Hello all, I'm Evildea, Your God
and tonight
I often say "tonight"
in my films, but now it's day
and I just automatically said "tonight"
Today, I'm going to a local studio
because I intend to meetup with several other local YouTubers
I don't know what we'll do there
we'll just meet up with one another
and perhaps make some films together
but I guess you'll see that yourself because
because that's the point of the vlog, right?
I was waiting at the traffic lights
for the green light, for pedestrians
and next to me was a young woman
and she had a pram with her and
in the pram there was a baby, obviously
and in her hand she had her phone
and she was just staring at it
but then the lights made a sound
which indicated that you could go
and without looking she started to walk across the road
when in fact, the sound didn't come from our lights
but from another traffic light
so I needed to quickly grab her
and almost push her and say
"No! you can't go yet!"
if I wasn't there, there'd probably been an accident
What the fuck is that?
Is that a shop for Zombies?
I'm now walking to the studio
I need to walk 20 minutes in total, I think
and I hope I'm going to the right studio
or I'll lose my shit
My map says the studio is somewhere, there
I don't know exactly where it is
but somewhere
and I'm actually walking through the park
because my map reckons this path is a little shorter
and I'm a fat-ass
I'm sweating so much today
and I don't know, whether it's because of the heat or my fatness
In fact, I want to show you it
Look at my armpits
You can see the sweat
Finally, I've found it!
So I'm now at Sun Studios
In English, that's Sun Studios
As you can see behind me
there's a massive while screen
and according to the bloke who just showed us around
he said that you can change the colour of it to green
So it seems the group has just arrived
as you can see they are there
and Musty is here again!
Do you all remember her?
She still thinks I'm speaking Spanish!
So, we're now at the Studio
I think everyone's arrived
and we have no idea what we're going to do
You remember Matt right?
His dick was in the last film
I think I'm in a group of crazies
Check this out!
Fuck me!
How professional is Evildea!
We have food!
I really like it when I don't have to buy food
This is what happens when you become famous (sarcasm)
So they just gave us cakes!
Check it out, yummy!
We now have professional YouTubers
So what do you all think about this?
Is it good, does it look good?
Perhaps, I'll change it
(Mixed English / Esperanto)
We now want to create a film for
the Australian YouTube community
but we still don't know what we want to put in the film
one sec, the light here is bad
we've discussed some ideas
and perhaps we'll make something today, but
we still don't know
so the YouTube meetup has almost finished
and soon we'll all head off
but before we do that
we want to visit another local studio
where people do stop-motion
I'm in heaven!
So now we'll watch some stop-motion
when I go to these places
with other YouTubers
I can see how awesome my future would be my future
if I could do this full-time
it's just so crazy
to be with so many creative people
and just do what I want to do in my heart
I thank you all
because if I didn't have this many subscribers
and if they didn't support me so actively
people wouldn't invite me to these places
so thank you for that
and of course, I'll recruit them to Esperanto
So, now we're all going to the pub
of course to drink
and yeah ...
I know I said previously that we'd head to the pub
but it seems they changed their minds
and now we're at Starbucks
He just said he likes cock in the ass
So, the YouTube meetup has finished
and no I'm heading home
So if you've liked this film
like it, share it around, subscribe to my channel
if you haven't already
and I'll see you all in the next film
and if you're not there
I'll find you and cut off your leg!
and as always I want to thank my Patreon supporters
but before I do that
I just want to say, that
every dollar which you can donate to this channel monthly
really helps to grow it
but also present me as a professional Esperantist
to the world
So now I want to thank my supporters
and they are; are you ready?