This video, I'm going to show you how to do grouping and aggregate operations and pandas sort of learning
outcomes are few to be able to compute an aggregate aggregate values from a panda series,
compute grouped aggregate values from a PANDAS data frame, and also be able to order a data frame,
pick the larger the rows with the largest values for some series.
And then finally join two pandas data frames to get context for the results that we just computed in the first part.
So we have a data frame, so this is the movie lends data that we used and some of the earlier videos.
So we have the data frame and we've got this ratings table that has the user I.D., movie, I.D. rating and timestamp columns.
It's twenty five million rose by four columns. So an aggregate.
If we want to ask the question, what does the mean rating? So all of the rating values users has ever given.
What's the mean value? And this is this is the code we would use to do this.
And there's a few pieces. There's. So we're using this data frame.
There's a few pieces. We're using this data frame. There's a few pieces.
We're using this data frame. And we're we're then selecting a column.
Remember, this is the court. This is how we select a column. And then the result of that operation, this whole operation here is a series.
And so then we call the mean method on the series and we get the mean we get the mean rating.
Think a little bit about the previous video to think a moment about what the conceptual problem here is, the common operation.
But there is a little conceptual problem with it in terms of what it actually means.
There's a variety of different aggregate functions that we have in pandas.
We've got mean median mode. We've got the minimum and the maximum.
You can some you can count. You can compute standard deviation and variance.
There is there are several others as well.
These are all methods on a PANDAS series. If you have a series, this is a method.
You've got the serious object dot. And then this function parentheses to call it, and you're going to compute that aggregate statistics.
So let's see these in action. So I'm going to compute the mean rating and we get three point five.
I can compute the sum. There's an alternate form. All of these are also available as functions in the num pi module.
That ticker, an array and a series is a kind of array for some of the functions.
There are slight differences between the panda's versions and the num pi versions, but mean and some are the same.
So if we want to get the size of a series, there's a couple of different ways so we can ask the series for its size or do a line on it.
Those are the same operation and they will give us the total length of the series, including missing values.
If we've got a series that has missing values and we haven't seen missing values yet,
but they're going to come up later and we want to count how many values we actually have.
That's what the series count does count. Method does. So we can see those.
The size, the land, those are the same. Also, we can get a series is an array and a raise in the number PI world have a shape we can get shape,
which is the same as the size except as a tuple, because arrays can have more than one dimension.
This weird syntax here where we have a number with a comma after it inside parentheses.
That's the python syntax for a tuple consisting of exactly one value.
It's a little bit of a weird syntax, but it comes up in a few places. But that's what that means.
It's a tuple with exactly one value. Then we can count the number of ratings and since we don't have any missing ratings, it returns the same number.
So. Another thing we can do that. That's a form of an aggregate is to get a Quantrell and the quanti all takes a parameter that is the fraction.
And what it does is, is this the parameter as a fraction? We want to find the value.
If we sorted the if we sort of the series from low smallest to largest.
And we went that fraction along it, so point five would be the middle. The median value, we're gonna see median in the next video.
What's the value that's there? So we can go we can see those run.
The median rating is three point five. If we ask for the Quanti or point two, we're going to get the.
We're going to if we ask for quanti or point two, we get 3.0.
And what this means, it's it's point to the way across 80 percent of the ratings are 3.0 or higher.
On a five star scale. So think a little bit about why that might be.
We've seen so far aggregates that work over a single serious evalu to take the series.
We get one value, but sometimes we want to be able to group and compute aggregates per group.
So remember this. This data frame has movie.
The ratings are for movies. And they're provided by users, so maybe we want to get rather than just the mean overall rating.
Maybe you won't want to do is we want to find the average number of ratings per movie.
This would give us a measure of popularity. We could say, well, the movie that's rated the most frequently is the most popular.
We could also look at the average rating per movie. And so we can do this with the group by.
So group by. Returns an object that allows us to perform grouped operations on a data frame.
And so we give it the column name that we want to group by. In this case, movie I.D., we can group by more than one column at a time.
We're only doing one for now. Then we can we can do the.
We then in this group are we're going to say we only want to work on one column.
And otherwise, it's going to count the ratings and the time stamps and back, so they're going to be the same count.
So we're gonna say we're gonna to group by movie idea. They're going to say within each group.
We only want to work with the rating. And then we want to do is we want to count it all of the aggregate values.
The functions that we've seen before work on a per group basis as well. And.
Do note, though, that we are grouping by grouping the whole data frame by movie I.D. before we select the column.
If we did it the other way around, we were okay, select red and well,
now we don't have a movie idea to group by because we've pulled the rating out of the movie.
This order is important. So we group by movie I.D. That's another column in the frame and we use the rating column.
So let's see this in action. So we want to count the number of ratings per movie and what it gives us is a series whose index?
Is the movie I.D.? And whose value is the number of movies for that movie?
We haven't really seen indexes yet. We haven't really worked with them much yet.
But that's what it's doing here. We're indexing the data front. It's resulting in a series that's indexed.
And this is the thing. Serious ads on top of a normal non pie array is that we have this index that tells us, oh, this is for movie one.
This is for movie two thousand two hundred nine thousand one hundred and seventy one.
We can also compute multiple aggregates at the same time.
So the the AG, there's an AG function that allows you to to specify movies, to aggregate functions, to call you, specify them by name.
So here I'm doing the group by that we did before. And then I'm AG.
Calling AG to say I want to aggregate the values values this column.
But I'm giving it a list of two different aggregation functions, mean and count.
And when I run this, I get a data frame. That's indexed by movie I.D., but then it has two columns and the columns are named after the function,
so have a mean function that's the result of mean and account function.
That's the result of count. And because I know that I did this on the rating column, I know these are the mean and the count to the ratings.
So we can see that movie I.D. has a mean rating of three point eighty nine and.
And the number of ratings is fifty seven thousand three hundred and nine.
So sometimes you want to sort out data. So sort values will resource an entire data frame.
And by a specific column, you get a column numbers.
We could resource this whole data frame by by, say, the number of ratings.
Sometimes we also want to just get the largest or small. Sometimes the reason we want to sort.
Is I want I'd want to know the five movies with the most ratings.
In which case, we don't necessarily need to sort the entire thing. And largest. And then smallest.
Let us just get the rose with the with the end largest or smallest values for a particular column.
So if I go over and do this.
So I want to get the 10 movies with the most ratings I can call and largest and tell it, I want 10 and I want to do it by count.
And it gives me the 10 movies with the with the most ratings sorted in decreasing order of count.
And we see movie ads. Three hundred and fifty six gives has eighty one thousand movies with a mean a 4.0 five.
But this doesn't tell us what movie that is. What we can do.
Remember, we have this movie is table two that gives us the movie titles. We can join the tables together.
And the simplest way to join is to join on a common index. There's a set index method that lets you set a column is the index.
You can also specify columns to join by. We're going to see more of this later, particularly.
I'm going to make a note book that walks you through the different indexing operations.
And you can also read about them in more detail in the text book.
But. If we want to see, so I'm going to say.
So I'm going to take our movie's frame that as a movie column and I'm going to join it with movie stats and movie stats.
Remember, it's the result of our aggregate its index. Is the movie I.D. and so on when to call?
I'm going to tell it. I want to join movies on movie stats and I'm going to tell it on movie I.D. movies doesn't have a useful index.
Its index is just the positions. But on whereas when I use the on keyword in join what it does.
Is it. It tells it to join the left feet.
The left table movies, to use that color movie ideas column and join it with the index in the other table.
So movie starts has an index and it expects the movie idea, column and movies to match up with the index in movie stats.
And so the resulting frame. Has our title in our genre does.
And then it has the mean and the count for each of these movies.
So now if I say and largest of this movie info frame, I see that the most frequently rated movie with 81000 movie ratings is Forrest Gump.
So another thing you can do is so the movie level rating statistics to be computed, this count.
This mean those are just more variables.
Remember, in the earlier we talked about, we can make some of the variables you might observe are actually aggregates from other things.
Well, these are just more variables. So now we have sweet. So if we have an observation of a movie, it has an I.D., it has a title.
It has on Rose. And it has the number of people who've rated it in the mean rating.
These also can be aggregated. So in the downloads for this video, you're going to find the notebook that I was just using for practice.
What I'd like you to do is to go in and compute the mean number of ratings per movie.
Maybe use some additional exploration as well.
But that's going to let you start to see how we can build from these aggregates into into additional structures.
And also emphasize that. A data frame is just a data frame.
Mike, we give it meaning in terms of observations. But the fact that a data frame resulted from an aggregate doesn't make it special in any way.
We can aggregate the results of of of an aggregate because it's just another data frame.
Everything's a data frame or a series and pandas. So to wrap up aggregates, combine a series or array into a single value.
That's what it means to aggregate. We can do this over an entire series.
We can also do this on a group by group basis.
If we have another column that provides us with grouping information so we can compute the average Beacon computer Mean Asama or whatever per group,
you might have this like if you have if you have records of financial transactions, you might want to compute.
Well, what was what was our total profit in each month.
So you could group by year, maybe as you grew by month,
maybe group by year and month and take a some of the of the profit margin on each of your transactions.
And then finally join Combine's frames, we can start to put two frames together in order to get context for values.
We're going to see a lot of other uses for join later.
But this that's in this context that lets us get context for understanding what's going on in a value.