>> Hello.
This screencast
will show you
how to create
an APA formatted
reference page for
your final manuscript
in our class.
So APA manual came
out with the seventh
edition in 2019,
and so we will follow
the seventh edition rules.
They don't recommend using
any serif fonts like
Times New Roman anymore,
so we want to use
something sans serif.
I like Calibri. You
could also use Aerial.
But anyway. So you need to
create an APA style
reference page.
You want to start with
the heading, which
is references.
This heading will be bold
and centered on the page.
And notice how I did that,
I just typed it and
then I selected
bold and center.
And now my references
are centered on the page.
Now notice that
the next line
is also centered
on the page,
which I don't want.
To fix that, just go over
here and do
your line left,
and you will be started
over at a one inch margin.
Make sure that you're
set at the default
with one inch
margins all around.
I'll show you
how to make sure
that you have
that in a second.
So then just go ahead and
start typing
your references.
So you can either
type by hand.
I could type
something like,
let's see, you
want to make
sure the bold is off.
So we could do
Oswald, B. B.
Let's see, recent paper.
And I don't know,
I just make up
some names here.
We'll have maybe
a 2019 paper,
the effects of PSY 294
on stress in
college students.
And let's say that
got published
in Teaching of
Psychology Journal,
and that might be
Volume 113 Issue 2,
pages 24 to,
let's say, 29.
So there is an APA
style reference.
Notice there's a few
things wrong with it.
I need to
italicize this and
this and then I also need
to double space everything
and use hanging
paragraph indent.
It also took me quite
a while to do that.
You can go ahead
and copy paste.
Sorry, I didn't
mean to do that.
From the site function,
I'm just going to
do an example here,
and I will copy paste into
my new document and
that will show up.
Now notice here I
have copy pasted.
It's out of
alphabetical order,
so I want to drag
that around and
make sure everything's
in alphabetical order.
I can add some more
references to my list.
Let me grab a couple
more here through
copy paste.
Where you, again, might be
copy pasting
these are out of
the site function in
the library database,
which is another video
that is provided
through our embedded
librarian on Canvas.
So make sure you
check that out if
you don't know
how to do it.
And notice that now
these are better and
that the proper things
are italicized.
I have the doi.org
included, things
like that,
but I still have
a mistake in
the final format and
nothing is double spaced.
This last one doesn't use
hanging paragraph
and all that stuff.
So how do I fix that?
The easiest way
to fix that is
to come over here.
Do select all.
Click this paragraph.
Make sure that
your spacing is
before set to zero and
after is also set to zero.
Make sure that your
line spacing is double.
And then click Okay.
Now, that helped
everything on the page,
including the title
to be double spaced.
But how do I get these
nice fancy indents?
You don't want to indent.
You want to leave
now the word
references out of it.
Just select all of
your references now,
and let me
scooch this down
and make sure you
can see everything.
This isn't letting
me do that.
Hold on. I'll go
back up so you can
see what I'm doing.
So I have everything
I'm going to click
this little paragraph
line again.
And now here I want to use
the special function and
just select hanging.
Now, it almost worked
but not perfectly.
Look at how I got this.
These other guys look
great, mine looks wonky.
What I'm going to
do to fix that is
just delete mine back up
to the space before
and hit Enter and
now everything
is perfectly lined up.
If you want to
check your margins,
you can just go up
here and click Layout,
Margins, and see
what's selected,
normal is selected,
which is putting
the one inch
margins all around.
That's what you want.
The last thing if
you don't know,
you'll see this in
another screencast
is you know in APA format,
you need a header.
How do you get
your header and
your page number?
I will show you
real quick.
If running ahead of
paper is your header,
just double click up
at the top of the page
is how I got that
and type in, in all
caps what you want.
Then tab over two spots
and insert your
page number
in current position.
And that's all
you need to do.
Then double click
anywhere outside of it,
and now you'll
have a header,
which you don't need yet,
but you will
need eventually,
and you have your fully
formatted reference page.
Don't forget to
click File, Save,
and save it somewhere to
your computer
so you have it.
As always, email if you
have any questions.