RSA Animate - The Internet in Society: Empowering or Censoring Citizens?
0:14 - 0:16We have heard a lot of stories
0:16 - 0:20about the impact of the Internet on protest movements,
0:20 - 0:22heard a lot about the information revolution
0:22 - 0:24and how it's transforming
0:24 - 0:26countries like China, countries like Iran
0:26 - 0:30even many of the countries from the former Soviet Union.
0:30 - 0:33And, you know, the assumption so far has been that
0:33 - 0:36the Internet is basically a very good thing
0:36 - 0:39when it comes to promoting democracy.
0:39 - 0:41So, many of these illusions
0:41 - 0:45were put together in the mid-nineties
0:45 - 0:49by thinkers, which I can only call cyberutopians.
0:49 - 0:55People who really believe in the
transformative power of the Web to change societies -
0:55 - 0:57and to change them for the better.
0:57 - 0:59The most famous quote was that
0:59 - 1:02if social networking and blogging was around
1:02 - 1:04in the early nineties
1:04 - 1:06the genocide in Rwanda wouldn't have happened.
1:06 - 1:09Which is now very often quoted to illustrate
1:09 - 1:13this very naive view that many people had back at the time.
1:13 - 1:16So, many of the people who still believe in this really think
1:16 - 1:21that blogs are more or less what faxes and Xerox machines
1:21 - 1:24were in the late eighties,
1:24 - 1:25where the great dissident movements
1:25 - 1:27in Poland and Eastern Europe
1:27 - 1:30really embraced this technology, right?
1:30 - 1:31So, essentially, this argument
1:31 - 1:34is about economics and logistics.
1:34 - 1:37The Internet and new media have a made it really cheap
1:37 - 1:40for people to produce content and, of course, the activists
1:40 - 1:44and the NGO's will inevitably use this technology
1:44 - 1:47in order to push for reform and change, right?
1:47 - 1:50So, you know, if you really want to sum-up this view
1:50 - 1:53it basically says that if you have enough connectivity
1:53 - 1:56and enough devices, democracy is almost inevitable.
1:56 - 1:58And that explains why we have seen
1:58 - 2:04so many pushes to, you know, get China online, get Iran online, get Russia online,
2:04 - 2:06make sure that people have enough connectivity,
2:06 - 2:09make sure that people know what blogging is,
2:09 - 2:11make sure people know what connectivity is,
2:11 - 2:14and somehow, although no one explains how exactly,
2:14 - 2:16these people will use these tools
2:16 - 2:21to ask for more democracy, and, you know, cooperate together, and push for more stuff.
2:21 - 2:27And, you know, one of the things which, pundits have developed, in this particular view,
2:27 - 2:28is iPod liberalism.
2:28 - 2:32It's this belief that people who have iPods
2:32 - 2:35or any other sort of modern Western technology
2:35 - 2:40will also be very likely to support Western values and Western democracy, right?
2:40 - 2:43So the assumption here is that if you give
2:43 - 2:47all Chinese or Iranians or Russians, you know, enough iPods, or enough laptops,
2:47 - 2:52or enough, you know, fax machines, they would all somehow, on their own, aspire
2:52 - 2:55to democratic change, right?
2:55 - 2:58And, of course, this would make a fascinating, you know,
2:58 - 3:01title for a column by Thomas Freidman, you know,
3:01 - 3:03"Drop iPods, Not Bombs"
3:03 - 3:05But, you know, this is rarely a good sign, right?
3:05 - 3:08It's a view which essentially disregards
3:08 - 3:12a lot of political, cultural, sociological forces
3:12 - 3:14we try to place on these societies
3:14 - 3:18and embraces a very deterministic picture
3:18 - 3:21of the role that technology plays, right?
3:21 - 3:25And the main confusion here is due to the fact that
3:25 - 3:28we actually tend to confuse the intended uses
3:28 - 3:31of technology with the actual uses, right?
3:31 - 3:36Just like we want to think that, you know, radio, for example,
3:36 - 3:40can help establish democracy in, you know, countries like the Soviet Union,
3:40 - 3:42which it partly did, you know.
3:42 - 3:48It was also used very actively during the very Rwandan genocide that, you know, we wanted to avert.
3:48 - 3:54We have, as I've mentioned previously, somewhat of a myth that certain leaders and dictators
3:54 - 3:58somehow fear the Internet, that they fear technology.
3:58 - 4:04And again, if you really look very closely at how government leaders are trying to sort of reach out
4:04 - 4:08to their different citizens and Internet users.
4:08 - 4:09That's actually not the case.
4:09 - 4:14Pretty much across the board, with the exception probably of North Korea and Burma,
4:14 - 4:19authoritarian leaders are actually very actively engaging with technology, computers, you know, and so forth.
4:19 - 4:23And, you know, sometimes they do allow debate around issues which are not political.
4:23 - 4:28They do allow debate around some more political issues like climate change.
4:28 - 4:32All that is happening; it's just that it's not happening with issues like human rights, for example.
4:32 - 4:35So you can see that there is criticism in Chinese blogs.
4:35 - 4:38It's actually there is much more criticism than non criticism.
4:38 - 4:41You know, it's both of national and local governments.
4:41 - 4:45The question then is: why does the government tolerate it?
4:45 - 4:50First, it's to generate information that the government needs to run the country.
4:50 - 4:54Most of these bureaucrats in the government in Russia, China, Iran, or elsewhere,
4:54 - 5:00they operate in huge information vacuums. They don't really know fully what's happening in the outter regions.
5:00 - 5:04So for them having people blog and having people voluntarily
5:04 - 5:09provide information about what may be wrong with some local issues is actually quite helpful.
5:09 - 5:12Because that will help them to crackdown on local corruption and bad behavior.
5:12 - 5:17You know, and go actually fix some of the problems which, may not be political in nature,
5:17 - 5:21but which may help them to, you know, survive into the next, you know, century.
5:21 - 5:24It just helps them achieve legitimacy, right?
5:24 - 5:29So for them, sort of having this fake opening up in cyberspace is actually very useful
5:29 - 5:35because it reduces tension, and it convinces some people, at least, that yes, they are willing to consider
5:35 - 5:36outside views and opinions.
5:36 - 5:38Some of this is happening slightly differently
5:38 - 5:40in other countries.
5:40 - 5:46See now they may be still spinning it, but they are also trying to leverage the support of their users
5:46 - 5:48online in cyberspace, right?
5:48 - 5:51So, for example, in Thailand there's a very interesting site called "Protect the King."
5:51 - 5:53It was started by one of their members in parliament,
5:53 - 5:57which basically encourages users, you know Internet users,
5:57 - 6:02to go and start submitting links to websites which they may find offensive to the king.
6:02 - 6:05So you can basically go and nominate any of the websites that you don't like
6:05 - 6:09and it will be, almost within 24 hours, blocked,
6:09 - 6:13and then you need to go through a very complex procedure to unblock it.
6:13 - 6:17And then because there a very severe Lese-majesty laws in Thailand that works very well.
6:17 - 6:21Once they launched it then in 24 hours it was like 3,000 websites blocked.
6:21 - 6:26And then there are a lot of loyalists who are actually very happy to contribute their knowledge and tips and whatnot
6:26 - 6:30to have those websites censored.
6:30 - 6:32The same is happening in Saudi Arabia
6:32 - 6:35where Internet users are encouraged to go and search
6:35 - 6:39YouTube for videos which may offend Saudi sensibilities.
6:39 - 6:41And then to nominate them for deletion.
6:41 - 6:46And then if that particular video accumulates a critical mass
6:46 - 6:48then YouTube will have to delete them;
6:48 - 6:49they will have to consider deleting it
6:49 - 6:52because so many people have complained.
6:52 - 6:54So there are organized campaigns actually to try to go
6:54 - 6:59and influence the decisions of the western companies on this issue.
6:59 - 7:06How the Iranian authorities, after the protests are now, you know, slowing down,
7:06 - 7:10are actually looking at all the online evidence trail left on Facebook and Twitter.
7:10 - 7:16They actually go and start cracking down on people who were active on cyberspace, right?
7:16 - 7:22So now, one of their initiatives now is actually putting online the pictures of protesters
7:22 - 7:25on the street so that they can actually be identified.
7:25 - 7:31So they're crowd-sourcing this process of matching faces to names, right?
7:31 - 7:35And, of course, you can guess what's gonna happen once they know who the protesters were.
7:35 - 7:40There are a lot of dangers and fears which we do not entirely understand at this point.
7:40 - 7:44What you don't realize is that Twitter, despite all its virtues,
7:44 - 7:46is actually a public platform, right?
7:46 - 7:49And if you do want to plan a revolution on Twitter,
7:49 - 7:52your actions will be visible to everyone.
7:52 - 7:56In the past, states used to torture to get this kind of data.
7:56 - 7:58I mean now all they have to do is just get on Facebook.
7:58 - 7:59[crowd laughing]
7:59 - 8:04If you want to know how I am as an activist in a country like Belarus or Iran,
8:04 - 8:08I'm connected to twenty-thousand other activists.
8:08 - 8:11All they have to do is go look up my Facebook friends.
8:11 - 8:18My final point here would be again about the cyberutopian assumption that somehow the younger generation,
8:18 - 8:20which has not been subject to brainwashing,
8:20 - 8:24which is all about digital media, mobile phones,
8:24 - 8:29Blackberries, and laptops will somehow be prone to, you know, a revolution,
8:29 - 8:32will be prone to embrace democratic values.
8:32 - 8:37The problem here again is that we hear it quite a lot about cyber activism, right?,
8:37 - 8:41but we hear very little about what I call the cybercriminal, right?,
8:41 - 8:44where young people may not necessarily be that crazy
8:45 - 8:46about participating in any political actions,
8:46 - 8:49but they're always online because of all the good things
8:49 - 8:52that the Internet has to offer.
8:52 - 8:55Adult content, which is pornography,
instant messaging, and email -
8:55 - 8:59still occupies proportionally much more space
8:59 - 9:01than politics or news.
9:01 - 9:04And, again, you have to keep it perspective that most
9:04 - 9:10of what young people do online revolves around, you know, them communicating to each other
9:10 - 9:12or downloading entertainment, right?
9:12 - 9:20And it's not at all clear how they will advance to this level of actually being politically active.
9:20 - 9:22What if it wouldn't get them into the streets?
9:22 - 9:25This is something which we don't see discussed very often.
9:25 - 9:32You know, we hear a lot about this distinction between digital natives and digital immigrants.
9:32 - 9:36What we don't hear about is the distinction between digital renegades and digital captives,
9:36 - 9:40which I think is much more important one because we need to know how exactly
9:40 - 9:44technology influences their civic engagement,
9:44 - 9:46and their propensity to actually go and engage in protest.
9:46 - 9:52You have to go back to Maslow and actually start thinking about how this pyramid of needs
9:52 - 9:55can actually be applied to cyberspace.
9:55 - 10:01It may as well be that when you are bringing Internet to China, Russia, or Iran,
10:01 - 10:04at the very beginning what people will want to do online is,
10:04 - 10:09you know, have fun, you know, explore pornography, or YouTube, or videos of funny cats,
10:09 - 10:13and move on to talking and sharing and some will want to go and explore learning.
10:13 - 10:15Eventually they may want to campaign.
10:15 - 10:19Some of them will go and start downloading a word from humans rights watch,
10:19 - 10:21but most of them will still be downloading pornography,
10:21 - 10:24and that's a very important perspective to keep in mind.
10:24 - 10:33If you really want to understand the actual net impact or net effect of technology on society,
10:33 - 10:38then you have to look much broader, in fact, and view the negative consequences, as well.
- Title:
- RSA Animate - The Internet in Society: Empowering or Censoring Citizens?
- Description:
Does the internet actually inhibit, not encourage democracy? In this new RSA Animate adapted from a talk given in 2009, Evgeny Morozov presents an alternative take on 'cyber-utopianism' - the seductive idea that the internet plays a largely emancipatory role in global politics.
Exposing some idealistic myths about freedom and technology (during Iran's 'twitter revolution' fewer than 20,000 Twitter users actually took part), Evgeny argues for some realism about the actual uses and abuses of the internet. - Video Language:
- English
- Duration:
- 10:59
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Francis Reyes edited English subtitles for RSA Animate - The Internet in Society: Empowering or Censoring Citizens? | |
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Francis Reyes edited English subtitles for RSA Animate - The Internet in Society: Empowering or Censoring Citizens? | |
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vincentdrobles edited English subtitles for RSA Animate - The Internet in Society: Empowering or Censoring Citizens? | |
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vincentdrobles edited English subtitles for RSA Animate - The Internet in Society: Empowering or Censoring Citizens? | |
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vincentdrobles edited English subtitles for RSA Animate - The Internet in Society: Empowering or Censoring Citizens? | |
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