dogmatic non-violence, that they have been
    spoon-fed their entire lives by the state
  • 14:11 - 14:15
    and capitalist media to keep them docile and
  • 14:15 - 14:18
    At the end of the day, liberals don’t really
    believe very strongly in anything, which is
  • 14:18 - 14:21
    why they find people with strong beliefs so
    fucking irrational.
  • 14:21 - 14:24
    Especially if they’re willing to act on
  • 14:24 - 14:28
    Their own values change constantly, depending
    on the prevailing winds of popular opinion...
  • 14:28 - 14:33
    and whatever positions they hold on a particular
    issue are generally aimed at maintaining a
  • 14:33 - 14:35
    smug feeling of moral superiority.
  • 14:35 - 14:37
    That’s why I always hate on so-called “progressives”.
  • 14:37 - 14:41
    It’s a completely fucking relative term…
    it’s basically like saying “I’m better
  • 14:41 - 14:45
    than you” and using that to describe your
    political orientation.
  • 14:45 - 14:49
    AGITATOR: Next question comes from youtube
    user Max Stirner, who asks “why do you think
  • 14:49 - 14:52
    the alt-right has such a huge online presence?”
  • 14:52 - 14:53
    STIM: So…
  • 14:53 - 14:56
    I think the spread of the alt-right is based
    on a bunch of factors that are specific to
  • 14:56 - 14:59
    our particular time and context.
  • 14:59 - 15:04
    First of all, here in Turtle Island, the past
    few years has seen a big spike in resistance
  • 15:04 - 15:08
    coming from traditionally marginalized groups…
    from Black, Brown and Indigenous peeps, to
  • 15:08 - 15:10
    women, trans and non-gender conforming folks.
  • 15:10 - 15:15
    And history has shown us that any time marginalized
    groups have begun to collectively challenge
  • 15:15 - 15:20
    the oppressive status quo, those in the dominant
    group see this as a threat to their privileged
  • 15:20 - 15:24
    social position, and organize to reinforce
    the systems of oppression that they’ve been
  • 15:24 - 15:25
    used to benefitting from.
  • 15:25 - 15:29
    In this case, it’s no surprise that the
    alt-right has brought together a toxic fucking
  • 15:29 - 15:34
    mix of white nationalists, neo-nazis, and
    MRA-type misogynists….
  • 15:34 - 15:38
    not to mention the fact that it seems to be
    almost completely composed of white dudes.
  • 15:38 - 15:42
    I also think that identity politics have really
    morphed into a crude type of liberalism for
  • 15:42 - 15:45
    a large part of the left, and this is something
    that’s been really helped along by the whole
  • 15:45 - 15:47
    echo-chamber effect created by fedbook.
  • 15:47 - 15:50
    More and more peeps are starting to see any
    form of debate or disagreement with their
  • 15:50 - 15:55
    own views and opinions to be an attack, or
    a violation of their safe space, or whatever.
  • 15:55 - 15:59
    That type of orientation leaves itself pretty
    open to mockery from people who don’t share
  • 15:59 - 16:04
    those views, and the alt-right has seized
    this opportunity with both fucking hands.
  • 16:04 - 16:05
    Last, but not least….
  • 16:05 - 16:09
    I think it’s pretty fucking telling that
    this movement has taken shape over the Internet,
  • 16:09 - 16:10
    and not in the streets.
  • 16:10 - 16:14
    Lot's of peeps talk mad shit on the Internet
    that they would never say to a person’s
  • 16:14 - 16:16
    face… just look at the fucking comments
    on my youtube videos.
  • 16:16 - 16:20
    So... the fact that they’re safe behind
    their keyboards lets these fuckers be as extreme
  • 16:20 - 16:24
    as they want without having to deal with the
    consequences that they would face if they
  • 16:24 - 16:26
    were actually meeting and organizing IRL.
  • 16:26 - 16:30
    It’s important that we never allow them
    to win control of the streets… or else we’re
  • 16:30 - 16:31
    in for some dark fucking times.
  • 16:31 - 16:34
    AGITATOR: But Stim… don’t you basically
    just talk mad shit on the Internet?
  • 16:34 - 16:36
    I mean… you don’t even have a fucking
  • 16:36 - 16:37
    STIM:  Next question!
  • 16:37 - 16:42
    AGITATOR: The next question comes from twitter
    handle “Soleil from Astoria”, who wants
  • 16:42 - 16:44
    to know what you thought about that last commenter.
  • 16:44 - 16:45
    STIM: What the fuck?
  • 16:45 - 16:46
    AGITATOR: Yeah….
  • 16:46 - 16:50
    their question is “what do you think about
    Max Stirner, Egoism and individualist anarchism.”
  • 16:50 - 16:52
    STIM: For fuck’s sake Agitator…
  • 16:52 - 16:53
    Max Stirner was….
  • 16:53 - 16:55
    Fuck it... nevermind.
  • 16:55 - 16:59
    To answer your question, Soleil…I see Individualist
  • 16:59 - 17:01
    anarchism as being sorta like masturbation.
  • 17:01 - 17:06
    Which is to say… it’s a fun way to learn
    what turns your crank, and a great hobby to
  • 17:06 - 17:09
    pass the time while you’re gangsta chillin
    by yourself, but not quite the same as the
  • 17:09 - 17:12
    real thing... if you catch my drift.
  • 17:12 - 17:15
    Putting the whole wanking analogy aside, I
    think Stirner and other individualists have
  • 17:15 - 17:20
    made some important contributions to anarchist
    theory, and I agree that individual autonomy
  • 17:20 - 17:23
    is a vital safeguard against the tyranny of
    the collective.
  • 17:23 - 17:27
    Buuuuuuuuuuuuut at the same time, focusing
    solely on individual autonomy at the expense
  • 17:27 - 17:30
    of collective struggle seems to me to be a
    huge fucking cop-out.
  • 17:30 - 17:35
    I know that’s not what all egoists are about,
    but it seems to be a bit of a slippery slope.
  • 17:35 - 17:40
    I just think there needs to be a healthy balance
    between realizing your own desires, and channelling
  • 17:40 - 17:44
    your effort and sacrifice into something bigger
    than yourself.
  • 17:44 - 17:49
    Plus I’ve known a couple of individualist
    anarchists who were complete fucking douche-nozzles….
  • 17:49 - 17:50
    so there’s that.
  • 17:50 - 17:53
    AGITATOR: Next question is from twitter user
    Alex Berkmensch, who asks “do you think
  • 17:53 - 17:56
    anarchists can be in solidarity with Israel.”
  • 17:56 - 17:59
    STIM: I don’t think anarchists can be in
    solidarity with any state, let alone with
  • 17:59 - 18:01
    a settler-colonial state like Isra-hell.
  • 18:01 - 18:04
    Same goes with Klanada, or the United Snakes
    for that matter.
  • 18:04 - 18:07
    That said, I’ve got Israeli comrades, and
    I do think that peeps can and should be in
  • 18:07 - 18:11
    solidarity with Israelis… particularly those
    who are repressed by their own government
  • 18:11 - 18:13
    for demonstrating solidarity with Palestinians.
  • 18:13 - 18:18
    I do also think that while criticizing zionism
    isn’t necessarily anti-semitic if it’s
  • 18:18 - 18:22
    done through an anti-colonial lens, that lots
    of leftists in this part of the world are
  • 18:22 - 18:26
    pretty fucking comfortable criticizing the
    Israeli occupation of Palestine, and would
  • 18:26 - 18:30
    benefit from spending a little more time looking
    in the mirror with regards to their own relationship
  • 18:30 - 18:32
    with Indigenous peeps here in Turtle Island.
  • 18:32 - 18:36
    AGITATOR: Next question comes from youtube
    user The Vegan Anarchist, who asks: “what
  • 18:36 - 18:38
    do you think about Animal Liberation and Veganarchism?
  • 18:38 - 18:40
    R u going Vegan?
  • 18:40 - 18:43
    Can you give my anarchist channel The Vegan
    Anarchist a shout out?”
  • 18:43 - 18:45
    STIM: Lots of peeps have asked me about this
    over the years.
  • 18:45 - 18:49
    So… to answer your question, I’m not a
    vegan, and don’t plan on going vegan anytime
  • 18:49 - 18:50
  • 18:50 - 18:53
    I guess maybe I haven’t found the right
    vegan taco recipe yet.
  • 18:53 - 18:57
    I do have lots of comrades who are vegan,
    and I respect their reasons for doing so.
  • 18:57 - 19:01
    Factory farming is fucking horrific, and I
    have serious respect for militant animal liberation
  • 19:01 - 19:06
    activists who put shit on the line to jailbreak
    furry critters out of fur farms, and fuck
  • 19:06 - 19:08
    up vivisection labs and shit like that.
  • 19:08 - 19:13
    Buuuuuuuuuuut at the end of the day, if I’m
    being honest, I don’t think it’s realistic
  • 19:13 - 19:17
    that a critical mass of peeps are going to
    go vegan, and that’s going to bring down
  • 19:17 - 19:18
    the meat and dairy industries.
  • 19:18 - 19:22
    It’s kind of like those peeps who pin their
    hopes on bringing down capitalism by having
  • 19:22 - 19:25
    everyone putting their money into credit unions.
  • 19:25 - 19:26
    Not gonna happen.
  • 19:26 - 19:30
    I also think it’s important to respect the
    fact that hunting and fishing practices make
  • 19:30 - 19:34
    up a vital part of many Indigenous peeps traditional
    way of life, and it’s fucked up to lecture
  • 19:34 - 19:38
    them about that shit, because it’s really
    industrial capitalism and colonialism that’s
  • 19:38 - 19:42
    fucked up human beings’ relationship to
    nature and the animal kingdom.
  • 19:42 - 19:46
    So I guess my answer is that veganism is
    a respectable choice, but it’s not everyone’s
  • 19:46 - 19:49
    choice… and as an anarchist I’m against
    forcing people into making particular lifestyle
  • 19:49 - 19:50
  • 19:50 - 19:52
    Also… shout out to your youtube channel.
  • 19:52 - 19:53
    W00p w00p.
  • 19:53 - 19:56
    AGITATOR:  Next question comes from Jane
    Smith on fedbook, who asks “what do you
  • 19:56 - 20:00
    think of Anonymous”... and also, Ash Fawkes
    on youtube, who asks “how much do you love
  • 20:00 - 20:01
  • 20:01 - 20:06
    STIM:  I think Anonymous and particularly
    AnonResistance are fucking crucial steps towards
  • 20:06 - 20:10
    building a multi-faceted resistance movement
    that can adapt to and take advantage of the
  • 20:10 - 20:11
    changing realities of the cyber era.
  • 20:11 - 20:16
    I don’t agree with, or condone every action
    claimed by Anonymous, but that’s to be expected
  • 20:16 - 20:19
    from a loosely structured, decentralized and,
  • 20:19 - 20:20
    anonymous group like that.
  • 20:20 - 20:25
    I hope that anarchists and other freedom-loving
    peeps with the necessary hacking skills keep
  • 20:25 - 20:30
    pushing back at the sexist 4Chan Gamer-gate
    types who seem to make up the more reactionary
  • 20:30 - 20:31
    elements within the group.
  • 20:31 - 20:35
    We’re at a point in history where, more
    than ever, information is power… and so
  • 20:35 - 20:38
    the fact that there’s an anarchist, or at
    least anarchist-sympathetic hacker group is
  • 20:38 - 20:40
    so fucking crucial.
  • 20:40 - 20:43
    The next few years I think we’re gonna see
    cyber-warfare become an even more important
  • 20:43 - 20:45
    battlefront between states…
  • 20:45 - 20:49
    And it’s parmount that the mothafuckin resistance
    has the ability to wage our own cyber-class-warfare.
  • 20:50 - 20:55
    AGITATOR: Next… youtube user jugeoben asks
    “Have you heard of anarcho-primitivism?
  • 20:55 - 20:57
    If so, what do you think of it?”
  • 20:57 - 21:01
    Uhhhh… also, a whole bunch of peeps mentioned
    your politics seem to have changed over the
  • 21:01 - 21:05
    years, and wanna know what you think about
    Derrick Jensen and Deep Green Resistance...
  • 21:05 - 21:08
    uhhh…. since you did that movie... END:CIV
  • 21:08 - 21:09
    STIM:  Yeah, yeah…
  • 21:09 - 21:10
    I fucking get it.
  • 21:10 - 21:16
    Well, jugeoben, to answer your question first…
    yes, I am familiar with anarcho-primitivism.
  • 21:16 - 21:20
    Lots of peeps over the years have referred
    to me as an anarcho-primitivist, even though
  • 21:20 - 21:22
    I’ve never used the label to describe myself.
  • 21:22 - 21:26
    There’s generally not much space given for
    nuance on the green anarchist side of things.
  • 21:26 - 21:30
    I think primitivism was useful for some of
    the critiques it made of industrial civilization,
  • 21:30 - 21:35
    but I think the solutions it offers to those
    problems are utopian, to put it mildly.
  • 21:35 - 21:39
    People are not going to stop using technology
    and return to some sort of ancestral nomadic
  • 21:39 - 21:42
    way of life from back before the dawn of agriculture.
  • 21:42 - 21:46
    I think that a lot of former primitivists
    have acknowledged as much.. and many have
  • 21:46 - 21:50
    moved onto nihilism, which says a lot about
    where they were coming from to begin with.
  • 21:50 - 21:54
    As for the shit about End:Civ… all I can
    say is that when I made the movie, Deep Green
  • 21:54 - 21:56
    Resistance, as a movement, didn’t exist.
  • 21:56 - 22:00
    I don’t agree with any of the shit that
    Derrick Jensen or other members of DGR wrote
  • 22:00 - 22:04
    or said about trans folks… a person’s
    gender identity and expression is their own
  • 22:04 - 22:08
    choice to make, and it’s fucked up to exclude
    trans people from gender-specific spaces.
  • 22:08 - 22:11
    I do still agree with a lot of what was
    included in the film...
  • 22:11 - 22:16
    Buuuuuuut in hindsight it was a mistake to
    focus it so heavily on the ideas of a single
  • 22:16 - 22:17
  • 22:17 - 22:21
    As for the changes in my politics… part
    of that has been me changing my mind on a
  • 22:21 - 22:26
    couple of things, but another big factor was
    the fact that a couple of years ago subMedia
  • 22:26 - 22:30
    was infiltrated by an anarcho-commie named
    Heatscore, who’s been helping me produce
  • 22:30 - 22:31
    the show.
  • 22:31 - 22:33
    HEATSCORE: What you saying about me you primie
  • 22:33 - 22:36
    STIM: So yeah… to sum up, subMedia is a
    collective made up of green and red anarchists,
  • 22:36 - 22:40
    who put that sectarian shit aside to focus
    on our shared love of watching cops get lit
  • 22:40 - 22:41
    on fire.
  • 22:41 - 22:45
    Agitator - Seriously dude why are you fuckin
  • 22:45 - 22:48
    Well Agitator, After some serious self reflection me and my subMedia slaves have decided to
  • 22:48 - 22:50
    try something new.
  • 22:50 - 22:54
    While this fuckin show has provided us with
    a venue to vent our frustrations, sling insults
  • 22:54 - 23:01
    at politicians, edit riot porn to dope ass
    hip hop and interview some bad ass revolutionaries,
  • 23:01 - 23:05
    we felt we could put our efforts into exciting
    popular education videos that are not so tied
  • 23:05 - 23:10
    to the news cycle and therefore have a longer
    shelf life, films that are useful to peeps
  • 23:10 - 23:14
    who want to organize social events, and pull
    homies away from the isolation of their computer
  • 23:14 - 23:19
    screens, and into social spaces where they
    could meet others, converse and conspire together.
  • 23:19 - 23:23
    So, while it breaks my fuckin heart to end
    this fuckin show, I’m pretty sure you’re
  • 23:23 - 23:26
    gonna love what we have in store for y’all
    in 2017.
  • 23:26 - 23:30
    But never fear, this floating eyes and mouth
    construct y’all know as the stimulator is
  • 23:30 - 23:31
    not going away.
  • 23:31 - 23:36
    I’ll pop in from time to time to big up
    the motherfuckin resistance with expletive
  • 23:36 - 23:41
    laden videos and a brand new radical music
    podcast entitled Burning Cop Car, so watch
  • 23:41 - 23:42
    for that.
  • 23:42 - 23:46
    And with that said, that about does it for
    this final edition of it’s the end of the
  • 23:46 - 23:48
    world as we know it and I feel fine.
  • 23:48 - 23:53
    Never in our wildest dreams did we think that
    broke ass peeps would donate enough skrilla
  • 23:53 - 23:58
    to enable us at sub.Media to produce anarchist
    videos full time.
  • 23:58 - 24:03
    As we pull the plug on this fuckin show, we
    hope y’all don’t stop donating, as our
  • 24:03 - 24:06
    anarchist video making machine will continue
    churning out propaganda for years to come.
  • 24:06 - 24:09
    We want to thank all the slaves who kicked
    down donations to keep us going throughout
  • 24:09 - 24:10
    all these years.
  • 24:10 - 24:14
    It would take hours to read off the names
    of our supporters in this last fuckin show,
  • 24:14 - 24:19
    so I’ll just say Spank You Very Fuckin Much
    from the bottom of my heart.
  • 24:19 - 24:24
    Aaaaaand finally, I want to send a shout out to all
    the volunteers who helped out finding riot
  • 24:24 - 24:28
    footage, and who translated the show into
    many different languages.
  • 24:28 - 24:29
    Domo Arigato
  • 24:29 - 24:34
    Stay tuned on February 2017 for our brand
    spanking new website that will live in our
  • 24:34 - 24:37
    even shorter domain name sub.media
  • 24:37 - 24:42
    I think I just about bored y’all to death,
    so be safe but stay dangerous, and share your
  • 24:42 - 24:43
  • 24:43 - 24:45
    Hasta la pasta compañeras
  • 24:46 - 24:49
    The Icecaps are melting
  • 24:49 - 24:53
    ho ho ho ho ho ho!
  • 24:53 - 25:00
    All the world is drowning
    ho ho ho ho ho ho!
  • 25:00 - 25:04
    The icecaps are melting
  • 25:10 - 25:12
    you still here?
  • 25:14 - 25:16
    it’s over
  • 25:17 - 25:18
    go home
  • 25:23 - 25:24
¡Hasta la pasta compañerxs!

Some idiot somewhere once said that all good things have to come to an end. But why? Who the fuck knows, but after doing this show for 10 fuckin years, we decided to call it quits and try something new. What the new thing is, you’ll just have to wait and see. Until then, many muthafuckin thanks to all who watched and supported this little experiment. Never did we expect for this to go as long as it did, but alas here we are a decade later. Stay tuned in 2017 for the news chapter of our anarchist video crew, and a new fuckin website that’ll live at sub.Media. Enjoy the last fuckin show!

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Video Language:
  • Accidentally pasted Dutch over the original sub. Couldn't undo so uploaded the original English again.
    Also Dutch is ready for review :)

English subtitles
