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קרי ג'יימס מרשל: להיות אמן | Art21 "Exclusive"

  • 0:10 - 0:16
    אם חוזרים וקוראים את מאמרו
    של לנגסטון יוז מ-1929,
קרי ג'יימס מרשל: להיות אמן | Art21 "Exclusive"

Episode #018: Kerry James Marshall discusses three recent paintings, all Untitled (2008), during the installation of his exhibition Black Romantic at Jack Shainman Gallery, New York.

Kerry James Marshall's work is based on a broad range of art-historical references, from Renaissance painting to folk art. A striking aspect of his paintings is the emphatically black skin tone of his figures, a development the artist says emerged from an investigation into the invisibility of blacks in America and the unnecessarily negative connotations associated with darkness.

Kerry James Marshall is featured in the Season 1 (2001) episode Identity of the Art:21—Art in the Twenty-First Century television series on PBS.

Learn more about Kerry James Marshall: http://www.art21.org/artists/kerry-james-marshall

VIDEO | Producer: Wesley Miller and Nick Ravich. Camera & Sound: Nick Ravich. Editor: Mary Ann Toman. Artwork Courtesy: Kerry James Marshall. Thanks: Jack Shainman Gallery.

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