Recent news reports have cast a harsh light
on the settler colonial project called Canada,
We have breaking news tonight,
of another terrible finding.
The discovery of the remains of hundreds of native children
murdered and dumped into unmarked graves
has shaken the smug, self-satisfied image of
America's polite neighbor to the north.
There is a reckoning taking place.
One that is both important and long overdue.
But calls to cancel Canada Day are not enough.
The contradictions of the Canadian state
can no longer be papered over
by token land acknowledgments,
and the fake tears of politicians
pursuing active campaigns of genocide,
and ecological ruin.
It's long past time that those who
live on these lands come to terms
with what Canada really is,
what it always has been.
Canada is a fake country.
Even its name is stolen.
The Canadian state was invented to protect Britain's
supply of dead beavers,
timber, and gold
from upstart American expansionism.
It has since evolved into a cartel controlled by
finance and extractive capital.
Its flag is a joke.
and its national persona is a collection of
stereotypes and feel-good emotions
because it has no authentic culture of its own.
Canada created a truth and reconciliation commission
to investigate its own crimes,
ignored all its recommendations,
and then bragged about it anyway.
It employs death squads to protect its
mining interests in the global south,
while calling itself a "peacekeeping nation".
It lauds itself a climate leader,
despite being the worst per capita contributor
to carbon emissions in the world.
This is the true essence of Canadian exceptionalism.
As the church's built on the open air prison camps
of Canada's reservation system burn,
let's remember who it was that snatched up those children,
and handed them over to the priests
and why they did it.
Lets pledge to dismantle this colonial project once and for all.