Holstee宣言: 生命週期
0:05 - 0:09這是你的人生
0:09 - 0:11做你喜歡做的事
0:11 - 0:14而且要常常做
0:14 - 0:16如果你不喜歡某件事
0:16 - 0:26那就改變它
0:26 - 0:31如果你不喜歡你的工作,辭掉它吧!
0:31 - 0:33如果你時間不夠多
0:33 - 0:42那麼不要再看電視了
0:42 - 0:45如果你在找尋人生摯愛,請停止這麼做
0:45 - 0:48他們會在你開始做你喜歡的事時等著你
0:48 - 0:50停止鑽牛角尖
0:50 - 0:55人生很簡單
0:55 - 0:58敞開你的心胸、手臂,去擁抱新事物和新朋友
0:58 - 1:15我們是因為每個人的差異而在一起
1:15 - 1:22有些機會只會出現一次,請把握好它
1:22 - 1:24多去旅行
1:24 - 1:34迷路會幫助你找到自己
1:34 - 1:45所有的情緒都是美麗的
1:45 - 1:47當你吃東西時
1:47 - 1:53珍惜每一次的最後一口
1:53 - 1:56問問你下一個看到的人他生活的熱情是甚麼
1:56 - 2:04跟他們分享有啟發性的夢
2:04 - 2:09生命是關於你遇見的那些人
2:09 - 2:15以及你跟他們共同創造出來的一切
2:15 - 2:20所以走出家門、開始與人群創造生命吧
2:20 - 2:23人生短暫
2:23 - 2:25築夢踏實
2:25 - 2:26還有,分享你的熱誠
2:26 - 2:28Holstee
2:28 -用良心設計的生活方式
- Title:
- Holstee宣言: 生命週期
- Description:
The Holstee Manifesto是一個呼籲人們把生命活到充滿夢想、創意、熱情的行動宣言。
生命週期The LifeCycle Film came about as a desire to bring the energy and passion behind the Manifesto to life through something we love--biking. As we seek to live mindful lifestyles that leave a positive impact on the people and world around us, biking has become a passion that is much more than a transportation alternative. It is a way of fully experiencing the city we love and all of its details.
This Film is a celebration. It is a celebration of gatherings, of diversity, of life, and of the beauty of shared experience. We hope you enjoy.
Holstee Manifesto written by Dave, Mike and Fabian
Music "Almost Everything" by Wakey!Wakey!
Director / Producer / Editor Cooper Miller
Cinematographer Anna Farrell
Producer Juliette Richey
Production Coordinator Whitney Matthews
Production Assistants Shawn Maguire & Wendi Miller
Book Cover Design Ray ShappellFIlm direction, production and editing by: http://demonstro.us
- Video Language:
- English
- Team:
- Duration:
- 02:37